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Everything posted by Nomura
This thread is for the fans of .hack, like me, that wanna talk about either three of the series. SIGN(my favorite so far), Legend of the twilight, and Liminality. Plus the several OAVs. The only OAV I've seen though, is GIFT. .hack is definitely one of the best series of Anime :animesmil Of course, that's just an opinion. Please don't give out SPAM. SPAM bad. As a side subject...I was wondering...What/Who's better? Tsukasa and the power of Morganna, or Kite and the twilight bracelet? I can't really decide yet, :animesmil
Yes...I can't see why they would change theOtaku anytime soon. It looks great. :animesmil
So...sooner or later some of the most recent threads will be sent to the archives when you guys update theOtaku or something?
[B]Chapter four: Waking, Fainting, Waking [/B] A tall skinny woman stood over a young man. She constantly slapped his face, trying to wake him. She looked back at a man, with a frown, and then she finally kicked Sasuke hard, making her blonde ponytail flying from side to side. Sasuke awoke, holding his head and clutching his stomach. Bloody bandages were in piles around him. ?What a nuisance.? said a man to the right of the woman. He was smoking a cigarette and looking down, so it was hard to see his face. ?Shut-up Shikamaru, he would?ve been dead if we hadn?t put up with him.? said the woman. Another man came through the front door of the little cabin. He was holding a gigantic fish. ?Dinner?s here! I call first dibs!? He happily exclaimed. ?G?day Choji, how ?bout saving a li?l for me, eh?? said Shikamaru, pushing his cig into a small ashtray on a round dinner table. Sasuke couldn?t remember these three, but they were familiar. ?So, Sasuke, how?d you get lost way up here?? said the woman. ?The boys, Sakura, and I were on a li?l trip and we just saw you hanging from a tree half-dead.? ?Sakura?? Sasuke asked, letting go of his head. ?Yep. Don?t you remember...who we are?? said she, looking concerned. ?I?ve never seen you before in my life.? Sasuke stood up and walked out the door. [I]Why was he here? Where was here?[/I] He couldn?t remember. All he could se, were images of a blue headed travelor with a scarred face, grinning evilly. His head was aching so rapidly and angrily now that he felt sick to his stomach. The image was getting clearer now, almost as if the man was in front of him. [I]?I?ve come back for you.?[/I] said the man. Then, images of Kakashi came into his mind...Then in a burst of color, the two men fused into a man with long braided hair and a head band over his left eye. The man lifted his headband, and struck Sasuke in the stomach. Gasping, Sasuke awoke from his dream. A woman was sitting at the foot of his bed. Her pink hair pulled back by her headband. ?You?re awake!? She said happily as he looked up at her. ?Daddy!? A little child came running through the bedroom door. His short blue hair flew in every direction, and his baggy red shirt bounced as he jumped on the bed. ?Oh, Zakanaru don?t hurt daddy, he?s already wounded enough as it is.? said Sakura, pulling the boy off the bed. ?Ino said you left in a hurry, and fainted in the middle of the forest? Sasuke stared at the little boy. [I]His son? [/I] ?Sasuke, meet Zakanaru. I had him while you were away...? said Sakura, smiling at Sasuke. [I]His son...His son looked so much like someone he had met before. [/I] ?Hi daddy...? said Zakanaru, lightly hugging Sasuke. Sasuke hugged back, with several tears falling from his eyes.
I can definitely recomend ...See-Saw! The techno band with wonderful female voicage. They do almost every .hack song incluing Obsession, Memories, Yasoshi Yoake and many more. :animesmil
[COLOR=DarkRed]The dirty blonde looked out the classroom window. His eyes were set upon the cherryblossoms outside. The cherryblossom festival would be held soon. That would mean mods. A chance to see those two girls again. He was interested in the one with wings. Kya... Kya reminded him of someone. He couldn't remember much of who it was. It must've been a player in the game. That's all he could really remember these days, since that's all he pays attention to. The World. "Kazuwa," said the teacher. Nom, startled, turned and looked at her. Kazuwa Nomura. The one guy that didn't know what the heck was going on. "Do you know the answer?" Nomura didn't in fact. He was going to get in trouble, so why not get in trouble while people are laughing. The teacher repeted her question. "Do you know the answer?" "Nope, but I just met the question." --------------------------------------------- "Hey Nom, wait up!" Aura came running down the sidewalk and slowed down beside Nom. "You shouldn't smart off like that. Mrs. Korei looked pretty angry," "Well, I got that from my bro. Smart alec city." Nomura replied, with a relaxed look on his face. "Oh, yeah. What happened to your mom again?" Aura asked trotting along side him. "The doctor said she got cancer.Shame really. She was the best hacker anyone knew," Nom said grinning.",even Balmung couldn't get her in trouble. She was always on top." Kazuwa's expression changed suddenly. He started running. "Nom! Nomura! Are you getting on today?" Aura yelled. "Yep, I'm getting on as soon as I hit monitor!" [/COLOR] ------------------------------------------------------- [B][I]So, that's it. Balmung of the Azure sky had a child. Interesting. [/I] [/B]
LOL, yeah well iI watched the anime and beat the game just to get used to The World, heh :animesmil . So, I basically have .hack in mind right now. [COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=System]Anyway, not only will this game be played in the world, but in the world...The real world. Players have to get off sometime! ________________________________ Players can send emails, post board meassages, anything that will basically help the story progress. I've been thinking about making this a small board type thing...I'll have to think about what we can do for boards. Maybe board news can be held here! LOL, anywho... ________________________________ Death_Dragon92 has withdrawn from the game due to schoool work/homework. Perhaps he will come back, but until then, who would like his character to be a NPC? ________________________________ Several servers are available in THE WORLD. Alpha Beta Omega Delta Those are three old servers, but I've made two newer servers. Sirius Lunar I'll update some new places to go in the servers. besides the root towns. :animesmil ________________________ That should be enough news for today, but I''ll edit soon to put up some levels for the servers. EDIT:Well, here they are. There is alot more, but these are just some to start us off. Hidden Solitary Cat Market-Small town shopping area Rejecting Oblivious Wavemaster- This where Mimiru first meets Tsuaksa, now it's only a desert with two dungeons. Nothing of improtance here... Flying Castle Outcast- Protected area ( a player was last seen coming here, never came out) Winter Hot Springs- A winterwonderland with several hot springs to relax in. Perhaps I'll think of or you guys'll think of, more of 'em. ________________________ Don't forget, The cherryblossom festival is soon in THE WORLD! :animesmil [/FONT][/COLOR] -Nom
lol, i forgot about this...lol OK! I will keep it up! :animesmil EDIT: Well, I finally got it together, LOL. You should read the first Sasuke's world if you havn't. You'll understand more, anyway... [B]Chapter three: Limb from Limb, Eye to Eye[/B] [I]?Nice. We have only one more limb to go...?[/I] Five cloaked men stood around a body. They were doing strange magic on it. Something that not even the body had done before. Kakashi?s body was motionless. Just dead. Sasuke flew from tree to tree. He would find Kakashi?s body if it was the last thing he?d do. His limbs were aching, and his forehead was bleeding from several tree branches hitting him. Smoke was coming from a house about a mile away. Sasuke could see it clearly from the giant oak he was perched on. The smoke was constantly changing colors. From black to blue to pink and suddenly forming a circle. A giant circle. And then, a hole formed in the middle of the circle as smoke disappeared. It was similiar to an eye. Sasuke jumped from the tree and ran to the house. He slowly entered, trying not to alert anyone. A single cloaked figure stood over a long table. ?Hello Sasuke, I?ve been...waiting for you.? said the cloaked figure. The voice was familiar. The man took off his cloak and looked over his shoulder at Sasuke. A headband covered his left eye. His blue hair was pulled back in a braided pony tail. ?Have you seen my friend?? Sasuke asked, cautiously and slowly. ?Was your friend a member of the diceased?? ?Yes actually.? The man?s expression formed an evil smile. From ear-to-ear. Never faltering. Sasuke would?ve struck the man by now, but he was frozen. Not physically, but mentally. He was scared. He didn?t know why. ?Hello...[I]friend[/I],? said the man. The man, pulled his headband up. A Sharingan eye. Sasuke suddenly started making hand signals, trying to perform chakra techniques, and the man did the same. Flames exploded from the two ninjas? mouths. Flames were pushing against each other in an endless battle. Mesmerized, Sasuke watched them. He hadn?t noticed the man was now running towards him. A kunai planted into his stomach, Sasuke fainted. Blacking out onto the cold floor, with the man walking slowly away laughing. A land of Sound. A laughing sound. Poor Sasuke stuck in the Land of Sound Ninja.
Oh, I understand now! Thank you very much! (embarassed cuz hes been here for months and months) :animesmil :animesigh :animeswea
"Aura! Never hold my hand like that again! Virtual, or reality." Nom said smiling at Aura. "You're crazy you know that?" Aura said looking back to make sure that the two mods didn't gate jump along with Nom and her. "Yep. That's what the popular people tell me at junior high." "Hey Nomura...Where's the cat?" Aura asked. "Oh...Crap! We forgot Dark!" ---------------------------------------- "We lost him..." Clipper muttered to Kya. "Meow?" said a lost little cat. "It's that cat! The hacker's!" Kya exclaimed pointing a finger at the small critter.The cat looked over his shoulders to see if she was pointing at him(So cute!!!). "Come here kitty-kitty..." Clipper whispered. ------------------------------------------- Golden rings came out of nowhere and a small figure appeared from them. A small frightened cat landed on the redrock ground. It's hair was on-end. "Dark!" "Well, what an adventure. I'm going to sleep now, Nom. See you at school!" Aura said, logging out. Nomura smiled and did the same.
I'm not new, yet I still wonder about this subject. I've never NEVER posted in the anime threads of the archives. It says I may not, can anybody tell me why, or where it says why I can't? :animesmil Thanks -Nom
If you have joined, or want to join THE WORLD 3.0, come to this thread. If you've missed anything, or need to know something, this is the place. So, here's the Guide to the RPG so far. _________________________ Why is it called the World 3.0? The first version(1.0) was the one where Kite and Tsukasa's stories took place. 2.0 was Shugo and Rena's story. And this, is a complete new remade version of the world. _________________________ My character, Nomura is not the main character of the story. Though the RPG starter is usually the main, I'm not. To be honest, I'm thinking about putting the spotlight...on a certain wingy someone. :animesmil _________________________ So far, Kya(Balmung daughter) and Clipper have become mods for 3.0. My character is a hacker and has illegally updated his character. He tries to fight the two mods, when he gets an email from his friend Aura. So, he logs out to read the email, and it turns out...She wants to meet hi in the same place he was just in. Do I even need to say what happens next? Heh, he gets chased by the mods! _________________________ So, does anybody have any questions about the game so far?
"Hey, you!" Nomura said to the two girls that had just Gated in. "You seen any mods round here?" "What business do you have with the moderators of The World?" said the blue-haired one on the right. "Got something to give to 'em." "Then give it to us." said Kya, spreading her wings so that Nomura could see them clearly. Nom let several belts fall down from his wrists, and without hesitaion, he struck Clipper. Dodging them, Clipper, landed on top of a near-by melon cart. "What's your name?" Kya exclaimed, holding out her blade. "Nomura, of the hackers!" "You're a hacker? No wonder your weapons are belts and you have a foxtail!" Clipper said, jumping off the cart. [COLOR=White][FONT=System]Email! Email for Nomura! [/FONT] [/COLOR] "Crap, not now!" he exclaimed, jumping back with golden rings and digits following him. ------------------- Nomura looked at the wide computor screen. "Meet Aura... Cat Market?" ----------------------------------------------- Nomura quietly stepped out of the Chaos gate, trying to sneak by the two mods he had just fought. "Oh hey, Nomura!" shouted Aura's voice from a giant crowd of newbs and pros alike. The two mods looked behind them to find Nomura sneaking down an alley. "Hey you! You! Wait!" Kya and Clipper were racing down an alley way to get Nomura.
[FONT=System][COLOR=DarkGreen]Email Information From:Kya To: Clipper I've searched the remaining areas. Looks like nothing is wrong with The World this time. So, welcome all the newbs, and I'll reopen user's accounts from 2.0. On second thought...You don't much care for newbs do you? I'll take care of them. You reopen instead. Well, busy day, huh? See ya later.[/COLOR][/FONT] --------------------------------------------------- "Hey Nom!" said a voice from down the hall. Nomura turned around to look down the long junior high hallway. Mohama stopped right in front of him breathing heavily. "The CCC..." he said panting,"Have started The World back up!" "What?" Nomura asked, for once actually listening to Mohama. "It's true!" ---------------------------------------- [img]http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/5190/tek060310fefd548hj.png[/img] [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]"Wow, been awhile since I logged in!" Nomura stood on a clift looking out into the town. Soon, the place would be crawling with newbies and people like himself. People who were fairly used to the world. It would be fun, once again killing monsters, and celebrating all the festivals. Even getting the extremely hard-to-get rare items was fun, though it took precious time. "Oh yeah!" he exclaimed. Speaking of rare items, he was about to upload one. In five minutes, a black cat was on top of his shoulder. "Hey Dark!" Nom said to the cute cat. It was his lookout and bestfriend in the world. "Miss me?" The cat meowed. Nomura laughed. The main gate showed up in the middle of the town and sounds of all kind blistered Nomura's ears. "Let's go greet the New mods, Dark!" Nom said, unstrapping several metal belts from his jacket. "I know that at least one of 'em can give a good fight to an old traveler!" And with that, he was off to the town, Dark closely following and ocassionally purring. Mischeif was sure to follow.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Sure thing! People can still join as we go, so dont worry! You're not too late! We're just getting impatient! :animesmil
Ok. We have enough mods so far. You two of course are business type people, and are mysterious...and whatever else mods would be like in THE WORLD. You're also cool and can totally ban some people LOL. Lucky.. Anyway, I'd like to see some Career Were users. (werewolfs, cat people, anything like that)
....NEW RULE. SKULL KNIGHTS DONT WEAR MASKS UNLESS THEY ARE OFFICERS. OTHERS CAN JUST HAVE BIG SWORDS(stop laughing about the big sword thing). Sorry. for the big caps. Anyway, Skull knights do carry swords. Also, I'm recruiting mods for THE WORLD. So, anybody wanna be a mod? Like Balmung or...Well those other people? LOL. It's alright Reiku, your's is fine. You can make an avi or draw your avi Doesnt matter. As long as other players know what you look like. :animesmil
The Skull knights are another version of the Crimson knights. They wear skull mask(any kind) on their faces. They also play a special role in this game. So, if you want to be one, go for it. We need at least three to level every thing out anyway. :animesmil
Well, there's no way I'm gonna be able to get your avis just the way you want 'em. So...Here's the website. Make your avi, and when your done, right click and go to propeties. Copy the link, and paste it in an IMG here. [url]http://www.tektek.org/dream/[/url]
Welcome fellow Otakans! In this RPG, we shall live the life of THE WORLD. The same place that .hack takes place. Here, you can basically live the story with your character, do anything you want(within reason) or anything else that is possible in THE WORLD. BUT, you can't just do whatever you want. You have to make story elements to it. Other wise, this wouldn't be an RPG would it? :animesmil Here's the story to this RPG, to get us started, and after it I'll give the Signup forms. [COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=System]Login number 000546789, Proceed to Registration endpoint. Username: Tai Password:****** Confirm Password:****** Administrator Minore of CCS welcomes you to THE WORLD 3.0. Proceed to: Towns Fields Arena More gates will be open to you through these three servers. Make sure you understand and follow the rules. If not, you can and will be banned by the SKULL KNIGHTS. //Have fun//![/FONT][/COLOR] Tai watched the screen closely. Registration was easier than he thought. He slipped on his headset, and Pressed Enter. It was beautiful! The 3-D was superb. But, where was he? This didn't look like any fields or towns he'd ever seen. He stepped forward and looked out a giant hole in the wall. He gasped. He was in a building of some sort. Some castle like thing...And it wasn't on the ground. In fact, Tai couldn't see the ground. Tai, turned around. "Hello? Administrator? Mod? Anybody?" He called out to the stone walls. Somebody stepped forward. "Oh, thank god. I'm lost and I-" [COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=System]ACCOUNT TERMINATED//000546789[/FONT][/COLOR] Ok. Here's My signup. Yours should be like it. Username: Nomura TYPE// Traveler/Shinobi Avatar: [img]http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/5190/tek060310fefd548hj.png[/img] I'd prefer you have a pixel Gaia avatar like mine. But, you can draw yours or something. If you'd like ,you can give a desription and I can go make you an Avatar. Anyway, So you guys get the idea of this RPG? Some members should be SKULL KNIGHTS. Others should be newbies, and pros. So, have fun guys(and girls)!
Who's line is it anyway?-Otaku lounge style comedy corner
Nomura replied to Nomura's topic in General Discussion
Oh my god! LOL. That one was pretty funny, dude. :animesmil Hmmm...Gathering that every one gets the object of the game, why not make this more interesting?Someone name the topic, and the person after him/her answers it, then gives a new topic. Would that be funner? I'm still debating on if funner is a word or not.. -
I like your pics alot but something has been...bothering me. The first Naruto pic is great...but the chin and neck are messed up alil. The chin seems bulgy and square. Thge neck is skinny(but heck, skinny is better right?). :animesmil Anywho, great work KKC! EDIT: Oh, I believe you wanted critique mainly on inking and shading. Well, what can I say? Clean cut and ready for an award! Heh. 9.5/10 on all of 'em.
Well, like the title says...This is just some random junk art.[IMG]http://i2.tinypic.com/qrzwuh.jpg[/IMG] Heh.
Believe it. Masashi sensei(or Shonen Jump) changed Gai's name. Whoa...what a coincidence. I said believe it. :animesmil As for the oekaki board...I can never get my work the right size...And resizing is such a pain. :animeswea I did have an account to one...sadly, I forgot my username. :animenose LOL.
I can't choose...LOL...I guess agony if it wasn't too bad. Of course, knowing my luck it would be... :animeswea [B]Listening to 50cent's sexual raps or Jumping off a clift in the artics(parachute attached) butt naked.[/B] Some may like 50cent, but me don't!