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koga lover13

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  1. [COLOR=Red]That is one of my favorite shows!!! MAN!! That has to be on of the best animes ever! well after a few of my all time favorites but... that show is definitely in the top five!!!![/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Red]I lurvvvv that show!!!! It makes me sad cuz *sniffles* it's almost over! I've watched it since it first came out and might i say i was pretty impressed i was like "must watch s-cry-ed!!!" i love that show!!![/COLOR] :catgirl:
  3. I get tired of this kind of crap! I go from forum to forum and i get the same answer! "You suck you have to make up a band just because you're a poser!" and peeps... I'M NOT A POSER! Loser's Luck is a band so please message me if you've herad of them i just wann find out how many people know about them. And HEY GUYS! I hope you're playing at warped tour this year because i want to hear some of my favorite songs sung by you! *tears and sniffles* you have my full support! :animesmil
  4. [quote name='darkartic][SIZE=2][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]If you could be any demon or person, who would you be, what weapon would you carry and what would be your name? Feel free to pm me and please sign my guestbook. And please reply.:D :cool: [/COLOR] [/SIZE] [/FONT'][/SIZE][/quote] Hi about that question of yours. I dunno who'd i be but personally my weapon of choice is a dagger :devil: i have a dagger as a matter in fact *pets dagger* ow! S#*@ that hurt!
  5. [quote name='sbrebaby']I love anime characters and my favorite has to be Inyasha. my second has to be Dark from D/N Angel. Thats just for looks thou. I can not put down just one charater whos story i like what about you. :D[/quote] I totally agree with you I love Inuyasha but i love Koga and Sessomaru :animesmil they are awsomest!!!! the only other person i absolutely love is roy mustang :love2: off of full metal alchemist total hottie!!! i will reply you threads anytime just reply mine maybe we could be friends you know? :animesmil g2g talk to you later :animesmil
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