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Anime Pet

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Everything posted by Anime Pet

  1. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=SeaGreen]Well, you've got a point. I don't think I really made it clear what I meant. :animeswea I wasn't dissapointed in the fact I thought it was going to be this big huge sequel or something - just the pace of the movie itself seemed rush. It was still a good movie, though! But even if it was just a normal movie, I'd think it was too quick.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  2. [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=SeaGreen]Yeah, that's the only thing I disliked about the movie as well. I guess it wasn't shorter than some movies I've seen, but it seemed rushed and too short. :( [/COLOR][/FONT]
  3. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=SeaGreen]I don't know if this belongs in this or not, so please forgive if it doesn't. :animeswea I've already had two wallpapers accepted during the time I've been at Otaku, and whenever it doesn't work, it's because I screwed the size up or something. But I've been trying to submit several different ones lately, and they ALL show up as an error reading: You must choose your wallpaper to be uploaded. I make all my things in the Paint program, so I thought maybe it was just that one making a mistake. But it does that for over three different wallpapers, and it's never said that before, even though I'm using a valid file. Does anyone know why it's doing this? I don't know if it matters, but these are my only ones containing screenshots I used from my computer, but I didn't think it did, since so many other people can use screenshots and they're still uploaded. :animesigh Would that matter at all? PG[/COLOR][/FONT]
  4. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=SeaGreen]I always miss E3...... :animeangr Ah well. Anyway, I played the demo of FFXII, and I think that even though it's a change in the series, it'll work out good. My one magazine put it pretty well: it basically said that either FF fans will either embrace or reject the change to the system, ya know? While it's different, I think I'll enjoy it. I'm not really clear on FFXIII, though. What do you guys mean, 'saga'? Would it be in three seperate games?[/COLOR][/FONT]
  5. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=SeaGreen]Hmm....I actually have never head of FFXIII before this! :animeswea I'm not sure how I feel about it....X-2 was controversial enough, so it ought to be interesting to see how this all pans out. Is it official, or just rumors?[/COLOR][/FONT]
  6. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=SeaGreen]Then how come no one is getting messages anymore?[/COLOR][/FONT]
  7. [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=SeaGreen]See, when that notice thing pops up, I click "back", wait 30 seconds, and send it again. It usually goes the second time for me. Not sure what that is, but it does work the second time around. The PMs still aren't going! It's rather frustrating at this point. How long has it been like this?? :( [/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=SeaGreen]I just sent a message a few minutes ago (it's 6:57 pm where I am now) to see what would happen. I don't believe it really worked, but all the ones I've sent, including this one, show up in my sent box. What's UP with this, anyway?! :mad: [/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=SeaGreen]I sent out a PM yesterday night - the same as the one previously posted - and the person replied back to it today. Is the message system fixed, or was that a fluke??[/COLOR][/FONT] [color=#4B0082]The Edit button loves you. Won't you love it back? - [i]Desbreko[/i][/color]
  8. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Purple]I think the cookies were referring to something else, not to the PM system. I can't either! I got two messages within the span of two weeks, both from January. Then I got a copy of a message from January, and one from last year! This has been going on for several weeks for me, maybe more. Only on three days did I get normal messages - that was the third, the tenth, and the eleventh of this month. And then it died again! So I give up for now. I have a question - I had a button and banner of mine that have been showing up for a long time, but now they won't appear. (All the other stuff does.) I tried retyping the codes, repasting in the profile, re-DOING the profile, but they still aren't showing up. Help, please! I want them to work! Note: They're not the only button and banner on my site - I have three other buttons for my friends and one other banner for a friend. Does that have anything to do with it, even though I've had all three buttons up for almost a year? I changed buttons for my two friends, but the code was the same, and the second banner is only a few months or so old. Would that have anything to do with it for whatever reason? AP[/COLOR][/FONT]
  9. [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=Purple]I'm sad now. :animecry: I did buy the imported FFX-2 soundtrack that has "1000 Words" and......dang, I forgot the name. But they're in English, so I have 'em in English and Japanese now. :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  10. [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=Purple]I hear ya there. It really sucks we can't get the inter. versions of games - not fair!! :animecry: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  11. [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=Indigo]I know that in FFX-2 you fought Dark Aeons. Is that what you mean?? Man, now I'm embarrassed. I can't even beat Omega Weapon in FFX! :animeswea But I did find FFX-2 a lot easier....it was a little dissapointing, but still really fun for me.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  12. [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=Indigo]Thank you, Desbreko! That makes me feel a lot easier about watching it now. :catgirl: Avenged, I don't want to get nasty, but the way you're "criticizing" games seems ridiculous to me. You're not stating any reasons why you don't like them - it sounds like you're just making excuses. How can you say they're EASY?!! Maybe if you just play straight through, but I prefer the whole experiance, even if it makes it harder for me. I wish you'd say why you don't like them, instead of just saying that we're losers for playing or liking them, because I'm getting annoyed.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  13. [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=Indigo]Well, I don't really like playing two RPGs at the same time, because it messes me up. But I think I might stop both and play FF7 (unless someone wants to tell me what happens so I can watch AC!) I'd put off watching that, but my dad's looking foward to it - and he has even less clue than I do about everything in FF7................so I can't hold it off. Ah well........ :catgirl: Sometimes I just confuse myself.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  14. [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=Indigo]Well, it irritates me too when people get all peppy about something they don't really know anything about. I've found that a lot of the people who overhype ANY game don't really know anything about it at all - they're doing it because they want to be "cool" or whatever. :rolleyes: Anyways, I'm stoked about AC as well - I pre-ordered it! :catgirl: I already beat KHI (about three times......) and I pre-ordered KHII as well! But scarily enough, I haven't beaten FF7......don't laugh! I just was never able to find the time to complete the darn game. But I have the guide, so I have an idea what happens. But it's such a cheap way.......I'm ashamed. I'm in a dilemna, since I'm trying to beat Shadow Hearts III before KHII comes out (NOT gonna happen!) and trying to beat KHII before AC came out....... :animecry: What do I do?!?![/COLOR][/FONT]
  15. [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Unfortunately, Sandy, I think that you're right. People want to be accepted by other people, and if they come across as "fanboys" or "fangirls" they won't be. The sterotype of gamers is still a popular image, and FF7 has gotten some of the most attention (for whatever reason.....). I think, that because it's so popular, people are either going to reject it because of it's popularity, or accept it because it's a good game. I've played it, and I'm certainly not ashamed to say I like it. :catgirl: I'm not going to say it's my favoritest ever game!!! or something like that, but I do think it was a groundbreaking game and should be given credit it deserves. However, I think some people also go overboard praising the game, wihch makes people hate it as well. (I'm not saying you guys do!) But I don't think as mant people hate FF7 as we seem to believe - sometimes the minority seems the majority, when they're the loudest, remember. Either way, their loss. That's just my opinion. I have no clue whether I'm making any sense or not - it's hard to type it down!! And no, I don't think you sound like a fanboy, Sandy. ;) [/COLOR][/FONT]
  16. [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=DarkOrchid]I think people say that FF7 is the best Final Fantasy because it was such a groundbreaker for the series. Maybe they don't mean it has the best graphics (I hope not!!) or storyline, but in the aspect that FF7 really brought the FF series alive (I think) and was the best PS1 game at the time, I think it's the best Final Fantasy. It all depends how you look at it. I think the best, so far, is FFX, but that's just my opinion, see? :animeswea [/COLOR][/FONT]
  17. [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Yeah, same here! Hey,I have the import of FFX-2 soundtrack, but it's all in Japanese! I really wanted to hear Real Emotion and 1000 Words in ENGLISH!! Do you guys know if there's a sountrack that has 'em in English??[/COLOR][/FONT]
  18. [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Hey, random question! :catgirl: In FF X-2, which is your fav song? "Real Emotions" (the beginning song) or "1000 Words" (the one Yuna sings in the Thunder Plains)?[/COLOR][/FONT]
  19. [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Yeah, I'm not allowed online yet either, but I'll get FF11 the moment I can! ;) I played the demo of FF12 - it kicked ***! What I really liked is that the entire party shows up on screen, not just the leader. That always drove me insane! But I have to play again, since I didn't realize there were more spoilers after you beat both bosses....... :animecry: I'm working mainly on Xenosaga again now, but I've beaten FFX two times. I keep trying to play FFX-2, but I keep screwing something up so that I can't get 100% complete and get the Mascot dsp!!!! ARGH! So I'm taking a long hiatus from the thing. ONE DAY I'll get it, mark my words! :animedepr [/COLOR][/FONT]
  20. My first, in retrospect, was Sailor Moon too........I was in kindergarten/first grade and my friend watched it all the time. I wasn't really allowed to, but every once in a while I would see it. It looked pretty cool to me, but I have never seen it since then.
  21. [QUOTE=terjak]ya i heard the japanese version is being sold. even though i cant stand the japanese voices...the guys sound like girls and the girls like guys! its just annoying. im picking up a copy this week when i get the time to go and get it, im gonna fight the urge to break it because of the shrill voices.[/QUOTE] Why are you going to get it if you don't like the voices??
  22. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]I saw today that the FFAC DVD with English subtitles is out. Isn't it coming out later with an English version?[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]I hate you. That's not fair!! :animecry: Ah well. How come no one's ever one here anymore??[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]How did you get 100% THREE TIME?!!? :animeknow [/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]I'm really annoyed, because I was playing X-2 for the sixth time to try to get everything. I managed to beat Sphere Break this time, and do all the scenes in the Farplane, but I can't get Episode Complete in Moonflow because I missed selling one ticket in Chap 2!!! :animecry: :animecry: And for the Mi'ihen Highroad investigation, I pinned Rin as the suspect, so I only got Concluded there. :animecry: Now I have to do it all over AGAIN!!!![/COLOR]
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