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Everything posted by DeathKnight

  1. DeathKnight

    Otaku War

    *teleports away in pain* *draws ancient longsword* *teleports infront of craig and slices his knee open* *teleports away again and takes care of his wound*
  2. It might not have been the mod... the person that started that could have deleted it because it says... Delete? To delete this post, check the box to the left and then click the button to the right. [B]Note: deleting this post will result in the deletion of the entire thread if this post is the first post in the thread.[/B]
  3. *sigh* on every message board i have been on they tell me that aight... sorry... *shuttin up....* also.... i dont have anywhere else to go really.... so... i am on alot... and its not always double posting.....
  4. its 2:47 here.... sleep is evil no sleep sleep= bad i never sleep lol
  5. *looks* nothing happenin at the closed padded room like before.... nothing happenin anywhere... thats the problem... Where is everyone?!?!!?!
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gold_Angewomon [/i] [B] Mhm. Good idea. *puts sunglasses back on* *puts on a black jacket* let's go. :cool: [/B][/QUOTE] *walks outside* *looks around* .... its quiet.... too quiet....
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gold_Angewomon [/i] [B] Thanx. :) Well, we've finished a mission, and there's no one to fight... What shall we do? Cards? Chess? Another mission? :confused: [/B][/QUOTE] i dunno O.o..... lets see... wonder if theres anything goin on we should go take care of... *puts on his fbi sunglasses*
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gold_Angewomon [/i] [B]*sits and reads DK's siggy* Hey, cool! You put me in your cool list. heh. Thanx! :D [/B][/QUOTE] yup.... ur a very cool person..... :cool:
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gold_Angewomon [/i] [B] G_A: Heh. Relax. I'll take care of this. I'm with the FBI, too. *winks* ;) *goes ssj2* *flies out the door* :smirk: [/B][/QUOTE] *hears explosions happenin outside* DK: wonder whats happenin.... *dk sits and fidgets....*
  10. *the three ssj pplz fly by* *dk walks in ssj* DK: i give up.... let them break into the padded room... *sits down* DK:.....
  11. nothing else for me to do but pretend i am a ssj fbi agent O.o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *lil hell 4t ssj babe and ssj chic fly by as super saiyens* *DK comes by in ssj3....* DK: -.-....
  12. *two ssj women fly down the hall* *walks down the hall* *is ssj2 and his shirt is ripped off and his sunglasses are off his suit is ripped in several places and has several cuts and bleeding wounds* DK: darn ssj chics... *takes out walkie talkie* in pursuit.... *goes to full power * *chases after ssj chic and babe*
  13. system of a down, slipknot too :cool:
  14. *runs by with ssj chic and lil hell 4t and ssj babe in custody dragged behind him* DK: shouldnt have tryed to bust in the padded room *takes them down the hall....*
  15. *dk holding jacket hears something from FBI hq* DK: roger that *holding coat runs out...* *returns a few minutes later with a sniper rifle and night vision goggles* DK: disturbance in padded room.... it is closed.... it is reported several ppl are trying toget back in.... roger that... *pushes button on watch and a coat rack comes out dk hangs coat up neatly* *with sniper rifle in hand and night vision goggles on he runs down the hall* GA: *sweat drop*
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gold_Angewomon [/i] [B] G_A: *looks at ken, like he's a maniac* :eek: Dude, you're scaring me... *sweat drop* *starts singing Yasashii Ama* *sweat drop* Woah. Weird. He's got me singing now... Leona: *starts singing Aud Lang Syne* *stops singing* weird... Everyone else: *starts singing Jingle Bells* Everyone: *stops singing* *Starts screaming* [/B][/QUOTE] *after everyone stops screaming* Ken: jingle bells.... lalala..... G_A: stop there.... shut..... *sweatdrop* Ken: erm oops *shuts up*
  17. *dude runs back by* *his footsteps can be heard thru the hall* *dk comes by again* *everyone points* DK: thank you for your co-operation with the government.... *Draws pistol and runs down the hall*
  18. *dude runs by door gasping for breath* *dude looks in and says something* *dude looks back and screams and runs* *DK walks by door with a black suit on and sunglasses anda pistol drawn* DK: Excuse me i am with the FBI, did u see a man walk by? Everyone: uhh... he went that way.... DK: thank you, and u didnt see anything here today got it? Everyone: ok... sure **talks out walkie talkie** DK: in pursuit of escaped convict 001785..... *runs after man*
  19. *pushes buttons on his watch* *a few beds pop out* *with alarm clocks*
  20. *stands there in the silence* *starts fidgeting* *starts singing* Ken: dont count on me.... to let you know when.... dont count me... i'll do it again.... dont count on me..... its the point your missin.... dont count on me... cuz i'm not listenin..... *everyone stares at ken* *ken shuts up*
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gold_Angewomon [/i] [B]k, back! And i'm over the shock of losing the padded room. sorta. Well, I'm ready to start the battle, but you're not on. So, we'll try and finish this in the morning! :D [/B][/QUOTE] AIGHT finally *pushes the little red button on his watch* *chair pops out with bag of chips* god i love this watch...... *sits down* *waits till morning*
  22. .... all the best sites that are in the top 100 that are dbz related are at [url]www.anime100.com[/url] ....
  23. DeathKnight

    Otaku War

    *teleports and helps ssj chic up* *teleports to the cliff* Ken:.... 3 snipers.... Ken: this.... should be good..... *ken meditates while things are quiet on the front lines*
  24. 1.Transtic 2. monday the 15th 3.The Thread "Killer Mail" 4.Robert 5.Phantasy freak 6.Pokemon Forum 7.Lauren
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=orangered][size=1]Okay, Yoda. :D [/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] You did not use the force ........ :p
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