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Manga Working on stories for manga.
FireKnifeDancer replied to FireKnifeDancer's topic in Otaku Central
hello! sorry I have been neglecting everyone. I have been worked to death, and getting paid crap for it. [QUOTE=koori-chan]well... here's something i came up in my sleep.... there's dis girl named fayt serene shes human and she from our dimention but then a guy abducted her and brought her to a place called requiem where she was told she had to be this priestess of balance(the one who must put things in their proper places, mainly the dead to their final destination and keeping the bridge between dimentions close so that they dont return to hunt the living and so that the living wont try to revive the dead or so that peolple from requiem get to her dimention and people from her dimention dont accidently stumble to requiem). at first she could believe it but she eventually did when she found out she wasn't the first of her kind who was chosen. then she found out what her missions were and that she was to be accompanied everywhere she went with beings called phantoms (the guy who abducted her was a phantom too). they were to be her protectors, friends, comrades, teachers, guide and shadows. she instantlly became close to 2 of her phantoms, lance ercole(guy who abducted her) and leon fitir. they went on different missions and became closer with each trial. but ther was one mission they failled to do, it was to sent the soul of the vengeful evil former king of requiem to erfovre(land of souls). at first they just couldnt find it but then when they did it was possesing a 18-yr-old boy named syren who wanted revenge against fayt coz she broke his connect with his dead sister's soul(it was a bridge to erforve). syren gained power from the former king and was now unstoppable, he recruited souls and even living poeple to go against the pristess and her phantoms. the phantoms and fayt fought back but only fayt, lance and leon where the ones who got to syren(the rest were either still fighting or dead). when they arrived at the castle leon parted with them coz he was unable to fight coz of his injuries. so fayt and lance went on but lance realized this was fayts last mission and was worried if he might see her again coz he secrectly loved her. fayt didnt know about this so she became worried about him acting so strange. when they got to syren they started figthing and all but in the middle of the fight he starts playing with lance's head coz he knew what he feared, losing fayt. fayt and lance were a stong team but they were not strong enough win. fayt realizes this and decides to use her last resort, killing syren and sealing the soul of the king in a new born child(he wont be able to posses the kid coz his soul was binded with the childs soul and the childs soul was strenghten while his was weakened) instead of sending them to erfovre. after that they went back to where leon was and then fayt and leon talk for a while while lance is asleep. fayt knew she had failed and asked leon to sent her back to her realm so she could kill herself(being the priestess meant you cant die until u finished all your missions and fayt wasnt the priestess anymore if she was in her dimention) but leon tells her she cant run away from her responsibilities. she said she was aware of that but she also knew she would live again at the time the seal will break but as another human, her reincarnation. leon agrees and does as she says. 200 yrs. later..... keele rizen a 21-yr-old girl is a famous, aloof, critical, short tempered, romance novelist with her cousin claire sien(also her editor) attend an interview when keele runs off and get to this antique shop where she meets a guy named leon and became friends with him. while claire who went in search of keele bumped into lance who brought her to the antiqueshop becoz she suddenlly became ill. ther they all got to know each other but keele just couldnt get along with lance. leon then gives her an antique panting of a strange temple(temple where fayt stayed in requiem) as a momento of their encounter. that night keele starts to have dreams about some part of her past life but was scared by them. the next day she went back to the antique shop where she was greated by a painting of a woman in white robes who looks a lot like her. then she sees lance and asks about the painting but lance was mean towards her and so they start aguing and only stops when leon arrived.leon tells her more about the person in the painting but never revealed anything bout requiem and her past life. keele was intersted in a painting she saw while leon was explaining, it was the portrait of a familiar crest. then see realizes she saw it in one of her dreams. leon and lance knew it would give her flashbacks. then leon told her things like,"so you finally remember. that's good." she was confused coz she still didnt understand all tha things going on. finally a portal to requiem is opened and she was forcefully carried inside the portal by lance while leon apologizes for the way lance treats her but then she loses conciousness. when see wakes up she was in a soft and fluffy bed, she got up and wondered where she was........ and there's where i run out of ideas.... i was wondering how i could get her reaquinted with the other phantoms and how i could get her to start with her missions :animestun my brain does want to work anymore!!!! help please!!!!! :animecry:[/QUOTE] Well...so good so far. Not many details to work off of though. With the running out of thoughts thing...try...more flashbacks! When she first sees a phantom she instantly has a vision (flashback) of the day they first met. Or...you could have them realize that she has an acute case of amnesia, and they will come to try and cure it for her by introducing themselves again. or...when she goes on missions again you could have a phantom at every mission who does one of the about things (in other words she either has a flashback about them, or they introduce themselves again...or both) For the missions...think I wanna do something I've never done before. Then read books, watch movies, read comics, watch cartoons. Get ideas. Don't copyright. Just absorb the way the writer or director does things to the imagination and thought processes, and you will get inspired. If you're wondering why I don't just give you suggestions for that...it's because I don't want to have a big influence on your creativity. Ofcourse remember...everything is a suggestion. [color=darkblue][size=1][b]In the future, please keep in mind that double-posting is usually not allowed on OB. Please use the Edit button to add something to your post in the future, thanks.[/b][/color][/size] -
Manga Working on stories for manga.
FireKnifeDancer replied to FireKnifeDancer's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE=Dale_Valley]wow, i havent read that thing since i posted it the first time (this site needs a spell check) and there is a whole lot ive changed since i first posted it. for one major thing ive changed (and this goes with your unexpecked thing.) you never know that Strife was the Dark Angel (the bad guys super warrior) but over time you come to believe that he is the profecied "Protector" that will put an end to the Dark Angle and his followers. you find out much later into the story, when it gets really deep. also, during the ceremony where he loses his memory, strife doesnt just pass out , he is pulled into a tomb, there he sits for 7 years before the squad guys find him. then just before he gets part of his soul back, strife was sent on several missions that led to 1st Killing the lover of Fellis, that kept him good, sending him on a rampage witch got him captured by special sages; who then forced him to do good stuff to live. then 2nd he captured Dialen so he could be turned into a cat. 3rd he destroyed the largest settlement of Enji's people, the Senka. she then , believeing herself to be the last of the great senka, set an oath to bring honor to the name of the senka again. 4th Strife did pretty much the same thing to Sonja when he destoyed her families massive shine palace (ooh, shine [I]PALACE[/I] !) and she was told told by her dieing mother to fullfill the legacy of her family and discover the Lost Profecies (those arent detailed yet) and help fullfill them. and 5th and finally, he destoyed the largest and most major city of the time. doing so he killed most of katani's familly while she and her older brother were away. so they are all friends with Strife, and never know that he is the reason so much bad stuff has happend to them. all of the characters that suffered were really young escpecailly katani, (excpet Fellis, he's really old but doesnt age a whole lot, like strife, because he's a werewolf, and Dialen, after the transformation, he went into kitty coma for 6 years and was like 20 to begin with)when the stuff happened, so when the story actually starts everybodys bodies ages are from 14-21. except for Dialen, hes a cat, i dont know how that will really work. so, while the story goes on, they all have the kinda side objectives to discover and destroy the Dark Angel, recover lost "Blue Light" from evil doers, and discover Strifes lost past/ get his soul and memory back. also as you can guess, when Strife finally discovers that he is the Dark Angle (ive been doing that the whole time, i figured id let it be "angle" this time just for kicks.) he is devastaded. he remembers all that he has stolen, plundered, killed, raped (yes that too), and especially how he did so much to his now best friends, especially the city he destroyed! thanks for the advice youve given me so far, ill keep that in mind. tell mw what you think of this stuff.[/QUOTE] Very good, very good. However; (now don't take my advice thinking that I am always looking for something, because it's a heck of a lot better then what I can think of) it seems that you have wonderful thoughts....you just need good organization. Organize your thoughts and events in a time squences. You would probably have the best story...if you kept everything on a time line. Try that and call me in the morning. -
Manga Working on stories for manga.
FireKnifeDancer replied to FireKnifeDancer's topic in Otaku Central
Well, well. Dale valley....I think it's a wonderful start. You have all the great makings of a good story. However; it seems to me that you don't like the over-playedness of your plot...well, this is easily fixed. Let's see. We can tweak it so that it's not so predicatable...let's see...think of something that is so random...that no one would expect it...for example... "It was a dark and stormy night...." what would expect next? Something to jump up....a scream....things going bump in the night...here's what I mean. Anticapate what people well think...then do the opposite."....and yellowcoat danced in it." something like that. If you're still confused then ask me more questions. -
Manga Working on stories for manga.
FireKnifeDancer replied to FireKnifeDancer's topic in Otaku Central
[quote name='Masked Princess']I need help with an idea for a story but this is all i got:about a girl who is suppose to be queen of her nation but dosn't know it until she is told she is adopted and now has to save her nation or the evil guy will destroy it.i don't know what eles to write about and it getting me mad :animeangr :animesmil :animeswea[/quote] alright...let's see if it's ideas then no problems. I live to inspire. However; if it's construction then here's some starters 1. needs a love interest 2. needs a time setting 3. had a good plot and idea, and now it needs the details. 4. needs a little comedy, a little drama, and a center that is the theme for the story. for the ideas. Usually plots with princesses have princes...try playing on that. Try haveing either a cute and cuddley sidekick animal or a comedy relief that makes every plot great. There's also the lost item theory where she has to go and find an item that is tied to the world, and the world will be destroyed without it. There's the "oh help me! I am a damsel in distress" theory which is basically self-explanitory. There's the battle princess Xena theory, where she's bad-butt...where she'll kick butt left and right... if you need more then just tell me -
Manga Working on stories for manga.
FireKnifeDancer replied to FireKnifeDancer's topic in Otaku Central
okay....remember how I said you need to experiment because things get old? Well, it's happening again. Not to be rude or anything, but using the same characters, and doing the same type of plot does get old. Believe me, it will. I know...because if you go to the same aouther and they do the exact same thing over and over again..well...it's just not worth reading because it's predicatable. People want new and exciting to keep them on the egde of their seats. Would you like it if you had to do that? Your favorite auother keeps doing the same thing over and over again. It's like an actor...if they only play one role all the the time...they are not a very good actor because it's just not convincing. Actors need to make it convincing, and story writers need to make it believeable. As to the five endings try to combine them. As to killing off the two people let's try something....it's in outer space, right? Well...why don't we say something like...they were frozen in an ice chamber, and were put in a space sattilite. The sattilite went a drift so no one ever saw them again.So it really wouldn't be...killing them off...but they could be in another dimension...or anything...so it leaves it open. What do you think? -
Manga Working on stories for manga.
FireKnifeDancer replied to FireKnifeDancer's topic in Otaku Central
I see...remember I am just suggesting. I don't tell you to do anything. I see that wolf and bunny might be different for you, but for other people it may tired to them, and then the other things might not be. In any case that's right...I was just suggesting that you try different things. That's all -
Manga Working on stories for manga.
FireKnifeDancer replied to FireKnifeDancer's topic in Otaku Central
to the yoai person: listen...if you intend on being a writer you must be able to write anything and everything. You can't just stick to one subject. No one will read your work if you continue to do the same thing over and over again. If you're gonna be a writer, you must be verse in everything. Okay? Experiment, and love everything. I may sound like I am telling you to do something, but it is true people always are looking for something new so you must do something new. Kay? Please don't get mad at me!!! to the other person who needs help: just post your story and i'll help you. -
Manga Working on stories for manga.
FireKnifeDancer replied to FireKnifeDancer's topic in Otaku Central
Alright...here we go again. My suggestion is, that you go with all three. Since the first plot still needs something you can add the other two in with it. For example, since Naurto is getting picked on the demon fox comes out, and starts to trample the village as a sort of revenge. Then they are sent on a mission to destroy the demon, but either Sauske or Sakura (or both...your choice) love him enough not to destroy him, and they end up curing him. My calleges from college gave me these suggestions: 1. We agree with faiya 2. We would suggest normal love fiction 3. Thanks for thinking our advice is worthwhile. On the yoai one up above...I see now. It's okay...I am glad you feel like we've helped enough that you can trust us with that. However; now that we understand I think that it's alright if you keep the characters the way they are. However; if you wouldn't mind, could you call them...something other then wolf and bunny? Just another suggestion. -
Manga Working on stories for manga.
FireKnifeDancer replied to FireKnifeDancer's topic in Otaku Central
hhhmm...let's see. I believe both are a good thing, and I can see why you're stuck. Let's try this. (Now remember these are just suggestions take them in any way you will, or don't even take them.) What if Quatre went back to his family and then his whole family gets shot, and he is presummed dead so Antonio gets news of this and gets sad and leaves and joins a pack of wolves. Months later the slowly dying Quatre finally makes his way back to the cave, and Antonio comes back because his pack comes down that way. Then they find each other that way. These next suggestions are done by the group(remember it's suggestions, you don't have to take them): 1.Animals can't get in heat with the same gender; it's nature's law...so make them something else if you really want it to continue as yaoi.(try demons or something) 2.How long is Quatre tied up? If it's long, then he wouldn't survive due to the fact that living things need to be sustained with food and water. 3.How human, and how animal are they? It's not very clear. You need to seperate animal and human traits if they both, but if they are more on one side then the other then please make it more clear. We can't understand. Because there's a farmer, and dogs. That's what confused us. -
In my opinion, foxboy, no disrespect, but everybody has problems. It's how we deal with them that makes us who we are. Everyone is different and noone is the same. I deal with problems differently then you, and everyone else will too. As to your relationship, frankly I am not the person to be helping you, but if you truly need the advice I am about to give...well...that's entirely up to you. Give and take is a nasty way of putting it. If you love them enough you will give them everything they need regardless of wether or not they give anything back because if they truly loved you they'd give you everything too. However; from what I have read, and from what I can assume, this is not the problem. The real problem isn't that either of you are giving enough, it is if she is stable enough to give anything. People try to take other's problems when they don't take care of their own, so again I suggest heavily that you (or her parents) take her problem seriously and realize that this is serious and take her to a psychologist. A mental problem is diagnosised as abnormal, but most things aren't normal. In any case abnormal means that she isn't acting her normal. Not only that but the're certain things that human beings aren't meant to suffer through, and her problems are that. If you truly love her...please...give her what she needs.
[FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=Teal]Everybody, TALOFA!!! I am opening this thread to anyone who wants or needs help with stories. In these days I find that it is not the art that suffers in anime, but it is in fact the story. Being an english major I thought I needed no help, but boy was I wrong. Everyone could use new ideas, new concepts, and more detail. So, have fun with it, and well just post your ideas that you think you could use a little help with. Others from otaku, or I and my team of creative english majors (I am joking about the creative part, they just do do the english part...I do the creative) will help you. If you need background information, or any info. on different cultures or such and such. In any case, if I get reports that ideas are being stolen, and no credit given there will be consenquences. I want this thread to be conscructive; not destructive. You may only use concepts or ideas IF YOU HAVE PERMISSION FROM THE PERSON WHO CREATED IT!!! EVEN IF IT IS A FAN-FICITION!!!! In any case, have fun :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
....Well...Foxboy...is this what you wanted help with? To tell you the truth, I believe that all the advice you've been given so far is good. I think everyone is on the right track. However; with what I have read and understood so far is that your girlfriend is suffering from anixety attacks, and black outs, and that you assume that she has cheated on you. And that also she has suffered from depression. My friend what we have here is a anxiety disorder, and a serious case at that. Medications are good, but they only last for so long, and she will need to take those for the rest of her life. She will be dependent on those for the rest of her life. Unless she is taken to a proper psychologist. Those are the people who can assest what is wrong. Take her to a psychologist who specailizes in the psychoanalytic field, or even better the cognitive field. Make sure to ask them what school of psychology they study, and make sure it's one of these two. With your assumptions. Take the time to find the truth. From her, and from anybody who you think was involved. Never assume anything until you have excercised every avaliable resource in your journey for truth. If it is true; if you really love her and want to be with her for the rest of your life then you won't feel mad or anger towards her, but if you do...then it wasn't meant to be. I am no docter, and I have no right to be diagnosising your girlfriend. However; this is all I can give, as my opinoin.
[quote name='Lightwing']Hi, I am making a new manga. Its basically a rewritten part of my old manga that I didnt make yet. I am getting better with drawing I just need more help with that. So can anybody help me?[/quote] [FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=Teal]If you would like some help...I would love to help you...but you have to jugde if I am the one to help you with your style...if you want to check my stuff out...go to jixujanime.htmlplanet.com by the way...no stealing...I will kill any one who does so.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=Teal]I love any final fantasy...I have played each one but not the whole way through...not one...I wish I could though. It's not that I can't beat them...it's that I usually borrow them...and can't beat them in time...I usually have about a day with them. Has anyone played...the...first ones? Or tactics advance? or crystal chroncicles?[/COLOR][/FONT]
Manga What was your first manga?
FireKnifeDancer replied to Filipinorocker1's topic in Otaku Central
[quote name='joshdude89']my first manga was Inuyasha because I watched the show every day. But after I got started on those I started with Naruto, then my friend got me playing the Initial D game in the arcade and then he got me watching the T.V. show and now I am buying the manga for that[/quote] I have been hearing that Naurto is a good manga...why is it so good? I mean I haven't read it yet but I will soon. :animesmil