[QUOTE=Shinmaru]I really would not have minded if Nintendo had kept the cel-shaded look for the next Zelda game, since I thought Wind Waker looked absolutely incredible, but this is a good change of pace. I still think it's lame that other people are "ecstatic" that this isn't another Wind Waker style game, but oh well lol. I can see where they're coming from, in terms of that style maybe getting old if it's reused, I suppose, but definitely not because it wasn't a good look for the series.
In terms of voices, I agree with Charles; the supporting cast, I think, would be relatively easy to cast. I'm pretty sure most people's voices that they conjure up for Ganondorf sound relatively similar, as do their voices for Zelda and other characters. Link would be a bit harder to cast, I think, because people usually have their own distinct vision for a main character, at least in my experience. Keeping Link voiceless would probably be for the best.
As for the gameplay, well, I'm sure that it will turn out excellent and we'll at least see something new like we have with each preceeding game in the series.
EDIT: The video looked fantastic, as expected.[/QUOTE]
I think the point of the cel-shading was to try a new approach towards the zelda games and show everyone that graphics don't matter that much, that it's really more about gameplay. But most people just care about the graphics for a game and think it will be awesome. But look at old NES games. They may not have the best graphics in the world, but they last forever (if you take good care of your NES).