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About AngelwingZero

  • Birthday 06/27/1989

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  • Biography
    Love Anime, Video Games and Computers
  • Occupation
    None at the moment

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  1. Who out there prefers this comic to teh Gundam SEED manga?
  2. The Gundam SEED manga is well drawn and follows the story fairly well, but is anyone else outraged at the artists cutting out most of the big battles from teh show? :flaming:
  3. I've just read RK 18 and the new story kicks ***. I seem to like it already beacuse this story never aired in the anime and if it di then Cartoon Network didn't show it. It looks really cool and i'm wondering how many books does this one go on for? :huh:
  4. Great show, Adult Swim NEEDS to get the rest of the episode soon! :worried:
  5. Honestly, i've never cried watching anime, but some have gotten me pretty close... Gundam 0080, when [spoiler]Bernie dies and Chris asks that when he drops by again, that he come see her and Al starts crying at the end.[/spoiler] In Gundam SEED when [spoiler] Mu, Nicol, Tolleand the M1 pilots die, from the manga[/spoiler] In Trigun when [spoiler]Wolfwood dies[/spoiler] In Vandread when [spoiler] Hibik finally tells Dita her name and confesses his feelings for her[/spoiler] In Gundam Wing EW when [spoiler]Heero says, "I will never hurt anyone ever again, because I don't have to anymore.."[/spoiler] In Char's Counter Attack when at the end, [spoiler]when you realized that pretty much every main character has died[/spoiler]
  6. Animne will never die, but if it did, a good chunck of me would die with it. The me and all the Otakus out there would go on a world destroying rampage, but it'd always stay with us in our minds and in our hearts :bash:
  7. People look at anime as childish because it's animation, people need to realize that just because it's a cartoon dosen't mean that it's for kids. Most anime's as you all know aren't for kids, they'd scar them at an early age or desensitize them to violence though. It's just like the video game industry, until some big scandal like GTA San Andeas' Hot Coffee mod, then people will see anime as a childish things and the people who enjoy it as freaks. :animesigh
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