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About Tat2oo

  • Birthday 12/29/1979

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  1. G-Saviour is coming Jan. 22 2002
  2. I thought there was no mod for Gundam topics
  3. I sure it exists I saw it a Sat Mat It was called Shin Getter Robo in Japan.
  4. Has anyone seen this Anime? I have not. I saw it at Sat Mat and i remember the origanals a lil. If you've seen it tell me about it. Pretty much just is it worth getting..
  5. Tat2oo


    Well hell I just bought the 8 Disk dvd set I'll let ya know when I 've seen it all. Although I did see 3 ep.s at a lil anime club we used to have here. What I did see made me want to buy it but i hold my option till i finish
  6. Lodoss is a great anime and its also the only anime my girlfriend demaded I buy. She loves it in her mind no other anime comes close I disagree with her but but I still think its great
  7. I'd be interested to see who's looking foward to the new release G-Saviour, of the ongoing Gundam franchise. G-Saviour is a two hour special, marring live actors with CG animation. Set for release in January 2002. Let me know what you think.
  8. Tat2oo


    I've seen Devil Man its ok nothing special though The manga is much better. never seen Devil Lady though. if you've seen it hows it relate? Just curios
  9. Just go's to show ya nothing is sacred
  10. Tat2oo


    Did you get the vhs or dvd cause i thought the dvd was suposed to have all three versions WELL i thought
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B] I think it was also created by Hayao Miyazaki, the creator of princess mononoke, I'm not sure, I'll check my book tonight to make sure.... [/B][/QUOTE] As it turns out he did. Other films of his all seem to have strange similarities. He did a lil film called Kiki's Deliverly Service oh well
  12. Tat2oo


    You know you prayers have been answered they recently started rereleasing G-force under the other american name Battle of the Planets. Rejoyce!
  13. Tat2oo


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Akito [/i] [B] Ok, one, I know the word i'm looking for, two, i know that art must reflect life, and three, my life has never been puppy dogs and kitty cats. [/B][/QUOTE] Hey I wasn't say you per say just well.....eh... all that
  14. Does anyone read Wizard if so they just put out a mag called Anime Invasion. The point, they did a very funny conperision of New Transformers to Pokemon. Quite true though
  15. Tat2oo


    The word your looking for is tragic. But thats also what I liked about it. Life isn't always puppy dogs kitty kats and happy endings. Art must reflect life.
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