Hey do you think I should make a website just for the UC series like MS gundam ,the 08 ms team, war in the pocket, stardust memorie and chars counter attack?
also I will accept fan art for the fan art page
Hey do you think I should make a website just for the UC series like MS gundam ,the 08 ms team, war in the pocket, stardust memorie and chars counter attack?
also I will accept fan art for the fan art page
the robot that sticks his hand in your face? well I just dodged him and hit him with the pipe and shot him you have to block I'll play it again to make sure
(':bawl:')alright just helping people get the japaneese import master grades from 08th ms team and more I also have tips that are pretty simple for weathering
Hello I'm chained to a bunch of model kits and gundam hobbies and can tell you and even figure out how much money and what is the cheapest so keep me posted I have every gundam series model kits chained to me:mrt: