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Everything posted by Nomura

  1. [COLOR=DarkRed][B]"Gosh...I can remember a user that was really an eight-year-old...Well, anyway, the festival is tomorrow. Are you guys....girls...going?" He said. Aura nodded, smiling, so did Rikku. "I can't wait for the race either...The race where the winner gets to kiss the girl chosen by Balmung, or in this case, Kya. Maybe I'll find my true love at least!" Nomura gazed into the sky for a few moments, before spacing back in. "True love...over the internet..." He said, his shoulders hnching over droopily. "Okay..." Rikku said backing away from the droopy dude. "Anyway, I've gotta get a nice kimono to wear!" Aura said. "Nom, what would be a nice colour?" Nomura looked back up at Aura and smiled. "Blue of course! Blue goes with your character's hair!" "What about me, Kazuwa?" Rikku asked. "Pink, of course!" "I guess I'll just wear this old belted jacket, and this scarf to it..." Nom said. Aura smiled and took Nom's arm."Let's go find you some [I]nice[/I] clothes to wear!" Rikku caught up with the two, and together they walked, down the street, passing by the crowds until they came to a shop, and with hesitation, Nom entered. [/B] [/COLOR]
  2. "This is exactly why I started the Help save Anime bears foundation!"
  3. If you mean similiar, as in creatinga gag paper like the one Des made, well no, I'm pretty serious about this, heh. And yeah, I'll start little, and work my way up, and yes, I'd like it if I had some co-workers, but first, I need to figure out if I should really do it.
  4. The other day, I was reading a newspaper, and a crazy idea hit me. What if a few members of the Otakuboards made a weekly newspaper, concerning members, what's going on in the forums(anime, otaku lounge problems or New hits from the anthology etc,), and concerning World news that seems interesting to members, including small comic strips, advertisements from other users, and abunch more... I know that some may hate the idea, but for me, I think that somehow, it can be pretty good. Of course, I want to know what you guys think. So, does it sound good? Comments please.
  5. I'm sorry....But I think...you're confused. We are playing in the square, sign up in the inn if ya want to play, same website.
  6. [B][COLOR=DarkOrange]Screwing action... What's the use of the nail with out something to make it spin? :animesmil LOL, I like this pic. The nail does seem...Weird, and the swrils in the background are a little rough around the edges, but most of the work I've seen in here is pretty good.Good, while still staying your own style, without making it bad. Heh, wow, what a sentence! [/COLOR] [/B]
  7. [B][COLOR=Blue]Back at Kya's house, Nom, and Kyu are sitting around a computer, while Rikku is resting on Kya's bed. "Tai suddenly fell out in his room, with his VR shades on..." Nom says, looking back at Rikku. Her face is now pale, and she's breathing extra hard. "Oh...My..." Nom says, getting up from his chair. He walks over to the bed, and examines Rikku. "She must have Athsma or something!" Kya exclaims. Nom looks down at Rikku. Her leather vest is tightly around her waist. "Maybe she got too hot, and couldn't breathe 'cause of that vest" "Then...I'll have to..." Nomura nods, and leaves the room. He waits for a few minutes, and then he notices a staircase across from Kya's room. Maybe her father's room was up there. Nom walked a little towards the staircase, but stops when he hears a car pull up. "Kya, I'm home," says the man. Nomura curses under his breath, and runs back into Kya's room. "Your dad's home!" He whispers to Kya. There was noway he wouldn't see them running out of the house. The window was locked tightly, and they didn't have enough time for that. Rikku clumsily walked over to Nomura, and pushed him into the closet. Together they waited. "Kya?" Says "Balmung", or whatever his real name was. "What?" Kya says, acting like she was just woken up by her dad's entrance. "Just making sure you were okay." Then, her dad sees the muddy foot step going into the closet. He opens the door. He looks in the closet, and finds nobody. But in fact, two teenagers are as close as possible, underneath some clothes in the corner of the closet. Rikku is in Nom's lap, and Nom is watching with one eye, through a sleeve in a jacket. "Balmung" shuts the door, and says "Good night" to Kya. The two hear the door shut, and they wait for a few minutes before getting out of the closet. Nomura takes a few final looks at the comatose victims' records, and then he and Rikku quietly make there way for the door. Out side of Kya's place, Nom says "See ya" To Rikku, and heads down the street. She smiles and heads the opposite way.[/COLOR][/B]
  8. YES! Keep it up! Actual Comix, and less just telling about the story. Please, go on. This one may be a keeper.
  9. HHhhhhmmm....No, I don't have a set, but I'd like to just praise K.W's work for a brief moment... Great! Those two look awesome!You're getting good at these... I wish someone would've made the Kai one...I wonder what it'd look like... I like you banner Rurouni922 too. Though...It's not my style. I couldn't see the whole face, so it 's not my taste, but it's still pretty darn good. It threw me off a li'l that you only made a banner and not a whole set... Oh well. Good work, people! :animesmil -Nom
  10. Sure! Character recreations can be done! So, the player postage will be broken down this weak to only a few, but I'd still like it if you guys participated.
  11. Heh, good one White( i shall vote for you)...Poor Havoc. LOL...I'd give it a shot...I had something good in mind... "After getting dumped by Armstrong's sister...Havoc switched his interests. " Heh, I just wanted to give it a try for fun. Armstrong's sister....scarred Havoc for life... I thought about yours _ken_ :animesmil I think Havoc's in a bad situation with the glue...and the hands...and the leg... :animeswea
  12. That was awesome K.W! I love how you expressed Yuna and Sasuke's love! LOL, I'm into these fanfic/action/romances :animesmil If I could rate these two...I'd give the fist one a 8.5/ 10, and the second one a 9.5/ 10. Keep it up, K.W! -#1 fan
  13. Well, Bloody_Moon...or should I say Clipper... You have to post more often! Heh, the point of this game is, to lead your story on, So if you want to meet a career were, do it! .... Kenshin...How bout....You could be Nomura's brother! Or...you could be...A newb? Or a pro. Either one would have to meet Clipper, Sakura, Aura, Nom or Kya and get in with the gang... So Be someone's sibling/ reletive or just meet one of us in THE WORLD. Any way you get in the storyline, it'll somehow work out. So far, Kya, Clipper, and I have had legendary dotHackers as our parents. [SPOILER] Mine is obviously Helba if you havn't noticed...[/SPOILER]
  14. It's ok. I'll try to fill in the gaps, LOL.
  15. Three people made there way quietly down the long parking lot. A few cars there, but only a few. The nurse at the main desk sat quietly, and she looked up when the three enetered the room. "We're here to see Taisuke Karomo." said Nom. "You cannot see Taisuke if you aren't family." she said. "Oh, well we'll leave." The three left the hospital, and stood in the parking lot. Rikku made sure noone was listening in, while Nom called the hospital. ------------------ Inside the hospital, a nurse's phone began to ring. She picked up the phone. "Hello! Mrs. Doukeshi! Your house! It's on fire!" said Nomura in a bad woman's voice. The nurse, hurried and left the hospital without a second thought. Rikku smiled at Nomura. It was pretty funny, since Nom couldn't talk like a woman worth crap. "It'll take a good five minutes before another nurse gets to the main desk from the offices." Nom said. "That nurse that just left lives forty-five minutes away I think." "That's enough time." "How do you know that?" Rikku exclaimed looking angrilly at Nom. "Tapped phones! Heh, don't worry I havn't been to any chick's houses in a while." He said smiling. "I bet! You're such a dork!" --------------------------------- The three were behind the main desk. They were hacking their way into the records from the nurse's computor. "Kazuwa! Someone's coming!" whispered "Kya". "Do something!" Nom muttered. The nurse got a little closer, when Kya and Rikku suddenly got in her way. "Hi! We were looking for Mr. Tokugawa!" The nurse turned around and walked back into another room, motioning the two young teenagers to follow her. ----------------------------- Kazuwa was finally done. He could hear Rikku's voice from down the hall. "Are you sure Mr. Tokugawa isn't here? Oh well...Hey, now I gotta go to the bathroom. I'm sorry. I don't have my glasses, so it's hard for me to read the signs. Can you show me were it is? Thanks." A silver-colered disk came out of the diskdrive of the computor. The comatose victim's records were his now. Nom called Rikku and Kya, and told them to hurry up. They were done, and ready to go see the records.
  16. Well, finally, Nom has come up with a KH fanfic. :animesmil Here ya go. [COLOR=Red][I][B]Prologue-[/B][/I] Kuro Miyasaki walked along the dirt path. His grandfather told him that at the end of it was an old shrine. He also said that he shouldn?t go in it. Of course, he wouldn?t if he?d known what was in the shrine. But, he did. And when he did, his adventure unfolds. Old boards of wood were nailed over the door. Considering how old they were, Kuro could break them easily. ?Hey! Kuro! Come on! Godzilla fest is on!? shouted Aura, his sister. Great. Kuro was missing out on an adventure to watch a bunch of movies about a fake dinosaur. Kuro pulled back his long red-dyed hair from his face, to see the big T.V screen. Aura and Kuro were twins, though one was a girl and the other a boy. Some people said they looked alike because of their hair. So...Kuro dyed his hair. After a few hours, the popcorn was gone and Aura was snoring loudly. Kuro got up from the couch and snuck out the backdoor. He tried hard not to wake up his grandfather or his parents. He walked past the small forest along the dirt path, and he was in front of the tall shrine. Slowly, he made his way into it. He went up the small stairs, and entered the only room in the shrine. Five rooms lined the room. And in the middle, was a single table with a golden box on it. Kuro walked towards the table, and he opened the box. Inside was a beautiful crystal. Several bats flew about, screeching. Startled, Kuro jumped, sending the box tumbling from his hands. The crystal shattered in to five peices. And to Kuro?s astonishment, dispappeared into nothing. ?What have you done?? said a voice. Kuro was wide-eyed and looking up at the ceiling. Where the voice was coming from. ?Who?s there?? ?You can?t see me, but I?m the Priest! You?ve just broken the Soul Stone!? ?What?? ?The soul stone! Three-hundred Years ago, five dimensions each had there own Spirit stone, beside ours. The spirit stones would help lost souls. Yet, many ghosts were still around. Many, angry and full of hatred. The harvest went bad, and an eclipse took place until all of the dimensions decided to use a single stone that consisted of the six spirit stones.? ?You must get them back!? shouted the voice. Kuro sat motionless. Either the strange ghostly voice frightened him...Or the long history lesson that the voice just gave. ?I?m not going in there! Who knows what?s in there?? ?I do!? said the Priest. ?Then why don?t you go in?? ?I?m only a ghost! I can?t!? He exclaimed. Kuro turned and began to run. But, to his astonishment, he was petrified. Standing still, without the ability to move. ?Please young man...? Said the priest. Kuro calmed down, and finally said ?Okay. How?? ?The spirit stones will only react to another stone. So you will use another stone to get them.? The crystal shard on the ground started to form a long figure. ?I behold! The soul staff!? said the preist. ?Wow...Did you just make that up? I?ll do it then. I came looking for something fun, and this just might be fun.? Kuro said, finally smiling. A ghostly finger appeared out of nowhere, and pointed to the door at the far right. Kuro slowly made his way towards the door, and then he entered, disappearing into another world. EDIT: And here is the actual first chapter! Enjoy! [B]Chapter one: Armored Bodies[/B] Kuro stepped out into a small town. Children were playing, and people were hurrying about. One person was yelling, and running around the same block. ?Al? Al!? The person kept screaming at the top of his lungs. But, all the people looked too busy to notice him. Kuro didn?t know what to do, and maybe this guy could help him. Kuro edged closer to him, but stopped to gaze at his body. His arm looked shiny whenever his sleeve moved up just far enough, so that Kuro could see. This place was strange. The people were different, the world here looked a little outdated too. Yet, nobody had made a fake limb that resembled the one that the boy had. The boy?s long blonde hair went from side to side as he shouted, and glanced from side to side. ?Ummm...What?s wrong?? Kuro finally asked. ?I can?t find my brother...? said the boy. ?Well, what?s he look like?? The boy paused and then replied, ?He?s a big armor.? ?You mean he?s in armor?? Kuro asked. ?Well, sorta.? the boy remarked. --------------------------- It took a good twenty minutes before they found Al. ?Where have you been!? the boy exclaimed to the tall man in the armor. Kuro froze still, listening to the man?s voice. He sounded like a child. ?Oh yeah, thanks for helping us.? said the other blonde boy. ?So what?s your name? I?m Ed. This is my bro, Al.? ?Kuro.? said Kuro, following the two. He had no place to go, and maye he could find a ?Spirit whatever? sooner or later if he just followed Edward and Alphonse. ----------------------------- While walking, the three saw a man lying out in the street. He had a giant armor coated around his body. ?Hey! Are you alright?? Ed called out to the man, running up to him. Ed pulled off his helmet, and found nothing. The man got up from the ground, and took his helmet away from Ed. ?Oh...I?m so tired...I must?ve fallen asleep while I was gardening...? ?Hey! You?re like my brother!? Ed exclaimed. He pointed behind him to Al. Kuro?s eyes were now focused on the man?s armor. A dark red circle was on his chest plate, with a cyan-blue stone in the middle. A spirit stone! ?Hey, Kuro! Are you coming? The old man invited us to stay with him!? Ed yelled, half way across the street. Across from Kuro was a nice small Cottage, with a large garden surrounding it. ------------------------------ ?Uncle Gaian!? said a smiling little girl as the old man walked through the door. She ran up and hugged the big piece of armor. ?I got worried, ?cause you were out so late!? ?Got worried now did you, Zoey?? He said as he patted her blonde pig-tailed head. ------------------------------- After an hour, the little girl was asleep, and five people were in the den, talking. Edward, Alphonse, Kuro, Uncle Gaian and Zoey?s father, Mr. Rohan. The two brothers had lost their mother as Ed and Al had. They tried to bring he back, and faltered. That would explain why both Ed and Mr. Rohan had bionic limbs, as well as why Alphonse and Gaian had armors for bodies. The two pairs of brothers? stories were almost exactly alike. The only thing near by was armor. Gaian and Rohan had been in the army, so they had armor near by when they tried Human ?Transmutation. Apparentally, The spirit stone on the Gaian?s chest plate was the only thing keeping him together. If it was removed, then Gaian would die. Kuro...needed the stone...but how could he do that to the family? And to Ed and Al? ..........[/COLOR]
  17. Nah. No prob. But you'll be the last mod, LOL. :animesmil Hey, _Kenshin_, ya ever gonna post? :animesmil So, yeah K.W. is officially RPing with us! ____________ People are heading to a hospital to see Taisuke's records. Sakura, Kya and me are in. But this will take place in real life. Can everybody remind me what their names are? Mine is Kazuwa Nomura in real life. I'd prefer you guys calll me that when we are RPing outside of THE WORLD. ____________ How is the RPG working out for you guys so far? :animesmil
  18. [COLOR=DarkRed]Kazuwa looked at the computor across the room. He hadn't gotten on in four days. He wondered if he should go back. Back, to the World. Couldn't hurt if he just read his mail.[/COLOR] [FONT=System][COLOR=DarkGreen][B]Logging in...Nomura...//[/B][/COLOR][/FONT] [COLOR=DarkRed]He glanced at the blue words in Kya's e-mail. She wanted him to go to a small server that he'd never heard of. Be alone? Alone from what? Nom replied. It said:[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Sure, I got the message. I'll be over in a couple of seconds...[/COLOR] ------------------------------- [COLOR=DarkOrange]Nomura gated in the fields where Kya was sitting on the ground, waiting. "Two days! It took you four days to get my E-mail!" she exclaimed. "Heh...Yep." Nom remarked. ?Now...What exactly are we here for?? Kya looked up at the smiling face of Nomura. ?Why do you always smile like that?? ?We came here to talk about my smile?? Nom asked, confused. ?No...I was just wondering why your so happy all the time...? ?Because the real world?s a sad place.? Nom replied, turning away from Kya. ?If this is what we?ve come here for, then I?m out.? Kya frowned and grabbed Nom?s arm. ?No. We need to talk about the comatose patients. You were talking about Tsukasa? And a boy named Taisuke?? ?Tai is in Ozukawa Hospital. You ever been there?? ?Yes, I live near it. Why does that matter?? ?Tomorrow night...I?m sneaking in when almost everyone is gone except a few nurses. I?m gonna check the Hospital Records, to see what they think might?ve happened.? ?Nomura? How will you sneak by security?? ?I?ll think of something.? Kya frowned, looking at her shoes, and then she looked back up at Nom. ?Then I?m coming with you.? A voice came out of nowhere. "Interesting." It said. A girl appeared from behind a bush. "I'll come too then. This might be fun!" "Who...Who are you?" Nom exclaimed. "Oh Nomura! You don't remember? You neither, Kya? Oh yeah...My Avi looks a little different. Oh well. It's me." "That voice... What's your username?" Nom said, looking the girl straight in the eye. "Sakura... A name I've always wanted." she said smiling.[/COLOR]
  19. OOOoooh...I'm wondering what he'll tell her! Keep it up! It's got me wanting to know more... :animesmil
  20. "If you kill me now, I'll come back ten-times more annoying." He said smiling. Clipper pushed her weapon closer to his neck. Kya pushed it away from his neck. "We were just talking business." she said. "What ya going to do, huh? Sell me out for a hacker?" Clipper angrilly said. "No! We were discussing comatose victims!" Kya exclaimed. "And I bet this hacker was the cause of the comas!" Clipper said, once again holding her halbred's tip up to Nomura's neck. In the background, a voice was heard. The mouth piece must've been picking it up. "Kira! Kira! Open the door! Open it now!" "No!" In all this uproar, Nom had managed to slip away from Clipper's range. "Y' know, you should think a little. I don't have a dad or a mom. You're just a little bit lucky." Nom said, gating out. "He's right , you know..." Kya muttered. "How would you know? You've got a perfect dad!Balmung of the Azure sky!" Clipper gated out, leaving Kya to herself.
  21. Heheh! :animesmil Please do! Sasuke and Sakura got together... (they're not married, but they do have a child) Sasuke left for the mountains, and Sakura had Zakanaru while he was away. :animesmil So, I'm glad I actually posted the others. I almost forgot about this whole thing. :animesmil Well, next one's up soon. EDIT: Chapter five: Staring at the Sun Sasuke kissed Sakura a final good bye. He looked down at Zakanaru. ?I?ll be back soon.? He said to the two. He?d be lucky if he did actually come back. And then, he left. He walked for a day, until he finally got back to the small cabin, where Naruto and the old-man were at. Sasuke entered the little house, awaiting Naruto?s cheerful face. Yet, he didn?t even see Naruto. ?Where?s Naruto?? Sasuke asked the man, sitting at a table with a kettle of tea. [I]?I?m...afraid...?[/I] the man said, then paused. ?I?m afraid he?s passed.? He said looking down into his cup of tea. -------------------------------------- Sasuke fell on his knees, staring at the wooden cross in the fields. Naruto was dead. And, it was all his fault. If only he?d known that the man was there. If only he knew that the man was waiting to attack, and steal Kakashi?s body. But...He didn?t. Sasuke got up, and looked into the sunset. He was going to finish his fight with the blue-haired man if it was the last thing he ever did. ?It?s a shame.? said the old man. His voice was different though. Sasuke gasped, and turned the man around, pulling off his hat. ?[I]You[/I]!? he exclaimed staring at the scarred face. The man. The man that had a sharingan eye. ?I thought that maybe we could finish our fight, before I begin to rule the Sound land.? He said, laughing cruelly. ?Plus...Kakashi?s body made ours super fast and strong.? ?[I]You hog[/I]! You?re in his body!? ?Yes...My followers needed a body that would make me stronger than before.? ?Who are you?? Sasuke shouted, holding up a kunai. [I]?My name...just happens to be Zakanaru.? [/I]
  22. Sure, anything for my biggest fan. All ya got to do is take you sign up to the Inn, go to the .hack//THE WORLD 3.0 thread and join! Read some of what we've already done, and just start posting! :animesmil Oh, and please do help out Kya. (You are a mod after all) Why don't you put up a schedule or something? If you want, Balmung can of course, help out. :animesmil Nom has reopened the suspicious post as of today. Tsukasa's profile has been checked out. Taisuke (Tai) was comatose even before the mods entered the world. He hacked his way in. Maybe this new virus has something against hackers? ------------------------------------ DON'T FORGET. ANYONE CAN JOIN AT ANY TIME. THOUGH, WE DOT WANT MORE THAN 15 MEMBERS. MEMBERS ARE ONLY COUNTED IF THEY POST. THE OTHER MEMBERS WILL NOT BE COUNTED UNTIL THEY POST, AND IT MIGHT BE TOO LATE IF WE DO ACTUALLY GET 15. ( sorry, caps for important announcements) ------------------------------------ Anyone have any special ideas for the RPG? Speak now or forever hold your peace, until I ask that question again :animeswea ... So, So far, this RPG has been really fun. We've got a nice number of members and perhaps we will have a new member! (looks at K.W.)
  23. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][FONT=System]Post number 112 of 3.0, reopened to boards. [/FONT] [/COLOR] Author: Kelac My friend, Taisuke, is in the hospital with Comatose! He's barely living off of machinary, and the weird thing is, he logged in just yesterday. Maybe, someone got into his password or something, but I doubt it. Taisuke hacked his way into the system, even before the mods reopened the site. I've heard of many people with Comatose after playing this game. Doctors still think it's impossible, but I believe the theory. One very interesting comatose player was this guy. [COLOR=Blue][B][U]Tsukasa[/U][/B] [/COLOR] ------------------------------------------------------ [COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=System]From:Nomura To: Aura Aura, I reopened the post (hacker's mischeif), and looked at this dude's profile. He hasn't been on in 10 years though. His profile is still intact though. I'm looking at this Kya girl's profile now, by the way, she's out and about fighting monsters. ;) Maybe we should help her! And maybe she'll put off the wanted adds in the boards! :animesmil [/FONT] [/COLOR] ----------------------------------------------------- Nomura logged in, and gated to the small fields where Kya was fighting. "Need some help?" he asked, startling the winged girl. "You!" Kya turned around, and started swinging her sword in Nom's direction. Laughing, Nomura swung a belt around the blade, so Kya could barely move it. "I asked if you needed help." Kya's expression showed hatred to Nom. But, he still stood there smiling. "That's a lie. Nomura, what did you really come here for?" she exclaimed. A long buzzing noise came from her character. "E-mail, huh?" She looked into the sky, seeing the E-mail through her visor. "Tsukasa...I've heard of 'em." "So, you gonna listen to me, or you gonna arrest me?" Nom said, walking closely to Kya, holding out his hands, like a prisoner did when being handcuffed.
  24. I don't wanna try but I'd like to compliment the fine work by Zeke. (haha I called you zeke!) Anywho, it's really great. I liked Avi 1 better than Avi 2 for naruto, and avi 2 better for sasuke. For some reason, I liked the Sasuke theme better. Maybe cuz, I'm a big Sasuke fanatic (see fanfics, past banners, profile picture, etc.)LOL, well anyway, it looks like you had fun! :animesmil Nice Work! -Nom [COLOR=RoyalBlue][b]EDIT:[/b] [size=1]It's awesome that you like these banners and avatars, but it's spam to post a "good job" when you've had nothing to do with the process of making the set. Sorry if that sounded harsh. - Retribution[/size][/COLOR]
  25. LOL, now, I want to change my banner and avi every two-three months. Usually Katana does mine :animesmil If she doesn't do ths one I'll get someone else's. Heh, Anyway, Avi- I'd like a banner that says .hack with 3.0 behind it. Can ya use the original .hack insomnia? That says dot in the circle with lowercase hack after that? Thanx Banner- I'd like a banner with my .hack character on it. I'd like it to say login_Nomura in the bottom right corner. And the rest of the banner be my character? This may take some drawing, LOL. So can ya draw my character? Here he is. [img]http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/5190/tek060310fefd548hj.png[/img] If you can't do that, I'd like a banner Elk, Tsukasa, Kite, And shugo. But I would tottally praise you if you did one of my character :animesmil
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