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Everything posted by DeathKnight
[color=crimson]Haha, I realized that I wrote "conservatives and" before you did Rai, though I do appreciate the wet dream of conservatives disappearing overnight. "The media?" Haha, well, I can only report my own individual experience as a person who loathes television media in the following generalizations - Fox NEWS: Obama is a troll-king! CNN: Clinton is incredible, oh no she's losing, Obama is pretty cool too I guess. . . MSNBC: Obama is the messiah![/color]
[quote name='Raiha'][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]You know some of us, and by some I mean like 1% of voters, actually slogged through the propositions in question and found them to be a: horrifically open to completely subjective and unhealthy interpretation and b: badly written. Come up with a proposition that doesn't tell me what we can and can't say in the public schools about 'mother' and 'father' and I'll probably view it with a little more magnanimity. But automatically assuming that only oppressors vote down gay marriage legislation is both intellectually dishonest and oh so easy. So that's probably why so many people do it. [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=crimson]No, haha, I think I am perfectly sound in saying what I did since you are, as written, part of a very small minority of intellectually gifted individuals who vote with that intellect. It is strange to me though that, while all the anti-gay (for lack of a better term) propositions passed across the country, [b]none[/b] of the pro-life propositions did. What a weird combination.[/color]
[color=crimson]Thank **** Obama won. I voted early a couple of weeks ago, haha. Being a socialist in Texas kind of blows although the socialist part had a write-in. Bexar (San Antonio), Harris (Houston), Dallas (. . . Dallas), and Travis (Austin) counties were all painted blue along with the Hispanic areas along the border. Unfortunately, the rural areas of Texas are overpopulated with rich Republican hicks so it will take more effort to paint the state blue. Here's hoping that happens in the next ten to twenty, haha. However, I'm severely saddened by the rollback of civil rights that gays experienced on Nov. 4. Several states passed propositions against gay rights that dampened my good spirits for the positive and progressive victory that Obama secured. Change we can believe in meets traditionalism we can oppress with.[/color]
[color=crimson]All of you are my weird uncles or aunts.[/color]
[color=crimson]All I hear is "I hope no one thinks this says Islam is the light and looks stupid!"[/color]
[color=crimson]haha I didn't even know there was a community chat. OOPS. Guess I'll show up sometimes.[/color]
[color=crimson]Hey I was on the [url=http://www.ksat.com/video/17613031/index.html]local news[/url] talking about the v.p. debate for like five seconds, haha. Anyway, as I said in the video Palin didn't stumble awkwardly into the debate. This is relative to her interviews with Katie Couric and I cannot imagine in any way that she could appear less coherent. I guess she stopped reading "all" newspapers and magazines to study up on the issues, haha. She traded some good barbs with Biden but habitually drifted off topic like she didn't really care that the moderator was, well, moderating. I don't buy any of this "I want to talk about what Americans want to hear" crap either. Biden held his ground and avoided lecturing or patronizing Palin. I saw him almost crack up a couple of times though as Palin worked her way through answers, haha. He held up Obama's positions very well and attacked John McCain through Palin without attacking Palin herself which may have been a dangerous thing to do. Watching him choke up talking about his wife was hard to take especially since folksy, compassionate-to-everyone Sarah Palin didn't care and went straight into a talking point. By the way, I think we've all learned this election cycle that Raiha might as well be a pundit on Fox News for her laudable dedication to objectivity and sensible positions. Obama/Biden 08.[/color]
What does your signature/title/avi say about you?
DeathKnight replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[color=crimson]I don't recall who started calling me a fluffy owl, haha. I think it is bad when I've been called a fluffy owl long enough that I can't recall the person who said it first. My sig, on the other hand, is a picture from an assault during World War II on Kharkov I think? The two together make me an owl of war.[/color] -
[quote name='Lunar'][COLOR="Indigo"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]if God intended for sperms to be made out of female bone marrow, he would have done it already. [/FONT][/COLOR].[/QUOTE] [color=crimson]Perhaps if God intended for sperm to be made out of female bone marrow he would have given us the intelligence and creativity to do so eventually as has apparently happened. Scenarios involving invisible, mute, and formless beings can go in any direction so I wouldn't advise submitting them as logic.[/color]
[quote name='Desbreko'][color=#4B0082]Likewise, members, stay on topic please.[/color][/QUOTE] [color=crimson];) My mom woke me up on the morning of 9/11 and simply told me to turn on CNN. She ran off without telling me why or what, so I groggily stood, turned on the t.v. in my room and there was Tower 1 alight like a candle amidst the New York skyline. I spent most of the day with the rest of the country in sensationalist orgasm, watching the replays over and over and over again. The next few weeks played out with the world loving the United States, patriotic fervor overwhelming us, and a promise to go get those guys. I also remember one image sticking with me the most out of all the other horrifying ones. It wasn't people covered in the dust of the towers or the towers themselves coming down, it was the walls and walls of missing person pictures strewn endlessly everywhere. Then in the years after the tragedy was used to build more tragedy. I remember that and live that even now. [/color]
[color=crimson]Well being a cool pre-teen at the time I took this from the game Lineage: The Blood Pledge because I thought undead skeletons in armor were awesome, haha.[/color]
[color=crimson]Romance of the Three Kingdoms 11 - Old standard for long, horrifying strategy involving cool parts of Chinese history, this is the most refined, clean release by KOEI in the series since ever. It really is a superb product if you enjoy grand strategy, the time period, or past Romance games. I made my little clan of custom characters and we're trouncing around China as we speak. Persona 3: FES - this is like my project, haha. I've been playing this game for a [b]long time[/b] in brief nuggets of goodness, yet I am still a long way from beating it. Persona 4 comes out in December so hopefully I am done by then. Just Cause - picked this up used for 11 bucks and it's pretty good for a sandbox game. A bit repetitive but base jumping off of bridges is pretty nice looking. Call of Duty 4 - this is my multiplayer game, I usually am on every night with my college buddies for an hour plugging away with my AK at anything moving. [/color]
[color=crimson]1. I'm a sophomore in college. 2. I'm an English major and also a member of my university's honors program. The honors program is a good excuse to do more work for a minor accolade, haha. 3. Literature, history, political science, and popular culture. 4. I am looking into being a novelist but until I "hit it big" I will pay bills with journalism or magazines/periodicals. I'm going to pursue an advanced degree, maybe up to a doctorate in creative writing, so I could also end up as a college professor. 5. I'm a man of many interests! I guess I'll talk about corgis since I love corgis and I saw a corgi today that made me **** all over my car with excitement. [img]http://fasthugs.typepad.com/blog/images/2007/04/10/corgis.jpg[/img] God created Corgis on the 7th day of creation primarily to please me. Corgis are fabulous creatures endowed with vigor, intelligence, and tiny legs with big bodies. I do not actually own a corgi but I plan to, with great haste, purchase one as soon as circumstances allow me to own one. I will pet it. A lot. Thank you for your time.[/color]
[quote name='The13thMan'][FONT="Trebuchet MS"]Is that all one sentence? My my, what a mouthful![/quote][/font] [color=crimson]Yeah, most of it is options. Call it a create-your-own religion. Buy now and I'll throw in a free holy text.[/color] [quote name='The 13thMan][font="trebuchet MS"']I think perhaps you're being a bit too harsh on those with faith. It's based on more than you're leading on. But perhaps i misunderstood you and it just came off as mean to me. [/FONT][/quote] [color=crimson]I am very critical of religion but people have the right to believe in what they wish - however, government and tax-funded entities are, to me, supposed to be secular organizations.[/color]
[color=crimson]The Russian Federation has a legitimate beef with the United States. The policy of NATO recruitment in former Soviet Republics had an obvious ending - why on earth would Russia take that calmly? Considering that Georgia was part of Russia for a good couple of centuries I'm not entirely sure where the United States gets off saying that invading countries is "bad" since, well, we seem to be fine with it when we do it. I do think that Russia has been waiting during the past two years for a good case to deal a strong blow to Georgia, but this is only after Georgia began to really drift towards NATO. I'm not sure what the Georgian president was thinking - what can NATO do to help beyond humanitarian aid? I don't think the Cold War definitively ended. The suspicion and leering between the United States and Russia went on following the Soviet Union's fall at a slower pace, but it's hard to say that either country has avoided antagonizing the other with much passion. It's hard to say what will happen now. Maybe good things could take place, but I doubt it. I hope Russia doesn't attack Poland because that is an entirely different situation from attacking Georgia, leagues different in fact. [/color]
[quote name='Chabichou'][color="#004a6f"]However, I don't think the theory of evolution has proven to be fact yet. Yes, there is a lot of evidence to support it, but we don't know for sure, so I do have problems when it is presented as though it is fact. [/color][/QUOTE] [color=crimson]It's a damn sight better than throwing around faith as if that is an equivalent to the scientific process. Faith is a shady way to say you have an opinion, one that cannot be shown to be factual beyond emotions and belief. This opinion may or may not involve Jesus, Ahura Mazda, YHWH, Allah, Brahma, and other deities mixed and matched with eschatology and dogma to produce a highly organized system of, still, having an opinion that, depending on the religion, defines who/what God is, God's intentions, God's history, God's personality, and criteria for God accepting you and possibly rewarding you with paradise/heaven/blessings.[/color]
[color=crimson]If I'm not mistaken, theories undergo very rigorous processes of scientific observation and testing that makes them "theories" in the first place. I'm not sure how the above, if true, could apply at all to intelligent design. Perhaps his noodley appendage did touch all upon the Earth, but I don't think that meets the criteria to be called a theory. Public school districts should not offer ID. Government entities ideally do not have much of a religious taint on them, although, honestly, in practice I'm not certain why we even preach secularization when it is almost a dirty word to be an atheist running for office. [/color]
[color=crimson]San Antonio, Texas, United States. Home of almost 2 million people, strong medical and tourism industry. Best known attractions are Sea World, the Alamo, and Six Flags Fiesta Texas. Good food, good parties, good times. Texas probably is the most odd mix of everything I have personally seen. The terrain shifts gradually from dense woodlands to rolling hills down south to coastal plains and out west with deserts and mountains. Cultures range from Germans in central Texas to a heavy Latin American influence throughout the state to kind of a southern dixieland feel out east. The entire state has a heavy "pro-Texas" feeling to and I have to admit I have a great deal of personal pride in my state, perhaps even more than my country. Plenty to see and do in Austin, Houston, and Dallas too. Could head down to the coast around Corpus Christi or Port Aransas, maybe even Padre if you want to drive a long way, haha. Pretty good selection of parks like Enchanted Rock and Big Bend. Plenty of party places throughout all the cities I mentioned above but ESPECIALLY Austin - there are so many bars and live music venues in Austin it is unfathomable. Cool state, but there are a bunch of evangelicals scattered throughout it. Pretty Republican throughout it too. It has a nice amount of history to it as well as we fought for our independence and inadvertently spawned the Mexican-American War which gave it a hunch amount of territory, including California. Good times.[/color]
[quote name='John']Bottom line: if it can be explained through normal means, then there is no reason to assume a paranormal explanation.[/QUOTE] [color=crimson]If only religions operated on the same reasoning.[/color]
[color=crimson]* Death is only sometime permanent and especially so if you are bloodlessly wounded by Sephiroth. * Someone has spent a great deal of time collecting treasures and trinkets just to place them in boxes, bags, or treasure chests and leave them everywhere imaginable. * Ideals will defeat anything else 99.9% of the time be it gods, governments, destiny, or otherwise. * Ancient cultures enjoyed building long, winding, cavernous dungeons or, sometimes, tall, unending towers with endless arrays of staircases merely for shits and giggles. * Heroes or groups of heroes are best employed as couriers or treasure hunters instead of fighting evil or protecting townspeople. * Time is a fickle mistress but will often allow you to wander for endless amounts of time at your leisure while your greatest foe patiently waits. * It rarely rains. Often, it seems to rain at the most depressing and terrible of moments in your life but that is mere coincidence. * It's alright to have over half a million coins on your person as it really has been helping your upper body strength. * Though, at the same time, you've noticed that there is an odd compulsion developing where you merely buy 99 of an item and stop short of 100.[/color]
Obamas Oil Plan, A Step in the Right Direction
DeathKnight replied to Godot's topic in General Discussion
[color=crimson][url=http://www.barackobama.com/pdf/factsheet_energy_speech_080308.pdf]Obama[/url] [url=http://www.johnmccain.com//Informing/Issues/17671aa4-2fe8-4008-859f-0ef1468e96f4.htm]McCain[/url] There, now everybody in the thread has access to information that took, on average, two to three clicks on the candidates websites to find about either candidates intentions so far. ****, only a country this lazy would have trouble finding information in the "information age", haha. Granted, Obama should have put his energy plan into a speech that would widely show, beyond simple car maintenance, what Obama plans in regards to energy in America. He finally did within the last two days. I'll post it here in case someone wants to hear it. [YOUTUBE="Obama and Energy"]bC1A8dLkRWM[/YOUTUBE][/color] -
[color=crimson]What an excellent movie that is. I approached it hoping the songs wouldn't suck and they were actually pretty catchy throughout, haha. NPH is, of course, awesome and I don't need to say much about Fillion since he is awesome as well. I'm not sure what the problem with the ending is since it seems to wrap up the events of the three acts in a perfectly reasonable manner. I'm not sure where they'd go in a fourth act since the three acts already combine into a sufficient and complete narrative about Dr. Horrible's rise (or fall depending on how you view it).[/color]
Obamas Oil Plan, A Step in the Right Direction
DeathKnight replied to Godot's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Raiha'][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]And patronizing.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=crimson]Americans need to be patronized about these things, from every possible position. We need to be reminded to be environmentally sound and cut back on waste as much as possible since we are an ARROGANT and PATRONIZING nation that embraces freedom as a soapbox to laud our greatness upon.[/color] -
Obamas Oil Plan, A Step in the Right Direction
DeathKnight replied to Godot's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Lunar'][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]What's your point, Godot?:confused:[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=crimson]His point is that a politician cannot point out something most Americans fail to do on their cars which would improve their gas mileage noticeably. That is far beneath a politician, to offer practical advice. Raiha is trying to point out that Obama did not in the last couple of days release a comprehensive energy plan in which he offers a compromise with Republicans to drill offshore in a limited and environmentally sound fashion.[/color]