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Everything posted by DeathKnight

  1. guys arent evil? O.o i'm evil o.O fear me :p
  2. I am finally here, the place where i started, i am about to die, as the others cry... i begin to think about my past... when i got married, thinking of when i get buried... my life was short... i lived it to the full... most of it was just bull... the ones i loved are near me... i have fear... for it is near... i am going... may god rest my soul... as i die i remember, that day in september... when i met my wife... and the rest of my joyous life.... it is time... say good bye... and i die while they cry, i die... happy...
  3. People Die, People Cry, People Sigh, People lie. People Live, People Give, People Take, People Are Fake, We are People, All the same, some have fame, others are lame, but we are people. people divided, people under provided, starving, dieing, slowly.... as we sit in our house quiet as a mouse, thinking why o why does god let the children cry and the people die... Live in constant fear, they are near, coming slowly, nearer and nearer, they come... with their guns... the children cry at night, at the bright lights, in the sky... then they are silenced as the light comes down, they frown, as it comes, and they die... why god... why The tears of god, are the rain. as he sees his children crying, the people he loves dieing. the things he made, and as they fade away... the thunder is his voice... as he makes the choice to remain unseen... till the time is right, when we shall see the light...
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=orangered][size=1]I am? It'd normally be pretty difficult for me to respond to this kind of thread...since my name is pretty self evident...[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] hey james, what is your name? :p
  5. USSJ the hair is the best IMO
  6. Being humans and looking at our past we can only wonder if it will ever get better?
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Pastbyer [/i] [B] That's what I was trying to say. Sorry but I have a difficulty with expressing my feelings and thoughts. [/B][/QUOTE] btw, your on my cools peoples list, congratz... all the cool ppl that make it on my list get these *gives Pastbyer a pair of sunshades* :p :D
  8. i am THE PRANK MASTER... every holiday.... my neighborhood boards up their houses and pull out machine guns with dobermanns to keep me away O.o spotlights go across the yard looking for me o.O i celebrate April Fools Day as the day when the world fears me :D
  9. age of empires 2 age of empires 2 conquerors expansion C&C Tiberian Sun C&C RA2 1602 A.D Earth 2150 Lineage The BloodPledge (MMRPG) Warcraft 2 Starcraft (brood wars also) i am the war game type
  10. i dont care if ur chinese or black or white, mexican, or german your a person with feelings its your personality that counts
  11. i am mexican, indian, and black, so with the history in my blood i can say White People did alot to my blood anscestors, but i am part white also.... weird blood mix.... alot of minorities...
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Pastbyer [/i] [B]There are times when I get flashes of pictures when I sleep and then they really happen. Like last night I had a vision of myself drawing this chart in my Science book, and today the teacher made us do a chart on the rocks on Earth. It's kinda weird. [/B][/QUOTE] that happens to me too i'll dream something then a few days later i'll do it... and i'll think... Deja Vu! o.o
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Blanko_el-miez [/i] [B]i am a jehovas witness we belive that when armagedon comes bad leaves and good stays and i have been told that only jehovas witnesses that have the right heart can stay here is a scripture from our bible The new world translation of the holy scritures revelation chapter 21 verse 4 And he will wipe every tear from their eyes and death will be no more neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be any more the former things have passed away so hay its so touching *sigh*wow well thats what i belive [/B][/QUOTE] actually.... thats what i am too o.o
  14. last night i dreamed i was a super saiyen and i was training on earth... that was a cool dream.... then reality hit when my alarm went off for school....
  15. i had a nightmare once that was so scary i woke up screaming.. i was in my house... but everything was pale white.... the couch, walls... all had blood spattered on them... then i looked on the couch and my parents were corpses.... sitting there as corpses... i looked out the window and it was day, but there was no sun... dead birds were flying over with a menacing bird call... then everything was quiet... and a bloody hand came out from undead the carpet and grabbed me and pulled me under..... i have weird ones too i dreamt i was godzilla O.o and i dreamt i was a girl o.O and i dreamt that i lived on the moon... and... etc haha
  16. ah yes interesting beliefs... i like mine tho no sickness... or death... my granpa jus passed away... hear him talk... and his laugh... .... .... .... .... .......
  17. oh and i believe that when u die... just that... ur dead... u dont think... u cant speak... u dont feel pain... your just dead... your soul dies with you, i believe you are a soul... and if u get ressurected then thats great if u dont... ur dead....
  18. my house has been in the forest for 13 years and i know all the hiding places trails etc... so i'd get my @$$ in the woods and hide
  19. i believe in a god... named jehovah and he has a son, Jesus... and he uses the holy spirit as his active force... and i believe at a set time all sickness and death will go away and he will raise from the dead those that were good ppl... not any evil ppl... and.... yea... gives me something to live for....
  20. i dont care if your black, white, brown skinned.... or purple skin..... i dont care if your gay, i dont care if your a girl, or a guy all ppl are the same just with little differences some talk deeper than others some are skinny some are kinda big sort tall girl guy it doesnt matter... we all breathe.... eat.... sleep... we all bleed the same blood.... are we all... so different that we cant get along? or be nice to our fellow man? .....
  21. db was a comedy then it turned serious in DBZ but some parts are still pretty funny in DBZ
  22. congratz again, thats a very good achievement (sp o.o)
  23. oh yeah i guess it would help if i could hear you better... *picks up ssj and puts her in his hand* *puts ssj up to his ear* what happened? o.o
  24. i dont talk at all O.o what ppl think doesnt matter its how you think about yourself and your personality and how you treat others thats what really matters i have learned what people think about you doesnt matter much because some people cant see thru whats on the outside and see whats on the inside
  25. *looks down* *sees ssj chic* *looks and sees the others* how the heck did you all get small?!!!!!! what happened? you guys ok? whats going on here?.... aight... this is jus weird.....
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