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Everything posted by Otori_Girl

  1. Ariana made sure that her and Rufus took their time leaving after all she didn't want to seem rude. They danceed for another 30 some odd minutes and talked with another couple whos biggest worry was normally what to wear, nothing that was life threatening. They made a pass by the card tables, waving kindly to Geni's father as they did so. They made their way outside to their carriage and Rufus helped her inside and closed the door behind them. Rufus heaved a deep sigh as he sat next to his wife. She gave him a questioning look. "What was that?" She asked. "What you mean this?" He replied then repeated the sigh. "Yes that, what was that?" She asked again. "That was the 'what a night' sigh of relief. Thats all that was, nothing more." He stated smiling. "True, it was quite the eveing, much has been revealed in such a short time. Poor Geni seems to be taking it harder and harder each time the memory becomes more vivid. I wonder why that is, it hasn't affected me that greatly." Ariana wondered outloud. "Perhaps it simply because she is still so young." Rufus stated. "Shes not even 2 years younger than myself it shouldn't really be a problem. Its very curious." Ariana repied her voice quieting as she thought. "Well this is a little off the subject, but did you look at the way Sir Nathan was treating Lady Eclair this eveing?" Rufus asked a slight hint of mischeviousness in his voice. "Its hard not to. Especially when shes thinking so openly." Ariana stated. "What do you mean by that?" Rufus asked raising an eyebrow and allowing a grin to stretch across his lips. "Did you hear somthing that you weren't supposed to?" "Well it was completely on accident, but she did think somthing along the lines of..." She stopped her statement. "Along the lines of what?" Rufus' voice became eager. "Its none of our buisness, I sholdn't be telling you this, in fact I won't." Ariana declared staring straight ahead. She didn't want to be a victim of Rufus' puppy dog eyes plea. OOC: Sorry its short, I had technical difficulties and I didn't want to have to re-type everything.
  2. OOC: O.o Let the couplage begin! After a dance together, Ariana and Rufus returned to the table where they had made both Eclair and Nathan blush. Ariana sat next to Eclair and Rufus next to his wife obvioulsy. Ecliar was chatting away and Nathan was just returning back from his normal shade of flesh. "Miss Geni, how is your mother since the attack at the Gala." Ariana asked "Not to bad apperently if shes throwing another party so soon." Rufus added with a grin. OOC: Wow talk about major writers block, I wanted to write but I didn't know what and I'm at work so I have very little time. So sorry about the super shortness... at least we're going.
  3. OOC: My turn wheeeeeee Ariana woke with a start as she usually did as of late. She had experienced another memory only it was a very intense flash. She thought back on it and a shiver ran down her spine. "Dear is there somthing wrong?" Rufus asked as he entered the room, he had a breakfast on a tray, he set it aside and sat on the bed next to Ariana. "Your as pale as a ghost." His voice was filled with genuine concern. Ariana tired to smile and brush it off as nothing, but Rufus didn't fall for it. "Its nothing really, just a nightmare, quite childish really." She replied her voice quivering slightly. Her body was trembling as much as her voice did. "Was it another memory?" Rufus asked looking away. Ariana knew that it hurt him to think that her memories of hime might be fake, and that this was all planned out. "Those aren't "childish nightmares", those aren't important to you and..." His voice trailed off and he turned a warm smile on his face. He stood and retrieved the tray of food, then brought it back to his beloved. "Eat up... I made it myself." Ariana didn't want to believe that her memories of Rufus were merely created for some other purpose. Did she truely love him, or were those emotions created as well? Would she ever know? She felt Rufus place a hand on her shoulder and she looked up to meet him as he gave her a gentle kiss. "You know you can tell me anything... you don't have to be afraid, I'll always be here for you." He whispered. "Apparently in my other life I was married as well, but... my husband died in a armed robery trying to protect me. That is why i chose to come back, I didn't have anything to hold me back in that world of death and loneliness." Her voice fell to silence and tears came to her eyes. Rufus emaraced her and held her close as she began to cry. "It was so real, theres no way that these memories are fake. She... I was devistated. It was so horrible, don't ever leave me Rufus, please." "I promisse you Ariana, I will always be with you."
  4. Ariana sat quietly in the carriage, her arm wrapped around her husbands. She was worried about what Lord dante had said earlier, he had cleary stated that he did not trust her. Rufus glanced down at Ariana, and smiled, then placed his hand under her chin and to direct her eyes to him. "You shouldn't worry your head about what happened, I'm sure he'll get over it. after all the young Lord is still learning a great deal himself, and is quite frustrated. Besides, a frown doesn't suit you, only your bright smile." His smile was truely genuine as he spoke and Ariana's shy smile returned. Rufus leaned down and gave her a small kiss, then replied. "Thats my girl." Ariana's heart fell and she became saddened, tough she did not allow Rufus to see. The thought that her memories of them together being fake did not please her, he was so genuinly kind that she didn't want to believe that their time together had been created. "I do hope that Lord Dante's spirits lighten and that we can speak pleasantly at dinner." Ariana replied. OOC: Sorry its so short I didn't know what to write!
  5. Arian smiled her sweet smile, she felt sympathy for the young dutchess. She had remembered her husband, and how perfect they were for eachother. "Dutchess may I ask you a question?" She asked politely. "Only if you call me Eclair in my own home." She stated happily. "Of course... Eclair. I was confused as to why Lord Dante is so bitter to the both of us, is there something that I'v done? Have I offened him in any way?" Ariana glanced over to the luxurious fire place as she spoke, it was a black marble accented with the finest dark wood. "Oh my dear Ariana, you should not take Lord Dantes speakings to heart. It will only confuse you the greater. He is merely the young brash hero of the century, and because of that only trusts the girl that he is obviously falling for." She exclaimed her smile turning to one of mischief. "You mean the Lady Geni?" She asked simply. "Absolutely, its all over his speech and actions that I can't possibly imagine anything else. Our goal is to make the poor boy trust us." Elair winked. "That will be a trick, I haven't seen a young man that stubborn in a very long time." Rufus added in smiling.
  6. Ariana smiled her shy smile and turned her eyes to her hands, which sat in her lap. She then began to speak of the dream, and using her telepathy was able to show every one everything. The room around them was large and grey, round wooden tables were scattered about and people of all sorts sat at them. It seemed to be a dining room of a sort, for everyone had meals sitting in front of them, which they picked at while in conversation. Ariana could be seen sitting at a table and chatting cheerfully with Geni though they both looked differen, it was some how obvious that it was them. The seemed happy and light hearted as they ate their meal together, laughing at jokes and stories. This is when a man that obviously had to be Dante came over and smiled at the two of them, then pointed over at the far corner. There sitting alone next to a window, sat who everyone guessed to be Eclair. She niehter looked happy nor sad, just alone. Ariana stood and when she did a silver tag could be seen, the name on the tag read Porter 0012. She walked over to the table where Eclair sat, and called out her name. The name she called out was not Eclair, but Helena. The memory ended and everything went dim. Ariana lifted her eyes to gaze at every one around her, and then spoke. "This is why I had find you all, I was lucky to find you all in the same place at the same time." OOC: Another shorty, I gotta go to work.
  7. Ariana frowned slightly, she hated seeing some one so upset at first meeting her. She felt a hand on her knee and her eyes met Rufus', he smiled his simple smile that said whatever she was thinkg was probaly a good idea. She shyly smiled back and stood, walking slowly toward Dante, as to not startle him, or anger him any further. She stopped about 2 1/2 ft from where he stood, glring at the outside world. "My Lord Dante, I apologize for your unease. Allow me to explain the answer to one of your questions." The room went silent. [I]'As you can see I am the same as Genevie, I can speak to you through thoughts.'[/I] "I use my abilities to dim down the aura, I was afraid of having someone notice that perhaps I didn't want noticing." As she said this the blue aura which she spoke of came into view. "I do hope that you and I can become friends, though it may take time I can see." Her voice was kind byond anyother and her smile truly genuine as Dante glanced over his shoulder back at the rest of the room. OOC: Sorry its so short!
  8. Ariana stepped out of her carriage with the help of her husbands gentle hand and they approached the door of the Dutchess Chamberlayn's home. Rufus extended his pale hand and tapped on the door, then smiled down at his nervous wife. "I do hope that we aren't interupting anything important, I would absolutely abhor being an inconvenience." She stated quietly as they waited. They both could hear footsteps coming to the door. "Don't woory about it, your wonderfuly delightful, no one could possibly think of you as an inconvenience." His smile only grew warmer, and Ariana's nerves began to calm. The door opened and a tall elder gentleman appeared, a kind glint in his aged eyes. "Count and Countess Lancaster, what do we owe the honor of this visit? Please come in I shall tell my lady that you are here." He opened the door wide enough for the both of them to enter the house and he took there coats, then left toward the stting room to annouce their arrival. Lady Geni had just finished speaking when Darian had entered the room. Eclair turned and smiled. "Yes Darian?" She asked. "The Count and Countess Lancaster have come to visit with you mylady. Shall I show them in?" His voice was very frail but offical. "Absolutely Darian please welcome them in, and bring more tea for them." Elcair answered, her tone hitting the level of excitment. Moments later Darien led the young couple into the room. Eclair welcomed them in and offered them a seat on the couch which she had been sitting on all by her lonesome. "Welcome to my home, please sit. What a pleasant surprise, how are you both I haven't been able to speak with you since your wedding." She started as she sat in an arm chair adjacent to the couch which they sat on. "Thank You for the warm welcome." Rufus replied kindly. "Ariana has been telling me that she had somthing very important to talk about with you Milady." He was polite and cheery, holding his young wifes hand. "But of course if your busy--" "No these people weere there too." Ariana replied quietly, barely audible to anyone. "We were where?" Dante asked curiostiy tugging at his interset. Ariana blushed. "This will sound rediculous." She stated nervously. "After the conversation we were just having, it can't possibly be any more rediculous." Geni added smiling, seeing that the young countess was nervous out of her mind. She suddenly picked up an inaudible sentence. [I]' You have the same ability as I, don't you?' [/I] The thought was a direct question to geni, but it seemed that Ariana didn't even have to try, not like Dante earlier. "At the Gala last night I saw you all there, and you were all enveloped in a blue glow, the same as you are now to me. And this morning I had the strangest dream, as if we were all in a different exsitance together. You were all there and we all knew eachother, I know this sounds crazy but I just have to know, do any of you know what it means?" Her voice was gentle and only one step up from silence.
  9. Favorite anime.... hmmm.... Right now it currently stands as Fruits Basket, and Samurai Champloo. Two completely different but equally woinderful animes!
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