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Anime Pet

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Everything posted by Anime Pet

  1. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Really?! That early! :catgirl: That's better than I expected! Oh, I like your sig.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]AC isn't supposed to come out until sometime next year, isn't it? WHAT?!!? I thought KH2 was supposed to come out this month!!!!!!!!! When's it supposed to be released now?!? :animestun :animestun :animestun [/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Not to my knowledge. I think I might get the Dragon Quest game after all - it looks good. I'll report back on the demo when I do. :catgirl: [/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]I didn't get the DQ game - I didn't even know it had a demo in it! :animeblus I think it's pretty cool, but if I got a demo, it'd only be tortue, because then I would know what I was waiting for. At least there's not that suspense of agony and waiting for me as long as I don't play demos. :catgirl: [/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]I don't have any portable game devices.....I'm not sure which one I'd get if I could.....so many! :animestun Probalby not the PSP....but I dunno. Probably a DS, for the FF games, like shadowofdeath13 said! :catgirl: [/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]That's exactly the reason why I don't keep track of release dates - when it comes out, I'm happy, but if I try to keep track, I go insane. i.e.: Kingdom Hearts II. This release thing is driving me nuts, so I just dropped it and am patiently waiting for one of my gaming magazines to annouce that it's been released. :catgirl: [/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Yeah, I know. It's a pain in the butt, though.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Yeah, that really sucks. I love Squenix, but I really go nuts over all these delays. But I just keep thinking "better game, better game...."[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Maybe it was because you were so leveled??[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]I didn't think Dirge had come out yet. Does anyone know the expected release date for it, or is there not one yet??[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Yeah, I know - Cat Sith DID look really weird! :animesmil I hope we find out more about Vincent as well - he was so mysterious, and he's one of my favorite characters. Dya think anyone else will be in Dirge as well?[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]I heard that Dirge is supposed to have Cat Sith in it as well as Vincent.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Oops! Sorry! :animeswea So, has anyone recently played any Final Fantasy games? And when does Advent Children come out?[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Did two posts get deleted???[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]I've never done a challenge like that. I don't think I ever will - I enjoy using my characters as a party too much to leave them all alone! :animeswea [/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Yeah, I agree. Only....in FFX, I was so leveled up, the final fights were majorly easy. It was the second play-through, so I knew what to expect, but it was kind of anti-climatic. I mean, I whooped him easy! :animeswea [/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Oh, that's all right, then. :animeswea But at least the PS1 and 2'll be compatible. We're not trying to force you to like RPGs. Just suggesting things - but if you don't like leveliing up in general, then no wonder. :catgirl: [/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Well, at least you gave it a chance! And not all RPGs are turn-based, by the way. Ones like Balduar's Gate and Champions of Norrath are RPGs, and they're the hack-'n-slash genre as well. I don't care for FFVII's graphics as well, but I just have to remember that it's an old game.....allowances must be made..... So, it's a definite thing, the remake of FFVII?!!? YES!!! :D :animeswea I REALLY hope the PS3 is compatible with the rest, but I'll probably end up getting it anyway since it'll be the next-gen console, and everything will be cming out on that instead. Like my bro said - if we don't get it, we can't get anymore games![/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]That would be really awesome. I hope they decide it's worth it to put on the PS3 and everything else. Hey, does anyone know if PS1 and PS2 games are going to be able to be played on the PS3?? I want to play my FF on it!! :animeswea [/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Does anyone know if FF 1-6 are going to be re-released for a console?[/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Wow, I'm kinda glad I stayed out of that..... :animeknow I try not to judge a series based on one game, but I understand that sometimes it's hard. But, to use Halo as an example, I didn't think I'd really care for it, but once I actually PLAYED it, it blew me away! (Literally. I keep dying.) Anyway, glad everything got settled, or we might've gotten in trouble for flames. :catgirl: [/COLOR]
  22. [QUOTE=Arekkusu]Final Fantasy I [B]think[/B] means that the world that the game is set in, is under peril and that if the danger is not stopped, than everyones dreams and ideals will be destroyed. So technically it's someones Final Hope or Fantasy of saving the world and restoring peace. IF that made any sense whatsoever lol Yeah you can buy FF7 for PC on Amazon or even Ebay. I'm not sure on prices I used to remember it being £50. I really recommend buying it for PS. It's much smoother and more atmospheric IMO.. FF7 Is by FAR the best Final Fantasy out of the series. But that's my opinion lol. :D[/QUOTE] I didn't know FF7 was available on PC!! :animestun A story I heard, why the series is called "Final Fantasy", was because looong ago, when Square was on its last legs, they decided to do one last-ditch game in an effort to save the company. The named it "Final Fantasy" because they didn't think it would work. But, obviously, it took off, and they kept the name in honor of their attempt. :catgirl:
  23. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Oh, Sage, you broke my heart! No summons?! :animecry: Oh well, at least SOMETHING, right? :catgirl: Yes, by movies I mean FMVs - but in-game cutscenes are good as well. So that's all good for me! And I like how most subquests and such are optional - it's not FORCING you to do them. But I'm glad FFXII is taking FF to a new level - it wouldn't be as good if all they did was copy their old games, right? So I'm more than happy about that. :animesmil I have to agree with TailTactics about Kura-Chan. Seeing and playing a game to decide if you like it are two different things. Don't judge the others just on one game (though FF7 IS an awesome game). But they ALL are, in their own unique and special way. So give 'em a try, and maybe next time you'll be pleasently surprised.[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]I totally agree with CloudsOnly189 about the guides. That's the reason I use 'em! :catgirl: TailTactics: Hmm....I think they should have sidequests, but not really minigames this time around. And not a whole load of sidequests either - just a few to expand the story and get special weapons or something. As for summons - they better have summons!! - I'm not sure. I haven't play FF9, so I don't know the animations you're talking about, but I really liked X's images. I want to know if they're going to use the same aeons from X, or ones from 7, or 8, or....you guys get the point. Or use completely different summons and/or models? I also agree - more cutscenes! I think there was way to few cutscenes in FF - I believe FFX-2 had more than X, but I'm not completely sure......as for good cutscenes, I think X-2 was better for that as well. But I think they should talk more in the cutscenes as well. But have plenty of story to PLAY, not just watch cutscenes. Xenosaga (pardon for using another game as an example) had a whole load of cutscenes, and (it was an AWESOME game!!) but it sometimes felt more like I watched it than played it. I don't want FF12 to get to that point, ya know? I think I might be being too picky, but isn't that what a gamer is all about? :catgirl: [/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]I like using guides for my RPGs because that I way I can get everything. I guess it's kinda cheating, but even though I use the guide, there are still things left you do yourself. Like FFX-2, for example. I just beat Shinra at Sphere Break after trying five times in a row and resetting, and I really feel like I accomplished something. I think just because someone uses a guide doesn't mean you can't get a feeling of accomplishment. Maybe not as much, but still.....just my opinion. :catgirl: [/COLOR]
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