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Everything posted by Tat2oo
I thought there was no mod for Gundam topics
I sure it exists I saw it a Sat Mat It was called Shin Getter Robo in Japan.
Has anyone seen this Anime? I have not. I saw it at Sat Mat and i remember the origanals a lil. If you've seen it tell me about it. Pretty much just is it worth getting..
Well hell I just bought the 8 Disk dvd set I'll let ya know when I 've seen it all. Although I did see 3 ep.s at a lil anime club we used to have here. What I did see made me want to buy it but i hold my option till i finish
Lodoss is a great anime and its also the only anime my girlfriend demaded I buy. She loves it in her mind no other anime comes close I disagree with her but but I still think its great
I'd be interested to see who's looking foward to the new release G-Saviour, of the ongoing Gundam franchise. G-Saviour is a two hour special, marring live actors with CG animation. Set for release in January 2002. Let me know what you think.
Just go's to show ya nothing is sacred
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B] I think it was also created by Hayao Miyazaki, the creator of princess mononoke, I'm not sure, I'll check my book tonight to make sure.... [/B][/QUOTE] As it turns out he did. Other films of his all seem to have strange similarities. He did a lil film called Kiki's Deliverly Service oh well
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Akito [/i] [B] Ok, one, I know the word i'm looking for, two, i know that art must reflect life, and three, my life has never been puppy dogs and kitty cats. [/B][/QUOTE] Hey I wasn't say you per say just well.....eh... all that
Does anyone read Wizard if so they just put out a mag called Anime Invasion. The point, they did a very funny conperision of New Transformers to Pokemon. Quite true though
The word your looking for is tragic. But thats also what I liked about it. Life isn't always puppy dogs kitty kats and happy endings. Art must reflect life.
Yea but I would say over half of thease post are a waste as well
I'd say it was good and I love the Kampfer I'll go on record to say that is one of the coolest zeon ms's My only complaint was Al he sucks
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Emma [/i] [B]0080 is made in late 80's. It was release in 1989 for the 10th anniversary of MSG. Therefore, the animation should be up to date. It has 6 esp. only and is considered to be the best OVA by many. The story is about war and it's effect on people, especially children. A very touch story about what Gundam supposes to mean. [/B][/QUOTE] Thank you I was just getting ready to say that. And for the record C.N. went on record to say that they took M.S.G. off insite of 9.11.01 . Can't say exacly why but eh.......
I also thought it was a great film but im was wondering has anyone seen "warriors of the wind" the animation and style seem identical even the message of the story. Does anyone know anything?
I hate to admit it but the cham song always gets stuck in my head.
Ohhh I stand corected.
Once again little one Pokemon was on Cartoon Network Once that I saw. And again it was a special showing they where showing 3 or 4 ep. So now I say to you don't post replys saying I am Wrong because everything you just told me that was true I already knew
No little one we are taking about Gundam other than Gundam Wing. Maybe when you are old enough to get a job you can buy some of the other Gundam series.
Look I will not be called boy by a 14 year old
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mechadragon [/i] [B][color=blue]Hydra Gundam[/color] It was from Gundam Battle Assault it was awesome. I'll see if I can find a picture. [/B][/QUOTE] Hydra Gundam was from G-unit a comic series. Which is a "Gundam Wing Dual Story" taking place in the same universe. And yes I do know it is in the game as well.