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Everything posted by serenayasha

  1. i cant beet the one part where you got to fing 30 people dose anyone know where the last ten are or have any cheats to get pass this level. please i cant get another game until i beet this one.
  2. I want to started my own manga but i'm a really crapy drawer so will some one help me Please.
  3. what do you prefer to watch [COLOR=Orange]Predictable Animes[/COLOR] , [COLOR=SeaGreen]Unpredictable Anime[/COLOR] or [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Animes with a mix of both. [/COLOR] i would choose more of unpridictable but i like a litte of pridictable(very little)
  4. here are my music video that i've made hope you like them. [url]http://media.putfile.com/heiji-and-kazuha-1[/url] [url]http://media.putfile.com/heiji-and-kazuha-2[/url] [url]http://media.putfile.com/heiji-and-kazuha-3[/url] [url]http://media.putfile.com/heiji-and-kazuha-499[/url] [url]http://media.putfile.com/heiji-and-kazuha-5[/url] [url]http://media.putfile.com/heiji-and-kazuha-6[/url] here are my Shinichi and Ran (Jimmy Kudo and Rachel Moore) Music Videos. [url]http://media.putfile.com/Shinichi-and-Ran-1[/url] [RIGHT][COLOR=Blue][U]Serena Yasha[/U][/COLOR] :catgirl:[/RIGHT]
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