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Everything posted by Nomura

  1. Next month is December... I know a lil' about what I'm getting... I know I'm getting Azumanga Daioh, the complete series. I'm also getting Jing: King of Bandits, the complete series. Both of which, I've never seen, but I do have the manga of Azumanga Daioh... Also, getting a NDS game called, Lost in the Blue, from Konami. Those things weren't even on my christmas list. I just went to best buy, with a hundred bucks, and my mom's mom. My mom's mom says I have to wait 'till Christmas to get my Anime and game! :animecry: My list is... 1)DBZ: Sagas [X-box] 2)DBZ:Budokai[Game-cube] 3)Digimon: Digital World 4[X-box] 4)DBGT:Transformation[GBA] 5)Animal Crossing[NDS] All video-games. My christmas list. Now can someone please PM me and give me the dirty details on what Jing: King of bandits is about? (I'm anxious for christmas presents...Can't wait, and I need to know if I made a good choice picking those two animes...)
  2. Yes. Japanese uniforms for girls are decent. Not so sure 'bout the male versions...
  3. Mog: Kupo!!! I know you! You're S- ???: What?! Shadow is here??!! (Speeds over to Shadow and has a quick behind-scenes conversation) Mog: Eeerrr...Yes, kupo, so can you tell the veiwers your famous name? ???: Sonic the hedgehog! (Smiles at camera) Mog: Ummmmm...kupo...Can I have an autograph of you? :animeshy: Sonic: Sure, here's an old pic of me, but I still look fine in it! Autograph's on the back.[IMG]http://www.free-game.com/Images/sonic1_1140.jpg[/IMG] Mog: Kupo!Your signature!!! Anyway... Your Games? Sonic: DER! The awesome punk-rock packed techno retro...Sonic the hedgehog games! Mog:Kupofcourse! Sonic: It's been a great two decades or so, working in such a great adventure/action game. I even signed on to a hit show and sequel anime. Mog: Kuporiffic games and shows! I have a bedspread of you! Sandy got it for me... She says your probably a jerk. I say your sweet. What do you say about your personality? Sonic: That's hard. I usually don't pay attention to stuff like that. Well, errr I like punk-rock, running, jumping out of police helicopters andmaking snowboards out of helicopter parts... And running...Did I say that? Oh well. I don't know. Mog: Kupo! That's good enough for me!Your kuporiffic talents? Sonic: I can do awesome stunts, get chicks, and run really fast. Mog: Can example your speed? Sonic:Wanna see me do it again? Mog: What? Sonic: Run fast from here to manhatten. Mog: But you never left the room... Sonic: Exactly... Point prooven. Mog:Your motives for joining? Sonic: To just have fun and kick butt! Can I say butt on this show? Mog: Kuperrrrrr, I think so... Well that was lovely to meet you Sonic! Sonic: (winks at Mog) Mog: (faints)
  4. I don't believe that we need school uniforms at all. Every single person has the right to be themselves and wear the clothes they feel most comfortable in. As for me... Skater tees and faded out jeans work nice and are pretty darn comfortable. :animesmil
  5. I loved kakurenbo. I wish it was a series. It might have been better if the onis were a lil' scarier...
  6. No embarassment there. I watch Andy Griffith with my mom. (And other nice TV land shows)...
  7. Suddenly, the cave began to quake, sending Howlingvampire4 to the ground. Her head it hit the ground with a [I]thud[/I]. "Wake up...Howl...wake up...", a voice echoed. Howlingvampire 4 opened her eyes. There, beside her, was Mitch. "C'mon! Let's get out of here. School's over.", he said. Howlingvampire4 left the building with Mitch. "Hey, Mitch...I'm going to go home and take a nap. I don't feel so good...", she said, wiping sweat from her brow. [I]THUD![/I] She fainted again, and awoke with a man holding her in his arms. His long red hair fell over her like a blanket. "Wh-", she began, but was cut off by the pain in her side. "The followers of the Great Demon found you, before I could stop them. I saved your life before they could kill you.", the mystery man softly said, in a deep voice. "Who are you?", Howlingvampire4 asked. "Desbresko..."
  8. Yes, cartoon network suck. I have to wait 2 hours everyday for the good anime, because they won't stop having camp lazlo marathons... :animeangr Plus the anime they have right now isn't top notch... I wish The Anime Network was on Dish Network so bad! :animecry: But, I'm really glad that YYH is finally showing again. It better have a good explanation for leaving so long! LOL, I hope they bring back Ruroni Kenshin and robot week...and dragon ball z...and so many other good animes they left hanging!
  9. I liked it alot. The only flaws I could find were, the neck is cut into, his face is to round, his nose and mouth are too far apart and that, he just seems a lil' tad too tall for Edward Elric. I love the coloring. The shimmer on his auto-mail is just awesome. I also think that a red background would've been better than that sea blue back ground. Anyways, good job.
  10. [quote name='Attimus331']I'm thinkin' about getting a new guitar. If i do then i'll probably get a les paul. I dunno what brand yet though. Besides that i don't really know what i want. Money's always good. Also an xbox 360 is somethin' for me to think about.[/quote] I've got a fender squier and it works nicely for me. Something else that you should look at is the Roland mini cube amplifier. It's a portable mini amp, with great sound, effects,key,gain etc. I would recommend it highly.
  11. I'll give it a 9. I would give it a 10, but your spelling, unfortunately, is not as good as your ability to tell a good fanfiction story. I loved the story, but I felt you should give some more details of Kisha. It was so great anyway, but if you were to edit it, I would want some more details than "blonde curly hair"about Kisha. Anyways, good job.
  12. Yeah, I wouldn't start making this thread till' way later in the year, but everone's already asking "So what do you want this year?"... So I just figured I should go ahead and ask, since everyone else is asking about people's christmas lists. :animeswea
  13. LOL :animesmil Got to have those DS games! I just hope the newer ones will have console graphics... Well there's one thing on my list. DS games.
  14. Well, I've been trying to get this thingy worked out, so if you see your name on the want list (signature), please PM me, and I'll sign you up, if you want to join.
  15. I would really like to see Zelda, Robotech, Dragon Ball Z, Gundam, YuYu Hakusho (thank goodness its premiering tonight) etc. I never even got to see Zelda the show...
  16. Yep names aren't rocket science. You know what? You could go to some random anime test web site, and take a personality quiz for them. I took one for me, and they said my anime name was Nomura. LOL. Sorry I can't remember the name of the website now, but I remember I found it on Google looking for "Anime personality tests" ...
  17. Good point, Retribution. Teachers like that shouldn't even be allowed to teach.
  18. Christmas is only a couple of months away, and I was just wondering what everyone's christmas list is going to be, starting with what you want the most. It might take me a couple of posts before I get mine worked out :animesmil LOL.
  19. I think freedom to speak is one of the most important rights. I feel we should "Fire the Liar" who hasn't done crap for are country, and is way overdue a boycotting party to show up at his door. But there's alot of different ways to speak freely. Like in song. If you go around singing "American Idiot" all the time, you are speaking freely in sing song that Bush needs to go... Ahh, let's just get to me speaking freely... 1) Bush sucks(I hate kerry too) 2)Subsitutes(at my school) should be jumped 3) If your a bully to those who have done nothing to you, your apparentally jealous 4)Vote for Pedro(LOL) 5)God is the only god
  20. I fear losing my family(my puppies count), and dying. These things haunt me everytime I'm away from them. As for dying, I just don't think it's time for I to go...
  21. They didn't censor Naruto's Centerfold!!! LOL :animesmil They definitely don't censor cursing either, except for a lil' in FMA.
  22. Jian from Lunar: Dragon song, because he has good Acrobatic skills, funny, intelligence bound, and he's got a hot girl following him everywhere! LOL. From Anime, I'd be Kaze, from Final Fantasy Unlimited, since he's so cool, has that mysterious background, has a big gun, and a great hair style! From manga, it's gotta be Sasuke! Gosh, he's friggin awesome!
  23. Seeing as my dreams aren't going to come true... And true love isn't waiting around the corner... I'll just... go where the wind blows me... Yeah, I could work it out like that...
  24. I wanta go sooo bad! Too bad... I'm never gonna' get there :animedepr :animedepr :animecry: I've seen so many great things on TV about it! And, they have the greatest tech stuff ever! I would love to see where Anime originated inthe 1920s or something like that for sure, too! :animesmil :animesigh sadly... It's just a dream...
  25. Awesome strategy, and deck. Hmm. How 'bout I give you my deck? I'm gonna have to limit my cards more, since I have more than one limited cards in it... My deck name is "From Within the Darkness" Zombyra the Dark Trap Hole Souls of the Forgotten Backup Soldier Feral Imp Ookazi Masked Sorcerer Monster Reborn [3] Dark Blade Change of Heart [3] Dark Scorpian-Meanae the Thorn Spellbinding Circle Hiro's Shadow Scout Dark Magician Dark Necrofear Swords of Revealing Light Sangan [2] Reinforcements Kuriboh Just Desserts Wall of Illusion Reinforcements Element Doom Shadow Spell Kuriboh [2] Yami Despair from the Dark Axe of Despair [2] Red Eyes B. Chick Paralyzing Potion Red Eyes B. Dragon Malevolent Nuzzler Mystic Clown Black Pendant Red Eyes Darkness Dragon [2] Mystic Plasma Zone [2] Spiritualism Summoned Skull [3] Hinotama Fissure Big Eye Witch of the Black Forest Swarm of Scarabs That's my deck. Every Monster in it's a Dark attribute. My best strategy is playing "Change of Heart", taking control of my oppenent's monster, and then tributing it to bring out my Summoned Skull. I can do this three times, since I have three change of hearts and three Summoned Skulls.
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