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Everything posted by DeathKnight

  1. [color=crimson]Not too bad, I've been out the door in less than forty minutes before. Just depends on the size of your city, the time of day, the day of the week and your luck. My worst was actually going right when it opened, the line was out the door and it took an hour and a half. Just the luck of the draw, the other times have been in the middle of days and not been as bad for some reason. I guess everyone trying to beat the crowd makes a crowd. Do your research, make sure you have everything you need because every time I go there some idiot goes all the way through the line just to have the person at the desk inform them that they are missing something and cannot do what they wish until they have it. Wastes the time driving there, standing in line and driving back. Suckage.[/color]
  2. [quote name='Premonition'][COLOR="Navy"]Evolve? ha, that's funny because we're only evolving in terms of stupidity. War, government, and media, that's all there is to our culture.[/quote][/color] [color=crimson]Within the close minded realm you inhabit the three realms mentioned have made unreal leaps and bounds within the last century. Within warfare World War 2 revolutionized armored combat and introduced mechanized warfare. Large scale strategic and tactical aerial bombings also found their place within modern warfare in this war. The use of RADAR by the UK, the German's jet engines, the foundations of rocketry foremost in the Reich which allowed the exploration of the moon and stars. These have a basis in Warfare. De-colonization has had mixed and strange effects upon Africa and Asia. Many states have found their place on the globe within the last century. The fall of Fascism and the Soviet bloc has caused States with Democratic elements to become the most wide spread method of rule. The increased unity within the EU and similar, less successful movements in Africa and Latin America continue to move forward at a slow pace. Government has certainly changed since the opening moments of the 1900s when Monarchies controlled much of Europe and Asia. Within media you have radio, television, the internet and mobile phones. The increasing, subjective small nature of the world where communicating across the world seems relatively easy to do and perhaps can be done anywhere with the correct equipment. The negative connotations of 24h a day media cannot ignore the revolutionary concepts of having access to news, weather, sports, anything at all at your fingertips given the right money and equipment. Being able to call any telephone on the go, being able to access the internet without wires in increasingly larger areas and the very idea of the internet. If you choose to be so naively cynical at least take the time to appreciate what you are insulting.[/color] [quote name='Prem][color="Navy"']3 religions for one god, and look at us! We squabble over who is right. Is Jesus the messiah? Who knows anymore. If I remember correct, Jesus was Jewish not Christian. So huh? I am confused.[/quote][/color] [color=crimson]If I recall from my years as a JW, Jesus states that he is bringing down the old order of the Jewish ways and ushering in a new era. Yes, according to Christianity Jesus is the Messiah. No, people do believe in that and, from that point of view, 'know' that. And, yes, you are easily confused.[/color] [quote name='Prem][color="Navy"']Besides wold god really waste his time making veins and organs?[/quote][/color] [color=crimson]Yes, using human invention as an example to create a greater X you will create smaller x's if it is necessary to finish the product. Also a God's concept of time would be very much so hard to gauge by creatures limited to lifespans barely reaching into the centuries at the most extreme of points.[/color] [quote name='Prem][color="Navy"'] If he loves us so much than why does he take away the ones we love?[/quote][/color] [color=crimson]Within the narrative of Christianity Satan brings about a temptation upon Eve that ultimately leads to most of the suffering currently felt upon Earth. Alternatively, and to my point of view, Death is a necessity. Mortality and suffering serve a purpose, ruthless though it may be. The concept of a wise, all knowing God spending the time to tinker and create does not seem outlandish to me. Where we are headed within this tinkering is what interests me.[/color]
  3. [color=crimson]What an epic thread. Dragon Quest VIII- Epically involving, epically well crafted and an almost epic story. The graphics, I have a bias for cel shaded so bear with me, are just vivid and alluring. The gameplay is actually just pretty much the same as most RP games, it's the smaller touches within the battle system and exploring the world.. how some enemies just sit and lick themselves instead of attacking you, it's just the quirks in the system that make you enjoy it. The story was kind of standard fair (evil being does evil thing) but it was presented in a refined way that still held a twist and a turn. The characters were presented realistically enough to be engaging and the voice acting was SUPERB. Best voice acting I have heard in a long while, hands down. Dead Rising- Epic zombie assault, epic combat, epic weapons and a not too shabby story with multiple ways it can end. Assault zombies with a bench! A parasol, a lawn mower. If you must you can use real weapons.. uzis, sniper rifles, shotguns, katanas, chainsaws both large and small. The combat system and capability to produce items was neat and I never had much of a problem in slaughtering everything. The number of zombies everywhere just never ceased to amaze, especially once you hopped down into the basement garage area. Unreal. The story was well done although I thought it kind of melodramatically presented itself at times.. I guess zombie apocalypses end up being pretty melodramatic though.[/color]
  4. [color=crimson]I live on the Northwest side of San Antonio, TX which is part of SA that is just exploding in construction. My entire city is in a orgasm of expansion in almost every direction but the NW is really the focus of a great lot of it. People are nice in San Antonio and Texas at large. This area of town is pretty much just middle class and upper middle class. Plenty of whites, plenty of latinos. Few blacks and asians. The cuisine here is divine. Tex-Mex is just the best cultural mish mash I have ever had the pleasure of partaking in. What to do? Whatever you want. There's at least four malls within reasonable driving distance. Plenty of movie theaters. Can always take a trip to the Botanical Gardens, Zoo, the Witte Museum, the McNay Art Museum or just go chill on the River Walk (which is awesome to see at [url=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/8/8a/Riverwalk_Christmas_05.JPG]Christmas[/url]. Tourists usually mill around the River Walk or the Alamo, I don't usually see them too far away from those two attractions. The Alamo is basically what you'd imagine to be- an old building with a funny shape. It's fun enough to see once but living here I can't ever imagine visiting it regularly, lol. Live music is pretty huge here but not to the level of Austin. Can always find local bands playing at bars and clubs around town, major/minor tours seem to stop by either here or in Austin which is close enough to just drive to. San Antonio is pretty big on parties. Every April the entire city throws a Fiesta celebrating the victory at the Battle of San Jacinto (secured Texas independence and ended the revolution successfully) and the heroes who died at the Alamo. It's a big multicultural festival with dozens of events every night of Fiesta. Last Fiesta I went to.. let's see, I went to a Blues festival called a Taste of New Orleans held at an outdoor amphitheater which was awesome. Cajun food is great, I had funnel cakes and cajun shrimp. I wanted some gator but the booth lady was out of it and seemed very persistent in giving me the shrimp instead. I also attended a German beer festival and tried some fresh German beer from kegs which was good, had plenty of bratwurst and the like. I went to a giant Oyster Bake which was one of the most awesome things ever. Hundreds of people in every direction, three concerts going on at the same time (one stage was rock, one country and the other blues), tons of good food. The last event I went to was a giant art exhibit that had all these regional artists selling their artwork at this lovely art school sitting along the River Walk. Very talented artists, the hand crafted jewelry put most of the stuff you see in stores to shame. Not sure what else to say. It's always time to party down in the Alamo City and there aren't too many jerks. Can't get much worse than that.[/color]
  5. [quote name='Aaryanna'][COLOR="goldenrod"][B]EDIT:[/B] Oh and I've updated my previous post, since I was trying to be sarcastic/funny, not condescending. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=crimson]Don't worry about it. Sarcasm gets lost in text at times. I just have dealt with plenty of people being really immature about those who choose to do recreational drugs, like it's the most horrible stigma in the world. If they start to abuse it then, yeah, it's really horrifying to watch. Otherwise it's just another thing people do with their money and their time.[/color]
  6. [quote name='Aaryanna'][COLOR="goldenrod"]Well all this has only made my desire to [I]never[/I] use pot even stronger.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=crimson]Stop sounding condescending. It doesn't make you superior to not do marijuana or other 'soft' drugs. It does not make you superior to do them. Personal choice, that's all.[/color]
  7. [color=crimson]Personal choice is my anti-drug. I just choose not to do drugs. I have plenty of druggie friends though, they're alright. Couple of underage drinkers, plenty of smokers, a few neo-hippies. Marijuana smells like crud though. I got into kind of a playful debate with this pothead who insisted it smelled good and I just couldn't agree with him, it smells horrendous. I was at my friend's house one time playing games and we had the sliding door from the outside into the room open for some fresh air. His roommate at the time started smoking pot and opened up the window in his room to air it out.. which was right next to the sliding door, lol. That smell just flooded into where we were and we had to ask him to close his window. Stuff like cocaine, I know several people who have started doing cocaine and it utterly destroyed them. I'm cynical and I doubt that all of the people in this thread will stay drug free, especially people under the age of 18-20 who are just preaching what their parents and schools have told them to. If you do get into drugs watch out for cocaine and heroin, those two drugs are currently destroying a couple of acquaintances I know almost completely. Just stay away from that. It's trouble, that's one of those drugs where I can say I've watched a dramatic spiral downwards occur. No preaching, just what I've watched personally. Shrooms, tokes, stuff like that is not something I have any strong opinion on. Haven't seen any destroyed lives from that kind of thing, those stories are out there though. If you choose to do that, go for it. They've started selling Salvia around here recently in some shops, lol. That's a pretty fun legal drug from what I've heard. People tell me about the strangest trips though. This guy described how he was like part of this ball of humans. They were all naked, holding hands and feet and just rolling along the ground. I wasn't too sure of how to respond to that so I just chuckled at him. Might be worth a try for some people out there who like to trip, it's a pretty unique drug history wise. It was used by Shamans in Mexico to produce spiritual visions and has been legal in most States for a decade or more now. I guess that skirts by being part of your "anti drug" if you want it to. I love hearing people's trip stories so if you've got some, toss me a PM. They're always amusing. The brain can produce some weird images with the right touch.[/color]
  8. [color=crimson]Front right pocket: Keys. Front left pocket: Cell phone and a pen. Back left pocket: Wallet with cash, cards, DL, condom, other essentials. I operate under the presumption the apocalypse won't occur if I don't carry around every single remotely useful item I own.[/color]
  9. [color=crimson]Texas' beaches are awesome. Unfortunately due to climate change there is the possibility they won't be here forever but uh, for now they rock. Corpus Christi, Port A, Galveston, South Padre. All a short drive away. I'm not sure about all these beach nay sayers. Nothing quite beats the beach at night for me, especially if you are situated right along it and you can open up the window to your hotel/condo to let the sound of the waves just lull you to sleep. I'm not much for just sitting on the beach, but I going out bay fishing or deep sea fishing is a trip as well. Deep sea you pull up some interesting stuff from the ocean's depths.. this is only applicable if you don't get sea sick though. I've watched people try to get on boats and the looks on their faces as they slowly realize they're getting sea sick. Nasty business. I can burn easy but I use good sunblock and reapply often enough to limit my burns to almost nada. I'm pretty white around the shoulder/back area too so it'd be pretty easy to just fry me without sunblock. When I do slip up and reapply too late or just ignore it I regret it though. I'm not really one to go swimming in the ocean either, it just doesn't interest me as much as taking a swim in a pool or freshwater rivers/lakes for some reason. I could see some interest in snorkeling somewhere.. maybe once or twice. Anyway, plenty to do at the beach other than just sitting and staring at it.[/color]
  10. [color=crimson]OB is a message board. The members of the community are diverse and are clumped together, spread out between the US/Canada, Europe and Australia/NZ. Their personalities vary. There are self centered, misguided people who relish being dramatic as if addicted to it. There are people who turn the most common conversations into extensive spiels. There are more normal people and more eccentric people. There are morally conscious individuals, there are amoral individuals. Heads butt, friendships exist. Some cannot stand others. The attitude you have towards it is your own. I come to OB to talk. If this site falls by the wayside, if it turns into Gaia Online, if it does this, it does that; it will do that. It's plainly obvious there is a plethora of actively concerned people who take this site into deep consideration in their lives. I enjoy this site. I've met fine people here, some I've known for years. There are memories here, yet I cannot find it in myself to reach that level of seriousness when certain discussions arise. Discussions where people sound so legitimately alarmed at the possibility that this web site might do this, might do that; are so serious about the fate of this site. I do not mind that effort I just do not find it appealing to join. If I can come here and talk then it's fulfilled it's label of "message board". If there are discussions, I might join them. One sentence, one paragraph, one page. Netspeak, english. Anime, politics, history, what kind of tea you like, Lord of the Rings Online. It's all conversation to me. I'll leave the serious deliberations to those who have the time and honest want to do so.[/color]
  11. [color=crimson][b]The Puppy[/b] A puppy sat on my door step. "It's alright." It said and looked up to me. "It's a long way." "Isn't it though?" I asked and sipped my coffee. "It's a long, long way." My eyes stared listlessly at him. The rain continued to pour. The dark sheets slid effortlessly down, down, down.. down. My front yard was cut into several pieces by streams of run off. "I didn't really expect much." He said and scratched his ear. "You never do." I looked into my coffee and at my reflection. "It's a flaw of yours." The streams grew in size and began to overtake one another like snakes devouring their young. "A flaw.." The puppy laughed at this. His tail wagged with great speed and he shook his head. "No, not quite. What is there to expect?" "You are never exasperated." "Indeed." The collective streams spoke aloud. "Well," The puppy glanced between myself and the streams, "I don't see how being calm is much of a fault at all." "Are you really?" The streams asked and formed one large lake just below my footsteps. A whirlpool erupted in the center of it. The trees in my front yard creaked and groaned before falling one by one into it. I glanced at the rest of my coffee and made a face. Too strong. I threw it out into the whirlpool and watched it disappear into the whirlpool. A small sapling followed it. "Am I really what?" The puppy took a step back from the edge of my porch. "Calm. You seem to get nervous at random, but nervous none the less." I grumbled as my car lurched hesitatingly into the gaping maw of the whirlpool. "Hey." I said. "Sorry. I'm quite hungry." The whirlpool replied. I sighed. "It's alright. I didn't much like that car anyway." "Nervous?" The puppy snorted. "Very rarely do I get nervous." "That last panic attack was fun for you, wasn't it?" The whirlpool foamed in laughter. "Very rarely do I get nervous." The puppy repeated himself. "Not true!" A large tree struggling against the whirlpool joined the conversation. It was a Chinese tree of some sort my mother had planted. It was very wise. "Not true in the least, you wish you were calm all the time." "A wish, idle wish." The whirlpool added. "No." The puppy laid down and closed his eyes. "No." He opened one eye. "No. What about you? You have your own problems." "Hardly." The tree's branches shifted defiantly. "Name one." "Just last week!," The puppy jumped up and glared at the tree, "Just last week you were complaining to me!" The tree guffawed. It's leaves shifted violently as it did. "Ah ha." The stream saw an opening and the waters violently struck the tree. It screamed and toppled over into the water and began to spin around the vortex. "Damn it, look what you've done." The tree said and pointed to the puppy as it spun. "That's what you deserve." "You two should resolve your differences." I said and shook my finger at the puppy. "Now is not the time to fight." The tree began to disappear into the whirlpool and with one last breath yelled, "Do not weep!" before falling down into the darkness. "Weep, heh. For him?" The puppy sat down. "Who would?" The water lapped over the edge of the front porch and I stepped back into my house. I turned to the puppy. "Would you come inside?" "No." The puppy said with a sigh. "I'll stay here." "Alright." I closed the door and watched the waters rise up. The puppy stood and waded out into it. He began to circle 'round. He did not cry out. He stared up into the gray sky. "I am very sorry." The said quietly. "It's alright. I'm weary anyway." The puppy tilted his head slightly. "Weary and ready for some sleep." I opened the door and opened my mouth to say something to him. He looked and shook his head no at me, rendering me silent. "Very rarely do I get nervous."[/color]
  12. [color=crimson]Whole lotta ice tea gets tossed around in Texas so I drink tons of that. I also brew chai, green, earl grey and random teas that I pick up at the local stores. I own a french press and a grinder so I just grind up enough for a cup or two or three depending on company or what I need to drink. My parents drink a great lot of instant and that stuff is actually mediocre and not too terrible. I usually drink it black or with a bit of cream or splenda in it. At Starbucks I get chai tea lattes constantly. It's the only thing I get there, lol.[/color]
  13. [color=crimson]I'm pretty carefree, lol. I've already met several OBers IRL over time and have remained open to continuing to do so. Anti and uh.. what was that guy's name, ****. I dunno, some other guy. Cyke I think. Mitch - Coffee somewhere would be cool. Mitch is as much a complicated entity as any other, I am well aware that he is actually as normal as anyone else and has a pretty wicked sense of humor. The deeper sides of him that are forcibly displayed on OB 95 percent of the time are just a tidbit. Aaaarrrrayanananaananabanana_Mom - It would be hilariously amusing to meet this OB-mom. She's well spoken. Well informed. Beyond anyone else most of the time, it seems. Josh- An old bud of mine, if I'm ever at AE or in Cali it would be fun to say what's up and scare him in person. It's weird to come to realize that I've known Mitch and Josh for like half a decade, lol.[/color]
  14. [color=crimson]I'm hoping for Heath blizzard, myself.[/color]
  15. [color=crimson]Beauty is subjective to personal taste. There are popular trends as to what is beautiful but not every person on Earth will ever find one person, scene, piece of art or otherwise as beautiful. For me, well. Beauty is everywhere in small and large ways. The grand scheme of a city's hum and rush can be beautiful as can be a small flower in a field. A girl can be beautiful, she can say beautiful things. Some things have more beauty than others and some have none to me. In general most scenes, people and things can have beauty upon and within them.[/color]
  16. [color=crimson]There are some customers that are either innately unhappy or have had a bad day, there is never a universal, sunny demeanor no matter where you work. Selling clothes, selling flowers, printing things, making sandwiches, running a theme park ride. Some people will just be pricks no matter what you do. Currently I'm not in retail, I work at a sub sandwich place. It's a step above Subway/Quiznos and a step below a really nice, expensive deli. Food service is a sister to retail. It's worse in some ways and better in others. I have a really good knack for knowing when someone is a *****, there is body language and vocal indications as to when I've got a poorly mooded person on my hands. I just try to give them service and get them out the door as soon as possible. This works for me since I'm not selling clothing, electronics or anything that requires great interaction with the customer- I'm just asking what vegetables and condiments they'd enjoy on their sub. That doesn't inspire much confrontation between the customer and I. Being nice usually gets at least a neutral response back. A smile, a how do you do and sometimes I just start a conversation that lasts throughout me making their food. As a consumer I understand that the people I'm dealing with are generally not to blame for circumstances. They're the end of the chain of my experience in the store, not the head of it. I just hope they try to do their job as best they can and try not to be too demanding of someone since I've been on the receiving end of such behavior. Having a nice trip to the store is partially subjective to your attitude. If you don't like shopping or have ignorantly high expectations for the store involved then you probably aren't going to enjoy your shopping. For example I have political and economic opinions that disagree with conspicuous consumerism and wasteful dealings in Capitalism so at times when walking through a store I start to get a negative taste in my mouth. Thankfully I'm not dull in the head and I don't take it out on the people who work there, lol. They aren't at fault. Some things are greatly affected by how you view them.[/color]
  17. [color=crimson]This thread needs more turtles. [img]http://a7.vox.com/6a00d41417641c685e00d4141de29f3c7f-pi[/img][/color]
  18. [color=crimson]I'm not really sure how to react to only being classified as a troll thus far. I should find a bridge to live under.[/color]
  19. [quote name='2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange']Whereas my old profiles never got any attention, these days everyone knows who i be.[/COLOR][/quote] [color=crimson]Walking down the street I know Mike the smelly hobo will be yelling at people, fighting another hobo or taking a nap as I have been forced to deal with him so many times. That does not make him the superstar of the street. It makes him Mike the smelly hobo. Do not confuse hobodom with superstardom.[/color]
  20. [color=crimson]"I would post and critique but people seem to not be critiquing"? This thread breathes as you wish it to. That is all there is to it. It does not have any driving force beyond what is invested into it. Mitch, DB. Don't start up again. You know the line between literary criticism and cyclical personal attacks. I didn't think the two of you needed a babysitter so don't devolve to that. The literature in this thread can be up to a short story's length, the format is of the author's choosing as is the content.[/color]
  21. [color=crimson][b]Method 13[/b]: Use an Army of Flying Monkeys Using an army of flying monkeys to strong-arm your way into OB stardom is a concrete and well-used method of acquiring fame. Strutting your stuff physically or proving your intelligence is far too common for the likes of you. Simply arrive with your simian posse in tow and watch the compliments, friend invites and PMs roll in. Weaknesses: Whole lotta falling poo. Your mentors: Sephiroth, Sara, DeadSeraphim.[/color]
  22. [color=crimson]I'd like to thank Shy for approaching me and asking me questions about my history here to write an article for me. He endured my ranting, off topic responses to write this lol.[/color]
  23. [color=crimson][img]http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/8377/l2a7eb6d3acee9d005f5e5awu6.jpg[/img] Casual in the living room. That last picture is very ominous 2k7digitalboy.[/color]
  24. [color=crimson]Role Playing on Otaku Boards Role playing games on OtakuBoards have been a concrete, popular hobby for many members over it's existence. The amount of threads waxes and wanes continually but it never seems to cease. To role play effectively in the earlier days of the board all you needed was a keyboard and fingers. These role plays were usually sillier, lighter affairs with posts ranging from a sentence to, at most, a couple of poorly written paragraphs. While I call them 'poor' now at the time it was a great deal of fun. Over time, however, a evolution occurred within the boards itself. Currently there is a very pointed focus on maintaining a rough level of quality and coherence throughout the boards. This was instituted over a period of time and affected the role plays of the board considerably. Extensive sign up sheets and back stories were not always the norm. Today's role plays are usually quite well written and structured. With the ability to have an underground thread plot points, information and conversation or other out of character affairs the threads are generally much cleaner in appearance and are more guided. Though not every role play is successful or high in quality the good fun of role playing has not diminished from prior times. Trivia - *Fads are a common sight within the forum. They usually accompany something popular of the moment- DragonBall Z, Inuyasha, Pokemon, Digimon, X-Men and Naruto are a few worth mentioning. *The list of good role players is extensive and includes such names as Raiha, Final Flash, Rico, ShyGuy and Gavin. *Letting people using an image for their appearance is dull and a cop out. (;)) ~-~ Open for edits, additions and otherwise.[/color]
  25. [color=crimson]Untitled - PG Calm riot daze Sitting in a haze Little mocking bird of hope Is it helping you to cope He goes for bread Take off his head Blood is gonna drop around But it will not make a sound Give me a key Hoping I can see Black and dark is fine enough Only if you like it rough Kiss in the park One crude remark A pretty princess like you are I will never ever scar Such great skills Show me all your ills Breaking down to pieces fine Spread me down along the line Light me a match What a great catch Start a fire let me go You will never miss me so Build a tower gray Let the people pray God will grant them all a wish Make an emblem of a fish Hope for the end Take along a friend Hold her hand to your heart close Tell her that you love her most Watch the world alight A star shining bright No more people smile now Darkness is what we allow You have my heart Hope it will start Wait now for a piercing light So we might escape the night.[/color]
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