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Everything posted by Nomura

  1. LOL, I'm your numero fanno K.W! :animesmil Your mine, I'm yours!
  2. Now it's time for a game straight out of the TV show. Questions only! You'll catch on. Tell it with ONLY questions. Man: Why is that sun so shiny? Other man: Havn't you ever seen a bald man? Man: Have you ever watched the movie XXX? Other man: Isn't Vin Deisel in that movie? Man: Isn't their a large sun in that movie? Other man: Are you making fun of bald people? Man: What if I am? Vin Deisel: Are you making fun of me? Man: Who are you? Vin Deisel: (breaks man's neck with a giant question mark) LOL, sorry. Vinny is my fave actor. Had to put him in here somewhere. :animesmil
  3. Sory for the wait...I've been sick in bed! Lol. Well here's the new one.[IMG]http://i2.tinypic.com/qq1fu8.jpg[/IMG] EDIT: Whoo...I'm feeling pretty genourous, LOL. Here's a newwer funnier one. O)h, and if you have any trouble reading the text of these comix, tell me! LOL. [IMG]http://i2.tinypic.com/qq25ci.jpg[/IMG] And...if you notice... There's a typo in the Band announcer. It says "Ans next up..." It's suppposed to say and, LOL.
  4. Yeah...well if you havn't noticed...Masashi sensei changed his name in the middle of the series...Gai>Guy. :animesmil This thread will now oficially be updated daily except for wednesday. That's my break. :animesmil so,I'll eventually get the next one up.
  5. Any noobs fell free to go ahead and do the ones before this one, iif ya want. Okay new top. You're giving a book report, and you're stoned. Me:G'day mates(stumbles)Whoa, I-I-I-I alm-ost f-fell. Today, I'll give a r-report on Old Yellower. Teacher: You mean old yeller? Me: Yeah, the dude that is old and yells...Old yeller-old yeller...old yeller...was a yellower dog. He was a d-d-d-d-d-d-dog. Dog. Did,did,did I say that wrongly? Dawg. Teacher:...Just give the report already and stop acting dumb. Me: I'm not as think as you stoned I am!
  6. Nomura

    The Fuccons

    LOL, sure thing Dagger.The production of Fuccons is a little messy... but the show can be a little good. I just wonder why everyone is american in Japan. I can understand that Mikey and his parents are american, but so were the other people I saw. This show is confusing... :animesmil :animeswea
  7. Yay, I have a numero uno fan! :animesmil Anyway...I should have the next one up soon. I've decided to name this series... [B][I]Konaha: Doujinshi![/I][/B]
  8. Thank you, I'm a mangaka also, and so criticism on my opinion is great. She's right folks, have fun with your work. But you should finish. If the whole things blows TO YOU, you should quit though. Deadlines...Darn those cruel things. :animesmil I've gathered from myself, and I've heard from famous mangaka that you should relax. 85% is most likely. The other 15 % can have a blouder on their back and stil give the manga great, and totally blowing away. You should plan a little ahead. Don't write a ancient samurai manga and cut into giant robots in the middle or anything like that. It's confusing to the readers. :animeswea Please, manga ka add in the others that you feel important! criticism please, and remember, this is advice to the amatuers or...just people that need advice. :animesmil
  9. Read this thread if you're a manga-ka(writer or artist). This will tell the major do's and don'ts. Well, let's get started. Hopefully, you'll learn a lil something on how to make your manga better. [B]Manga Don'ts: 1. Never make the story obvious. Always have innovation and originality. One of the number one nonos is when you guys try to make a Ninja story. I can compare it to Naruto, and see where you obviously copied. Same goes for any other type of manga. Make your own manga, YOUR MANGA. Also, avoid the obvious art styles. Make your characters vary from different styles of art, and change the clothes up. 2. Never say your the best manga-ka out there. Never say you're the best, or the drawing king. Other people will hate your work quickly because of your boasts. DON"T BOAST. 3. Never give up on your work. If someone says your work sucks, don't go running home to mommy crying. Use what they said to make your work better. Never just quit because of what someone said, or because you're bored of the idea. FINISH. 4. Never crap up your work. Or in other words, watch it! Keep your work somewhere safe, and don't screw it up. 5. Never avoid criticism. What's more to say except, what's wrong with making your work better? 6. NEVER USE THE WRONG SUPPLIES. Use pencils and fine point pens if you're serious about your work. Do's: 1. Look at other's work, to compare and to learn. But, don't copy their work. 2. Keep an open mind. If you're stressful, then it's an 8.5/10 chance that your work won't be as good, as it would with a care-free mind. 3.Always stay on topic. Set the story, and go with the story. Let the story take you places, but not out of bound places. 4.Brain storm, or use story boards. You could screw up your work, by just going along(but some can do it) so you should at least brainstorm or make storyboards. [/B]
  10. [QUOTE=Qukey]I would certainly treat Rick Hunter and Hikaru Ichijyo quite different. Rick is properly only known in a small part of the world. On the other hand, anime fans have been following Hikaru's story for the last 24 years, since the release of Macross in 1982. Next generation is a part of Robotech, not Macross and it has nothing to do with the original Macross story. The only other full length TV series of Macross is Macross 7 (1994) and Hikaru, Mimei and Misa are not in the story. Max and Millia are and their daughter is the main character.[/QUOTE] I ment the macross saga. Anyway let's discuss other matters of this anime(s). My favorite character(s) are Max, Rick, and Hikaru. Your's?
  11. Yeah well, That's not the artist's fault. I wanted it like that. heh. You get a 6.8. Your's is hard to read the text, and a little too dark when it comes to the boy on the right. Please, none else rate my sig, you've done it enough, LOL. :animesmil
  12. I like your sig better, now that it's fixed. Though , it only has two people and there's a large space not taken up, but it still looks awesome. Nothing beats S-cry-ed... 8/10
  13. Nomura

    The Fuccons

    I will admit, it is a little stupid, but it can get funny. The only reason it's in this thread...well im a lil confused. I saw it on the main otaku(which is all about anime), and it confuses me because it's not anime, so I went ahead and put it in the anime thread. :animeswea
  14. Hmmm...Kanariya, your's is from...Fatal Frame , or final fantasy, or soul caliber....correct? It's okay, but it seems too short...I've come up with a rating! Ahah! 8/10. P.S. I've no idea where the pic is from...
  15. Haha, okay now, we shall move on to "Your latest horror movie" Freddy: So, the mask just walks up to me and so ,I kick his butt. I just shredded him up. Jason: Yeah, I've always been an Adam Sandler fan. Jim Carry's too...Jim Carry Chainsaw man from Resident Evil: What you...urrrr...urrrr...talking about?Urrr...rrr...Chris Rock is the best... Mathew Moore: Anyone seen Brittney Spear's little sister in that show Zoey 101? Girl from Ring: She's not as...cute..as me... Shaggy: Anyone seen the zombies down the street? They're green, and bloody and...ewww Every body: That's racist man! Let's get him! Shaggy: Uh-oh scooby, they're on to us... Scooby: Ruh-roh, rooby rooby roo! Run raggy run!
  16. Saskura was killed in the first, but it was all just a dream of Sasuke's(or so he thinks). Sooner or later I'll write the next chapter... EDIT: Ok, I've got the second chapter ready for lift off. [B] Chapter Two: Sound, Sound, Sound![/B] I looked up into the tree tops, then back at the weapon that was thrown at me. Crap! A bell was attached to the kunai. The kunai was to distract me...but, from what? I looked back at Kakashi?s tombstone. I let out a gasp, and fell to my knees. Kakashi?s tombstone was wide open, and within was just dust. Someone had taken Kakashi?s dead body, and carried it far away. The only clue to whom did it, was the bell attached to the kunai. Sound Ninja must?ve did this. And then, I finally realized, Naruto was gone. ?Naruto!? I yell out to the sky. My voice lets out an echo, and a reply calls back. ?Help...Help...? says a rugged voice far away. I look to the direction of the voice. ?Move you vermin!? I exclaim to a black bird. It moves, and I can see a glimpse of Naruto?s Hokage kimono. I run to the white color, and stop at a large oak tree. Naruto is unconcious, with several different shuriken stuck into his limp body. I couldn?t speak, and I couldn?t move. I was too shocked... It took a few minutes, but I finally picked his motionless body up, and I took it to the house down hill, where an old hermit lives. It was the only place I could take him. ___________________________________ ?What did you two do?? ask the old man, getting some polly-leaf from his cabinet. He shoves the leaf into Naruto?s mouth, and turns back to me. ?Some jackass attacked us and stole our friend?s dead body.? I say. ?What?? He croaks out. ?[I]Long story...? [/I] I mutter. Then, I notice a piece of paper pinned to the side of my shirt. It says: [I]Sound Ninja. Come to Land. [/I] I didn?t get it at first, but I caught on later. I must go to the land of Sound...
  17. [QUOTE=Reikimaru][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=DarkRed] As for continuing, I'll try to finish page two for you soon.[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] Does it take that long? Of course...I've been doing a manga...I'm currently on page 9..It's taken about 3 months...
  18. This thread will now be updated daily, so come in evry day to see the new goodies! :animesmil [IMG]http://i1.tinypic.com/o5rlab.jpg[/IMG] Read right to left
  19. Thanx kat, once again you amaze me. I do owe you! Haha... :animesmil
  20. Well, I was just brainstorming, and I got the idea of SW 2. It takes place years after the manga and anime, and Sasuke is now 26. [B]Chapter One: Reunion[/B] A man stood still at my door step. I didn?t feel like getting the door. ?What do you want?? I exclaim. The man just stands there. I can?t see his face because of the long veil, but I know he is smiling. Just smiling his heart out. What does he bloody want? I finally get up from the floor, and I close the door to the shrine, as I walk to the door. Outside, birds are singing. Black birds with big yellow eyes sing. One stares me down. Just staring with cold eyes. I look away. ?Uchiha Sasuke, Konahagakure Ninja, Jonin elite leader, are you not?? says the man. ?Who wants to know?? I ask calmly. ?My name is of no importance.? I watch him closely. I have my kunai in hand behind my back. I wasn?t about to take chances. The man just stood there. [I] Why was he just standing there?[/I] Then, with all his force, he struck me across the face. I stood there a few seconds, then I started laughing. I knew it was him! ?Naruto, you old fool? I say, striking him back. Naruto pulls off his veil, and invites himself in. His cheerful face is smiling, as he looks around at my house. His long blonde hair comes over his face. ?Hows life as an Hokage?? I say sitting down at my kitchen bar. ?Alot better than my old life as an outcast,? he says sitting down beside me. ?And Sakura?? I ask. ?The best darn teacher of [I]Genjutsu[/I], and Chakra control we could ask for!? he says cheerfully. I smile, thinking of Sakura?s short pink hair. ?Listen, Sasuke,? Naruto says quietly ?I was thinking about going to the North shrine.? My eyes open wide, and a frown comes over my face. ?To see Kakashi?? I ask. ?Yeah...? _____________________________________________ Naruto and I stood at the long tombstone of Kakashi. His head band was laying on top of it, along with his kunai and shuriken. I pushed back my long blue-black hair so I could see it clearly. Then without warning, a kunai flew at me. I dodged, and looked up at the man who threw it. So, what did ya think of the sequel to the original? Should I keep it up? :animeswea
  21. I'd love if I could get a set with Sakura,Ino, Sasuke and Naruto , Gaara and Rock Lee. Banner: I would like the banner to have Sasuke and Naruto fighting in the left hand corner, with the back ground dark blue. In the right hand corner, I'd like Sakura and Ino fighing with the background a sandy pink/orange. And in between the two, I'd like Gaara and Rock Lee facing each other, with the back ground dark red. If the whole background deal is two complicated, just make the whole thing dark red, but I would really love the backgrounds to be diferent. Avitar: I would just like an avi with words and the leaf symbol(Ninja head band symbol). I would like the words to say "Strength, Speed, Stealth, Accuracy, Knowledge, Loyalty" with the back ground dark red. Thank you very much if you do this for me! :animesmil
  22. Yes it certainly did. I liked how the whole thing was from the 80s and yet, it was better than some of the animes we have now. I'm still a little confused about the Macross series(original), since it focuses around Love, and singing. :animeswea but, it's still pretty good. I want to see the whole series, From Macross to the Next Generation and so on, and I've even picked up the game. I wonder, will people grow to Hikaru and the others from the remastered [I]Macross[/I], or will they still love the original Macross Saga the same? I havn't replaced Rick with Hikaru, but it's tempting alright. I've noticed that Hikaru is the same name as Lovers Again's main character.
  23. Nomura

    The Fuccons

    Oh yes, it does deserve to be checked out. I want to see the episodes when Mikey is tempted by two girls, and his dad tells him about...[B][I]it[/I][/B]...
  24. Haha! After everyone gets the first one up, get ready for the second topic. The second topic is "A day your hormones were acting superhumanly/radioactive" Japanese man: Godzilla!Godzilla! Man: No...not exactly... Japanese man: No Godzilla? Man: It's not godzilla. Japanese man: Then what? Man: Errrrr...Ummm..I...(zips up pants) Japanese man: Wow...that awkward...inded, very awkward... Godsilla has been concealed by a pants shaped shield... Man: Um...no...It wasn't Godzilla, it was my... To Be Continued! LOL, well take 'er away guys and gals.
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