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The friends had all said their goodbyes and goodnights for the evening, and those who had seperate houses to go to boarded their carriages. But not before Rufus could corner Nathan, and not even upon Ariana's suggestion. "My boy." Rufus started, nathan raised an eyebrow at the "boy" comment. "We all know how much you fancy Eclai.... and well... " he glanced at Ariana who was talking with Eclair animatedly. "... don't you think you should do somthing about that before anything possibly happens to either of you?" He wasn't joking in the least, infact Rufus was wearing a face more serious than Nathan had ever seen on the man. "I don't want you to feel like we're intruding, I just want you to know that we, being Ariana and I, want you two to see some sort of happiness before everything falls into what ever place it chooses." Nathan was half listening as he glanced over his shoulder to look at Eclair. She was obviously tired from the evenings event, but happier and more radient that she had looked in months. He smiled, and she glanced over catching his eye before going back to Arianas story. "Do you understand what I'm trying to say?" Rufus asked, leaning slightly more on his cane than usual... he was tired as well. Nathan looked back to Rufus, and gave him a small smile. "I think I do Rufus. Thank you for your words and your concern, and thank Ariana for me." Nathan replied gratefullly. He really did appreciate what they had to say. "I suppose you are right." "Very well then.' He clapped Nathan on the shoulder. "We'll be seeing you with in the next day or so then I presume. It seems not a day goes by without a meeting of one of you these days. Its nice I must say." He took a few steps in the direction of Ariana and Eclair. "You have a good night Nathan." "You do the Same Rufus." He waved slightly as Rufus turned to finish his short walk over to Ariana. Nathan watched as they exchaged words with Eclair and then they said their goodbyes, and were off for the night. * * * * * * * * Ariana and Rufus were almost home when Ariana finally spoke up. "Rufus." "Yes dear." He blinked back into reality, he had been dozing a moment ago. "I want you to promise me somthing." Rufus hated it when she started a conversation with that line. It always made him worry. "Anything Ariana, you know that." He smiled. "Promise me that whatever happens at the Queens ball that you won't put yourself in harms way. I don't care what they situation may be. I don't want to risk loosing you." "And what of yourself? You're allowed to risk your life, and I'm not. I'm not sure what I think of that." Rufus didn't like the idea, but he also knew that she simply didn't want to experience almost loosing, or in her case actually loosing another husband.He gave her his gentle smile. "But, I suppose.... I understand, and I promise to do my best. Just promise me...." He paused a moment, almost to compose himself, the thought of loosing her wasn't one he dealt with well. "... you'll come home with me that night." Arianas smile returned to her lips, that same smile that always said that everything would turn out in the end. "I promise." She took her husbands hand in her own, and he lifted it to grace it with a kiss. "Well, now that thats said.... I feel like we can take on anything Jack has in store for us." ______________________________________________ OOC: Yay for sappiness. Okay, I really have no excuses, accept for one.... I've been in and out of the hospital alot lately and honestly this is just the last thing I think of, so sorry about the long wait. Oh and Natchan, theres your hint that somthing totally needs to happen between Eclair and Nathan, I wanna see them be happy and hook up! Go Go Go!
OOC: Hey everyone... as slow as we're going right now its nice to see that we still exist! I guess thats what happens when we all have lives! And Natchan, its okay that you're taking soooo long..... I'll add some filler and get us out of the house for you! IC: Ariana glanced down at Sir Nathan as he held Eclair carefully. A smile graced her lips as she gave an almost sad smile. "Sir Nathan, perhaps it us time that Eclair go home for the day. As sson as she comes to I want the two of you to head back to her house. I want her to rest the rmainder of the day, and tell her 'No Exceptions'! She is too rest." Ariana stated in almost a doctorly tone. "I will visit her tomorrow morning. I have and idea, but I need to run it by her before we try and exicute it." It took Eclair almost a full hour to gain consiousness this time... most unusual. After Ariana explained to her that she was to go home and rest, and that she will be over in the morning to check up on her. Then after recieving her "lecture" from Ariana, Nathan and Eclair returned to Eclairs home. OOC: Short but should Natchan the room she needs to work! Thats right Natchan, I recieved your emergency pm for help!
"No you are not fine." Ariana stated clearly. Dante's accusing eyes did not leave Eclair's. "You have had too many spells so close together, somthing is wrong, and you're not telling us what it is." She was genuinly concerned and ignored Dantes furious gaze. "If she knew she would tell you." Nathan replied softly. "We have no hint of a clue as to what it could be. The doctor says physically shes as healthy as she should be. Sure maybe a little tired from all the recent events, but nothign more." "How long did you say this has been going on?" Rufus asked from his seat. "The better part of a year." Eclair stated quietly. She did not like the attention centered on her. They were here to discuss the letter not Eclairs health, poor or not. "Thats enough, you're helping here avoid the matter at hand." Dante replied sharply. "I'm not avoiding anything, I gave you my answer. We saved it for todays private meeting, nothing more. Theres no deep dark secret that I'm hiding from you, nor is there any reason for you to reffer to Sir Nathan as a dog you cowardly boy." Eclairs voice had not raised in any nature, but it was the purest tone of irritation. "Now now, we are not enemies. In fact thats probably exactly what Jack wants, for us to rip eachother to shreds physically and mentally. And believe me if any one can do it, its us standing here in this room." Ariana chimed in breaking the tension between Eclair and Dante. "Not me love." Rufus replied raising his hand witha smile. "Not now darling." Ariana replied giving him a glance. Knowing that he only meant to lighten the mood further. OOC: So sorry we dissapeared for sooooooooo long. Didn't mean to worry any of you. We've just been seriously busy with everything! But we're back, and as usual writing filler to keep us moving!
"We were able to have a pleasant conversation with one of our victims. His name is David Lloyd George and well he's not really a usual here in the London scene." Ariana replied. "Thats right he usually resides on Wales. Hes here for his wifes sake." Rufus added quickly. "His wife? Then who was he escorting?" Nathan asked, he had returned and handed a glass to Eclair. "That was his cousin." Ariana stated. "On his motheres side to be precise." The two of them were speaking in low tones, but not obvious enough that people would try to listen in. "Well what does he do that could possibly be of importance?" Dante asked. "Well currently hes a preacher, but he does have a law degree." Rufus ended with that final note being his point. The young married couple looked quite pleased with the information.
The dance that Rufus had decided to take Ariana out on the floor for was luckliy a slower paced waltz that even Rufus could still manage. "Who do you you suppose the attack will happen on tonight?" Rufus whispered as they made rounds on the glistening floor. "I have no idea I can't find the clue that normally indicates the target." Ariana replied worridly. "Well try not to fret too much, you and our frineds have done a plenty good job of stopping these public murders." Rufus stated trying to lift his wifes spirits. Arianas eyes fell for a moment. "I only wish that we could have stopped Edwards. For poor Eclair's sake, and his own." Ariana kept her voice down to a whisper as she spoke. "Although considering what she has gone through, I believe she is faring quite decently. Don't you think?" Rufus asked giving his usual smile. "Very true, the mere fact that she is here wearing a smile, is proof of that. But that Nathan better get a move on, or I'll..." Ariana stopped. "Forget it this is positively no time to be threathening him."
Ariana and Rufus spent most the day in preparation for that evenings ball, they were both suffering from heavy anticipation. Everyone figured that the next attack would most likely be tonight. Jack made an apperance at Almacks once, why not again, after all the bigger the crowd the better the kill it seemed. Ariana had recieved a new dress from Vincent as a gift only a couple months, and she had been saving it for this particular event. The gown glittered as a garnet would under the sun of a spring day, every individual fold in the fabric glistened with every move. Rufus would be wearing the usual black three-piece, only his vest and over coat would be a deep crimson to match Ariana's brilliance. "Can you believe it's been a year already?" Ariana asked durring lunch. "It certainly went by quickly, no to mention eventfully. Although dear..." Rufus took a sip at his tea. "Although what?" Ariana asked raising an eyebrow. "I don't think my dancing skills are going to be up to par with last years." He replied nodding at his cane only a few feet away. A warm smile came to Ariana's lips as she fought back tears, the mere memory of almost loosing Rufus still made her teary. "You could be the worst dancer in the world and I would still love you and think you to be the best." She replied happily. :OOC: Yipee!
Ariana and Rufus slowly made their way outside to where their carriage had been waiting. Nathans voice came to Ariana's mind as she wait for the coachman to help Rufus. [I]'You know what his last words to her were?'[/I] [I]'Probably that he loved her.'[/I] Ariana stated somberly in her mind. [I]'Precisely, it makes me wonder. Is Eclair cursed to have every man that loves her taken away from her?' [/I] His voice came almost absent mindedly. [I] 'Does that frighten you Nathan?'[/I] She asked. [I]'No it does not. It only makes me love her harder than before. I refuse to watch Eclair suffer any longer, and I will not be another cause of her pain. I promise that.'[/I] Nathan's was firm as he finished. [I] 'Please, do call on us if you need anything.'[/I] Ariana replied as her carriage now pulled away from Eclair's home. "Its terrible whats happened to the poor girl. And Edward, such a loyal, kind young man. He didn't deserve this fate." Rufus stated as he stare out the window. Ariana could see a single tear roll down her husbands cheek. "its going to rain today." "Yes dear." Ariana replied placing her hand upon his. OOC: Wow this is deffinately a turn of events we weren't expecting at all! Edward was sooooo cute, so cute that I was secretly cheering for him to get Eclair the whole time! :animecry:
"So the original culprit has had their eyes set on this for a very long time." Eclair stated now awake and back to the reality at hand. "What do you suppose it is that our 'Jack' is actually after?" Nathan asked to anyone who might actually know the answer. "I remember in my research of this time period that, 'Jack the Ripper' didn't originally target anyone one of any importance. Infact the only people he targeted were..." Ariana paused a moment, figuring how to phrase what she wished to say. "... women of the night." "That must be what your memory is about. The culprit was hoping that the 'Jack the Ripper' murders would go un-noticed that he could use them to his advantage. But what it is he trying to do is still un apparent." Eclair replied a look of frustration upon her face. "Another odd thing." Dante stated. "We have always recieved a letter at the other attacks. Why not this one?" Everyone realized it as he pointed it out, Jack's notorious letter had not appeared. OOC: BUM BUM BUM, Sorry its short but at least its there!
Ariana and Rufus sat in their carriage mostly in silence until Rufus spoke up. "Are you alright my dear? That must have been quite the scare you ladies had." His voice was kind and quiet. He took her hand in his and held it gingerly. Ariana gave a weak smile, and turned her tear glazed eyes to her sweet husband. "Do you remember when I told you about the other life I had before coming here?" Her voice shook slightly as she spoke. "Yes." Rufus stated. "Do you remember my husband? He died protecting me, just as young Edward could have done today." She paused for a moment, a tear sliding down her cheek to fall upon Rufus' hand. "Why is it that people so cruel exsist, how do they survive without feeling any remorse for their actions? How do people like that come to be the way they are? I just don't understand why. There is no pain, ore guilt in the eyes of a killer, I know I've seen them first hand." She wanted to say more but all that her body allowed her to release were sobs. Rufus pulled her closer so that her head ways resting on his shoulder. "There now love, we'll all get through this. Then you'll never have to look death in the eyes again." Rufus comforted his wife all the rest of the way until her tears finally stopped and the carriage halted. OOC: Sorry its sooooooo short, and that I haven't been around. Its a busy season in translation land.
Ariana wrote the letter as hastily as possible, she didn't want Dante and Geni to any longer with out know than they already would have to. Though as quickly as she composed the letter she did manage to keep the writing as graceful as ever. She signed it, sealed it and sent for a messenger handing it off with very specific instructions. Within the hour Eclair and Nathan entered the now familiar bedroom that they had visited many a time. Rufus handed the letter off to Nathan so that he and Eclair may read it. "It's obvious that our dear friend is up to no good again." Rufus replied sa Nathan handed back the letter. "Clues are nice, but I find his absolutely irritating." Nathan stated his tone slightly agrovated. "It is better than hunting blindly though." Eclair added trying to keep Nathans temper down. "Well I suppose it can't be too difficult this time. If you analyze the letter closely you'll notice two things that stick out." Ariana took the letter from Rufus and held it open for everyone to see. "The C in "Clock" and the O in "One" are both capitalized when they need not be. Is any one coming to the same conclusion that I am?" Eclair stated. "Yes I noticed the same thing, and I do believe that this can only mean one clock." Nathan exclaimed. "The Clock, and the One must be the time." Rufus replied. "One problem though." Ariana remarked. "We don't know where precisely, or when. What day, or wheather or not it will be 1:00 pm or 1:00 am." Eclair replied hopelessly.
A knock came to the door of Rufus' room, where he had been ordered to stay for the next couple of weeks. "Come in." Rufus called out. Ariana put down the bok she was reading and look over toward the door. A young servant stepped through and Nathan followed after. "Nathan good to see you, what do we owe the pleasure?" Ariana replied standing to welcome him. Then noticed his somber looking face. "Whats the matter? There nothing wrong with Eclair is there?" "No no shes fine, well in a matter of speaking." Nathan stated softly. "In a matter of speaking?" Rufus raised an eyebrow. "Well you see yesturday was the 1st year anniversery of Lord Vincent's death and I accompanied her to his grave. There she cried as expected, and I held her until she could no longer cry. She asked me if she was a bad person, and I told her no of course not." Nathan's eyes almost seem to tear up as he continued. "I told her that Lord Vincent couldn't be more proud of his dutchess. That she could walk through these past trials with a smile on her face, but..." His voice trailed. "But the smile is fake." Rufus replied. "All I want in this world is to make Eclair happy, I want to see the smile she used to grant Vincent when he was alive. The life that shown in her eyes when they met his, this is what I want. For Eclair to be truely happy again, I've seen it before and it pains my heart to see her this way. That day when Dantes house burnt down and I said those terrible things to Eclair, I wanted nothing more than to be killed where I stood, but even after I had said those things to her she came to see me. She forgave me faster than I could forgive myself. Yesturday when she asked if she was a bad person, nothing had ever caused me more pain than to here those words come from her." All shame put aside Nathan allowed the tears to fall down his cheeks, his tired eyes glistening. "You just want to make her happy?" Ariana asked a warm smile on her face. "Then continue to care and be there for her as you are now. Don't let anything discourage you, and someday soon..." "You'll see that smile again, only it will be for you." Rufus replied. OOC: Yay sappy! ! ! !
Ari's eyes began to focus on the image before her. Her husband lay just infront of her, blood flowing from the many gunshot wounds he had recieved. Ari made her way closer to him, taking him in her arms. The robbery was still fresh in her mind, but everything had happened so quickly, she heard the gunshots but they didnot register until now. Her husband trembled in her arms, and she could feel the tears forming in her eyes. He raised a hand to her face to brush away the hair falling infront ofher eyes, smearing blood as he did so. "I want to see those blus eyes before I--" He grit his teeth trying to endure the pain. "I always wanted to protect you Ari... I just didn't think it would have ended this way." His voice was quiet. "Please don't..." Tears fell down her cheeks as she held him closer, holding on tighter in hopes that he wouldn't leave. "..don't go." "Be brave Ari... I love you." His hand fell from her cheek and his body went limp in her arms. At that moment Ari thought that she would never smile again, everything she had ever cared about died in her arms that night. Ariana awoke with a start, her pillow soaked with tears. She put her arms around Rufus, and he stirred slightly but remained asleep. "I won't ever let you go, not like I did before. I promise this." "Hey you alright?" Rufus' tired voice asked Ariana. Then he could see that she had been crying. "Whats the matter Ariana?" "Nothing, just promise me you'll let me protect you." Ariana replied crying into his chest now. The tears falling uncontrolably. Rufus placed his hand on her head to comfort her. OOC: A little bit of sad past for you all! :(
Everyone in the room sropped dead and turned attention to Dante, his coloring was pale and a slight distinct fear could be ssen in his face. "Dante whats the matter, are you alright?" Geni asked quickly. Dante regained his composure and turned to Geni giving her a weak smile. "I am alright, its was merely a sudden pain in my stomach. Nothing to worry about." A lie naturally, they knew somthing was wrong, but if Dante wasn't ready to tell them now then no one was about to pry. "Are you sure you are alright Dante? If there is anything we ca do for you just ask." Rufus replied concern could be heard in his voice. Dante once again took his seat next to Geni. [I]"Somthing is a miss here.[/I] Ariana thought to herself. Nathan glanced over at her from his place behind Eclair. [I]"I agree. Dante has never lost composure infront of us all."[/I] He thought in return. [I]"I'm worried about him, what should we do?" [/I] Geni chimed into the silent conversation. [I]"I believe that the only thing you can do for him is to be with him. You are after all the one thing he cherishes most."[/I] Ariana suggested. "Well hasn't it been an eventful evening? And as much as I would like to get down to the bottom of this I do believe that a good nights rest would do us all wonders." Eclair suggested seeing the distress in everyone. "Thats a good idea, though we wish to figure things out, I do not see it happening tonight." Rufus agreed. "Sir Nathan." "Yes Ariana." He turned his attention to her. "I expect that you will be excorting Eclair home, and staying there to make sure that nothing else can possibly go wrong." She replied a shint of a smile appearing on her lips. "Yes we've had one too many close calls and we would hate see anything else happen." Rufus stated. "You two will be alright then Geni?" Geni turned her attenion momentarily from Dante. "Yes, thank you for your concern."
Ariana turned at the sound of Geni's return, Dante follwing closely behind. In her hands she held an envlope, sha already knew what the leter pertained to without having to ask. [I]'Perhaps if I had Sir Nathan escort Lady Constance and her daughters home?'[/I] Arian thought in the effortless language of the mind. Geni picked it up without even having to try. [I]'That would be most conveinent, thank you.'[/I] Geni tought back. Ariana turned to Sir Nathan and with a knid smile and a look that told him what she meant, she asked if he would be so kind as to escort the lady and her daughters home?" Without hesitation Nathan picked up exactly what Ariana was getting at. "Of course." He turned to Lady Constnace and her paniced daughters. "Milady I would be honored to escort the three of you home." He gestured toward the door and with much arguing and protesting the 4 of them left the house. OOC: Take it away sweetheart!
"I didn't marry you for your face, besides I think its a unique touch." Ariana replied softly. Then leaned forward placing a gentle kiss on Rufus' cheek. "I brought you a cake. I thought you'd like omthing sweet for being such a well behaved patient. "Cake! Hey wait a minute, you're gonna get me fat. I'm not going to be able to work anything off." He replied quickly giving a grin. "Oh well if you don't want it then I can certainly give it to the doctor." Ariana replied picking the cake up and turning in the direction of the door. "Oh no thats quite alright I was just joking with you dear." He replied hastily. Ariana smiled and placed the cake back on the table, and began to cut him a piece. "So how was Dante, were him and Geni alright? Do they know who did it, or if it was an accident?" Rufus asked remembering the whole reason Ariana had left in the first place. "They are both well, and we believe that it was by Jacks hand that the fire started. Or at least someone working for Jack that is. We later gathered at Miss Eclairs home, where we were able to review a new letter from jack that we recieved from..." She paused a moment. "... your attacker at the theatre. It had a clue in it, and the only thing we can get out of it is that perhaps the next target is a woman." She stated placing a small plate with a slice of cake on his lap. "How was Miss Eclair today?Are her and Nathan doing any better?" His mischevious grin touching his lips. Ariana bit her lip slightly before speaking. "We had quite an akward moment with those two today." She then reviewed the story of events up until Nathan left. Rufus made a pouty face before replying. "Hm, somthing tells me that man is married to his work and doesn't know how to handle woman correctly. Can't he see that yes she still misses Vincent, but there is no better time than now for Nathan to be around.She needs him and wants him to be there for her." Rufus replied obvioulsy frustrated at the situtation of the two. "Its true, Eclair is quite lonely right now. She may give a warm appearence and smile to our faces, but today I felt a sadness come from her that I have never felt before. Shes truely a kind person and I hate to see her so unhappy." Ariana stated quietly. Then another tap came at the door and Geni could be heard on the other side.
"Nathan may I see the letter please?" Ariana asked reaching out with her hand toward the officer. Nathan shrugged and handed it off to Ariana, she took it and held it as if it would shatter into a million pieces. She read the clue again, [COLOR=Red][I]old mother hubbard, She went to her cupboard to get her poor dog a bone.[/I] [/COLOR] Then without even a second to ponder replied. "She!" "I beg your pardon?" Geni asked slightly confused. "The only word capitalized in the clue is 'She'." Ariana pointed out holding the letter for all to see. "The next target will be a she then?" Dante replied, almost to himself? [I]'Jack would never target one of us, would he?;[/I] Dante thought stealing a glance at Geni while her head was turned. Arian smiled, Dante didn't notice. "We can't--" Nathan started but Dante shot him a quick glance that doubled as a threat. "Thats amazing Ariana, your a sharp one you are." Eclair replied kindly. "I'm sure any of us could have done it, if you held it and looked closely at it." Ariana said this ignoring the fact that Nathan had held it and hadn't caught anything. She hop ethat no one else would point that out. "So whats our next course of action?" Eclair asked everyone. "Well I have to report back to the scene of the murder, and fire. If you'll excuse me." Nathan gave a slight bow and left the room before anyone could say anything. "Goodbye." Eclair replied knowing that nathan didn't hear her. He was upseet and she could see it. "Right well, we know what hes doing? How about the rest of us?" Arian jumped in quickly.
"Those are good words that you give Nathan, but not everyone believes in leaving the past completely behind as you seem to. If you were to die, would you want to be left behind and not even condsidered a good memory." Ariana asked. Nathan's sense of confidence seemed to slope suddenly as the question was asked. "Well, I suppose not." Nathan answered feeling slightly unsure of himself. "Then you can't expect Eclair to just give up the memory of somthing that was so precious to her. He was your friend to wasn't he?" There was an akward feeling eminating from Nathan when Ariana asked the last question. [I]'He was your frined wasn't he?'[/I] A chill ran Nathans spine. [I]'Was he really, or did I remain close so that I could be with her?'[/I] He glanced down at Eclair, her bright eyes seemed to ask a million questions that she didn't truely know. She didn't know anything of the damaged feelings between him and Vincent because of her, she didn't know anything of it. "No I wouldn't want to be forgotten, and pushed behind." He stated quielty, almost painfully. The guilt ached in his chest more than ever. Did he want Eclair for himself so badly that he would encourage her to push those memories of her love aside? [I]'What have I become, in hopes that I could make her mine?'[/I] He thought tohimself as he gazed into those clear blue eyes that new only the close friend of her beloved husband, not the man that only wished that he had been in Vincent's position all along. "Memories are somthing that we keep deep within our heart, we hold onto them and cherish them, somtimes even use them to make us stronger. That is why I cannot forget my Vincent, but that does not mean that I cannot be loved or in return love another. He wouldn't want me to live the rest of my life a lonely widow, grieving at his stone every summer, thats not what he would have wanted. Do you understand what I am trying to tell you Nathan?" Eclair spoke with such clarity and emotion that Nathan could hear what she was actually saying. His hand shook slightly as held it tightly. Then her small forced voice could be heard in his mind. [I]"You don't have to be afraid Nathan."[/I]
Not only was it completely obvious to the searching eye, but Ariana could feel a certain tenderness coming from Nathan when he spoke to Eclair. This was not the only time she felt it, but everytime infact. She smiled to herself as she sipped her tea. [I]'You know Nathan you really should say somthing to her.'[/I] Ariana thought in Nathans direction. Him also being a telepath it was imensly easy for him to pick it up. His eyes turned to Ariana for only a moment before the swiftly returned to gazing at Eclair as she drank her tea. [I]'What if she rejects me entirely? You heard how she described Vincent, I can't compete with that. Besides I'm not fit for her station.'[/I] Nathan replied back in the unheard language. [I]'Don't try and use the station excuse on me, you know very well that no one would think less of her. And your not competeing with anything, she misses her husband this is true, there is no better time than when she needs comforting. I don't want to hear anymore excuses from the likes of you.' [/I] She thoguht in a final matter. Nathan met eyes with Eclair and smiled, and at that moment he felt a sort of happiness that he hadn't felt before. He would make her happy, and see her truely smile again. "Nathan? Are you listening?" Eclairs voice broke him into reality and blinked then replied. "I'm sorry I was thinking about somthing. What was it you were saying?" His voice was kind. "I was wondering how you knew that the letter was written in blood instead of ink?" Eclair asked stting her cup on the table sitting infron of her. "The texture of the writing, ink has a different concistantcy than blood." OOC: If they're not gonna get themselves together than I am! :catgirl: Like the mischevious little person I am! Not God Moding, just giving a nudge in the right direction.
"Ariana, are you alright? I'm sure he didn't mean it." Eclair replied as she joined Ariana at her side. They watched the young couple hurry away toward the east wing. "I understand, hes had a hard morning. Although Eclair I was wondering if perhaps all of us could meet at your place this afternoon? All lot has happened and I do believe we need to discuss a few issues." Ariana said this with a pleasant smile. The one she normally wore. "Yes of course. You are all welcome in my home at any time. Thats where Nathan and I both were anyway." This remark brought a mischevious spark to Ariana's eyes. "Really? You were both there?" She asked her smile turnning to a smirk. Eclair had a sudden look of embarrasment. "Its not what you think. You see I had this terriblle nightmare--" Eclairs eyes became wide as she said this. "What is it Eclair?" Ariana could feel the panic coming from Eclair. "The nightmare." OOC: Sorry its short, I'm really tired. Oh Yeah Merry Christmas Everyone!
Ariana returned to her home after a semi-long farewell with Rufus, the doctor tapping his foot and reassuring that Rufus wasn't going anywhere. Her personal servant Yvonne helped her change out of the bloody gown and freshen up for a new day. She then had her carriage take her to Lord Dante's. When the carriage approached she was stopped by an officer. "Oh you're Lord Rufus' wife. You may enter." "Thank You." Ariana replied greatfully. The carriage pulled up the drive and came to a halt near where Dante kept a close eye on Geni, and Eclair hovered near by. "My dear, what on earth happened? Are you two alright, this is horrible." She was very concerned. "It appears that some one wished to redecorate my home without asking me." Dante replied glancing at the ruined home. "But it does seem that Jack was some how behind it." Eclair stated coming closer to the others. "Jack?" Ariana whispered the name in fright. "He visited me last night." "What?!" Dante asked sunddenly. "In my mind I mean. He wasn't really there but he has the ability to speak to me. Horrible things he said to me, absolutely terrible. I'm not one bit surprised that hes behind this." Ariana replied.
Rufus awoke to the sound of birds chirpping just beyond his window. The memory of the night before quickly became reality when he attempted to move his arm, and a searing pain shot through all the way up to his shoulder. He bit his lip to keep from cursing aloud, for Ariana was still sleeping at his bed side and he did not wish to wake her. Luckily she slept on his some what "good" side and he was able to gently touch her silken hair an brush her soft cheek. "That was too close." He whipsered to himself, locking his eyes on Ariana. He remembered the morning he found Ariana crying from the nightmarish memory of another life. That morning he promised that he would never leave her, and he planned on keeping that promise, no force in heaven or hell could keep from doing so. His thoughts were interupted by the sleeping voice of Ariana mumbling his name in a worried manner. He placed a hand on her head and she relaxed beneath it, the panic passing, allowing her to sleep more peacefully. He dozed back into the realm of sleep, leaving his hand upon his beloved as he did so. OOC: That was a guest writing by me Vince, Otori Girls hubby! I hope you don't mind. She said I could! :)
Ariana refused to leave her husbands side as he slept restlessly. He refused to admit the pain while awake, but now as she watched him sleep the pain was obvious. She attempted to stay awake as to keep a constent eye on him, but the emotional evening began to wear at her, and she soon fell asleep at his side, her head resting on Rufus' hand. [COLOR=DarkRed]"Ariana." [/COLOR] She flinched slightly at the voice in her mind, but remained asleep. "Who are you?" Her thoughts were confused and frightened. [COLOR=DarkRed]"You know plenty well who I am Love." [/COLOR] The silken malicious voice replied. "Jack" [COLOR=DarkRed]"Theres a clever girl." [/COLOR] "What is it you want?" She asked the intruder of her mind. [COLOR=DarkRed]"My dear girl, I simply came to give you somthing of great importance." [/COLOR] The voice was smooth, almost cunning as it spoke. "What are you talking about" [COLOR=DarkRed]"The others are jealous of you dear sweet husband and you. Afterall you are the perfect couple, always smiling, never a grey cloud in your sky." [/COLOR] The voice joked now. "Get on with it." [COLOR=DarkRed]"The point is, I'm not surprised if somthin like this happened again. The clouds will eventually roll in to cover your sunny day, and snow shall somday fall upon the grave of your beloved as you satnd over it. This was merely a warning, I would take heed of it if I were you my dear." [/COLOR] The voice left Ariana, the rest of her night filled with nightmares.
Ariana's heart filled with relief and new tears fell as the Lord told her of the news. The Lord offered to take her to the club and of course she accepted. The Lord of taking a carriage, but it was still impossible to make it through the streets, so went right on ahead and walked the one block to the club. Lord David led Ariana to a room upstairs where the Doctor had prepared for her stay. The doctor entered the room, catching Ariana's imediate attention, and before she could ask the doctor lifted a hand. "Your husband has awakened and is asking for you. I'm quite shocked to say the least, I told him that he should rest but he is a stubborn man in love." He replied pointing to a door. Ariana did not need to be told, she hurried toward the door and opened it swiftly. She stopped for only a moment as she first glanced at her husband lying on the bed in front of her. Again the tears came as she approached Rufus. "Theres my girl." He stated barely audible. Ariana knelt down on floor next to the bed. She could clearly see his injuries now, the bandage covering his eye, around his arm, and his leg. "Rufus." She touched his cheek lightly with a trembling hand. "I thought I might lose you." Her voice shook as much as her hand did. "Silly girl, I told you that I'd never leave you." Her replied quietly. "Does it hurt much?" She asked quietly. "Not near as much as the pain you must have been feeling." He answered giving a small smile. Outside Lord David stood with the Doctor. They figured it would be best to leave the two alone for now. "Your skills never cease to amaze me. Thanks to you this young couple may remain togther." David replied starring at the door. "Thank you for getting him here so quickly, any longer and the young Lord probably would have had to lose his leg."
The tears came wihout end as Ariana cried into Geni's shoulder, and all she could see was the attack over and over in her mind. Then her memory of the other time came, the time where she had lost a loved one in a very similar way. "Please...." She cried. "Don't take him from me...not again." Eclair bent down to join the two girls again. And there the three girls sat on the floor of the theater holding on to only hope. "Please... please....." OOC: Sorry its soooooo short I've been in bed sick lately and thats all I could get out of my tired little mind!
The late spring and summer was full of social event after social event for the newly wed couple. they spent every other night making appearances at some ones dinner party, a couple of them bring them in contact with Dante and Geni, snd sometimes Eclair and Nathan. When they saw the others there wasn't much to report on, just the local gossip that Eclair would ask for. Ariana had a couple more minor memory flashes, nothing worht noting of importance, this bothered her. Rufus however did not alllow his darling Ariana stay unhappy for very long, the other half of their summer was spent taking trips to other cities and having romantic pinics and what not. He even hired a local artist to paint their portrait in the park one day as a gift for his beautiful wife. The day of the Queen's ballet had arrived and Ariana was more than extatic, she loved going to the ballet, especially when she knew her friends were going to be there aswell. They entered the large theater, and were automatically bombarded by Eclair who was accompanied by Nathan. "How have you two been this summer, good I asume. You two always seem to be perfectly happy." She replied happily, she loved talking to the two of them, they were absolutely adorable. "We are well Milady Eclair, and yourselves?" Rufus raised an eyebrow as if he were hinting at somthing. "Just as fine as the last time you saw us." Eclair stated smiling. Ariana nugged Rufus gently. "Now Ariana you must tell me all the latest gossip, dear Nathan hear is horrible at reporting such imformation." She replied giving Nathan a teasing grin. "Well I asume that you have heard all about how Geni and Dante have harly gone a day with out eachother?" Ariana asked smiling. "Of course, but even if it was part of the plan I think thats how it would be any way." Eclair stated happily. "Speaking of the young couple." She pointed across the way to find the two of them speaking with Geni's father. "We should go see them, I haven't teased young Dante all summer."