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Everything posted by Starr112

  1. Oh. Weird anime.... um maybe One piece(is that even considered anime?)... yes... that show was weird..
  2. Ive been searching forever, and cant find the name of the ending song in episode 25.If anyone knows what it is, please let me know.
  3. I think I look like Ichigo from Tokyo Mew-Mew. :catgirl: Picture of her: [url]http://www18.tok2.com/home/ryukoso/gazou/Tokyo%20MEW%20MEW/MewIchigo2.jpg[/url] I just dont have pink hair and cat ears, instead i have blue hair and dont wear pink.
  4. I think yu-gi-oh is stupid. I mean, whats the point? Mostly all anime on kids wb is stupid. Thats what i think. :catgirl:
  5. I would be all weird if anime died out. (well, im already weird :animeswea , but id be more weird.~you probably are like :animestun ~ I know im confusing. :) )
  6. I also think that the ending song in Furuba is good too..I dont know why. It just is. :animeswea
  7. I think your banners are cool! :catgirl: Furuba is one of my favorite shows!!
  8. I got something important to say... Envy from FMA is not a boy or a girl. Envy cant remember what he/she was. I can prove this, just buy the 4th DVD of FMA and look in character profiles. It says it there. ~~~~~ Nevermind... well anyway, whats your favorite character from FMA? I think Ed is cool.I dont really have a reason though. I just like him.
  9. Whats your favorite Anime(s)? I like Furuba and Spiral. Furuba is cool, and Spiral is one of those Anime shows that you watch one episode, and then its like you just [I]have to [/I]see the next one.
  10. This website should have a board where people could put there own website url, so other people could join their own webpage.
  11. Does anyone else like the movie Independince day? It's awesome! :catgirl:
  12. Anyone else like L'arc~en~Ceil? If you do, whats your favorite song? I like Ready Steady Go. :animesmil
  13. I dunno. Ive got alot of favorites, but if I would have to choose... either Hastuharu from Furuba or Ayumu from Spiral. Hasuharu is awesome when her turns black. :animesmil
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