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Everything posted by DeathKnight

  1. *takes his binder with the word homework on it* *burns it* *takes ashes and stomps on them* *dusts himself off* :p
  2. but i rock as a tackle in football :smirk:
  3. my mom had to buy a small car for our new car, helllllooooo concussion city :rolleyes:
  4. everyone thinks i am 16 cuz i am 6 feet tall and wear a size 16 shoe O.o being tall sucks.....
  5. i'm 13 and i'm a guy.... and i'm 6 feet tall O.o
  6. hi my name is ken and i am a crazy fool who lives in texas and thats all thank you *walks out* :p
  7. when he was threating ppl in teh dating game i put him under my ppl i am watching list, for he shouldnt do that to ppl that are my friends and ppl i know
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by White Digivise [/i] [B]*grinny and muttering to self about her vote* I know who must leave.... It must be him..... the one who has stopped me from doing whatever I do best. What was that again? Ah yes.... being a nutball. But he will leave. I will make sure of that. :devil: :devil: :devil: [/B][/QUOTE] aight... now... now u freaking me out..... :eek:
  9. *runs in from the padded party* *shrugs* oh well then.... *runs back to the padded party*
  10. i ahve been into war and strategy games since i was 5 playing the original civilization..... i have noticed i am alot better at logic and timing since i have played all those strat games for along time....
  11. ..... my gf moved to dallas............. ...... ....... ...... *walks out slowly with head down*
  12. *portal opens up and forte gets sucked in and lands next to dk* DK: hey where ya been? Forte: i guess i got behind O.o DK: oh well here *gives him his large order of fries* i dont need em i had 4 cheese burgers
  13. *dk runs back in and gets a large order of fries and runs back out*
  14. another weird portal appeared as soon as they were a little ways from dk's house, "Whats up with these thingys? O.o" Dk said, DW and GA shrugged as they were sucked in and landed......
  15. living in texas u get use to them... fast :rolleyes:
  16. Death Knight's house... O.o uhhh hi what are you guys doin in my house?....
  17. i love texas cuz of all the storms :D
  18. i heard that song too many times, and i'm into metal and rap.....
  19. a speeding piece of mutated cheese!!!!
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Forte [/i] [B]Ok then....Im doing the same thing in the FF forum [/B][/QUOTE] i would have put more but there isnt anything really new since last nights update.... *shrug*
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Forte [/i] [B]Umm you need aleast 3 posts or more..... [/B][/QUOTE] guess what? i dont care, theres no discussions up, when they come at 8 central when i do the daily news wrap up i'll put them, jeez
  22. Good Moring/Afternoon fellow DBZ/DBGT lovers, here are some of todays discussions.... 1. We are talking about [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=3457]Android 17[/URL] and about what happens after the cell saga, and where he disappears to before he becomes super 17... for now there isnt much happening but i'll give you guys a [URL=http://www.yourphotos.com/users/4318/dbzpic.jpg]cool image[/URL] or something intill some discussions get going....
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Forte [/i] [B] Not that many 3 topics...Jeez..I can Fire you but i wont cuz your good at this..... [/B][/QUOTE] *whispers* you have to please the people, not follow all the rules and stuff, since its the people that can make this paper float or sink.... and i think we want it to float :D
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