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Everything posted by WingedDarklore

  1. I accept, sir. What would you have me do?
  2. Name: Kael Akiri Gender: Male Age: 16 Appearance:[URL=http://fanart.theotaku.com/view.php?action=retrieve&id=78949]A picture I drew of him.But he's older in this picture.[/URL] Gang: Black Dragons Type: Thief Weapons: Throwing knives and a short sword. Personality: Normally extremly cold and distant. He tries to kill his emotions and become a perfect killing machine for his leaders, but if someone gets to know him well enough, he will open up. Background: He grew up in an extremely poor family, and he was taught to steal for a living. Around the age of 8, his family was caught in the middle of a fight between the Black Dragons and the White Panthers and everyone was killed except him. He felt drawn towards the Black Dragons and asked to be a part of their group. He believed that the White Panthers were responsible for the death of his family, so he dedicated his entire mind to becoming strong enough to kill them. Now he is known for being one of the youngest with some of the best assassination skills.
  3. I absolutely love Itachi. Maybe its the dress, but the mysterious emotionless evil people in anime tend to be my favorites. He's like Sasuke but not as annoyingly pouty. (at least, how sasuke was after the fight with Gaara) My second favorite is a tie between Chouji and Hinata. I really like Chouji, (maybe because he's like me) because he's the fat kind kid with no recognition. I like Hinata because she's the shy girl who wants to change (again, because she's really like me). Two of my other favorites would be Gaara (for the same reason as Itachi, but after the time skip thingy he gets even cooler!) and Neji (because the Byakuygan is awesome, I love his fighting style, and he's just a cool guy in general!)
  4. I've been to Japan! on a school exchange trip. only for 2 weeks though... but i only got to go to Kyoto and Sapporo (in northern hokkaido, if you don't know) It was so much fun! except for spending three days in airplanes and airports. I got to go to school too! (Asahigaoka high school, if anyone's heard of it) it was fun but i had almost no idea what anyone was saying. I did get to hear (kind of) the taxi driver person making fun of americans, at least i'm pretty sure thats what he was talking about. whats tokyo like? anyway, hope you have fun in the coolest place on earth!
  5. i'll be a friend. i'm a freak and new too! :D
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