oh come on... there's nothing wrong crying about an anime...
Vision of Escaflowne is damn sad!
especially the last episode... and in the movie the ending will make you cry... hehe :animecry:
Fanelia is being rebuilt. Hitomi and Van talk at Folken/Vari/Gaou's grave. Van goes to Escaflowne and takes out the energist, and tells Hitomi it will no longer be needed. Hitomi and Van talk. Van says they can see each other whenever they share a common feeling. Hitomi gives Van her pendant. They hug while Van's parents, Duke Freid & Marlene, Folken with Naria & Eriya, and Vargas watch. The pillar of light appears and Hitomi is sent back to earth. Merle, Allen, Serena, the Crusade Crew, Millerna, Eries, Dryden, Chid, and the Mole Man watch. On earth as girls talk about Amano & Yukari, Hitomi looks over the water and sees Van. She says she's doing fine. The End. -from the series...(escaflowneonline.com)
With the Black Dragon Clan collapsed, Dilandau and the 3 remaining Dragonslayers ride off. Days later, Hitomi and Van walk up the hill near Adon. Van says Hitomi can stay on Gaea until the Mystic Moon calls her back. Hitomi hears Sora's song. Wings appear on her back and she vanishes. -from the movie...(escaflowneonline.com)