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Everything posted by Nomura

  1. I didn't see last night's since I went to see Harry Potter 4 with another Otaku member. From what I heard, it wasn't on! Does anyone know when , besides the Chunin exam, does Shikamaru fight? 'Cause him and Sasuke are my favorite characters, and I havn't seen him fight at least five times! :animeswea Well, I guess Batman saved me from missing another episode last night... :animesmil Anyway, in the latest chapter of Naruto in SJ,[SPOILER] Sakura and Ino fight it out for the final time. Ino, controlling Sakura's mind, makes Sakura tell Hayate she wants to give up. Then, Naruto, giving a shout to Sakura to keep fighting, breaks the spell, and Sakura gets control of herself again. Ino, being forced from Sakura's body and mind charges at Sakura. Sakura also charges at Ino. Boom! Both are totally knocked backwards and unconcious. Then, TenTen and Temari fight. Within a couple of seconds, Temari ends the fight. Temari throws TenTen into the air, and Rock Lee jumps from the seats high above the battle field, and catches her. Rock Lee then puts TenTen on the ground and jumps at Temari. He does an awesome Konaha Hurricane kick, only to be deflected. Rock Lee's sensei jumps down and stops him from fighting anymore. Then it's time for Shikamaru and Tsuchi (sound ninja) fight. Tsuchi throws kunai at Shikamaru, having bells on them. Shikamaru figures out that the bells are to distract him from other kunai without bells, flying at him silently. Though, Tsuchi has a different plan. She has thread attatched to the kunai, which are now stuck in the stadium walls. She pulls hard on the thread. Kunai fly at Shikamaru, hitting him and making Tsuchi think she has him done for. But then she figures out, she can't move. Shikamaru has her in his shadow ninjutsu. Whatever Shikamaru does, she must do. So he throws shuriken at her. Tsuchi screams "You fool!" since if it hits her, it hits him. But Shikamaru has a plan. He jumps back far and does a back bend to dodge the shuriken. Tsuchi jumps back into a wall, and does a back bend, hitting her head on the wall...knocking her out. Shikamaru wins! :animesmil Then Naruto and Kiba fight. Kiba underestimates Naruto, and takes a head- on attack to him, sending Naruto to the ground. Kiba thinks he's won... He turns around for a second, and turns back around to see that Naruto is standing again. Kiba throws down a smoke bomb and sends Akamaru to bite Naruto. Bam! Naruto is unconcious on the ground and Akamaru is sitting there smiling and panting. Akamaru runs back over to Kiba. Kiba begans to celebrate, but then is bitten on the arm by Akamaru. It's really Naruto! Then it's the to be continued sign after Naruto and Kiba gripe a little.[/SPOILER] LOL sorry 'bout that. I couldn't help it...I had to give you the latest chapter review... :animesmil
  2. Nomura

    Linkin Park Fans?

    Yeah, man, Jay-Z was cool. He worked pretty good with the band, made some good songs etc. So what if they once in their life cursed? So what if they mixed genres? So what? It was just a great once in the lifetime experience for the band. I mean, they were the Hybrids already, so it didn't affect the whole sound of the music. They did pretty good. Oh and for you renayiiq... They're the Hybid theory. They mix RAP with ROCK and come out with them. So yes, Mike raps over rock,so they can have hip-hop elements in their music. That's what makes LP a different new alternative band. One more reason to just love 'em.
  3. Nomura

    Linkin Park Fans?

    It's not right to call them a pop band. They're not. They classify as Alternative Rock. Plus, pop is dead...LOL. I'll tell ya, Linkin Park is my favorite band. I love their hip-hop clashed with a sense or hardcore rock. Plus the band sees no point in cursing in their lyrics since it only makes the song worse. Thats a plus. I'm not a big fan of hearing five different curses in one song... :animeswea ... Plus, Chester's voice can change from soothing, sad, rugged, angry, and many different sounds. Mike's lyrics and rap are alot better than any regular Rapper's, I think. I really can't stand all the perverted mess, that 50 cent's throwing on the media. No wonder he got shot so many times... But being serious, Linkin Park is an awesome techno, retro, punk, hardcore, metal,hip-hop etc. etc. etc. band. :animesmil They might still be popular in a couple of years, of course I'm not so sure about that... I just know that I'm a giant fan of LP!
  4. It will soon be 2006, so I'm hosting a competition to see who the Anime-know-it-all will be for that year will be. We might've had a picture for this, but nobody actually gave me what I needed... Well anyway... In the Anime-know-it-all, you will be asked six questions. 3 post-it questions, which you will be asked to post here ( you might want to wrap spoiler tags around them too, so someone doesn't "accidentally" copy your answer, when they were scrolling down the page). Each post-it question is worth 1 point. 2 PM questions, which you will pm the answers to me. These are worth 3 points. 1 bonus question, which you will post here. It is worth 2 points. The Animes... I have constructed a list of the most well-known animes. At the beginning of the competition, in round one, they're will be only five animes the questions are based off of. In each round, I'll add another anime. I'll give you some time to go over the anime, but you want to go over it fast. The animes you want to study are...The DragonBall series, Fullmetal Alchemist, The .hack series, InuYasha, and you're choice of either Naruto or Yu-Gi-Oh. In your sign-ups, please vote for which you would like. So, start signing up, and study hard! :animesmil
  5. Thank you Lady Katana. :animesmil Alright let's get back to business. School day!
  6. I myself am a manga-ka and doujin-ka(recently figured out), and I'm hosting a lil' championship. Here's how it's played. I name a plot, you guys draw an anime, manga or original character in that plot. For example, "School day". You guys would draw a character in a school uniform, holding his/her lunchbox standing out side the school. Understand? It doesn't have to be colored either. And your first plot is just what I said a couple of words ago. Schoolday!
  7. I still have to get the third one... I got the second one a couple of months ago. I didn't get the first one, since I know everything that happens in it. Can any one tell me in which one does[SPOILER]Hughs die? Thats the one I want. Its so sad...I cried watching the anime of it.[/SPOILER]
  8. Oh no, I didn't mean that, but yeah LOL, that would probably be called plagierism. Sorta like fan art on one half, and brain-stew on the other right? :animeswea
  9. How bout this...I keep Astdis' banner and keep Katana's avi? I can't make choices... :animecry: But I love them so much, so I guess this'll work. Please noone else make one for me... I think I have enough Sasuke banners and avis.
  10. Name:Xsuyoh (Sew- yo) Age:12 Gender: Male Race: Is a half breed or a female Beastman and male Human. Class: (I'm not real sure what you mean by class...but here goes)Know it all little runt. Special skills: Knows almost everything about anything. Weapons:Carries a wooden sword, and a wrench... which he can't even use correctly... Appearance:Wears work goggles over his forehead, for crafting. Wears red clothe pants, a yellowish raggy shirt, has big blue eyes, Brown and blonde striped hair. Is only 4'1" (short since he is a half breed and not a full Beastman...)and skinny. Magic: Lowclass, weak...but can still manipulate metallic materials. Biography:At the age of five, his parents were killed by Deathstalkers. He was living on the road until the main character found him and made him his side kick. Is called a runt.
  11. Thanks alot, Astdis! I'll remember this! :animesmil (Perfecto!)
  12. Doujinka are just manga fan fictioners right? Well , read some fan fics, get some ideas, make a better big great idea, plot characters, frame, and start drawing. That's my step chart on what to do. :animesmil :animeswea
  13. Well, if it's not too late.... I'll sign up. Name: Nomura Age:??? (Teenage...probably around 13, 14) Species:Human Gender: Male Affiliation: A bandit that travels the world in search of all the aincent, supposedly "magical" artifacts. Appearence: Is about 5' 9". Skinny, dark skinned male, wears a long duster, black. It is usually zipped up, and the collar covers his mouth and half his nose. Has redish orange eyes. His hair is black, with orange highlights, usually spiked up, is long. His ears are peirced. He wears gloves with finger holes, black. Wears dark brown shiny boots, that are barely seen from his long black duster being so long. Personality: Dark personality. Usually doesn't talk to people. Anger flows within him. Has an unusual bond with his pokemon...as if they were brothers, they always have each's backs. Biography: When he was little, his mother, fether and sister were killed on a vacation to the orange islands. They were killed by a sea creature, when it hit the cruise they were all on, with a gigantic tentacle. The family pet, a dark pokemon, possesed water type traits and rescued Nomura from drowning. The two then swore to get the "magical" artifacts they had heard so much about, as it was told that they could perform miracles. They wanted to bring back their family. Years later... Nomura and his pokemon(whichever one of you wants to be my pokemon...)are asked to join Team Rocket. Nomura, saying no, sets off a bomb, blowing up the Rocket base. Nomura, while everyone was yelling and distracted,stole the two artifacts they posessed. He ran out on to his Hover bike (seen in Poke'mon Colloseum) and speeded off in to the distance. Is now on many many wanted posters, and hides from bounty hunters, including Team Rocket's two main heroes (whoever you choose). My first RPG. If I'm not accepted, break it to me...easy.. :animeswea
  14. Actually, I go to RPGs all the time...just not here. And they're free form. Well, I'm waiting for a good Anime RPG! :animesmil
  15. The banner is too big... I love it so much...But it needs to be 500 x 100... It's 503x104! :animecry:
  16. Wow. LOL. I don't think the game should be described as the jumping bunny in tights picture contest. LOL. I'm thinking more... OBish. But nice pic anyway, Outlaw. Maybe the winner could make that their avi... That's a good idea(I'm not being sarcastic...)! Well, keep 'em coming folks.
  17. Thank you, Sandy! I'll try that! But one more thing... How are people gonna sign up in the AL? Shouldn't I at least do that in AI?
  18. Thanks. I'll keep mind of that. Before I make a RPG ever, I'm hosting the Anime know-it-all. It'll test to see who's the smartest Otaku Board Anime fan. That isn't concidered an RPG is it? Sandy! I need help from you, since you are in the middle of OB: Survivor, and this is sorta like that.
  19. Sooner or later I'm planning on making a big quiz game. And I need a big 100 x 100 or more pic. It needs to say Anime Know-it-all! In any good looking font. It also needs to have simple, yet explosive colors. I might as well get your juices running... Winner gets a free place on Anime know-it-all.
  20. If anyone can, I would love a banner of my avitar, with Sasuke walking. I want it to say ... I'll keep going, and never quit... And on the opposite side of my avitar I would like this pic. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/images/avatars/Naruto-Sasuke01.jpg[/IMG] Sorry for all the trouble :animeswea . Thanks alot if you will make it for me! Now I gotta learn how to put a banner up... Oh well, thank you!
  21. Well, I'm planning on making my first RPG, except... I need help from common RPer's . I have no idea what I'm a gonna' do. I want it to be an anime RPG. Well, has anybody at all got tips?
  22. Finally, I've figured out something that can beat the Spoiler Army![SPOILER] I now have a secret weapon! :animeangr :animeangr They'll never defeat us now![/SPOILER] LOL.
  23. Rise Against's CD is really awesome, ChibiHorseWoman. :animeshy: How much do you weigh now?LOL, sorry... Anyways, I guess you love to dance if you wanna spend 150 bucks for a DDR mat! LOL.
  24. Chapter 1 Three best friends, Hunter Mann, Austin Booker, and Emmanuel Garay, have had many strange events happen. But something absolutely freaky happened on?the 19th?no? uh?Sometime last year. Now, what is this year? Hunter is an aspiring manga artist. (Manga is the proper name of black and white comics from Japan.) Anyway, he loved to draw! He drew day and night. But since he drew all the time, he also ran out of paper all the time. ?Hey mom, I?m going to get some paper and drop by Austin?s house.? He said as he walked out the door. ?Be home by seven,? said Mrs. Mann. ?Okay Mom,? Hunter replied. He began to walk to the market (while humming ?Macho man?, except he kept on saying nacho instead of macho). While at the market, he noticed a poster for an interesting colored pencil set. ?Reality Sketch. Make your drawings seem real...?. He checked his pocket for six dollars. ?Yes! Just enough for that set.? So he bought a sketch pad and the colored pencils. When he got to Austin?s, Emmanuel was there too. Hunter, Austin, and Emmanuel sat down and played video games for an hour. I bet you want a description of the three boys. Hunter, Austin and Emmanuel are all in the fifth grade. Hunter has long spiky blonde hair, brown eyes and a taste for all art. Austin has really long brown hair and brown eyes. If you ever see a kid that has over ten Yu-gi-oh shirts, that?s him all right. Emmanuel has short black hair, black boots, cargo pants, and has brown eyes. Hunter was winning against the other boys. His virtual soldier would always hide and wait until the others would walk by him. Then he would sneak attack them. Over and over he killed them, like déjà vu. Over and over he killed them, like déjà vu. Well, they got bored of the constant deaths (and déjà vu), and insisted that Hunter draw some manga (So they could sell it on e-Bay). Chapter 2 This is where the trouble begins. Hunter drew four great super heroes and a funny little comic strip. The first hero he drew was Hunta-san, the Japanese ninja master. The Austinator was the second. He had a full artillery of weapons, and an appetite for pizza. There was E- man, the amigo from Mexico with his crazy sombrero that masks his face. You?ll soon come to find out about the fourth hero in chapter four. The bad thing is that poster wasn?t lying about the pencils making art seem real. ?Tight, dude. I like my sombrero you drew,? commented Emmanuel. ?I don?t think those pencils were worth six bucks. I?ve been staring at the pictures and I don?t see where it seems real. Just looks like a regular comic drawing!? exclaimed Austin. Hunter looked down at his watch. ?Oh crap! I?ve got to get home by seven! It?s 6:58!? He stormed out of the house. It seemed to him that he was running way faster than he had ever before. He looked down to find that he couldn?t keep track of his feet. They were blurs to him. He was moving faster than a sports vehicle. He was moving like a ninja. Well... In all the blurs, he didn?t see a car approaching. Bam! The car flew really high in the air. Hunter (who is now Hunta-son) didn?t have scratch on him. Then he heard a loud crash. ?My leg!?, ?Vooda Kano Seakopa!!!(Our space ship!)?, and ?Please exit the plane to your left,? could be heard behind him. Hunter figured out that those pencils could make art real after everything he drew, magically appeared. Hunter worried that the other thing he drew would come to life. Oh, did I mention the little comic strip? It was about the three heroes fighting an evil princess that clones herself. But the experiment goes wrong, and the only thing cloned is her ugly blonde hair and evil, stupid mind. The princess?s name was Mistress Wardlaw. Chapter 3 The next day, Hunter noticed that he had a ninja uniform on. He had a black belt, head band, and the boots made for stealth on when he woke up. At school, Austin had a utility belt full of weapons that he had to hide in his back pack. Emmanuel had a sombrero that wouldn?t come off his head. ?Do you know how hard it is to sleep on this sombrero?? exclaimed E-man to Hunta-son. Though it was a big magical change, the three thought that maybe, being super heroes might be fun. So, Hunta-son drew more things for the super hero job. He drew a handy weapon for the three, called the food launcher. The only problem was that, he didn?t know what kind of food to launch at enemies. He also drew the E- mobile and the Austa-jet. Meanwhile... In Mistress Wardlaw?s evil lair, the evil princess plans her next evil plot for an evil kidnapping, so she can rule the world with her evil minions...which is evil! ?I must get those fools! Especially that creepy one who had the guts to draw me!? she screamed at her evil minions. ?Boss, why are you screaming at us about it?? said her minion. ?Because I want you to dress up as a cop, fool Hunta-san, and bring him here!? shouted the evil princess, telling her evil plot to her mildly evil minion to do an evil deed so she can rule the world with her evil minions...which is evil! An hour later at the S.H.E.A.N (Super Hunta-san, E-man, Austinator, and Narrator) base, the door bell rings. (I had to tell them that Super Heroes In Tights shouldn?t be the organization name before they had the idea for S.H.E.A.N.) Anyway, E-man opened the door to find a cop. ?I?m here to arrest Hunta-san,? said the cop. ?Let me guess... He beat an old lady with a stick for the last soda at the store again, didn?t he?? said E-man. ?We told him that old ladies have rights too, and that she would probably sue...hey, that rhymed!? exclaimed E-man. Chapter 4 In which, Hunta-san is stupid enough to go back to the evil lair with the evil minion, so he can give him to the evil princess, who wants to evilly destroy S.H.E.A.N...which is evil! Hunta-san was being held captive at the evil lair...which is evil! Hunta-san woke up from a blow to the back of his head. A blinding white light was shining in front of him. Is this heaven, he thought. Then he noticed he was on a slab naked, being examined. ?Hey! Give me back my clothes!? He exclaimed. The scientist examining him gave him his clothes, and ordered a minion to put him in a prison cell. ?...Then the rash eventually went away. My butt still itches a little though.? Hunta-san said as he and one of the evil minions were having a long conversation. I think they?re still having that conversation. 2 hours later... They?re still in conversation. 7 days later... ?I know, man, I got one just like her at my house. You know women, they won?t shut up about the house, and how messy it is. I mean, who really cares if there?s a pizza box stuck up under our bed?? exclaimed the evil minion. Finally, they stopped talking like babbling idiots and tried figuring a way for Hunta-san to escape his prison cell. ?Will you try just asking me to open the door for you?? asked the evil minion. ?Nah, it?s too easy. Where?s the adrenaline and excitement?? replied Hunta-san. ?What about a bomb?? the evil minion asked. ?Now, that?s a great idea!? Hunta-san said with excitement. So, Hunta-san grabbed a Ninja bomb from his pocket, and planted it on the cell wall. ?Hey, can you open the cell door, so I can hide behind something? I don?t want to get hit by big pieces of wall.? ?Sure.? Hunta-san hid behind a wall. It didn?t explode. ?I?ll go see if we set it.? Said the gunman. He walked into the cell. BOOM! His arm flew over to Hunta-san?s feet. ?Cool! A back scratcher!?,shouted Hunta-san as he jumped in mid-air with excitement (Cheesey Anime style). Then he ran into a big hall way right outside the big hole in the cell wall. Meanwhile... the Austinator worries about Hunta-son...?Huh-huh-nnn-huhn-hhuh-huh...? Sorry about that. I?m watching Beavis and Butt-head at the moment. Any way, E-man and the Austinator go looking for Hunta-san. They didn?t find him in his room. Neither did they find him in the base, the police station, Victoria?s secret, or the senior citizen building. A:?Hunta-san, where the heck are you?? H:?Some crazy lady captured me I think.? A:?Oh.? H:?Hey E-man, how are we talking?? A:?This is Austinator! Don?t you know the sound of your own cousin?s thoughts?? H:?Oh, so we can speak to each other telepathically.? A:?I guess so, Hunta-san.? H:?Wow, this is weird. What am I thinking of right now?? A:?Cheese.? H:?How about now?? A:?There?s a evil minion with a gun in front of you.? H: ?How?d you know that?? A:?You won?t stop sweating and screaming.? H:?What am I thinking about now?? A:?Gross! You soiled yourself!? H: ?Wow, You?re good.? After having that telepathic conversation with the Austinator, Hunta-san embraced the fact that a gunman was in front of him. ?I?m going to kill y-hold on, I got a business call. Hello? I told you, we need to buy the rocket launchers!? Somewhere in a Tokyo warehouse, millions of Japanese people are trying to buy out all the rocket launchers at the black market. While talking on the phone, Hunta-san realized the gunman was a woman. ?Hey, I know you from the store I went to last year! That fancy market place! What was your name, again? Oh yeah, Sall!? Hunta-san said. Somewhere in a Tokyo warehouse, millions of Japanese people are now trying to sell all there rocket launchers they just bought. ?Bye.? Hunta-san said. Somewhere in a Tokyo warehouse, millions of Japanese people are now buying back all the rocket launchers they just sold. Chapter 5 On the road again, E-man and the Austinator flew in the Austa-jet to the evil Mistress Wardlaw?s lair. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Hey kids, write here what you think they are saying in the blanks. ?What? you didn?t narrate the Joke I just told? You _____!!!!!! I hope you ________cause we?re _________ you little ______, and I hate you!!!!? Said E-man. See kids? That?s what happens when an adult doesn?t have his coffee. ?But, I thought that?s what happens when you?re on pot, because that?s what my dad says. But, I don?t believe him because I never see anyone act like that when they?re taking a bathroom break.? That?s why you?re on medication, little timmy. ?Shouldn?t my name be with a capital t?? I repeat, you are on medication. ?But,? Shut up!!! They?re at the lair! ?At the lair of the evil Riddler, Batman and Rob-? You?re narrating the wrong story, I?m the narrator of this story. ?Oh...well, bye then...? Anyway, Austinator and E-man were at the lair already. ?So this is the lair of You-Know-Who...? , Said E-man. ?How?d you know that?? Asked the Austinator. ?It?s in the script.? Replied E-man. ?Script? When?d they get those?? Austinator said. So the two preteen super heroes went further into the lair. Meanwhile, Hunta-san ran further into the evil lair. And that?s all I got so far. So? Whatcha think?Sorry, it's so sillly. I wrote it along time ago. Well...anyway...
  25. Great job, Mr. Administrator Des. Love your work! [SPOILER]Just glad I'm not in it. I'd fricking hate that...[/SPOILER] Well, great job, man.
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