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Everything posted by xxMissAsukaxx

  1. [COLOR=Teal]Hmm. If I had to choose An Anime to be in It would, of course, be Evangelion. I'd wanna be Asuka Langley Sohryu.. How cool would it be to kick major A.S.S. in a giant robot like thing that acutally has a mind of it's own and even has the soul of your dead mother in it?? Talk about Awsome!! Also, it would be nice to mess with Shinji ever so often and maybe I'd be a bit nicer to Rei then the real Asuka is... But, there would be others as... Hmmm. say, Serial Experimetns Lain? It'd be so creepy finding out that you control the internet and can manupulate ppl at will...And, last but not least, I would love to be In Sailor Moon as Sailor Saturn. Her Silence Glaive rocks!!! ^^[/COLOR]
  2. Mine was easy to make up. just places a few Xx's at the end and beginning of the name, took the name of my favorite Anime Character (Asuka From Evangelion) and put "Miss" in front of it since she isn't attatched to anyone.. Easy, sweet, and simple.
  3. [B]I like a guy who can give me a good argument and not back down easily .. I like them to be persistant and be able to hold an intellectual conversation with me and one who is a fighter and VERY Aggressive. If he is aggressive that is a BIG turn on for me!! ALso, if they have spiked, crazy hair, that is my weakness.. IT gets me everytime[/B]
  4. Hmmmm... I'd say Lenne from Final Fantasy X-2 because she is such a small character that plays a huge role in the story in general.. Also, I like the fact that she has such a tragic fate with her lover who happens to look alot like Tidus
  5. If I could be an ANime Character I'd choose Asuka Langely Sohryu.. She's an expert pilot (Until the last bit of the show) and she's really fiesty.. I also love her red hair and that fact that she has a reason for her mean and conceited Attitude. Althought, being Mean to Shinji never justifies that fact that she can just because she witnessed her mother's suicidal hanging.... How Tragic!!
  6. It simply wouldn't matter to me, because I love Anime to the point where I'd pay alot of money just to import it from Japan if necessary. ANd, I love Anime because it's so differnent from American cartoons, I don't like it because it's popular.. I know a lot of people who have become involved in Anime just because it is mainstream now. You can find it everywhere and, yet they diss ppl who cosplay. Those who are like that are not true ANime Luvers.. They bother me. .. Please dont' be like them! -=(
  7. OoOOo, this was is tough. I love inuyasha with it's intense story line, but Naruto's SExy Jutsu get's me everytime.. Hmmmm.....I have to say I love Naruto more just because I've seen more of the episodes then Inuyasha. ANd, Inuyasha makes me angry sometimes with the way Inu treats Kagome and Kikyou(Despite the face that I dislike, not hate, her)
  8. I watched this.. I was quite odd and when I say this I am comparing it to other "Odd" animes I have seen as well. So far, IT is okay.. Not something I'd watch on a regular bases, but something to watch if there is nothing else on, you know?
  9. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Totoro is sooo Cute!! It was also my first Anime Movie along with Sailor Moon being [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]my first Anime Series.My younger sis and I would watch it constantly over the summer.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]It was cute cuz at the time we were the same age as the characters in the movie... [/COLOR] [COLOR=Green]About the Snorlax-Totoro resembalence, I[/COLOR] [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]have to say that It never came to mind, but now that u [/COLOR] [COLOR=Magenta]have mentioned it I do notice... THey [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]probably just think, big, fluffly, and sleeply like characters [/COLOR] [COLOR=YellowGreen]are appealing the youth.Or not[/COLOR].
  10. I really think that Neon Genesis Evangelion takes the Sushi on the best storyline........ The Move End of Evangelion warped my mind and blew me away with all it's crazy theories and philosophy.. Wouldn't it be cool if the world really ended that way? I mean, who wouldn't want to see a huge, angel-Rei in the sky, kinda Hott!!! J.k. ^^ hehe
  11. This question was answered with little thought for me because my all time favorite character is Asuka, from Evangelion.. So, I'd want to be Asuka Langley Sohryu and wear her cute, yellow, sundress!! She's soo Kawaii and sexy.........But, can be such a tease to the boys, how cruel!!!
  12. Hmmm. Which Animes have the best songs?? That's a tough one. Gundam Seed has great Music by Nami Tamaki and T.M. Revolution, but Inuyasha also has great voice like Boa, Ayumi Hamasaki, Dream, and Do As Infinity.. Then again, there is the awsome music composure of Yoko Kanno who does music for Ghost In the SHell:SAC, Cowboy Bebop, WOlf's Rain, Etc. SoooOoo, can't choose one, so there's a few just from the top of my head. ^_^
  13. K, I really love Jin. He is an amazingly skilled Samurai and his glasses rock, but his style doesn't seem quick and skillful enought to beat Kenshin. Kenshin is a pro at it and it comes naturally to him. Besides, I really like the red hair look on Kenshin, but nothing is wrong with black hair that's on Jin.. Bottom line....Kenshin would win, all the way.
  14. I am of an Unsual Mix. I meet very few people who have heard of a girl being Hispanic and Chinese.. My father is Hispanic and so is my mother, but she is half Chinese so it's still represented in my look even though the hispanic side dominates. I have Long, Dark brown hair that is perfectly straight (Just like Asian Hair!), brown eyes, 5'2 (Yeah, I know, SHort!!), and my skin is sort of an olive color mixed with yellow pigmant..Percetage wise I'm 75%Hispanic and 25% Chinese. I've been to Spain 4 times and China I plan to go there this summer to visit my Great Grandma who is STILL ALIVE, amazing, isn't it??? :animeswea
  15. I don't understand why they are starting a new premier show on Thursday. I'm talking about Evangelion.. IT seems a bit odd for it to start on that day, dont' u think??
  16. [/COLOR]So, does everyone know what Mochi is?? If not, then it's a japanese rice cake that comes with sweet ice cream inside and has lots of flavors. SOme are Sweet Bean, Strawberry, Green Tea, Mango, Watermelon, Strawberry-kiwi, Coconut, etc... My Favorite is Green Tea cuz it's the Classic and the BEST!!
  17. I'll make sure too check it out
  18. Well, Tokyo Mew Mew is a very good series when it comes to the manga, but the Anime can not even hold a touch to it.. The Dubbed series is okay. I dislike how they changed the names a lot and didn't stick with the original ones.. Ex) Ichigo becomes Zoey and Masaya Becomes Mark.. But, what can we do?? WHen anime comes to american it does become a bit americanized. I reccommend the original with subtitles!!!
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