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Everything posted by Nomura

  1. Half anime? I thought they were called american animes... This reminds me of the one thread " Are American animes real anime?". Um, could you explain what you mean by "half anime?
  2. Okay, It really seemed like I did nothing wrong, or everybody ignored the first Chapter of Ninja Oni. So, I'm seeing what you guys'll help me out on the second chapter. Here it is, everybody, Chapter 2, "Midnight Visitors" ! [SIZE=4]ENTRY TO CH. 2[/SIZE] "Sensei...Father...", a young girl laying beside her father's bed, sobbed. She wiped the tears from her eyes. Dead. He wasn't coming back. What's worse was her little brother, not yet knowing. The Oni, had taken his life. She let a tear fall onto his chest, and she buried her head into her arms. [I]I know I did this... I always knew, the tattoo on my face... The feathers in my bed every other night...[/I], she thought sobbing some more. A little boy walked into the small home of the Boka family. He glanced to his right, and saw his sister, buried in her arms. Then , he saw his father. Dead. "No! Wake up! Daddy, wake up!", he cried. Tears fell heavily from his eyes. "Bulla...", the boy finally spoke. "Yes?", the young girl picking her head up. "Teach me Alchemy...", he said. "Why?", Bulla asked. "So...So I can defeat the Oni Demons!" "Auxtaku...There's something I need to tell you..." [SIZE=4]Midnight Visitors[/SIZE] Honta, standing at the foot of Auxtaku's bunk, had the most serious facial expression. "Are you sure?", Auxtaku asked. "Yep." "Who are you?! :animeangr " ,Saki, now right outside the Academy cabins and dorms, asked the masked figure. "Where...is Auxtaku?", the masked man asked with an evil look in the eye slots of his mask. His eyes glared angrilly. Auxtaku ran out of His and Honta's cabin. "Saki!" He shouted at his new sensei. Saki turned his head quickly, and shouted out, "Go back inside, Auxtaku!". The masked man began to run at Auxtaku. "Oh no, you don't!", a voice out of nowhere called. Honta tackled the masked man. An explosion lit up the skies. Honta flew backwards unto the gravel surrounding thier cabins. The explosion blew the man's mask off his face."A- A girl!" Honta shouted. Her short pink hair blew in the wind. Banes of her hair blew out of her face. A tatoo of a pink feather on her left cheek was revealed. "Who are you!" Honta shouted. "My name is Jinx...", the girl said. Without allowing another glance, she disappeared into the sky. [I]It can't be[/I] , Auxtaku thought. "Jinx...." He muttered.
  3. I began beating my head against the desks. LOL. Sometimes, I'll choke back tears too. If you wants some more info, about maybe why...veiw the stereotype thread in this same forum. It says "Punk, artsy, classclown etc." Such breakdowns occur to me because my labels.
  4. I couldn't have said it better myself, Metal Shinji! That's what I was gonna say! But, I'm sort of like Mugen, here, Viz and TP are in a big battle! LOL.
  5. Ninja storm...LOL. It was funny to see those fake shinobi do the cheesiest taiquando, which they call ninjutsu. Nothing like the true art of Stealth, Logic and Preserverance. That episode of WF, was cool. But it soon got old, and a lil' too obvious, since the story didn't have much story to store in the episode. LOL. TF is my fave now. It reminds me of Anime. Colors I would like to see from PR... Orange: The PR of Fire Red: The bender of gravity PR Black: The demon PR of Darknes White and yellow: The goddess of light PR Light Green: Goddess of nature PR Blue: The water god PR Well you kinda get the idea. I want some better new powers for the PRs, and maybe I'll watch more.
  6. Sorry, I'm new here. LOL. Okay, Mitch, one thing I didn't like about this poem was the fact that it is about basically a metaphor, about the way things die etc. But it just doesn't seem truly right when you say "I shall die in fall". Somehow it sorta makes the metaphor become too clear. Sure, you definitely want people to know what it's about, but... A good word choice for death, is possibly fade away, etc.
  7. Oh. Well, I want to put it with the others in Movies, music etc... Is it really an event? I just call it that, since I havn't any clue what else to say it is. Perhaps I need to ask Shy if it's okay...
  8. I'm that artsy kid who gets picked on alot, and so instead of sulking he turns into the class clown etc. That's me. The punky artsy class clown. :animesmil Smart too...Sometimes I'm smart...
  9. Time force is after light speed. I think if they made a PR anime, it would start attracting fans. I'm not a big fan, anyway. I think Japanese people helped on DT. Dino Thunder was actualy cool, with some good soccer moments, guitar moments, and nerd moments. LOL. I ocassionally watch PR to see what are some new cool, and cheeseball parts. If PR could get into more maturer subjects, it would attact way more fans! At least make blood! Of course, what am I saying... Even Samurai 7 doesn't show blood...
  10. Boy, it seems maybe you're making this a little too complicated...All I know is that it's an awesome poem.
  11. Short and sweet. Good one. A lil' too short. I was like "is this all?". LOL. Maybe you could lengthen it up a bit?
  12. There's another similarity! They're both hacked! LOL. Why didn't I think of that? Nice think killer7.
  13. Why would Shy be upset about it? Kamuro's was better than some of the metalhead' ones, by the way...I saw that some people even asked if jake could try this band and this band, but it seemed like he ignored them. I thought it was a little funny, when people started taking over his job, and began typing in bands and more bands. Well I might just PM Kamuro, tomorrow.
  14. Well I liked it, mitch. I think it's good that you expressed your self as great as possible. Keep up the awesome work!
  15. LOL. Everyone just repeat after me. LOL. I'm glad that other people realize the repetiveness and not just me(Cause that would be embarassing).
  16. This is just a short novel that I've been writing. Influences for the story are some of my favorite anime, so I guess you can call this an original fan fic, without the same characters and story plots. [SIZE=4]PROLOGUE[/SIZE] Many years ago, fifteen Oni demons attacked the whole of Japan. Many people were killed by them. There was the Orange Fox Oni, the Blue Hawk Oni, Pink flame bird Oni, and so on. These Onis weren't normal demons from the Valley of Sairon. They were born children, and plagued by a great witch of Eastland Sairon. They became demons to do her bidding. But, they turned on the witch and killed her. The fierce Onis, became human again, and began to lose their powers. But, it is said, if they become troubled and angered by a great force, the Oni demons shall strike again. [SIZE=4]Chapter One[/SIZE] "So you think you can take me?", said a buff large kid with big muscles and messy purplish hair. "Yeah.", said a boy with spiky orange hair, with a red scarf around his neck. Then a boy with a long jacket, in which the buttons ended at his waist, whilst the rest strung out like a cape, pushed his way through the crowd surrounding Honta and Kakatsu. He swiped his long blue braided hair away from his face. "Honta's gonna' beat you sooo bad...", He said, with a smirk on his face. Kakatsu, now steaming with anger, grimaced and balled up his fists. :animeangr "You want some, too?", he exclaimed. :animesmil :animesmil "Is he serious?", said the boy with the long blue braided hair. "I think so, Auxtaku.", said Honta. They burst into laughter. ":animedepr It's not funny...", said Kakatsu. Auxtaku and Honta laughed some more. " :rotflmao: He still wants to fight us?", Auxtaku now on the grass laughing. "Well, you know what that means...", Honta losing his grin and putting on his "bring it on" face. :smirk: Auxtaku quickly through a smoke bomb on the ground, covering the area, with fog. Honta, now right behind Kakatsu, was going to have some fun before smashing him down into the ground. "Boo!", he whispered into Kakatsu's ear. Kakatsu quickly turned around with a fist flying. ":confused: Where the crap'd he go?", Kakatsu shouted. Whilst he was shouted and having a fit, Auxtaku was transmuting flames. Honta literally picked up the flames, and they began to run up his arm."Wind Ninjutsu! Art of the flying Flames!!!" Honta shouted, and flames spiraled towards Kakatsu. :blowup: Well, the fight was over and teachers from Hikaru Ninja Academy began to drive the crowd of students away from the burnt Kakatsu. Days later... Saki, an elite ninja walks into the office of the academy, so he can be appointed two junior ninja to be his pupils. And of course he gets appointed the two wild childs. His red head band that has has an eye patch hanging down over his right eye, was covered with long messy blonde hair. "These kids are the best in the school...and the best at getting into fights...", he smiled and said to the the girl behind the desk in the office. That night, Honta heard footsteps and awoke. He walked over to Auxtaku's bunk. "Auxtaku...", he said. Auxtaku awoke sleepy eyed. "What!?" "There's someone out side..."
  17. HHHmmmm, I sing along to the rap opening... So I sorta like it too. The manga of these animes aren't as much alike as the animes. I like the mangas better.
  18. Well I love both...They are my fave animes.... Well I've decided to go with Naruto, because I find it has a better storyline, with better battles and jokes. Inuyasha just seems a little repetative. Sometimes I get bored of it. Don't get me wrong, It's one of my faves, but my opinion stands. Fave characters of Inuyasha: Girl: Kikyo Boy: Seshomaru Naruto characters: Girl:Sakura Boy:Sasuke(LOL we have something in common)
  19. Has anyone noticed how much these two animes are similar? It's scary... 1. Luffy's voice is just like Naruto's! I know you guys have obviously noticed this right? 2. They're both always like "I'm gonna' be the best so and so..." LOL. Have you noticed they both are always boasting about these things? Luffy is always like" I'm gonna be king of the pirates!" And Naruto is always saying"I'm gonna be the next Hokage!" 3. The group Both of them has this little group deal going on... Not so much of a similarity, but it is one. Sasuke=Zoro. These guys personalities are pretty close. Of course, Sasuke is more cool and silent, while Zoro is more kind and silent. Kakashi=Sanji. These two's personality's is the same too! If you watch the anime alot, you'll start noticing how much they are alike. Naruto=Luffy. We already know this one is true... 5. The really weird bad guys. LOL I'm not really trying to make a point except the similarities these animes have. Personally I think Naruto is better than OP.
  20. My first try got deleted when something happened on the net(I think it got deleted) :animeswea Anyway, I was wondering if I could make a Battle of the bands thread. You ask me why? Well it just seems like only certain people can make these event threads... The reason I want to make this thread is because, I was a little disapointed with the earlier ones. I was confused, :animestun and lost :animecry: , in between bands I've never heard of! I just want to make a thread with more recent and accurate bands that people might know better.
  21. Mine's the same way! It'll leave spots in the color, and stuff! GGRRR, it makes me mad. Sorry, can't help you now.... :animesigh :animeswea
  22. Godness Gracious(LOL) They sell those things at every Bookstore in Arkansas. I've never tried 'em, but now I don't think I want to....
  23. Not really sure....My computer has a painter in the acessories...I put a pic in the scanner and of course scan it, then press edit. Or you could put a floppy disc in the drive, and do the same thing... I'm not an expert really.LOL Bye Gamer Gurl!
  24. DBZ. I saw it when i was a wee lil squirt. Then Sailor moon, to PM to inuyasha to DM...and so on... Of course I didn't know they were their own lil cartoon...I just thought they were all westerns like Spongebob and such...Now I know, It's anime, and well here I am!
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