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Anime Pet

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Everything posted by Anime Pet

  1. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]I'm working on it, but I haven't yet. :animesigh What a pain.....I've got the guide, though. Hey, question! Who here thinks using a guide to play the FFs is cheating?? I don't! :animeswea [/COLOR]
  2. Hey, thanks! :catgirl: Yeah, I think it's cool my dad plays FFX too. I beat it for the second time last night...such a sad ending!! *sniff*
  3. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Hey, my dad got Lulu's Sigil from the Lightning Dodger, thanks to Desbreko's tip!! Yeah!! And my bro and dad got Kimahri's Sigil, and my bro just got Tidus' from that race! We've never done it before. :animesmil On his second try, my dad got 248 dodges. :animestun I couldn't believe it! Thanks for the hints![/COLOR]
  4. OK, thanks, wor! What, there's a movie?! :animestun noblebebop22.....I don't agree with your opinion that GW is a gay anime, but that's your business. I'm glad that it got you into anime, though! :animesmil
  5. :animesmil You'll get it. Like I said - go to gamefaqs. They're really good. Maybe the strategy just isn't right - it took me quite a few times to figure it out. Hey, when I said it took five tries, I'm only counting the ones I survived longer than two minutes...... ;) :animeswea
  6. Thanks for blacking that last part out. :catgirl: Yeah, FMA makes me think too. Especially when [spoiler]Scar killed Nina[/spoiler]. Hey, just a quick question - is the FMA manga different majorly from the anime?
  7. Ok, my bro and I are going to try that dodger tip you guys gave us! :catgirl: He's got the better reflexes, so... :animeswea Yeah, I managed to find AND beat that fiend on my fifth try.... :animesigh A good site to find different strategies is on gamefaqs.com - they have different stuff for your different ways of playing and developing characters. The one in the book (in a VERY general way, since it's so loooong!) is to equip them with acc. that have auto-Protect and Reflect, or either. Two Dark Knights, and one Alchemist is what they say and what I used. After that it gets kinda vauge. I used the Alchemist to keep mixing Holy - it kept the two arms from coming back to life. But it depends on how advanced your people are - I suggest at LEAST level 66. But gamefaqs is REALLY good, and I HIGHLY reccomend it. :animesmil
  8. I actually saw the Gundam Wing movie before the anime! That's what got me into Gundam Wing.
  9. Hey, don't look at me! :animeswea Anyways.....does ANYONE know how to get the 200 consecutive lightning bolts you need in FFX, in order to get Lulu's sigil? Is there a code, or cheat, or is it just luck???
  10. :animeshy: I ddn't know it did!! ARGH!!! *must.....go.....buy......* :animeswea
  11. I have Nausicaa, the three Inuyasha movies....and I think that's it so far. Is Howl's Moving Castle out yet??
  12. Yeah. I think when people think of "anime", they think "cartoon" and get it all screwed up.
  13. Yeah, it was. TV cuts out all the good stuff - like death and things, the way it's SUPPOSED to be - and waters it down. No wonder people think people who watch anime are idiots.
  14. Yeah, I know. I heard they banned it from TV - in the middle of the third season, or the beginning - because the new Sailor Scouts were lesbians and the stuff was pretty obvious, so people took a lot of offense.
  15. Yeah.....I think the first season of Digimon was the best. I liked Pokemon for a while, but at least in Digimon they TALKED, not just go "Pika-Pika!" That drove me loony! :animeangr I never really watched Sailor Moon 'cept with my friend, but Inuyasha was when I knew what anime was, and started getting into it. I remember when it was on Toonami.....wow, nostaliga attack! Why does anime make us feel so old?! :animeswea
  16. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Indigo]Hear, hear, Shuiri!! I completely agree. Xenosaga was one of the first PS2 games I got when I got my PS2, and I managed to make my way through it until the Song of Nephilim. THEN I had to go find the guide - I couldn't understand how to make the three color pillars work! Xenosaga 2 was a bit short, and heavy on the movies, but the ability to replay through the end with a completely new storyline is rather nice. I have a question: Scarbelle, in Xeno2 - how do you BEAT it?! The guide is no help at all, and I can't find a decent strategy anywhere. Just when it looks like I'm making progress: BLAMBLAMBLAM!!! It KILLS me!!! :mad: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  17. [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Good point! But I still think they'd fight - I think Dona would be disgusted by LeBlanc and her attitude. But that's just my opinion. :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  18. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Yeah, Rikku would be awesome. :D I said who cares as well, but that's because it affects how she appears later in the game. I'm not sure how, though....I forget. :animeblus Oh man, LeBlanc vs. Dona?! Gee, what a wild shot THAT would be at who would win..... :p Dona, hands down![/COLOR][/FONT]
  19. [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=SeaGreen]FFX and X-2 are both games that have a lot to do in them, and there are differences between the two. I thought in this thread we could discuss and compare both games, and also give out tips to those players who need a hand. I guess I'll start with a tip: In order to get Gippal's sphere in X-2, you need to pin the Mi'ihen Highroad mystery on Rin. If you want anything more, I'll gladly post instructions. This is my first thread, so I hope I'm doing this right. :animeswea [/COLOR][/FONT] [color=#4B0082]I merged this with a previous thread, since they were pretty much on the same subject. - [i]Desbreko[/i][/color]
  20. [FONT=Arial Black][COLOR=SeaGreen]After Zoids: CC, I started watching Zoids: GF, and then it just flew from there. When I first saw Inuyasha, at the closing theme, I thought Sesshomaru was a girl, because of the pics! :animeknow [/COLOR][/FONT]
  21. [FONT=Courier New][COLOR=Indigo]I tend to like things more comedic, but things like Witch Hunter Robin, which is more gothic, and Noir, a more darker setting, certainly appeals to me as well.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  22. [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Yeah, I would've loved to play blitz with Rikku. But at least you get Brother, right? I was wondering that too. I think partly because Dona wasn't as loyal to Yevon as Issaru - remember, once you get back on the airship, she talks about leaving her pilgrimage. I kinda liked the old Kilika set-up, but the new one was good too. :catgirl: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  23. [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]What dissapointed me, after I played FFX, was findinding out that a lot of the areas had been cut in size. Sure, you get some new dungeouns, but I would have liked to have all of Luca, or Besaid, back. I haven't managed to get Gippal's sphere either. I've got the guide, but my bro hid it, so I can't refer to it as of now. On GameFaqs, however, it states that you must find Rin guilty of the Mi'ihen Highway mystery. I was almost able to do that, but I forgot to have a key sphere placed by Shinra earlier on. I was so mad! :mad: [/COLOR][/FONT]
  24. [FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]I like Fruits' Basket, because it's so funny, and yet so sweet at the same time. I truly enjoy it for it's plot and characters. I enjoy Witch Hunter Robin and Noir because of their darker storylines, and the characters are very complex as well. I tend to like animes that are deeper with their plots and stories, and aren't so shallow. Another favorite is Inuyasha. Several of the characters annoy me, and so do certain elements of the plot, but the rest of the story, animation, and characters make up for it. At truly well-rounded anime, though a bit annoying at times.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  25. [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=RoyalBlue]I've beaten FFX-2 numerous times, and I still can't win the Sphere Break contest. It's driving me insane!! I like FFVII and FFVIII, but I haven't played them in so long. I'm trying to conquer FFX once more...... Yeah, I can see why someone wouldn't care that much for FFX. Personally, I think Tidus is a bit whiny, but that's just me....[/COLOR][/FONT]
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