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  1. Rikku shook her head as she looked around. They were on the very ooutskirts away from the city. That guy had transported them there through that spell he was chanting. "Well it looks as if we lost one person now, hopefully we won't lose anymore" She saw a dazed spider out of the corner of her eye that had gotten stuck in the ball. She brought out an arrow and stabbed it in the head. "Can we go now?" She put her hands on her hips and shifted her weight to one side as an elf came walking slowly to them.
  2. I will be the last Talon person Name: Ayuka Tari Age:19 Gender: Female Gang: Talons Appearance: [URL]http://ludrem.tripod.com/Anime/thumbnails/400x300/Female3.jpg[/URL] Chip Name: Lory Animal Chip: Falcon Mech Name: Zion Mech Appearance:[URL]http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/f91-msv/f91-twinvsbr.jpg[/URL] Class: Blazer Right Arm: High powered machine gun Right Shoulder: Gattling gun Right Leg: Semi auto energy pistol Chest: extra ammo Left Arm: Same Left Shoulder: Same Left Leg: Same Special: Dissapator- Silences her mech so it can't be deceted. Also Gets rid of her heat and electrical signal so no one can detect her those ways either.
  3. Sorry I really haven't been able to get on. Rikku walked through the forest path bored out of her mind. She passed areas where groups of spiders had been slain and tress had been burned with dark fire. "No doubt the Crimson Slayer's" She continued until she came across two knights, another human that had a strange demon aura about him, and a dragon, which she wasn't afraid of. She had read that some dragons were nice if you treated them nicely and this one seemed to be their freinds so sh figured she would be fine. She walked out into the opening. "Hi, name's Rikku. What happened?"
  4. I'm going to base my character's story off another one if that is okay Name: Rikku Isa Age: 19 Race: Human Backstory: Grew up in a quiet village on the very edge of the King's border. She was very content there until the night of her elenventh birthday. She had just gone to sleep and was dreaming of the day she had just had when she was awaoken by several screams. Villagers started to run around shouting. They had only a few of the king's knights here because the town was never attacked. She stood up and ran to her parents room as one of the houses across the street went up in dark purple flames. The flames quickly spread to other houses and were unaffected by the pails of water dumped on them. She saw her father run outside and her mom wrapped her arms around her. Suddenly the wall on the oppostie house came flying apart as a huge creature came walking out of the flames. It had wings like a dragon but a head of a wolf. It killed the villagers around with several swings of its claws. The three town knights rushed it only to be split in half by a long sword. The creature picked her fater by the throat and flung him through the wall of their house. The creature walked in and stood over them. Her father got back up while her mom dragged her out the back of the house. Their house erupted in fire as a huge blast hit her mom in the back disinagrating her. Rikku kept running until the screams and fire faded from her range. Rikku then devoted her life to trying to kill this monster called the Crimson Slayer but doesn't know what he looks like due to no one has actually seen his true appearance and lived. She studied under different teachers when she heard about a mirror that could give her the strangth to kill it. She then set out on a journey to find this mirror. Abilities: some magic spells and is an excellent shooter Magic Defense and healing spells Weapon: A long bow and a short sword. Personality: Friendly and outgoing. She is quiet when she is thinking about her family and her village that doesn't exist anymore. She often has nightmares about it. Appearance: below
  5. Name: Rikku Oni Age: 20 Gender: Female Personality: Loves to flirt. She is a ditz at times but changes when she fights then becomes a ditz again when it is over. Weapons: Two semi auto pistols that fire a three round burst with each pull of the trigger. Appearance: Below Bio: She grew up talking to ghosts when she was little but didn't realize what they were until she was 15 and after being made fun of constantly. She just shrugged it off and continued helping them until she ran into a near dead soul reaper, who transfered her powers unwillingly.
  6. Name: Tanya Hina Age: 17 Gender: Female Animal Spirit: Leopard Weapons: A staff with a spear point at each end and shuikens Appearance: below Personality: Flirt alot. She can be very clumsy at times but when she is fighting she is a whole different person. Bio: Grew up with her aunt who didn't tell her about her secret until she was 15. When she was 16 she left her home to begin her own life. She has super speed when ever it rains
  7. Miya watched Jinsen leave then looked at Yugo's dead body. She was glad to get away from him, but now she was with another one, who could somehow be worse. She sat down next to the other girl and stared at the floor. "What's your name?" Miya looked up at the other girl. "Uhhh...Miya" She was confused at how she didn't get slapped for talking. "Mine's Tasha and he is Dante. That guy right there is Sho and the Vorca over there is Norrick" Miya looked up at Dante then back at Tasha. "Why do you not get punished for talking when you are not supposed to?" Tasha got a confused look. "Umm because Dante is nice and doesn't do that. He took me from the ship so no one sles got a hold of me. He said that they would do terribl things to me" "You don't want to know what. So he gets you nice clothes and everything" Tasha motioned with the fur coat around her. "Yep, he'll buy you stuff to"
  8. Miya was halfway dragged from the carrige when they reached the city. She despised how she was treated but couldn't do a thing about it. If she did then she would be punished. After they entered she was put on the bar and told to dance. She did her normal routine as she always did. Yugo went around and showed her off. "This is the best slave in both Vivecs" Another Vorca pointed over where a Vorca in black armor with another girl sitting on his knee dressed in black fur were at. "I don't know, maybe if you had both of them. Cause she is a fine slave I hear. But I wouldn't mess with him" Yugo's ears went up. "Why is that?" He grabbed Miya off the table. Miya fell to the floor from the force and was yanked up by a yank from the chain. The Vorca leaned in close. "That's Dante, the strongest Vorca in both Vivec's they say" Yugo laughed. "I seriously doubt that. I'm the strongest in Tockra Vivec and we are always stronger than the Fraden Vorca" The Vorca frowned. "Why don't you go test that?" Yugo dragged Miya across the floor and over to the table were Dante and Tasha were waiting at while Sho was in the council. "You Dante?" Dante looked up, his eyes cold and harsh. "And if I am" Yugo threw Miya in front of him. "I challange you to Sloca Tri. A fight to see who is strongest" The room went quiet. Miya hung her head. Her master was always out proving he was the best and now he was going to kill someone from Fraden to prove that they were weaker. She looked up as the council doors opened and one of the Alpha's was standing there. "Sloca Tri. Get the place ready" He clapped his hands. Miya was put on a table as the center of the room was cleared and most of the Vorca were yelling as were the Purain and Thanack. The Breazon were silently watching. She knew what they were doing. Trying to find out who the winner was so they could ally themselves with them. She watched as Dante slowly stood up setting Tasha gently on the table and laid his weapons next to her. Yugo threw his weapons to the ground and cracked his knuckles. as they both walked to the middle. Yugo started to pace around Dante who just stood there. "So your they mighty Dante, the one who killed a thousand Tockra soldiers with your own hands. One of the few Vorca able to see a Thanack and able to even slightly hear a Purain. I say all that is shit" Yugo charged Dante.
  9. Name: Tory Sai Age: 18 Gender: Female Class: Gunslinger Legend Name: Black Stallion Weapons: Two semiauto pistols made of a strong alloy. Able to stop a sword and the barrel is conelike and sharp. When she pulls the trigger it shots a three round burst Appearance: Later Snippet: Tory walked through the streets on her way to the club, where she danced at. Dancing was one of her favorite things, een though it may be for peverted guys with nothing better to do. She rounded the corner and suddenly she had a knife pressed to her throat. "Hey there little missy, why don't we have some fun and I might let you live?" Tory smiled as her foot suddenly flew up and caught the man in the face. She spun away and pulled out her gun. "You'll be the tenth rapist I've caught this month" She kicked him again and tied his hands with her belt. She lead him over ot the jail and gave him to the guards. "Here's another" She walked off.
  10. Name: Miya Age: 18 Apearance: Below, she has a brown metal collar around her neck. Other info: A slave for a powerful Vorca in Tockra Vivec. She was taken on the raid on the ship. She watched her parents get killed by her owner and her oldest brother was torn limb from limb and devored in front of her. She had to watch her second brother get tortured to death and his blood was then sprinkled on her for the fun of the Vorca. She is a dancer and is almost always dancing for him.
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