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Everything posted by Berry187

  1. you could enter the Manga rising stars competition for [URL=http://tokyopop.com/news/mangatalent/index.php][U][COLOR=RoyalBlue]TokyoPop[/URL][/COLOR][/U](if you live in the U.S) but if you wanna do it the hared way I?ll be happy to help just name what you want to be done.
  2. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=2]I think you could devote a specific part of the comic to each character. but first you?ll have to get all the little things outta the way like the characters likes & dislikes things like there attached and there backgrounds where and how they grew up just the basic things like that.[/SIZE][/FONT]
  3. It's also a [URL=http://www.initialdthemovie.com/][U][COLOR=RoyalBlue]live-action movie[/COLOR][/U][/URL] (but not the best) and a PS2 game (never played the arcade version but i like this one) I think the best of all is all ways the original so to me it will be the Manga. Has any one seen the live action movie I have to say that it ant that great.
  4. [SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I'll help it's one of the things i do best but what do you need help with?[/FONT][/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I so don?t think that Anime and (or) Manga are nerdy it's just something I love too much but I guess that could be blocking my view of things. I think that ppl that say these things probably don?t even know what it is. They probably call it lame but then they go home and watch it on T.V!!! Well that?s just my 2-cents [/FONT] [/SIZE]
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