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Everything posted by Nomura

  1. Wwas issue nine of Shonen Jump. My first graphic novel ever was Naruto v. 1. Since then, SJ and Naruto have been my treasured mangas...
  2. :animesmil I'll help with InuYasha! LOL. I've been watching it for seven years! If you guys wanna pull off a Naruto scene, I'm your man! FMA? No prob! (Sorry...offtopic...)
  3. Good lord, Kogagirl, you had to make this thread... I'll tell the truth, when I'm bored I act out a scene from an anime that I made , with some dramatic music playing on the stereo... (Hides face) LOL. But yeah, you're not as wierd as Ol' Nomura Seshomaru Sasuke here!(My full anime name...)
  4. Nomura


    I do. They allready flirt and get all mushy. LOL. I would love to see alil' more romance in TT. So, yeah they should start going out, get married, have children, etc.
  5. "Just tell me where the crap I am...", exclaimed Howlingvampire4. "I've already told you. Your in a cave.", Hero snickered. He took a cigarette out of his pocket. He lit it, and walked back into the darkness. Howlingvampire4 tripped over something, and stumbled to a large stone monument behind her. She got off her knees, and peered up at the monument. Names and more names filled it. Then she saw Mitch's name. "Excuse me, H-Hero,",she called out. "What?", he snapped appearing again. "What are all...all these names?", she asked. "All the people that died fighting the Great demon years and years ago...", Hero said blowing a thick fog of smoke. "W-What are you talking about? Mitch is still alive! So is... Mrs. Lore! And...and...", Howlingvampire4 sobbed as she saw the name that most intrigued her. Her name.
  6. Yep it's Generation Next...Next generation...future... Well you get the idea. I definitely like Jaden better. Yugi just seems a lil' too goody tushu. But the manga of the original is awesome and will always be the best. LOL. I totally respect the original, since we wouldn't have GX without it. I wonder'll if they'll start making some new cards from GX, so I can upgrade my deck...
  7. I like it better than the original. It focuses more on dueling and less on social studies class about the egyptians. LOL. I just hope they don't pull the old "Power of friendship" and the "Heart of the cards" cheesey stuff. It totally messed up the original. Also...why do they call it Yu-Gi-oh Gx, when Yugi isn't even in it.
  8. In this little game we will play, I'll give you a beginning to story, and you guys have to continue it. Before we start, let me lay down the law. 1. Your posts have to be at least one paragraph long. Also, please do not take up the whole page telling one paragraph. You can post again and again, but in each one you must continue on with the story, abide by the minimum length of posts and stay on topic. 2. Keep it within PG to PG-13. Making the story too violent,sensual etc. can make this thread lose it's fun. And I know some people here are younger than most. If you curse, don't say a whole paragraph full of it.Well, you get what I'm saying..Don't curse a whole bunch. 3.Stay on topic at all costs. If you want to ask someone something, do it via PM. Follow the theme. Theme: This story will be a fantasy story including actual people from the OB. Howlingvampire4 stared out the window of the dull classroom. She turned her head to look at her friend, Mitch, who was fast asleep. She sighed. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail, but she let it down. She began to play with her hair. [I]Detention sucks,[/I] she thought. Mrs. Lore put her in detention again. This time she was caught smoking on the top of the school, acompannied by Mitch. Howlingvampire4 looked in her backpack for her mirror. She pulled it out, and stared at her face. Then, she saw a man. Not just any man. Her long-dead brother. She had seen her brother in the mirror. Then it was as if she had a flash-back vision. She saw her self in the mirror, holding his hand. She turned around quickly. Noone was there. "Come with me...",said her brother's voice. Her sight began to fade. She blacked out. She awoke in a different place, in a seemingly different dimension. "W-where am I?", she cried out in the darkness. Now it's your job to continue the story for one paragraph, then another person will, and another, untill we get the full story. So remember the rules, and have fun! :animesmil
  9. my heart stopped beating my head is bleeding I'm falling for the same stuff over and over again[chorus no. 2] I've had enough it's time for this to end do you see my pain? your wrath/your reign? it's all too much I can't take this anymore I have no touch time to let this go/shut the door screaming decieving all the things you do if you keep doing this I'll swear to you...[chorus no. 1] when will this end? will it ever begin to fade? If you're hurt If your lost there I am at your aid [chorus] [heavier, more gothic voice for the next part] what don't you see me? what staring so much what but you don't see any thing [repeat] [chorus no. 2 repeat 2x] over and overrrr[lengthened] again... LOL. These are some crappy lyrics I made, to a song named Faded. It's a hard rock/punk song.
  10. LOL. As for the feathers and the story... I can't believe you didn't get the fact that [SPOILER] Bulla is Auxtaku's sister. There dad just got killed by the Onis , which are fifteen little kids. Auxtaku and Bulla are two of them. Auxtaku, the blue falcon oni, and Bulla the pink flamebird oni. So basically they killed their own father. Bulla, peicing it all together, figures out that she is an oni. Auxtaku then walks in, asks her to teach him an aincent science, and is told the truth of the fifteen onis. In the present time, a stalker shinobi visits HNA, looking for Auxtaku. Honta manages to pull his mask off, revealing a tall woman with medium length pink hair, and a feather shaped tatoo on her left cheek. Auxtaku freezing up, notices this, and begins to think that she might be his long lost sister. [/SPOILER] LOL. I've noticed the flaws and I've figured out the problem. I'm a manga-ka, and this is a manga I've planned and drawn. Then I decided to adapt the story to a short novel. But the manga would be better than this for sure.And it is. I just am not use to describing so much since, in manga it's all graphic. As for you saying it's a bad remix of different animes, those are some influences you said. DBZ, FMA, and Naruto. I don't think I'm gonna' continue the Oni series... It plain out sucks as a novel.
  11. This might be hard since...there are two main characters. Auxtaku(Oh-tok-ew) and Honta(Hon-tuh) are two individuals. One is an alchemist, the other a shinobi who mastered the five senses as well as tai-jitsu. Perphaps I should switch characters between paragraphs?
  12. No, I mean lengthen your words. Possibly use at least one compound word? I feel that , that way you can get out more of what exaclty this poem is about.
  13. LOL. Good one corey, I'd give it a 98 on the prank meter.
  14. This thread dedicated to ShadowBlade (me wanting to know how he got back at his freind). Tell me about the best get back at prank you've pulled. Well, my friend kept on picking on me about my new hair do. He had a root beer in his backpack, and so planned an embarassing "Covered in root beer" prank. At the end of class, I stole his backpack, and threw it across the room to where he was, covering him and his backpack in sticky rootbeer. It was hilarious. It was like a bomb full of root beer going off. LOL. The teacher thought it was funny too.
  15. OMG! That was really, really impressive! I might just watch this anime for that amazing review! Keep up the great, awesome, work!
  16. Fun exciting objects Fights eat oldness Fainting Elephants don't Onderstand LOL. I got nothing.this next one is my fave one... Fehget ehbout ot- Osaka LOL, I just had to do Osaka's.
  17. Here's how the game is played. I start us off on a story, and then someone goes on, and then someone, else. They all continue the story in anyway they want. Howlingvampire4 sits at her desk quietly daydreaming. She looks out the window and is amazed about what she sees... This is what you guys will continue off of. Here's the catch. Somewhere in your post, you must include a member of OB. The main character shall be Howlingvampire4 right now. Sure an anime character or original character can be the main when you come around to it, but a member of the OB has to be somewhere(anywhere at all) in your post. So now that you guys get the idea of the" interactive thread", let's play.
  18. Ok, what do you mean by interactive...
  19. Uh oh...crazy blonde moment. hinting death, yet living as winter's scorn I know...it's not gonna work.. hauling...hauling winter's scorn...no...pulling...no... how 'bout hinting death, defining winter's scorn I'm just saying a couple of words that might not work(probably won't), but try them.
  20. LOL. Too long... Hmmm. What's interatice? Please translate what you mean, because I'm not sure exactly what you mean.
  21. No of course not that. It's like a battle of the bands sorta, only with more musicians and more accurate pop culture. And, I'm letting the people participate. I asked permission so, don't worry. And, I just got a PM from Ilium, suggesting that I put up the two old classic rock bands... [B][SIZE=3]The Police VS. Queen[/SIZE][/B] Not so new, but very accurate as people still listen to their music. I love both bands, but I'll have to go with Queen. In my opinion, Queen has those songs you'll just never forget, and can always sing along to. The Police is pretty good, yet I havn't heard them as much as I've heard Queen. So, yes I'm still going with Queen.
  22. Yes, again it seems like everyone has ignored my posts of Ninja Oni. Here's the third chapter. Enjoy (please). [SIZE=4]ENTRY TO CH. 3[/SIZE] Jinx walks into a deserted building. "So?", a man in the corner says. He pushes up his glasses, and lets his long blue hair fall over his face. "Guess." Jinx says with a scowl on her face. "Well, judging by the look on your face...you failed... No, wait, nevermind. You never smile anyway. :animesmil " The man said. "Shut up, Tai..." She walked into a small room where Z was training. His long red braided hair flew from side to side as he hit a punching bag. His automail right arm clanked and clattered. He stopped, and turned away from Jinx. He stared out the window, gazing at the wastelands of Hikaru bay. "Our siblings do not know their true power..." He blankly said. "We'd better keep an eye on them..." [SIZE=4]Zocho Ninja Battles[/SIZE] ":animecry:Wake up, Honta!!!" Auxtaku screamed. "What?! :animeangr " Honta exclaimed shooting up from his bed. "There's a ninja tournament today!" Saki blasted through the cabin door shouting. "Ninja...Tounament?? What?! I'm not ready! What if I make a fool of myself?!", Honta cried. "You won't make a fool of yourself, it's in your blood. Wait a sec, where does that sound familiar?", Auxtaku gazed in to sky (Well, not the sky...the ceiling of the cabin really...). At the battle tournaments... The anouncer gets up on the big stone stadium."Fighters!!! You now have been given a schedule telling you where you will fight! Get ready! Round 1, start!", the anouncer shouted as he got off the stage.Shaga from team Shagawa got on the stage. His tan body lit up in the sunlight. His shuck his head and let his purple mohawk, go from side to side. Then Joker from team Clown got on the stage. He snickered. "Go!", the anouncer shouted into his microphone. Shaga ran from side to side of the stadium, and smacked Joker a good one. Joker was down. On the first hit. This battle was over way too soon. "...3...4...fi-" Joker disappeared from off the ground. Claw marks began to form on Shaga's face. Again and again, Joker beat Shaga swiflty, undetected. "Psssss...", said a voice from the inside of the stadium rafters, called over to Honta. Honta, with his super senses, heard it easily, a looked to his left at the entrance to the underground, He left to go see who was there. Standing there was a beautiful lushing green-haired girl. "what do you want?" Honta asked. "To join your team of course! I heard you beat up Kakatsu!" she smiled and laughed. "I don't know, I havn't seen you fight yet." Honta said. "Can I fight you then?", she asked with the cutest laugh."S-Sure I guess..." "Okay, let me just get my gloves on first...",she said. Then, with Honta off guard she flung a glove unto Honta's face. And for, that one second his eyes were covered, she disappeared. "Hey!" Honta exclaimed, grabbing the glove off his face. Honta fell to the ground; the girl had grabbed his feet from below the underground concrete. Honta down, and the girl laughing and jumping up in joy. This was truly embarassing for the top-notch student. "Sooo?", the girl asked. "I do' know...", Honta said with a look of embarassment on his face. "I'll...give you a kiss...", the girl came close to Honta. Real close. "I couldn't ask you to do that...I don't even know your name..." Honta said quietly. "It's Eracin, and you don't need to ask..." "I guess y-"
  23. Ok, I finally posted it, and If I need to try something different, I hope you Mods will point it out... Lol, thanks guys.
  24. Hello, in this thread I will allow you to vote on either this band or another band. It doesn't have to be bands either. It can be any kind of music. I'll even let you guys suggest bands( or other musicians), too. I hope you guys have a good time, let's begin. I'll let you guys start us off. Choose accurate bands that people will definitely know.
  25. Can you tell what state "Erin" is from? The place it occurs always helps me understand what's going on better. Also, is this a sensual poem or a pity poem?
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