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About Yuri

  • Birthday 07/20/1984

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Profile Information

  • Biography
    Admaril Yuri Kellarny look alike for real
  • Occupation
    MS repairs man ( I was to drunk when I took my pilots test so they gave me the hover truck not bad I get good headphones at least!!)

Yuri's Achievements


Member (2/6)



  1. Hey do you think I should make a website just for the UC series like MS gundam ,the 08 ms team, war in the pocket, stardust memorie and chars counter attack? also I will accept fan art for the fan art page
  2. Hey do you think I should make a website just for the UC series like MS gundam ,the 08 ms team, war in the pocket, stardust memorie and chars counter attack? also I will accept fan art for the fan art page
  3. Yuri


    the robot that sticks his hand in your face? well I just dodged him and hit him with the pipe and shot him you have to block I'll play it again to make sure
  4. chic your a short skinny girl what are you talkin about your a real zorak man! is there something I don't know?
  5. I made the basic drwing for mine I will finish it up and post it soon
  6. Yuri


    just as they said and if they had long range weapons it would kinda be 1 sided like they would pic off people one by one instead of an actual battle
  7. Is it any monty python quote or just holy grail or flying circus oh I'm sorry this is abuse...
  8. I don't like spam!:flaming:
  9. you can go to gundamproject.com and order them. hobby links japan has good deals
  10. yeah for how much?:therock:
  11. (':bawl:')alright just helping people get the japaneese import master grades from 08th ms team and more I also have tips that are pretty simple for weathering hehe:demon:
  12. What gundam or MS would you like?:smirk:
  13. Hello I'm chained to a bunch of model kits and gundam hobbies and can tell you and even figure out how much money and what is the cheapest so keep me posted I have every gundam series model kits chained to me:mrt:
  14. I have no problem with it who ever does is immature. "once I got :blackeye: at school from this :butthead: for talking about it what is with that?
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