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    anime fan
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  1. Kougaiji is one...(saiyuki) Kyuzu from samurai7... actually his purpose is to kill Kanbei... so he joined the group to fight for good... but don't you think he's still on the other side...?
  2. oh come on... there's nothing wrong crying about an anime... Vision of Escaflowne is damn sad! especially the last episode... and in the movie the ending will make you cry... hehe :animecry: Fanelia is being rebuilt. Hitomi and Van talk at Folken/Vari/Gaou's grave. Van goes to Escaflowne and takes out the energist, and tells Hitomi it will no longer be needed. Hitomi and Van talk. Van says they can see each other whenever they share a common feeling. Hitomi gives Van her pendant. They hug while Van's parents, Duke Freid & Marlene, Folken with Naria & Eriya, and Vargas watch. The pillar of light appears and Hitomi is sent back to earth. Merle, Allen, Serena, the Crusade Crew, Millerna, Eries, Dryden, Chid, and the Mole Man watch. On earth as girls talk about Amano & Yukari, Hitomi looks over the water and sees Van. She says she's doing fine. The End. -from the series...(escaflowneonline.com) Epilogue With the Black Dragon Clan collapsed, Dilandau and the 3 remaining Dragonslayers ride off. Days later, Hitomi and Van walk up the hill near Adon. Van says Hitomi can stay on Gaea until the Mystic Moon calls her back. Hitomi hears Sora's song. Wings appear on her back and she vanishes. -from the movie...(escaflowneonline.com)
  3. okie... i maybe wrong bout that... but i can see japanese staffs after evry episodes... well... maybe atleast they are japan-influenced-cartoons... ^ ^ :D
  4. actually those teen titans and stuffs are made by japanese animators if i'm not wrong... the thing is they don't direct it... rather just simply follow their boss's... so all they have to do is animate... it is actually directed by american people... so can't blame them... they need work.. or they accepted the job... so it's their job..
  5. ok i'm not anyone or someone... but let me clear this... (plz read this if you know what's on the christian church's side) I grew up watching anime... and i'll tell you what... anime is a damn thing..! look if you're a child of only 5-7(or maybe younger) you probably will think that what you see in tv is good... that is one thing that is againts the media... look anime's have fighting scenes and that some are really brutal... if a child saw this, of course he will think it's good... and the older people are aware of it... they just don't want their children to do those things... i did experience it... let's just say the Catholics sucks! their rules are way tooo strict... but then i am here... i battle with them... my point here is that, catholics are more serious in things like this... they wanted to live a life that what their god told them to... maybe in some situatiion things are worst than this... just like when they saw something that is anime, they will throw it of... christian parents are just religious enough to follow what their priest is doing... and let me have another point here... mass media has really done many bad things as we say... but then in my situation i was able to control myself... and do what is right... look, when i was young i love anime, as i grew i live it... here's another one... we can really never see an anime w/o fightings, right? that what christian people are avoiding... their child to be exposed in blood at a young age...my parents tried to get me out from the anime world... but then i'm still here...because i prove them wrong... i had a younger brother... i exposed him to anime... because i know he can live better using anime as his guide... my parents are aware with it... they knew what i'm doing... and their happy because i was influenced by anime on the bright side...it really does'nt matter if you're a christian or what... P.S. All of my friends are anime fans, not addicts not so much obsessed... but we live an anime life...[COLOR=Indigo]undefined[/COLOR]
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