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Everything posted by DeathKnight

  1. [color=crimson]I was in the womb when they stumbled through space dancing hand in hand with fate through the black hole. The other pregnancies on board ended up as miscarriages. I guess you could say that those kids were the first casualties of the trip, but I wasn't going to join them. I was the one, the lucky one, who grew up to experience the miracle of Zeitgeist. Yeah, I was the one. My mother's pregnancy went fine and I think I was the twelfth birth on the ol' Z. My mother was an astrobiologist who served the government in the sciences department and she gave me the name of her favorite flower from Earth. I came into the world as Rose Lynn, but I had a bit of a problem. Those other pregnancies had shriveled up for a reason. The Black Hole exposed me to an incredible amount of energy that affected the fetuses adversely. I guess I was the trooper of the group and my courage as a fetus gave me the opportunity to grow up in and out of hospitals with various strange illnesses or fainting fits or seizures or every fuck thing you can imagine. Supplies were thin at the beginning in the hospital and only grew thinner, but my mother's connections in the government secured me a steady supply of medicine. I survived thanks to her corruption funny as it is now that I've seen what happened to Z in the end. Those problems tapered off slowly as I churned through my teenage years and I was healthy enough to secure advanced schooling with other children who had connections at the School of Authority and Reason. My drive was to enter the medical field, you know, to be like those who helped me and etc., so on and so forth. There isn't a name for my degree really since I specifically told those assholes at SAR that was I interested in turning the flora and fauna here on Z into medications similar to the ones we brought from Earth. So, there it was and that's what I can do, and that's what I did do in addition to all those lovely little duties a general physician does. Things were getting bad then. Looking at it now, it got a hell of a lot worse, but at the time it was hard to imagine anything near the situation now. Hospital was overloaded with everything you can imagine. Homeless who were sick, but, eh, we usually dealt with them by depositing them out in the streets, then you had your “accidents” that were, heh, not very accidental looking. 'Course we had traffic related injuries and disease and mutilations and home abortions gone wrong and slashed up faced and kids burning out their brain on drugs and... Well, if you wanted to see the many ways a human body can be ruined or broken, we probably had it. I guess it was around my tenth year as a specialist that I noticed that, well, I looked the same as I had when I graduated from SAR. My rich friends had gotten married, popped out some spoiled kids, looked a bit worn from the wear and tear of living above the growing flames that consumed the streets of the city. Me? Well, I wasn't much of a siren for a lover, met a few flames that flamed out or got themselves killed. Yet, even then, I realized I didn't look [i]any[/i] different from the graduation pictures, period. Yep, that's why. That's why I look younger than you do, I'm stuck like this. I got the blessing of the universe to live an inhuman amount of time, and I survive through it all just to end up in the largest cesspool you can find to enjoy those years. No, I'm not making this up. I was there for all of it. The Third Street Riots? I remember when “Black Zeitgeist” was being discussed by the libertarians in this town as being merely a concoction by the government to trample down more on whatever little rights we had, hahaha. Shit, those were the days of naivety about who Black Zeitgeist was, I'll say that much. Anyway, I've lived long enough to go to my mother's funeral after she blew up in a car bomb. Good thing Dad divorced her when he found out that she was selected to go on this trip or else he might have had the good fortune of meeting a similar fate. Long enough to watch my hospital get blown to pieces in an attack. Saw my friends fade more and more as the years wore on till it wasn't worth it to see them anymore. Kind of awkward to look this way and be well on your way to a century old. I mean, you're here so I don't need to tell you much more about my history. I run the only thing remotely resembling an operational hospital with supplies of, eh, cool medications. Opened this joint up a few years back, yeah. I guess I'm kind of a scientist-doctor-adventurer? Haha. I send poor unfortunate people out into the boondocks to pick up supplies of the plants that go into these medicines though I go out there myself sometime. What? Yeah, I test the drugs first. Stop looking at me like that! Don't even try to yell that you would never have taken it if you didn't know, you'd be dead. How the hell else do you think I'd give you medicine? It's been fifty fucking years since there was actual morphine or penicillin on this planet. I make it, well, me and the people I train to know more than knives and corruption and cowering in fear. The flora, fauna, and minerals on this planet are actually very suitable for a wide range of medications I'll have you know. Well, most of it is suitable. Few weird things out there but nothing too dangerous. This whole situation works because this clinic is neutral. It's neutral because if some government officials daughter catches a fever, this is where she goes. It's neutral because if some crime lord's best thug gets a bullet wound, this is where they go. It's neutral because any shadowy medicine I make, like the neurotoxin I'm trying to get out of your system, goes to the highest bidder. That's highest not solely in monetary terms, but also in owed favors. Anyone. Crime lord, petty thief, government people, whatever. It's neutral because there would be a great deal less people to kill if it wasn't around. Anyway, I think you'll be alright. What caught you, was it the airborne or liquid? Eh? Well, were you caught in a big ball of gas or did you drink or eat something and wake up here? You ate where? Oh, hahaha. Yeah, I see. Yeah, I could see that. Alright, yeah. You got hit by the liquid. Yeah, so, I guess that's the whole story. Still stuck as a young, pretty woman well over half a century later. Like a ghost out of the past, I guess. I gallivant around sometimes with the boys who want the doctor there to give a personal touch to the delivery. I did this number with this crime lord the other day that was a pretty fun time. I'm good with a pistol, better with my chemical agents, worse hand to hand. So if anyone asks you who saved your ass, tell them it was a pretty red haired woman called Rose down at the H&M Clinic. Whatever you need, I have it. If I don't, I'll get it. If I can't, it doesn't exist. I do gene therapy work also, but that's an expensive enterprise with a bit broader list of risks, so you might not want to try it least you end up fried. Yeah, all your vitals are good. You're alright. I might not have the rod of Asclepius but I do my best. That's all I can do, you know? Well, I'll let you rest. You should be released in the morning. Just try not to stumble in the darkness out there in the world, I know it's hard. Not much light to see by out there, is there? - [b]Name/Alias[/b]: Rose Lynn Hayes, the Doctor. [b]Age[/b]: Appears to be in her mid twenties. [b]Occupation[/b]: Runs the illegal H&M Clinic viewed as a neutral zone up to this point in time. Does mercenary work when organizations want her skills personally. [b]Weaponry/Skills[/b]: Rose is armed with one “personal defense sidearm” issued usually to the paramilitary forces of the government. Her skill and accuracy with it borders on inhuman having had decades to use it in many situations. She has a wide range of chemical and biological agents with a wide range of delivery systems and a daunting intelligence keen on political and scientific ideas, though she tries to remain as casual as possible around others mainly to avoid annoying conversations and questions about what she thinks. Unfortunately she has never shown much skill in athletics other than running away and shows little interests in martial arts, though those that do close range with her usually end up enduring a terrible fate at the hand of her concoctions. The twisting energies of the black hole have also left a lasting capability of unnaturally generous healing which is ironic considering how much harm and damage her body barely survived in the earlier years of her life, yet, in the current environment, it is an undeniable asset. [b]Description[/b]: Rose's daytime outfit is business professional and ranges from slacks to formal dresses to anything in between. She wears a lab coat while at the H&M but usually discards both the business professional attire and lab coat as soon as she is off duty. Her casual attire is comfortable, if not a bit revealing, and she catches her fair share of looks when she wanders the streets. Indeed, Rose is very beautiful with a generously attractive body, red hair, and piercing green eyes. She is a bit on the short side but manages to make up for it with a generous line of high heels. She also has two tattoos on either of her upper arms – an Ouroboros on her right, and a lemniscate on her left. [b]Personality[/b]: Rose is very calm, very casual, very down-to-earth, and quite easygoing. She is smart and wise, but rarely shows it beyond her workplace and doesn't seem too keen on seeming extraordinary. She helps, but doesn't seem to take joy out of helping. She hurts, but does not seem to take joy out of hurting. She nears a century in age and has watched the promise of Zeitgeist endure blow after blow. She knows the failure of Zeitgeist very deeply and has little excitement or passion left to give, even when providing her services at the clinic or as a mercenary. But, really who has the use for passion in anything? What is there to save on Zeitgeist but the ashes of hope? What is there to destroy on Zeitgeist but the broken and bleeding? Not much, either way.[/color]
  2. [quote name='SaiyanPrincessX'][SIZE="1"]I hate the phrase "Y'all". When I was in Israel, they actually had merchandise like mugs, and pins, and other random trinkets that said "Shaloam Y'all". *cringe*[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [color=crimson]:( Y'all need to calm down and recognize how perfect the word y'all is - a contraction of you and all that is reasonable and comfortable. Y'all have the right to an opinion, but y'all definitely should realize how wonderful the word "y'all" is and embrace it as your own. [/color]
  3. [quote name='MistressRoxie'][color=#9933ff]Occasionally the use of "y'all" slips in, although I go through that in phases.[/color][/QUOTE] [color=crimson]Haha, man the looks I get when I travel too far away from Texas and say y'all. Perfectly good word, perfectly good. I say bloody sometimes. Bloody this. Bloody that. I'm also the only person I know who says gesundheit instead of bless you, lol. Who the hell calls sprinkles "jimmies"? Northerners? lol. Maybe the same people who say "pop" instead of soda?[/color]
  4. [color=crimson]Try burning some nag champa. You can pick it up online, but there must be some, eh, "counterculture" or "alternative" (I guess is the term for them) stores that sell hand dipped incense sticks for cheaper than online. It's surprising how soothing a good scent drifting around your house is.[/color]
  5. [color=crimson]You could care less, you could. Try harder. Anyway, only drugs can lessen the pain of you disagreeing with me. Thanks a lot.[/color]
  6. [quote name='chibi-master']FINALLY! Someone who gets it! I mean, REALLY PEOPLE, it has to be [I]illegal[/I] for a [I]reason[/I]!!![/QUOTE] [color=crimson]What reason? Or is that the end of that thought?[/color]
  7. [quote name='Lunox'][font=trebuchet ms] Sorry I don't get this "stop getting your panties in a bunch" attitude towards drugs. I really couldn't care less that LSD doesn't have a lot of permanent health effects, I still wouldn't want my friend to get into it thinking he'd become the next big rock star.[/quote][/font] [color=crimson]I don't know you, I don't really claim to know you, but generally most people go through the motions and nod quietly along with whatever the government says regarding drugs. I can and have and will be wrong, but that's the typicality in America. I [u]repeat[/u] that I doubt drugs will ever MAKE you something or necessarily IMPROVE you, even artistically. Addiction aside, obviously, which is a nonfactor for LSD. Neither do I think that that drugs are always sirens to shipwrecked waters, laced with a thousand broken lives all with the potential to be saved if-only-you-hadn't-taken-that-one-hit. The individual and the drug matter very much. This individual seems naive and young. The best way to teach him that Hendrix was not Hendrix from LSD would probably be to let dip his toes in the water and, surprise, not come out a superstar.[/color]
  8. [color=crimson]If you want to feel: Positive (happy, energetic, horny, etc.) - [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jC8-b2KXU44]Another Postcard by Barenaked Ladies[/url] - a song regarding chimpanzees and the postal system. Melodious! Harmonious! A sing along favorite for you and your chimpanzee, buy now! [alt rock] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asdN1jJw4EE]Walkie Talkie Man by whoever the hell it is by[/url] - Actually, looking at youtube, it is by Steriogram which is a band comprised of young lads from Auckland, New Zealand. The video is quite a yarn with hijinks and monsters. ENJOY IT. [alt rock] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBt_AoYjGg0]Blue Song by Mint Royale[/url] - "I ain't got the blues no more I said" the song said, so if you don't have the blues no more, or so you say, this song is a perfect match for that mood. Big beats typify Mint Royale and this song has a really rockin' beat. [electronica] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GSpbuFSr2o]Voodoo Chile (Slight Return) covered by Stevie Ray Vaughan[/url] - as a self respecting Texan, I have the utmost adoration for Stevie Ray Vaughan who has his own statue in our state capital. I don't know if iTunes would have this cover on it and it would be a real shame if it didn't, but it is worth a listen at least once. With respect to Jimi Hendrix, SRV is as rocking as he ever was. [blues rock, rock] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9MCbsdCLhI]Starry SkyxCheck it OutxTechnologic by CapsulexBeastie BoysxDaft Punk[/url] - Capsule is an excellent shibuya-kei band in general, but for first timers I usually point to this excellent mash up of Starry Sky by Capsule, Check it Out by the Beastie Boys, and Technologic by Daft Punk. [rap, electronica] Neutral - [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20EoytEITtQ]Sugarless Girl by Capsule[/url] - Since you OBVIOUSLY watched the first video, you're not a first timer anymore. I don't think this song is overtly positive or negative, I feel hints of both in it but it is catchy nonetheless. Knowing japanese is not required, humming suffices. [electronica] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdvdgeGdnDg]Shere Khan by Aesop Rock[/url] - Aesop is dope, but this song in particular has a very slick, suave feeling to it when you listen to it. Given the title, I imagine in particular a stalking cat when I hear it, haha. [rap] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kx6FV2qR2TY]Electric Worry by Clutch[/url] - Oh ****, Clutch. I ****ing love Clutch. Anyway, this is down south rock at its very peak as far as I am concerned. Clutch gets very little press for how excellent EVERY SINGLE ALBUM from the earlier nineties has been. Plus, this has a harmonica solo so thumbs up to that. [hard rock] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldPf3yqq3-8]Sogno ad Occhi Aperti by Giovanni Sollima[/url] - another song I doubt is on iTunes, but very beautiful. Aching, almost - like if you saw the blue waters of the ocean suddenly open up and all those azure jewels began to fall away into the abyss. Not negative, but yearning and reaching. [cellist solo] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PZRkDJh1xw]Shempi by Ratatat[/url] - Definitely is on iTunes since I purchased it a couple of days ago. Evoking memories of Daft Punk and the baroque period (lovely organ), this is a very good song to put on while driving to show everyone else during rush hour just how hopping you are (I know you do it). [electronica] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SPjPGeYlMU]Secret Wars by Last Emperor[/url] - Excellent scheme presented by the Last Emperor who raps about a tournament between Stan Lee's comic book crew and notable MCs from the hip hop world. Best part? Doctor Octopus vs. Busta Rhymes by far. [rap] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBvaHZIrt0o]Remind Me by Royksopp[/url] - Made famous by that Geico commercial, or not, this song is actually probably one of the most mellow songs I've heard in awhile. The guy sounds sad, but kind of a resigned sad. The beat is not oppressive or overwhelming, but compliments his tone absolutely. [electronica] Negative (sad, apathetic, alone) - [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7r0KpWMNxnM]Uncommon Valor by Jedi Mind Tricks[/url] - I think this is the most depressing rap song I have heard in my life. Vinnie Paz from Jedi Mind Tricks and R.A. the Rugged Man present a very harsh song about the Vietnam War. Rugged Man's part in particular is very depressing since it is the story of his own father and the effects of the war on him, including Agent Orange. [rap] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbDg-Mwdn48]Stanlow by Jesu[/url] - Jesu is my favorite band. I have listened to probably days of Jesu looping and shuffling in the background through speakers attached to computers or cars as I go about my business. I like Jesu because it speaks to my pain and I think everyone needs a band or song that speaks to their pain. Something that when you listen to the lyrics and the overall mood of the song, you know what that is - you've felt that, you've been there. There are very few Jesu songs on youtube that are not bad live takes and I am not sure if they are on iTunes, but cest la vie. [jesu] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9FT-YEvEJk]When It's Cold I'd Like to Die by Moby[/url] - A mouthful of a title, but Moby's earlier music was actually his best. I think that, if you are sad and you really want to wallow in it, this song would probably be the perfect pool of mud to slump yourself into. [pop?] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jN5vqEyV7g]Death Letter by Son House[/url] - This is a throwback, haha. Covered by the White Stripes in half their videos on youtube it feels like, but, as rocking as the White Stripes are, just listen to Son House's voice, man. That's true blues. [blues] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TupIpbtR7IQ]The Mariner's Revenge by The Decemberists[/url] - probably the catchiest revenge song I've heard, this is a tale, a long tale, regarding two gentlemen in the belly of a whale and the coincidences, or not, of their meeting and current position. [indie] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wMGyfxZPWo]Anniversary of an Uninteresting Event by Deftones[/url] - Probably the least commercial post-2001 Deftones song they've put out. No more gold lights/for the Queen Earth/to keep you warm/in your Kingdoms/High on the waves/you made for us/but not/since you left/ have the waves come. [indie] Finally, for now since I've spent half an hour listening to these songs, is [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAnyYTjjhJ0]Coin Operated Boy by the Dresden Dolls[/url] - I can't really relate to wanting a coin operated boy or the point of view presented, but the song is both wonderful and appalling at the same time. The music video is a humorous enough though, haha. [indie] Yeah, have at it.[/color]
  9. [color=crimson]Yeah, it's illegal. How odious and terrible! Nixon's War on Drugs has been more successful in brainwashing than any drug ever will be, haha. Anyway, stepping outside the mindset the government sings to you, he is actually saying pretty accurate stuff about LSD. It probably will not turn him into the next Hendrix, but it is a mind**** that mainly impairs your judgment and sends you away from reality with studies showing little permanent health effects. Neither will it necessarily and stereotypically send him sailing down the melodramatic seas of destruction. Eh, maybe tell him to look into salvia. It's a plant that has hallucinogenic traits that is legal in most states so it must be good for you since it's not illegal, haha. Shorter trip time, no side effects beyond leaving reality for a bit. Otherwise, you know how to play the knight in shining armor without anyone telling you how. [img]http://hemptopia.org/images/NORML_probibition_ad.gif[/img][/color]
  10. [quote name='Lonley Fighter']Adoption...how can you guys be so insensitive as to say that to a guy who has never really met his real parents...that's just mean, besides her mother already suggested that and she nearly got her head chewed off. [/QUOTE] [color=crimson]Haha, come on man, I've never met my dad and seen my mom four times in the past twenty years. Insensitivity is impossible, we're kindred spirits. Grab some professional opinions, but I'm not too fast to discredit the advice given in this thread simply because of the intelligence this board is notorious for.[/color]
  11. [color=crimson]I have the great fortune of being three things relevant to this thread: A child born to a teenage mother, an adoptee [or whatever the politically correct term is], and someone who was almost aborted. To put a child up for adoption you should consider greatly how healthy the system is in your state. For example, I live in Texas and we have a notoriously overburdened, underfunded social welfare system across the board. Reflecting on the good fortune of having been adopted by the same people who adopted my biological mother, I wonder how things would have turned out if I had ended up going through the motions of foster care and trying to find a good family. It may have turned out well but there is no guarantee there. Finding a couple who wants to adopt and circumventing the foster system would give the kid a great deal better chances. For abortion, personal views come into but it is a good option. Uh, if you do seriously near the point of aborting it you probably shouldn't mention it to them until they are older - hearing that is several levels of psychological discomfort and angst which, for me, gave way to general amusement that I am here only due to a very thin thread of luck that my biological mother's pregnancy we discovered before she could terminate me. How would I feel if I had been aborted? I ask that in a jesting way since, really, I was not alive as far as my memories go until I was around two or three and I hold no negative feelings to my biological mother for considering abortion. What is best for you as the father, the mother, and the kid-to-be? I don't know, no one in this thread does. Throw away any kind of fanciful dreams and focus on the reality of the situation. Scenarios sound reasonable often until you are in the thick of them, so dwell on it for a bit.[/color]
  12. [color=crimson]Suggestion: Replace one square with "Buy DeathKnight a nice gift."[/color]
  14. [YOUTUBE="Ronald McDonald Jam"]Q16KpquGsIc[/YOUTUBE] [YOUTUBE="Ghost Rider gets his car stolen"]1SHTTvq0S_Q[/YOUTUBE]
  15. [color=crimson]Having worked professionally as a smoothie/milkshake [i]emperor[/i], I will say the tastiest milkshake I have offered to customers involves peanut butter and either vanilla ice cream or yogurt (depending on your particular diet status). Unfortunately, I dealt in ounces so roughly convert this to cups if you have no small scales: 3 oz. Banana 8 oz. Vanilla yogurt or ice cream However much peanut butter you want (you can not really go wrong with this) A proper amount of milk to your taste to make it more liquid A squirt of chocolate syrup[/color]
  16. [color=crimson]Toss Indi my regards, Rach. I hope she is fairing well and I also hope the drunk was arrested and is being dealt with. Also Raiha, the last party who hijacked anything was the Republicans in the 80s, lol. The Democrats have increasingly, and annoyingly, aligned themselves along a more centrist tone. Obama even recently let me down by supporting faith based initiatives. God, if only the Assyrians had crushed King Hezekiah. The nightmares that could have been avoided are innumerable.[/color]
  17. [color=crimson]However, America has not fallen in one regard - barbecuing. While other areas of our vast nation faces the strains and stresses of the global and domestic economics or politics, here in Texas we remain firmly dedicated to the fine art of barbecuing. Indeed, I can report to the OtakuBoards community at large that, having tasted a great deal of good Texas barbecue last night, we have nothing to fear from international competition in the barbecuing field![/color]
  18. [color=crimson]I eat coffee. Lots and lots of coffee - [b]slices[/b] of coffee. There is no such thing as too little coffee.[/color]
  19. [color=crimson]Haha, I might have been here for awhile but the only real thing I end up thinking about sometime are some of the people I had a good fellowship with who I have lost contact with. Deb (Lady M) and Baby Girl (Jenna) come to mind most immediately, I had pretty fun conversations with both of them. The old times were not any better, merely different. There are plenty of people now who were not around in 2001 worth a good conversation or two. Not anyone in this thread, mind you. ;)[/color]
  20. [color=crimson]In the most non-offensive way possible, I am very curious how many of you worship regularly at a religion and voted no for ghosts. If you'd tell me I'd be very appreciative.[/color]
  21. [color=crimson]As far as chains go, Pizza Hut is crap. Papa John's and Domino's are pretty good, but I love Little Caesar's pizza. To get the real good stuff you need to go to a pizzeria. There is a joint here called Rome's Pizza that has a Mediterranean Greek Pizza with gyro meat, mozzarella and feta cheese, oregano, and pepperoncinis. My favorite pizza around, mm. Otherwise, can't go wrong with supreme or mushroom+olive+pepperoni.[/color]
  22. [color=crimson]Well, many ghost stories or urban legends about ghosts are more for the social entertainment of hearing the story or checking out the "haunted house" down the street. San Antonio has plenty of haunted locations with some being more freaky than others. One thing related to this that is a pet peeve of mine are television shows where a bunch of young adults go carousing around a house/farm/abandoned ______ to "solve" or "study" the ghost problem with the usual assortment of night vision cameras, communication equipment, and assorted electronics. What a rip off for whoever paid them to sit around and talk ****ing nonsense for half an hour. Personally, ghost might exist. Getting past the urban legend and ghost stories, I've met people who have had very personal experiences that vividly and deeply affected them, ghosts or not.[/color]
  23. [quote name='CrimsonKnight'][COLOR="Red"]DEATHKNIGHT, I WOULD LIKE IF YOU CHANGE YOUR TEXT COLOR. PLEASE! RED IS MINE, ALL MINE! *ahem* have i matured? i guess i have met many sarcastic people.....hmm. i dunno. and deathknight, on the best question ever thread, everyone was waiting for your reply. i can't take anymore ridicule, reply already![/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=crimson]CRIMSONKNIGHT I DO NOT THINK I AM GOING TO LISTEN TO YOUR REQUEST BECAUSE MY COLOR IS ACTUALLY CRIMSON AND I HAVE BEEN DOING IT FOR MANY YEARS NOW BUT I APPRECIATE YOU ASKING ME POLITELY AND I HOPE WE CAN BECOME GOOD AND JOLLY FRIENDS TOGETHER THANKS BYE[/color]
  24. [color=crimson]Yeah, with restaurants or fast food they appreciate someone showing up in between the rushes. With everything else people have said, remember that, even for restaurants, the interviewer will probably throw in a question to probe your personality or to see how you respond. I've gotten ****** questions like "Can you name the last time you felt really stressful and then tell me how you reacted to the situation" or, one time, an interviewer asked me what my favorite color was and why. Professionals would suggest you "sell yourself" or somehow tie a skill or positive aspect of yourself into it, but it's hard to do without sounding forced or cheesy.[/color]
  25. [quote name='Decay']Also I'vel always liked japanese food, but I haven't been experienced to it much. My sister's babysitter back on some air force base was japanese, started to teach my sister the language and always seemed to be stocked with a few foriegn delicacies. I liked everything I tried, except for this werid corn-flavored bar thing that I couldn't stand.[/QUOTE] [color=crimson]Seconded. I love sukiyaki. There is this awesome Japanese restaurant in San Antonio called Fujiya's that I go to often. I need to try their sushi bar, but their other Japanese dishes are too tasty for me to skip when I go, lol. I'm like mmm, sushi - but wait! Tonkatsu! What is a man to do :([/color]
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