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Everything posted by DeathKnight

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by mornigndew [/i] [B]Here is the series question about love. 1. What is love? 2. Do you believe Love conquer all? 3. Do you ever love someone? I'm not good at this, someone can make more good question about this topic.:D [/B][/QUOTE] 1. i dont think any human can really explain what love is.... 2.yes... 3. i loved someone.... .... somehow i lost her.... ....
  2. i jus got ff9 and i havent been here on the boards... all i did was play it O.o.... constant... no sleep... only caffine...
  3. He might have been wrong but it doesnt give u the right to call him names, you are lowering urself to his level. You are a mod and as a mod people look up to you. If you cant say anything nice.... then dont say anything at all....
  4. MTV's Jacka$$ is number one... then... Whos Line is it anyway... Then any show on Discovery.... and thats my top 3.... O.o...
  5. i voted for *train rolls by* yea... well now u know who i voted for... :p
  6. i like vegeta cuz he gots the attitude....
  7. are on morpheus.... they are around 50000 kb... or less.. or more... depends on the video.... These videos have Ken's Seal of approval -.-; Dbz Music Vids: Crawlin-Linkin Park When Worlds Collide- Powerman5000 Limp Bizkit Be Like That- 3 doors down Stupify-Disturbed Last Resort- Papa Roach Pardon me- Incubus Intergalactic- Beastie Boys Rammstein Blue Monday-Orgy Tiger Stlye -Wu-tang-clan Godsmack Look up the exact words "DBZ Video" and you will find these and a few others...
  8. my favorite thing to do is study HTML coding online... uhh... and create web pages... and study computers... no i'm not a nerd... and yea i'm only 13... o.o...
  9. i was gonna get Tatics at best buy and i couldnt find it... i asked the guy if they had it in stock... he said one second.... then he made this weird face.... he said "Um... for some reason we sent all the Final Fantasy Tatics games back... and we wont be carrying this game anymore...." O.o...
  10. the study of the writings of philosophers ( Sp )
  11. this isnt funny... thanks to reading this i went and i have a neopet.... o.o....
  12. You should have a "depends" option on your poll
  13. * walks in * Ken: All boy bands suck... * a army of teenage girls form behind him * Ken: ****.... Teenage Girls: GET HIM!!!! * ken runs as the army runs after him *
  14. DBZman and warlock... warlock? O.o Warlock is tied for the lead? o.O!...
  15. my sig is my name, my ppl i am watching/ppl i will slay/friends/cool list... and.... O.o... uh....my aim SN... my hotmail adress.... and a little quote that changes....
  16. Ken Thinks: Damn.. bein in the sewers will dirty my truck up... And i just got it washed! *they ride deeper into the sewer...* and it smells like **** in here.... but it pays... oh well
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] And you already changed your sig lol [/B][/QUOTE] :p yup lol
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Will2x [/i] [B] this page has gotten alot of views too. i bet there all pissed off :D [/B][/QUOTE] That is true.
  19. i hate all boy bands till the day it snows in hell....
  20. Ken: uh? hmm wheres my vehicle... *staring at the full area full of vehicles...* Ken: Theres my truck!! *Ken drives out in his 4x4 Red Truck with camper* Ken: what are we waitin for?
  21. DeathKnight

    Otaku War

    *kens sword floats upward near kens dead body and flys to the battle field and plunges into the ground right in the center of the front lines....* *its glows and turns into a small tree....* *the tree has the mark that was on his shirt....* *those on the battle field stop fighting.... and look at the young life that was lost...* *and so ends.... kens part... in this epic battle* :)
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