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Everything posted by eimajtl

  1. That is true. I had no clue when the Revolution was coming out so I didnt know if it was around then. I didnt even think about the fact that they would have to make it playable on the new system. Well, thats good news. I don't really have any intentions of buying a Revolution.
  2. [I]:( Very saddening that we have to wait another 8 months for this game. I really hopr it lives up to all the hype it is getting. Hopefully we can get a game that is even better than Ocarina of Time. That would be a great game. Since Twilight is coming out so late does anyone think it will be coming out on the Revolution? {i havent been paying attention to the Revolution so i have no clue when it comes out}[/I]
  3. The four Wolf's Rain OVAs were the saddest things in anime that I have seen. I have been watching anime for a bit over two years now and WR was the first series to make me cry. And I don't mean just teary eyed while watching it, I mean streaming tears...during the entire episode...all four episodes. Well, mostly the last three~the first one wasnt so bad. The episode "Paradise" from Trigun was sad as well...heh, I am listening to the song that plays after the sad part happens...very depressing. {and yes i have seen anime other than what is on AS...the shows that made me cry just happen to be on it}
  4. I have read the first 3 volumes of PMK and I really like it. Sadly I don't know if there are going to be more volumes or not. Someone on the ASMB told me that there were going to be 5 volumes, but who knows? I hate the fct that ADV released PMK without first releasing the prequal. I didnt know it had one so I started reading it. I knew a bit about what was happening because I saw the first two volumes of the anime. {which i like a lot as well} I am trying to find scans of the first series on the net, but I was only able to find a little bit of it. Right now I have a wonderful desktop of Hijikata.
  5. The first manga I read was volume 21 of Ranma 1/2. I was at a friends house and she had it out so I picked it up and started reading. I liked it so I went back and started on volume 1.
  6. I liked the series, but the ending was a little dissapoiting. It could have been done a lot better. Something amusing about the series was when Bulma always asked "where is my bunny?", it tortured my friend because my nickname is bunny. She wouldnt have a problem with it because it is Bulma, but because the voice actor is the same guy who did Kenshin and she is completely obsessed with him. ^_^ It was very entertaining to play that for her. I just recently got to see the entire series. I had watched the first half of the series on MTV2, but then they stopped airing it so I had to find other means of seeing it.
  7. [I][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=YellowGreen]I'm not entirely sure if this is the right place to post this, but the title said it is for anime on tv announcements so... Chromartie High will be premiering with Colorful on G4TV sometime in December. Raahxehpon will be airing on September 2nd at12 AM.[/COLOR][/FONT][/I]
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