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Everything posted by DeathKnight

  1. [quote name='Odin M Yggdrasi']Scary though, what this country would be like if the media celebreties took over the government...[/QUOTE] [color=crimson]I know, think about the crazy **** that could happen if an actor was president. They might try to put weapons in space or some other random crap, you know?[/color]
  2. [color=crimson]Clinton has momentum and generous face time. I have the opinion that it is not her issues that turn people off usually. I hear some people who think her platform is too centrist, or that she is playing to republican angles too much. The majority of the time people simply just don't like her. It's either her personality they hate, her using Bill's spotlight, and sometimes it's the concept of Bush-Clinton-Clinton-Bush-Bush-Clinton that worries people. Barack Obama is a really charismatic guy. He is youthful, and inexperienced. I understand worries about his inexperience. America has many issues right now that need to be sorted out one way or another, and an inexperienced president might not be able to handle it. I thought when he said that he would personally go and talk to other countries' leaders was actually a positive idea. I don't think the current status quo is necessarily getting America closer to any sort of agreement with Iran. It won't dramatically solve diplomatic problems, but it would be a nice overture and a move in the right direction. I've never understood Edwards always being third. I consider him to be a strong all around candidate for the Democrats. He doesn't polarize the electorate as Clinton does or appear like a greenhorn as Obama does. I think he would do very well against any republican contenders, and would be at least an above average president. I doubt America could do much worse than Bush. Clinton is a juggernaut. The Howard Dean comparison could be apt, but I think that was more of an accident (and abuse of a directional microphone). Giuliani would be tolerable as president. I have liberal views socially so none of the republican candidates are ideal to me, but I think he would be a powerful candidate on a national level and could duke it out with the democratic challenger evenly. The lovable I-didn't-vote-for-him governor of Texas (Rick Perry) has endorsed him even though he has pro-choice leanings about abortion. If Republicans can stomach the horrible concept of civil rights, I think he could come out on top. I don't know much about Romney or Thompson. I do know about Ron Paul since he is from Texas and I see Ron Paul stuff up across town already (early isn't it?). I think he is a pretty unique candidate to come out of the Republican party. I enjoy some of his views, but I don't know about his chances. I don't know about anyones chances. The Republican field is crowded with could bes. Romney, Thompson, and Giuliani seem to be the main contenders.[/color]
  3. [color=crimson]How about Radiohead releasing their newest album in a digital format where you pay what you want for it? They are one the biggest band who comes to mind who is experimenting with the internet like that. For those who don't know: Radiohead fulfilled their EMI contract with Hail to the Thief, and they decided to release their newest album digitally and in a 2 CD collector's set that includes additional material for like 30-40 bucks, if memory serves. They let you pay however much you want for the digital download. 0-10-20, whatever amount you feel is appropriate. I believe they intend to release a normal CD sometime next year as soon as they get sign a new record deal with a company. I don't know if they'll stop the digital download when they sign a contract, but I'd imagine it would change. Right now Radiohead gets nearly 100 percent of the amount you pay since they don't have to share it with a record label. Until those possible changes, you can have at it for whatever price you want.[/color]
  4. [quote name='Avenged666fold']Wow um your going a tad overboard aren't you?[/QUOTE] [color=crimson]No, EA is a notorious publisher not only from a gamer perspective but as an employer. The stories out of their development houses are pretty hard to take. Video game design can be sweatshop levels of hours sometimes, but some of the things that trickles out from EA is crazy. I don't believe that BioWare could ever make a ****** game, but EA's monolithic presence over them might cause the quality to dip a bit. I could use KOTOR2 as an example funnily enough. Obsidian was pressured by LucasArts to release it in time for the holidays. They cut out some content and released a slimmer product that wasn't finished as they had wanted it to be. After playing through it twice, you can really tell how cramped they were.[/color]
  5. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]If we had a vote, I think I'd be elected >_>[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=crimson]Yeah, well, we already voted and you handle rats. Life is tough in a democracy.[/color]
  6. [quote name='Jakehammaren']Again, this is a fact, not an opinion.[/QUOTE] [color=crimson]You know if you reverse "fact" and "opinion" that you have a statement based in truth there? Interesting![/color]
  7. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy'][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Now see, I can't deal with that. There was actully a time where I had removed my clothes, had already opened the porn folder and then realized the my brother's cat was in the room. I had to minimize the image, put all my clothes back on, pause the music, get the ****ing cat out of my room, re-lock the door, probably stub my toe or fall down my stairs since my room in innavigable in the dark, get all the clothes pack off, unpause .[B]..And the Great cold Death of the Earth[/B], bring 98-tan back to the screen (the one guy who understood that just shot milk out of his nose) and restart. At least I was pissed and ready to go like a ****ing steam engine.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=crimson]So you get butt naked to masturbate? Doesn't fit through your zipper or what? Jesus you must be huge. More like 2007Digital[B]Man[/B].[/color]
  8. [color=crimson]I go to St. Mary's University in San Antonio. The university sits as an oasis in one of the worst parts of town. It's old, and you can tell when the buildings were built as the architecture of the 1890s, 1930s and so on is very distinct from each other. The newest structure on campus is a bell tower. It was built with funds donated by the alums, and it's actually very nice looking. The campus is 180+ acres. It is heavily wooded and decorated with outdoor statues. The buildings range from modern, red brick architecture; to 50's/60's square, post modernism; to classic 1890s-1920s buildings with columns and statues of angels on top. It's a nice mix and shows the history of the college very well. It's 10 miles away so I just commute there. It ends up taking 20-25 minutes through traffic. The street I take is one of the main corridors on the north west side of town, and road construction in Texas is always crazy. I think we spend more on building highways and roads than anything else, lol. The [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trans-Texas_Corridor]Trans-Texas Corridor[/url] is some crazy ****. The university is small, which is one of the reasons I came here. The student to teacher ratio is something like 13 to 1. My largest class is a mandatory, core class with about 35 people. I guess some cool stuff about it: * It's prestigious. The law program and business school in particular are very well known. * It's hard to describe, but our business school has a room that has a large, real time stock ticker (connected to the NYSE I think) that is pretty sweet looking. It's similar looking to the digital one over time square, but much smaller of course. I can imagine it's really helpful for the business students, but just seeing it is pretty sweet. * Stir-fry. I love stir fry so this is a big positive for me. * Most of the staff and professors are very nice. I've only had one aggressive Dr. in the English department who rags on everyone, especially freshmen, who don't say "Dr. _____" even if it's your first time knowing them. I can understand if they do it week after week, but he has jumped on at least five or six people who had no clue he was a Dr. or someone they were speaking about was a Dr, lol. * Great scholarship. I guess I should explain why. Every April, San Antonio throws a giant city-wide party called Fiesta San Antonio (if you're a tourist) or Fiesta (if you know what's up). Every day for 10 days (two weekends) there are parties and events going on across the city. One of the [url=http://oysterbake.com/gallery/DSC_7048b.JPG]biggest parties[/url] is held at St Mary's and is called Oysterbake. It's a three day party with concerts every night, hundreds of tents of food and beer, and a carnival area with rides. Much of the revenue that St Mary's makes from that they pour into their scholarships, and many people who come here made that final decision just because St Mary's could offer them that extra cash. So, basically, I get a good scholarship and I get a good party. Win-win. Some cons: * It's not a secular institution, so Jesus gets plenty of air time around here. Thankfully they do not force a mandatory mass like some universities, but the Marianist message is pretty loud. * No anime club so far. Maybe I should start one. [/color]
  9. [color=crimson]Then there is that time when I used the wrong inside joke on the other amusing guy with an orange font that has so much to say. I think what we take away from this discussion so far is that: 1.) AzureWolf will make a mental note of when your sense of humor sucks. After passing on from this life, you will face his judgment and endure the proper punishment in purgatory. 2.) Make sure you know what the hell you're saying and to who. Inside jokes are confusing enough without saying them to the wrong people.[/color]
  10. [color=crimson]In sixth grade my best friend was named Michael. We had a recess period after lunch. One time he brought his game boy advanced to show me a game which was against the rules, but GBAs were pretty easy to hide in your backpack/pocket. A group of eight graders saw it though, made fun of him and told on him. They confiscated his game boy and Michael was really pissed. Inside the hallways after recess, he saw kind of the ringleader of the group of boys and started arguing with him. The older boy just kind of shoved him into the lockers. Michael was a good bit shorter than the older boy, but wouldn't drop it. He started hitting the older boy with a really sturdy looking binder and they started fighting. The older boy knocks the binder out of his hand and just grabs Michael by the throat. Up until this point I had been standing there telling the two of them to drop it and that it wasn't worth it to fight. Now Michael was being choked in front of me and I kind of didn't know what to do, lol. I remember telling him to let him the **** go or I was going to kick his *** or something to that effect. I was on par with the older boy in height and he threw Michael to the floor.. right as a teacher came around the corner. The older boy and Michael both got pretty bad ISS punishments for fighting in the halls. I don't think we could ever convince them that he was being choked. It was pretty wild for having started with a GBA.[/color]
  11. [color=crimson]This is the perfect time to get into the occult and bring an actual plushie to life for your little son or daughter. Let's get the sacrifices rolling. [Congratulations Tortor. ;)][/color]
  12. [color=crimson]You have to approach some things with protocol. A democratically elected head of state of a major regional power should be handled as such. His demagoguery would have come bubbling out of his mouth inevitably without lambasting him in an introduction. In the scheme of things, beyond being a young adult, there exits in the corporate, political and broader world unwritten and written rules of how to engage other parties. It's not all "brutal honesty rocks man". That mantra does not always work in complicated situations.[/color]
  13. [color=crimson]I'm slogging around in college and chilling otherwise. I'm writing papers, playing games, and chilling otherwise. I visit whenever someone lights up the DK-signal and alerts me to trouble.[/color]
  14. [quote name='MistressRoxie'][color=#9933ff]Don't make this a gender issue or I'll be all over your *** about it.[/color][/QUOTE] [color=crimson]That time of the month eh. ;) Cool, calm, collected, powerful. You don't have to sprout fur all over the place or smell bad. The night is your kingdom. Vampire sound aight to me.[/color]
  15. [color=crimson]Jumping off of cliffs also has been shown to have a higher rate of long-term suffering physically and psychologically. Many studies into the ramifications of jumping off of cliffs shows that it's much, much worse than smoking and can lead to death, broken bones, phobias, wounds, and pregnancy problems. I mean, really, smoking is very tame by comparison so I think most of us should get off of our high horses.[/color]
  16. [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman'][color=#9933ff][font=lucida calligraphy]I wish they'd try the no smoking thing in Las Vegas. Really when you're in some of the Casinos there you can smoke half a pack while you go through five dollars on the slot machines.[/color][/font][/QUOTE] [color=crimson]Yeah it's uncomfortable to have to deal with people's bad habits while gambling.[/color]
  17. [quote name='sakurasuka'][FONT="Arial"][SIZE="1"]Just a question though, what is it about breathing in tainted air that is so desirable? I'm not condemning it, I just would like to understand. Thus far people have only mentioned the calming factor, but there are plenty of things that are calming, I just don't see a point in smoking.[/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] [color=crimson]Tobacco smoking is recreational and social. You want a smoke? Yes or no, that still can start a conversation. Gives people something to do. Calms people down. Doesn't do much else but slowly poison you. Not seeing a point in smoking is a personal decision. Other people choose to see a point in smoking. Either way the one who chooses not to see a point in smoking will probably live to have that point of view longer so you win.[/color]
  18. [color=crimson]Plenty of my friends are smokers but I've never taken it up. My friend recently has gotten into smoking all natural smokes that he bought at some little mom and pop joint that he seems to like. Hookah is pretty popular and I've been meaning to try it but I just have not gotten around to it. Myself, I've only smoked a cigar every blue moon. I don't really care for the economics of the habit or the health issues but I am fine if other people want to plop down cash for it. The only drug I've ever had a serious issue with is the smell of marijuana I just can't stand that, lol. Cig smoke is pretty tame in comparison. Just make your own choices. Never forget that it will shave off years of your life though, that is just how it works.[/color]
  19. [quote name='The13thMan'][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]Are you taking the so-called "grilling" of skeptics as a negative? [/quote][/color][/font] [color=crimson]Skeptics are necessary. I specifically refer to the more sardonic and acidic skepticism that borders on derision - "The [b]overbearing enthusiasm[/b]..." of supporters in either camp, not the entire group of supporters or skeptics. Individuals who are so certain that anomalies that arise in studies are concrete, factual proof of psychics are also within that. I am touched by your empathy and advice to be smart. I will take it into firm consideration the next time I have to repeat my points in a post due to poor reading comprehension on the part of others.[/color]
  20. [color=crimson]The problem with parapsychology is that the two camps are so heavily divided any evidence of psychic phenomena is lauded by supporters and grilled openly by skeptics. This overbearing enthusiasm trickles down to supporters in either camp (The13thMan is proper evidence for this). Skilled con men abuse the enigmatic nature of parapsychology and take advantage of people. It's a bad show all around. Personally I can't really predict much in an unusual way. I plan but that's very mundane.[/color]
  21. [color=crimson]The latest in a lifelong series of strange nicknames is Deadweight. I was playing pool with some buddies and we split up into teams. I don't play pool that much and grill my poor pool-shooting skills as much as anyone. On my turn I had a chance to shoot the winning shot and one of my teammates yelled out "Come on Deadweight! You're our guy!" and, after I stopped laughing, I hit the shot which was probably a bad idea since it seemed to cement the nickname in place. So for about a month now in various circles I've heard the rallying cry "Go Deadweight!".[/color]
  22. [color=crimson]9/11 did affect you if you are an American. The ramifications of the event are not singular to the casualties and fatalities within the World Trade Center. It reaches out to the government's response and decisions made since then. I cannot imagine a situation where neither the Patriot Act, the War on Terrorism/War in Iraq, economic conditions since then or otherwise do not affect you if the tragedy itself doesn't. On a personal level I realize that this event will keep coming back in my life. My children will ask me about it and what it was like watching over a thousand people die on television in a live setting thanks to the wonders of the American media. It is hard to be attached to an image that you know is real when your mind is quite unable to wrap around the scope of what you are seeing. My mom woke me up and I turned on CNN. I pretty much just watched events unfold. I was thirteen and just witnessed it, the entire day of it. I can't say I particularly cried or really understood that I was watching something that would one of the most important events to occur in this country. I hope that the people who lost loved ones have come to some kind of closure by now and have a good handle on their lives.[/color]
  23. [quote name='Mr. Maul'][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1]They've been threatening to separate from Canada since WWII? Stop with the empty threats and get on with it already. I believe that if they truly were so serious about it, they would have done so by now.[/SIZE][/FONT][/quote] [color=crimson]They aren't empty threats, they have gone through multiple referendums regarding the issue of independence and the results have been teetering on the edge of securing their independence. As Canada is Democratic the bureaucratic process must be followed so progress is as you expect it to be. Quebec's heritage does belong to Britain, the territory Quebec sits on was taken by the British in the French and Indian War (along with all French territory East of the Mississippi). Their cultural heritage is very much so linked to the official language of Quebec which, noticeably, is not English. It is French. A point I'd like to put forward CHW is that you are American, not Irish or Gaelic. You speak English so yes you are already in line with your dominant culture - American culture, a culture whose cultural information is transmitted through the English language predominantly. Language is very much an aspect of cultural traditions. Looking at the oldest of writing systems, the Egyptian hieroglyphs, it's hard to imagine Egyptian culture without it. In fact as you watch the New Kingdom fade into Persian, Greek and Roman rule the use of hieroglyphs wanes matching the wane of independent Egyptian culture. Culture and language do go hand in hand.[/color]
  24. [color=crimson]1. No, I never celebrated my birthday as a kid. My parents raised me as a Jehovah's Witness. I literally celebrated my birthday for the first time yesterday, the 10th. 2. See above. I only have a handful of presents to go on, lol. 3. I'm 19. I don't know if it is how I live or how I view things but from 14-19 has felt like an eternity. The pace has not increased with time or with work. Life might not be endless but, optimistically, I'm not near a 70-90 year old 'natural' death. I have to double what I've already lived to be near 40, then double that once over. Nothing lasts forever but good times are still good times even with an ending. 4. Stop asking me questions I don't have an answer to.[/color]
  25. [color=crimson][b]Overlord[/b]- PC. This game is similar to Pikmin in general execution. It's got a fantasy story that begins with your forced 'rescue' [seemingly from death as you are in a tomb] by gremlins/goblins who immediately proclaim you as their new evil ruler. You set out to reclaim, at first, pieces of your destroyed lair [a massive spire in the sky] including smelters, a crane to reconstruct it and a power source to fuel it's magic. From there it spins out into a broader story that pits you against an increasing list of foes who seem, inexplicably, to know you. The four 'tribes' of gremlins/goblins you can get are simply called by color. Browns are fighters and can increase their ability to fight by looting armor and weapons from foes or broken vases/boxes or treasure chests. Reds can get you through obstacles that are in flames and can set foes on fire with a ranged fire attack and can only upgrade their armor from looting. Greens are your rogues and support browns by leaping onto the backs of enemies and stabbing them, they similarly can upgrade their armor and weapons as browns can. Blues are the only gremlins who can go through water without drowning, are magically resistant, and have the capability to resurrect any dead minions. The controls are fluid, which is very important, as any stickiness or slipperiness in moving yourself about while trying to command your ever-growing army [from a starting point of 5 I now control 35] would make fighting bosses or large groups of enemies punishing and annoying. The puzzles, usually involving figuring out what minion to send where and when, are simple but break up the action of watching your army beat the living **** out of everything that dares stand up to you. There are two moral paths in the game that boil down to 'benevolently evil' (similar to chaotic good in DnD) and 'evil-evil' (chaotic evil in DnD) which is affected by killing innocent people and several branching choices in the game. It's great fun.[/color]
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