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    Great artist give me a picture give you a hand drawn copy
  • Occupation
    drawing pictures for people who pay

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  1. I think I know exactly what your talking about. It about an old man in some kind of new hospital bed but sorry i dont know the name :animeswea
  2. THe anime that got me hooked on anime in the first place would have to be Dragonballz but my all time favorite that caught me from the start was wolf rain [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][INDENT]inuyasha190236, since Otakuboards emphasizes conversation, posting answers without reasons is not permitted. For example, you could explain WHY Dragonball Z got you hooked from the start. You could also explain why Wolf's Rain is your [b]favourite[/b] anime that hooked you from the start. If your future posts don't fulfill these requirements, they will be deleted without warning. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or any of the other mods. -r2[/INDENT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [FONT=Arial Black][COLOR=DarkRed] If there are any people who can draw really good or just good I would really appreciate if you all could send me some of you guys works. See I have a scaaner that dosent work but if it did Id post up all my drawings. But anyway please send some of you guys pictures[/COLOR].[/FONT] :animesmil
  4. My reply is the same as icerose :cool: [INDENT][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]Hey inuyasha190236, Welcome to Otakuboards. Please take a look at our rules before continuing to post. They are located [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?]here[/url]. Since this is a conversation based board, you'll need to add more content to your posts as "fodder for conversation". If you're not looking for conversation, you might not be at the right board. If you have any other questions, feel free to PM me. Thanks -Arvi[/SIZE][/COLOR][/INDENT]
  5. If I could pick anyone it would tsunadae the 5 hokage off of naruto, she's strong, loyal, has great booooobs and shes very cute. :animenose
  6. When it comes to the oppisite sex i I really dont bother with anyone Id rather stay single that way I dont have someone jumpingon my back about doin the stuff i do. Plus sometime its just way tooooooo complicated. Also when your single you dont worry about yuor girl/boy friend hurtting you. :animeswea
  7. If yall really need to know my favorite anime is wolfs rain which is the best :mad: and my favorite manga is naruto im up to chapter 291 and waiting for the rest. :animeknow
  8. Naruto is my second all time favorite anime/manga, the first episode dosent show much but i've every single volume of naruto some of which have not yet been released yet in the US. For all of you who doubt the show your in for a big suprise as you keep watching. A suprising twist happens in the story with saskue and naruto change dramaticly. If you wanna check it yourself just go to [COLOR=DarkRed][link removed by moderator][/COLOR] its got almost all the episode, 291 chapters of the manga all all kinds of other cool stuff :animeknow
  9. If I could be anyone it would be Kiba off of wolfs rain cause I can compare to him more then anyone else Hes got a quite nature,losses his temper quite quickly, and if he wants something he wont give up intill he gets it.
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