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Raccoon Chick

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Everything posted by Raccoon Chick

  1. I think I would marry one of these 3: 1) Nataku 2) Mirouku 3) Inuyasha How about you? :animesmil
  2. I simply adore raccoons! They're the sweetest! Don't you love their little furry tails??? :catgirl: Well, here you can talk about them! :D
  3. A very rare cooncat. It's a kind of calico. But it's face, fur, and tail have the shape and colour of a raccoon! Cool huh? :cool:
  4. I have. Tucker. He is just like my lil baby. :catgirl: He even sleeps right next to me in my bed. :animesmil He's the sweetest!
  5. :animeshy: I'm new here. Um... I don't really know what all is here, so, help! :animeswea
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