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Everything posted by DeathKnight

  1. [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]No, of course not. But it establishes precedent, and also makes private healthcare institutions mostly impractical. I'm just overly paranoid about that sort of thing. And yeah, I'm aware of the multiple flaws in Welfare. But my main problem is that everyone is leeched from to pay for many individuals who sit on their butts and use it as an excuse, instead of assisting [I]only[/I] those who actually need it. I also think that people who actually try to push towards the Star Trek perfect society are numbskulls. =P[/FONT][/QUOTE] [color=crimson]Administrative problems are not an issue of ideology. It is a problem of bureaucracy. It is hardly the fault of either a fiscal conservative, socialist, or anyone else that it is [b]run[/b] poorly, lol. How does it establish a precedent when we are discussing the welfare system? The United States has taken control of key industries numerous times in the past (New Deal era, both World Wars) with no sudden slide towards "the Reds" controlling you, lol. [img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/2/21/Is_this_tomorrow.jpg/414px-Is_this_tomorrow.jpg[/img] :o[/color]
  2. [quote name='SunfallE'][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]Well since I lived in Dallas Texas at one time I know what that says... [spoiler] Come and Take it [/spoiler] :p[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=crimson]Hell yes that is what it says. You get a gold star![/color]
  3. [color=crimson]"What are you listening to" WE LOVE THE 90's. 90's songs I have listened to recently: [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vaw-9WElAjc]"Mambo No. 5" by Lou Bega[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WESs2U_avdU]"Give It Away" by the Red Hot Chili Peppers[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AR4PGt9oOto]"It Wasn't Me" by Shaggy[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApdgkFyKy7A]"Then the Morning Comes" by Smash Mouth[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWOsbGP5Ox4]"California Love" by Tupac[/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyp5we2ySDo]"Zombie" by the Cranberries[/url] Haha, it might be a cardinal sin, but I have been listening to the entire Smash Mouth album from 1999 the last few days. Not too bad. ;)[/color]
  4. [color=crimson]I'm not doing my mom in this one. [img]http://photos-d.ak.facebook.com/photos-ak-sf2p/v188/118/89/543153284/n543153284_435911_957.jpg[/img] Haha, fill in the blank for the flag at your own pleasure ("****" makes it funny). I doubt anyone not from Texas knows what it says![/color]
  5. [color=crimson]Haha, as a socialist, am I allowed in this thread anymore? I see one Joseph McCarthy and I am sure that isn't the only one around here. Don't want to be blacklisted by anyone. ;P Socialized medicine works. It works in the majority of Europe. It works in Canada. Is it a system of perfection, a system without mistakes, a system that is absolute in its accomplishment of better health care? No, it is simply that - a system, a system that offers improvements over the current one. You can fear corruption, but that is inevitable and I do not think that one can say that the current privatized system somehow limits corruption, lol. A couple of weeks ago my 65 year old mother was told by her primary physician that she could not come to that doctor anymore because she was switching to Medicare. This is merely an example, and I know that this does not affect everyone. However, there are numerous examples of corruption, greed, and incompetence both within the insurance industry and medical profession itself. The problem with welfare is not that it is too socialist, it is actually a multitude of things. The overwhelming need, the Republican tax cuts destroying our budget, and, really, the welfare system is such a half-hearted attempt it would be pitiful to call it anything remotely socialist, lol. Lastly, and most importantly, as a socialist I can say very pointedly that neither Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama are offering socialist ideas. If they were, they would advocate, as I have in my fondest dreams, the complete elimination of private insurance companies. Your ONLY option would be to go government. Universal health care is NOT socialist. Don't piss yourselves, this country is still a long way from that [strike]terror[/strike] progress.[/color]
  6. [quote name='Nomad'][SIZE="1"][FONT="Verdana"]Thanks for the insult anyway, kid. [I]I[/I] didn't have my belt on because I was in a hurry to get to class and we had just jumped on the highway. No excuse other than being absent minded.[/FONT][/SIZE][/quote] [color=crimson]Anytime, pops. Senility is a sad thing at the age of 20, eh.[/color] ;)
  7. [color=crimson]Anyone who doesn't wear a seatbelt is a dumbass. Not only is it an expensive ticket in most parts of the country, it is common sense to wear it, lol. Eh, I've been pulled over. The last time I was taking my girlfriend home through her University's campus. I went the wrong way on a roundabout because it was 12:30 at night and we were in the boondocks part of the campus far from the core dorms and buildings. They had a damn undercover campus police officer who radioed in a marked police car, lol. That was terribly surprising. He let me off with a warning after we chatted for a bit. My girlfriend and I thought it was a pretty funny experience since, as I went through the roundabout the wrong way, she jinxed me with a joke about getting pulled over. No anti-cell phone legislation here yet, but I think it is being discussed. Might want to talk to your Mom if it would be only a minor blowup to see what she wants you to do. You are under her wing still even if you are 18, lol.[/color]
  8. [color=crimson]I got to level 40. I was sixty hours in. Then finals for last semester hit. My game save was left alone and unloved in the cold, cold snow. Now, as it is spring break, I have come out strong with a singular purpose: defeat Persona 3. I started over. I am 15 hours into it and have to say the game is much easier when you know what you are doing, haha. The first time I played I wandered dazed and confused through the town trying to find social links, shops, and the like, now I am buzzing through the whole thing like a true veteran. I really hoped from before P3 was released that Fes would come here. There was a small group of people on the atlus forums who kept begging for the initial P3 release to be Fes, but it was not so - however, at least it is hopping over the Pacific to here at all. Pre-ordered and eagerly anticipated, especially for the penis-monster persona.[/color]
  9. [color=crimson]Okay. To be fair, let me see if I am misunderstanding you. Are you saying that socialism is thought of, to some degree, as a right wing ideology? The same right wing that most social conservatives and fiscal conservatives belong to? [/color]
  10. [quote name=''[Sound_Nin];807269'][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]I'm just going to assume here you don't even get what I was trying to say. :D So yeah. I'm done here.[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote] [color=crimson]Yeah, you could say I lost you at "socialism is generalized as far-right" since I have never heard that said before and do not agree with you whatsoever.[/color]
  11. [quote name=''[Sound_Nin];807265'][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]As for socialism, it's often incorrectly generalised as 'far-right', when, as a Socialist myself (yes, I know I'm going to get a lot of BS over this, so please, don't even start.) I share a lot of qualities with the Left. Abortion, gay marriage, etc. However, I support the 2nd Amendment. EVERY Amendment, in fact. And border control, with few exceptions. I think you need to know English to live here. Generally speaking, yes, Socialism is neither Left nor Right, and neither is Communism, although these two things have major differences.[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote] [color=crimson]... :sweat: Alright. Whatever you say, man.[/color]
  12. [color=crimson]I have the amusing distinction amongst the people here of voting for Obama twice already. The Texas two-step was not nearly as fun as the name implies. I got out of the Caucus at about 11:20, lol. The Republican party, the party of individuals who drive their country into the ground (Reganomics, Iraq War) and suck Corporate tit, seems to have appointed (after much drama from people who have no idea what being a "Christ"ian is) a very capable individual. John McCain has aggressiveness and he knows how to handle himself in a campaign. As a socialist, I do not really get much amusement from the two-party duopoly that exists in America. I'm not sure how many people here even know that there is a Socialist Party USA it is so mired in the "third party" status. Technically, there are at least three that are to varying degrees socialist/communist, lol. Too bad "socialism" is a dirty word to the masses. People calling Hillary's medical plan "socialist" really have no idea what socialism is, lol. Howver, the Democrats this year present two able individuals. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama differ very little in the substance of their platforms. I merely support Barack Obama as I have strong anti-lobbyist tendencies and he has positioned himself as an individual only slightly corrupted by Washington D.C., especially when compared to Clinton or McCain. I do not enjoy their Iraq War plans as I am against pulling out. Neither do I understand the ignorance of people similar to the one's Laura (Japan) has talked to. The Mid-east has always been a disaster and policies of European nations in the not-so-distant past are primarily to blame for today's issues in Palestine/Israel and Iraq. Iraq is not so much a country than three puzzle pieces glued together in the wake of the Turk's collapse. However, though we are there falsely, I do not believe that we should allow a country to fall into an orgy of violence that would occur due to our incompetent overseeing of it. The blood is already on our heads. Why increase it? Oh well, I agree with them on most everything. Stem-cell, Women's reproductive rights, increased taxes on the rich. [/color] [quote name='[Sound_Nin]']McCain: the next Bush. You know he must be a little loony from years of torture in Vietnam (that's the one he was in, right?) and I don't think we need another old man for president.[/quote] [color=crimson]Don't cross that line. He survived the disaster on the USS Forrestal only to end up as a prisoner of war for five and a half years in Vietnam where he endured much torture. You being naive is worse for the Democratic party than Hillary Clinton ever could be.[/color]
  13. [quote name='onenuttytanuki']#1:"That is not dead which can eternal lie. And with strange aeons even death may die."[/QUOTE] [color=crimson]Lovecraft had a better quote for a tombstone: "You FOOL, Kenneth is DEAD!" ;)[/color]
  14. [quote name='taperson'][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"] Uhm, yes. I agree. His stance as "OB's Number 1 Most Ignored Member" will never change, will it? Bitterness over here. Oh well. OB has its more-than-obvious favorites, & that'll never change apparently. Kinda reminds me of high school! Glad to know that the real world isn't any different.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [color=crimson]Who are we talking about again?[/color]
  15. [quote name='Raiha'][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][FONT="Times New Roman"]I eat waffles with applesauce. Just smear it on and slap it between two waffles then eat it like a sammich![/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=crimson]:confused: I eat waffles normally. Syrup, butter, sometimes whipped cream. I usually pour the syrup into one little square until it overflows into other little squares and creates a sort of "Noah's Waffle" of syrup-destruction.[/color]
  16. [color=crimson]Haha, thank you, especially to Aaryanna for the nomination. Glad to be of service to my fellow homefries.[/color]
  17. [quote name='ZeitGeist]Heck, the founding fathers who wrote it [I]were[/I'] christian.[/quote] [color=crimson]They were Deists, Christians, or a mix of the two. Deism being a strong possibility, especially for Franklin.[/color] [quote name='Zeitgeist']Don't feel too bad about that. I still don't even know who he is.[/quote] [color=crimson]Ron Paul is from Texas. He is more of a Libertarian dressed as a Republican. I would say he is one of the more colorful people Texas has spit out into the national scene.[/color]
  18. [color=crimson]Just a guess, but I think he was referring to the embargo. That is more of a hope since invading Cuba seems.. far fetched.[/color]
  19. [color=crimson]Obama's middle name is Hussein. uhoh.[/color]
  20. [quote name='Lunox'][font="trebuchet ms"]Me neither. Overall it was just a very informative and dry article. [/font][/QUOTE] [color=crimson]*shakes head* The more mature option would have been no response instead falling into your human nature so easily. But, eh, maybe you are being serious. Barack Obama is inexperienced. Barack Obama has ties to legal law firm lobbyists. He also has offered only a few concrete plans inside of his broader overall message of change and hope. Sometimes listening to him reminds me of some of Dewey's speeches I have studied that were all hot air and catch phrases, lol. He is not the messiah. He is simply the better choice of candidates I see. Flaws exist in every candidate, but I do believe myself when I say that Hillary Clinton is mired inside of Washington D.C.'s corrupt lobbyist system a heavy, heavy degree, and more than Obama is.[/color]
  21. [color=crimson]"Feb. 4 (Bloomberg) -- Democrat Hillary Clinton has raised more money from lobbyists than any other presidential candidate while Republican John McCain has more of them assisting his campaign. Clinton took in $823,087 from registered lobbyists and members of their firms in 2007 and the second-biggest recipient was McCain, who took in $416,321, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, a Washington-based group which tracks political giving. Barack Obama, Clinton's rival for the Democratic nomination, doesn't take money from registered lobbyists, although he received $86,282 from employees of firms that lobby, according to the center McCain has 26 registered lobbyists as campaign advisers or fundraisers compared with 11 for Clinton and none for Obama, according to review of records compiled by Public Citizen, a Washington-based group that favors stronger disclosure laws for lobbyists." Not really sure what part of this is funny, Lunox.[/color]
  22. [color=crimson]Wandering into independent territory, what is your opinion of Michael Bloomberg? He is not definitively involved in the race, but has done a great deal of probing into his possibilities on a national level. I would say there are a few situations where he might throw his hat in, if prompted to believe he could pull something off.[/color]
  23. [color=crimson]1.) Obama. 2.) McCain. 3.) Paul. 4.) Clinton. 5.) Romney. 6.) Huckabee. I would not actually vote for either Romney or Huckabee.[/color]
  24. [color=crimson]San Antonio, the Paris of Tex-Mex! Tex-Mex is the best food on Earth, I live, breath, and eat it with gusto. Gorditas, fajitas, taco soup, caldo, cabrito, carne asada and enchiladas. Man, enchiladas - enchiladas mole, enchiladas verde, jalapeno enchiladas. Chile is another Texas favorite. Chile with beans, no beans, meat, not meat, jalapenos, no jalapenos, whatever you want. Man, chile cooked for more than one day is some of the most amazing food you will ever eat. BBQ is also kind of a mandatory thing here for everyone. Rudy's BBQ up I-10 is awesome ****. Plenty of cowboy-types roaming around there too, haha. Texas is full of immigrants, so there is a plethora of Vietnamese, Indian, German, Korean, and other places around. Tight stuff.[/color]
  25. [quote name='Charles']I'm thinking the same thing. DeathKnight is a sly dog. He picks the old ones, inherits their properties and slowly builds his fortune when they expire. DeathKnight, you a freak! How can I subscribe to your newsletter?[/QUOTE] [color=crimson]Don't tell my mom any of this. :P Also, pardon my mom's brown fanny pack. It's an old-woman thing.[/color]
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