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About paranoidandroid

  • Birthday 08/02/1988

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    armed nothing

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  • Biography
    very shy

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  1. Allright, I'm new here, and so I'd thought I'd share a couple poems with you. I'll say right now that I am very weird and that comes out in my poetry, that's one of the reason's I'm only giving a few. So, I hope you like it. "living in a world of ghosts" stay quiet stop the noise don't come down here if you want to live the things here are all dead and burried in the ground dust collects on their memorials but no one dares to clean them the language here is unfamiliar I lose all feeling as the f***er dances say nice things if you have something to say why don't you give me anything complementary or i'll wipe that f***ing smirk off your face I'll look for what I want but when I find it I won't know what to do with it her hair's so soft I rub her head like petting a cat she's so cute smiling at me she purrs she meows she falls into my arms go to sleep ?too much medication said the doctor to the nurse as the patient dies? aspirin and salt tablets what else can I eat what else can I drink besides water and blood he?ll come at 4 with his misshapen briefcase full of pens the clouds form in the pink sky your political manifesto doesn?t interest me your timed attacks don?t hurt me safety pins close the gap between hell and high water but it?s cold up there where the killer lives it?s so nice and warm where I am let me stay jumper cables strap me down onto a folding chair she walks up her tongue comes out I accept needles go in the veins but blood doesn?t come out the painter whitewashes the house what better color is there I pay my bills but I have no money I use this trick I learned to entertain guests but I don?t have any what?s the difference between you and that one over there buying a soda from a broken vending machine he wears an eye patch over his mouth she pulls the ribbon out of her hair he goes to the table next to the bed pulls out a gun and shoots himself in the head I hope you like them. If you did, I'll post more. And sorry I forgot the rating before. :animeswea
  2. I"ve always wanted to go to a rave, but have never had the means or permission. I love techno, and the whole atmosphere of a rave just seems very appealing to me.
  3. I've always loved video games, but it seems to me that, as in all things, there isn't really anything that original out. The only series I still get excited about are FF, and Metal Gear Solid. I hope that the next generation will change things.
  4. My top five would be Evangelion, Hellsing, Elfen Lied, Ghost in the Shell, and Inuyasha.
  5. I have to say that the closing song for Evangelion is really good, and all of the music from Hellsing.
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