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lilac girl

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Everything posted by lilac girl

  1. voodooc who has time to stay up till 10:30 somw of us have school in the morning and i m bord of waching the same epasod bye
  2. voodooc who has time to stay up till 10:30 some of us have school in the moring and i m bord of waching the same epasiod. bye
  3. batman is cool k so dont say eneything bad about it or i'll give u a black eye j/k:) tench is caming on toomami on the 22 october bye
  4. no, i havn't wached tenchi for a long time. :confused: is it good
  5. but like Ryoko is the best and i like mahoshi cuz we r sooo alike :D:cross:
  6. Bulma, Chi-Chi!!!! :rolleyes: come on!!!! u boyz realy need girlfriends:smirk:
  7. hi!!! i am new here and i m mad about tenchi my fava caricter is ryoko and i also like dragon ball z well, i just wanted to say hi, so HI!!!!
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