Blaze Girl
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[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=DarkRed]Leah sat on the top of a building looking onto the street below her. She was watching for a target. Many of the Vampires were making their attacks more and more frequent. Some were even attacking during daylight hours, which was rare for a vampire. Even through vampires could be out in the sun most did not like it. She was waiting for a specific vampire to appear. Her brother, leader of the Killers was the one behind most of the attacks. He was always sending people into the more risky part of town. Now all she needed was for a Killer to show up. Her best friend was wondering the streets looking for anybody acting odd. Leah and a few others were a small amount o loners that banded together to try and stop her brothers vampires. They were doing well but her brother?s forces were going stronger everyday. Her people were always trying to stay ahead of the Killers, but that never happened. **** In this story you can ether play as one of Leah?s men her one of her brothers. Here is a little background on both of the clans. [COLOR=Red][SIZE=2]Loners: [/SIZE][/COLOR] These vampires have no leader unless they form under one person. Very few vampires of this clan work with other vampires. If they do decided to work together there is never more then 20 vampires together. They hunt humans any way they please weather they drink their fill or bled a human dry. [COLOR=Red][SIZE=2]Killers:[/SIZE][/COLOR] These vampires are united under one leader and do all he/she says. They never question orders. They almost always bled the human they are hunting dry, hence the name killers. These vampires are some of the world?s deadliest killers; they can sneak up behind any person or animal and strike only in a matter of seconds. [COLOR=Red][SIZE=2]Vampires: [/SIZE][/COLOR] Vampires in this story are a bit different; they can be in sunlight and not burst into flames. They are generally easy to tell them apart from people in public because even in doors they are wearing extra strong sunglasses. A stake in the heart or even a gunshot in the head can kill them. Even a wound that would be fatal to a human would not kill a vampire unless an organ such as the lung was hit. They can?t bleed to death but a vital organ could kill them if hit. Their wounds will heal in a matter of hours. [COLOR=Red]Here is what you need to sign up to play a human: Name: Age: 15-19 Gender: Weapon: Appearance: Background: Vampire sign up: Name: (have a name that suites your vampires age) Age: (age they look and vampire age) Gender: Side: (killers, loners or Leah?s side) Weapon: Appearance: Background:[/COLOR] Note: If you chose to have a loner or a human you will eventually be a killer or on Leah's side. AHave any problmes or questions just PM me[/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=Blue]I am very sorry for the dely my parents freacked at me for something so iwas not able to get on ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Axel was paired up with some random student in his class. It didn't take long knock the kid to the ground. He went and sta agenest the wall and watched the other students fight. HE looked up at the teacher who was talking to a new person that had been seen around the school, Mostly with the teachers. "How are we going cover up the latest death, it wasen't loke it was a student this time it was a teacher." "I know I know just tell your boss that the next batch of students should be good to go soon." "He is not going to be happy we need more fighters and- we will finush talking later." The man quickly walked out of the room. Axel's teacher Mr. Mans seemed last in his train of thought. OOC:Again i am very very very very :animedepr :animedepr sorry for the dely in my posting.[/COLOR]
Alright storys up. Have fun. Have any questions of any sort PM me.
[COLOR=Blue]Here we go. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Axel stood up from the table. Grabing his back pack from the floor, he turened to face Ichigo. "Well I have to figure out what to do about this disapering thing. Just try not to draw any attetion to yourself." She nodded. He turned and headed out of the lunch room to his hand combat class. In a few short months the the class had gotten to be half the size it was when the year had started. OOC: Ok to start out just be in a class or at lunch. We will meet up after everyone posts and i get a little more background on the school up. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]Cool two ppl sigened up. Ok here's mine ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Axel James Age:16 Gender: Male Personality: He doesn't get along with to many people. I guess you could say his only friend is Ichigo. He is a smartaleck. He alkways talks back. and basicly is kind of mean if some gets on his nerves. He also has a short temper. Appearance: He has dirty blonde hair cut short to his head. His eyes are a dark grey. He wears baggy black shorts and a plain fading black t-shirt. Bio: His mom works two jobs to support him and his sister who also atendeds Nassel. His father works out of the country. He started at Nassel because it seemed interesting. Before his dad got transfered he and his little sister went to a fiar with their parents. At the fair they saw sword fights and many other interesting things. That is what got im interested in fighting. He also has a funny way and a knack for getting computer to do what he wants. So his man speacilty is hacking and things like that. People acuttly ask him to hack into the computer systems at the school to change their grades , not that he ever does. ID#:18669 Specialty sword fighting & computers. I'll leave this open for the rest of the Thursday or Wenseday[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]Axel sat in his computer hacking class. The teacher looked like she was from the time of the `dinosaurs. But some of the teachers of this school should not be taken lightly which included this one. She was a strong as a full-grown man. But there was one bad thing about her. She was very forgetful they had already learned this hack. Axel turned a page in his notebook and began doodling. A few were of his sword. But the others were of his best friend. As he was sketching he began to think a little more about the kids that had started disappearing. The teachers were pretending not to notice. But it easy to tell some of them were involved. It was rumored that any student that was taken was the top in most if not all of their classes. ?Axel would you kindly stop drawing your girlfriend and start paying attention?? ?I would stop drawing my girlfriend but I need one to draw first.? Sighing the teacher pulled a slip of paper from her desk. She filled out the right needed information and handed it out to Axel. Rolling his eyes he picked up his things and grapping the paper from the teacher. Walked out of the room he started to the principle?s office. 15 minutes later Axel left the office with a week of detention slips. A teacher, Mrs. Smith the trig teacher, came rushing by him. So looked upset so Axel decided to stay and find out what was going on. ?Mr. Oki it is horrible six more students have been taken.? ?But Mrs. Smith that is the most they have taken at once.? ?I know but it gets worse they is another list of students.? She handed the list to Mr. Oki. Axel gasped as he heard the names on the list. They included him and his best friend and worse yet his rival. There were a few other names but only kids Axel knew by passing. ?Sir.? Mrs. Smith said shaky ?Another thing is HE is here and on his way to your office.? ?We?ll just have to deal with that when the time comes.? Well it turns out that time is now. Axel spun around when he heard a door slam behind him and a man he did not recognize was starting down the hall. Panicking he bolted to around the corner. The man entered Mr. Oki?s office. As soon as the door was shut Axel went back to his position he had been in at the door. The voices were more muffled now that the door was shut all the way and more people were in the room. ?No one in this room will say a thing to these students. It is all going to go on until we have all the students we need and then we will leave this school alone.? ?But sir.? Mrs. Smith started to say but was cut off by a loud snapping noise. ?The next person that disobeys me will receive the same punishment.? ?Yes sir.? ?Good.? Axel saw the door handle turn and he ran to the lunchroom. Seeing his best friend at a table next to a window. Sitting down he explained everything he had seen and heard. Horrified she put her hand over her mouth for a while until it all sank in. ?What are we going to do.? She said barley above a whisper ?I don?t really know.? BACKSTORY: Nassel School is a boarding school where you can learn to do just about any job in the world because of the huge verity of classes. This school has been open for about fifty years and now things are going wrong. Students have been ignoring teachers and starting fights. But that the school can handle it?s the disappearing students that seems to be on everybody?s minds. The next kids that are being targeted are the students on the list. They are warned and they decide to take matters into there own hands. They ban tighter to try and figure out what is going on at the school and what happened to the students when they disappeared. I would like some one for the part of Axels best friend (girl) and his rival (guy) but it is not a must. Sign up sheet Name: Age: (15-19) Gender: Personality: Appearance: Bio: (Three paragraphs) ID#: Specialty: (hand to had fighting, sword fighting, computers. Ect.) limit is three. If you have questions or problems PM me plz. I am kinda new at this so i hope at least someone signs up.[/COLOR]