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Everything posted by Tat2oo

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by dark lord [/i] [B]any body have any pics of the dragon gundam i think he's the coolest around but the wierdest is the devil gundam agreed [/B][/QUOTE] Well I put my vote in for GUNDAM ROSE The gayest Gundam of all time and the wierdest being Tequila Gundam
  2. Pokemon was already on Cartoon Network. They had some special showing of it after Toonami. P.S. I hope pokemon dies soon very very soon
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ice Dragon v2 [/i] [B]ah yes i remember the good ol days of the original transformers [/B][/QUOTE] How? you were like 2 when it ended.
  4. As far as Gundam Wing and X eh.. But I do like Mobile Suit Gundam. As a anime from 1979. Just think, wow.! over 20 years ago they were doing storys and animation like that. And I dont mean just the skill but more the atention to detail I like that in Anime. I love Transformers but gun that materialize out of thin air. Come on. Oh well I'm not trying to sway your opinion. I'm just saying maybe give it another chance. Try looking at it from another side. Or ignore this completly. Either way......
  5. And you don't see that as a problem with a lot of anime. It seems to me you can say the same for other animes. I see ideas used over and over again all to often. You know giant robots have always been shown over and over but I've loved them since I was a little kid watching robotech and transformers. And have been hooked ever since. Hell even Voltron has a place in my heart. That was great back then. Now I think it stinks up the place big time but eh....
  6. Tat2oo

    Parasite Eve

    Has anyone seen the Parasite Eve the movie? I know I know its not anime but it is from Japan and it's based on the hit video game. Just wondering if anyones seen it. Also Zeram the live action movie. Anyone seen that? Its the basis for the Anime Iria:Zeram the animation great anime by the way
  7. There is also 3 realy bad live action movies that were made in the 80's but if you realy do like guyver check it out
  8. Although I would have to agree and say EVA is the best out the three. I've also got to say that I find it odd how there is a lot of Gundam Wing bashing on this site.(the entire site) How ever I'm not trying to say it's great either I realy don't understand. Although its not great I do believe the animation is realy good and hell the dubbing wasn't half bad.
  9. "Tank" from Cowboy Bebop
  10. Tat2oo


    Ahh blood This one is a blast.. GREAT animation violence blood small japanese girls with swords cutting up demonic beasts oh yea! And as far as how long official running time is 83 minutes. And as far as me I'm sadistic.
  11. I love Hitchcock seen everyone of his films even the older silent ones.(I Guess there all old) Perfect Blue is definetly in the spirit of Hitch. This is one anime I will keep till I'm old and grey.
  12. Quite a few, serpent custom, turn A gundam, Hydra Gundam, RX 78-2,RGM-79(G) GM from 08th ms, Talgeese 3, Wing Zero, XM-07G and FXF91 from Silhouette I've also done 00 and 01 from Eva current project big o just found it at a hobby store here.
  13. I was just wondering if anyone knew if Bandai will ever release Models/Toys for the lesser mechas of Gundam Wing such as Aires Cancer ect... Just wondering eh Well hey tell me what you do know. What is coming out and not just Gundam.
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