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Everything posted by nika2999

  1. Anybody like the Bravery or Killers. There two good groups in my opinion, anyways i was just wondering if anyone likes them :D .
  2. My Chemical Romance is alright, but there are so many punk rock whatever groups that it's hard to keep up. They just seem to fade in with the rest to me.
  3. I agree, Hollywood only seems to do remakes or only make up movies off the same concept or plot. I think there in a creative slump, and it doesn't look like it plans to let up any time soon.
  4. Achemy isn't real, it's like a theory from medievil times. Alchemy-A medieval chemical philosophy having as its asserted aims the transmutation of base metals into gold, the discovery of the panacea, and the preparation of the elixir of longevity. Tyler Koregaten is CRAZY :freak:
  5. My first anime was inuyasha it really made me notice anime. It also inspired me to start writing manga and anime story lines. I'll always like inuyasha because of that :animesmil
  6. I think fullmetal alchemist has a good story line. I give it two thumbs up.
  7. I'd have to say Sesshomaru from inuyasha, he has a good side and a bad side. He has no regard for humans except when it comes to rin. Which is unusually seeing how he despises humans because there weak.
  8. I'd wanna be kagome from inuyasha, fuu from samurai champloo, Haruhara Haruko from flcl, and winry from fullmetal alchemist. There all pretty cool.
  9. I agree with stark anime will lose popularity but it will never vanish. If it did I start reading more manga and if that died out I start making my own anime for those who still like it just as much as i do.
  10. Did anyone like Parinoa Agent? It threw me for a loop if u know what i mean. There were a couple of times where i was completley lost. All through out the story i did'nt know if lil slugger was real or part of Tsukiko's imagination. The ending was really good surprisingly and i finally got it. Whoever wrote that knew how to end a story right.
  11. Scryed is pretty good to me. I like the story line an everything.
  12. One of the best animes I've seen so far. The whole story line is great and the art. I really like how the characters develop. I give it two thumbs up :animesmil
  13. [U]non-roommate[/U] Inuyasha- I love him as an anime character but not as a roommate (2 much drama) Kazuma- Never has a steady job and is always in trouble with holy Mirouko- too touchy for me [U]roommate[/U] Kanami- She's hard working and organized Spike Spiegel- When can he move in :love2: Sesshomaru- :love: Mugen- Let's get this party started :beer:
  14. Inuyasha fan all the way. He's sooooo cute :love:
  15. Anime grabbs my attention because it's something thats foreign. I'm a very curious person and if something is diffrent or appears odd I like to get to know it better or study it. But that isn't the only reason I also like the art and the way the stories are put together. Because of anime I decided to start writting manga, since it follows into anime and one day I hope to create an anime just as good as the ones that inspired me.
  16. There's a possibility, even though anime is breaking on to the scene all the way it doesn't have a large audience like regular cartoons. You really can't tell because more and more people are discovering it. To me it's hard to say, it's just like manga it's being introduced to the u.s.a. all the way and it's future in america can't be determined. I really hope it does stick around though.
  17. It's pretty hard to say. I think jin could lay it on kenshin, but then kenshin is pretty quick and sharp, and jin's pretty laid back and traditional.BUT then I think jin has it in him to win, he just needs a worthy opponent.This is really hard, so I'll say: basicallyI think both would come out with a few scratches and say "until next time" making it an ongoing battle.
  18. I think people haven't given it a chance. Anime and American cartoons are on two diffrent levels in my book . The story lines and everything are diffrent. Personaly I think anime stories incorporate alot of meaning, and morals that american cartoons don't.
  19. I like the beginning and the ending of the old episodes of inuyasha. I also like the start of samurai champloo, and the ending of scryed. :animesmil
  20. I like a mix of :love:, :blackeye:, :haha: , and :animeangr Something that has a predictable element of romance and action with some twists along the way. I also like the incorporation of comedy, drama, and an ending you just didn't see coming.
  21. How about case closed that's pretty good, but it does come on early in the morning on adult swim. Does lupin the 3rd count? :animeswea , maybe it does. That comes on early in the morning too. I'm not a fan of that one, but maybe you might like it. You might even wanna try watching one peice, if that even counts .
  22. My favorite is viz, i'm a big fan of inuyasha. I like the action and the artwork too by viz :animesmil
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