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Everything posted by Nomura

  1. No, that's not really funny. It's Hilarious! :animesmil
  2. Nomura

    The Fuccons

    This show is sorta dumb, but strangely appealing. The show is too short though. I liked that it was made with dolls, that was a nice funny touch. The first episode wasn't totally awesome, but I've heard that the whole series is extremely funny. Hopefully, it'll be m,ore than an hour all togethor...
  3. So, I love the original Macross Saga of Robotech, but it's gotten even better. ADV has remastered the whole series and now it's new name is Macross. Macross 's vocals are better, but the art is basically the same. The story is a little less...80ish. I have the original M saga on DVD, so it would be a waste of money to get the new Macross series, but I would like to see this show on TV.
  4. This anime is pretty cool. It focuses around several young women with several different problems. I've only seen the first episode(Newtype), but so far I really like the show. It's a drama type(but not too much) with bits of comedy and romance. Anyone else seen this?
  5. Am I the only one who is in love with this romance/comedy? I've just seen the first episode in Newtype's demo DVD(this month's) and I think the series is gonna be a really great show. The art is pretty good, and the story is really good. The whole thing is just a real story, with no fantasy elements. But, don't let that fool you! This show plain out rocks the Romance genre.
  6. I've heard about this series, and so far I'm hoping that I will see it soon. From what I've heard, you guys must really like it, so I probably will too... :animesmil
  7. Well, just the other day I was thinking of this little game, and I thought it would be really fun. So...Let me explain. In this game I will I will state a abnormal topic, and you'll can reply with script format, a short story, or a just plain funny story that really happened to you. Each one will be for either boys, girls, or all the people in here. :animesmil It's really fun when ya get the hang to it! So, our first topic... The worst break up ever Example: Man: Julie, we're gonna have to break up. Julie: Why? Man: Because I'm sick and tired of you. No wait...it's not you it's me. Julie: Really? Man:No, I can't believe you fell for that one! Let's just put it this way. Your just plain ugly. Julie: That's mean, sob sob Man: Yeah well, I didn't get paid to be nice. Julie: You got paid to go out with me?! Heh, don't worry, the topics'll get a lot better. So, have fun!
  8. Anyone heard of this awesome band? They're one of my fave J-pop bands, and they do they opening to Jing.
  9. Nomura

    Dark Cloud 2

    This game has been out for about 3 years, but I'm gonna talk about it anyway. ! Oh, I sorta need a lil' help on it too, if any one is willing to help. Anyway, I love the story, art and gameplay of this game. P.S. I can't find the belt in the first chapter(I know, sad). I found the pipe and Milk can, but the Belt is nowhere to be seen! Please help! I've tried all the big time strategy websites, but they don't help!
  10. Nomura

    Manga Hair

    Yep...My friend tries way too hard, and he messes it all up... I may not be of too much help, because I've always known how to draw Manga without the books, but I'll try. First off, you should just trace some hair styles from your favorite Manga or Anime character. Look at the picture very closely, and then, just try to draw it. :animesmil You'll get the hang of it.Of course, all you really have to draw is abunch of spike like hairs so it's a little easy if you really thiink about it. P.S. One lil tip. Don't make the hair look like it's cutting into the skull! Draw the head, then visualize the skull, and make the hair fill out the whole thing, okay?
  11. LOL, Enjoy, this is a comedy, that I've worked on for a while. It's about a Ninja, a Termintaor type dude, and a Mexicano who has a magical sombrero. Ya might like it. [B] Chapter 1 Three best friends[/B], Hunter Mann, Austin Booker, and Emmanuel Garay, have had many strange events happen. But something absolutely freaky happened on?the 19th?no? uh?Sometime last year. Now, what is this year? Hunter is an aspiring manga artist. (Manga is the proper name of black and white comics from Japan.) Anyway, he loved to draw! He drew day and night. But since he drew all the time, he also ran out of paper all the time. ?Hey mom, I?m going to get some paper and drop by Austin?s house.? He said as he walked out the door. ?Be home by seven,? said Mrs. Mann. ?Okay Mom,? Hunter replied. He began to walk to the market (while humming ?Macho man?, except he kept on saying nacho instead of macho). While at the market, he noticed a poster for an interesting colored pencil set. ?Reality Sketch. Make your drawings seem real...?. He checked his pocket for six dollars. ?Yes! Just enough for that set.? So he bought a sketch pad and the colored pencils. When he got to Austin?s, Emmanuel was there too. Hunter, Austin, and Emmanuel sat down and played video games for an hour. I bet you want a description of the three boys. Hunter, Austin and Emmanuel are all in the fifth grade. Hunter has long spiky blonde hair, brown eyes and a taste for all art. Austin has really long brown hair and brown eyes. If you ever see a kid that has over ten Yu-gi-oh shirts, that?s him all right. Emmanuel has short black hair, black boots, cargo pants, and has brown eyes. Hunter was winning against the other boys. His virtual soldier would always hide and wait until the others would walk by him. Then he would sneak attack them. Over and over he killed them, like déjà vu. Over and over he killed them, like déjà vu. Well, they got bored of the constant deaths (and déjà vu), and insisted that Hunter draw some manga(so they could sell it on E-bay secretly). [B] Chapter 2 This is where the trouble begins[/B]. Hunter drew four great super heroes and a funny little comic strip. The first hero he drew was Hunta-son, the Japanese ninja master. The Austinator was the second. He had a full artillery of weapons, and an appetite for pizza. There was E- man, the amigo from Mexico with his crazy sombrero that masks his face. You?ll soon come to find out about the fourth hero in chapter four. The bad thing is that poster wasn?t lying about the pencils making art seem real. ?Tight, dude. I like my sombrero you drew,? commented Emmanuel. ?I don?t think those pencils were worth six bucks. I?ve been staring at the pictures and I don?t see where it seems real. Just looks like a regular comic drawing!? exclaimed Austin. Hunter looked down at his watch. ?Oh crap! I?ve got to get home by seven! It?s 6:58!? He stormed out of the house. It seemed to him that he was running way faster than he had ever before. He looked down to find that he couldn?t keep track of his feet. They were blurs to him. He was moving faster than a sports vehicle. He was moving like a ninja. Well... In all the blurs, he didn?t see a car approaching. Bam! The car flew really high in the air. Hunter (who is now Hunta-son) didn?t have scratch on him. Then he heard a loud crash. ?My leg!?, ?(Our space ship!)?, and ?Please exit the plane to your left,? could be heard behind him. Hunter figured out that those pencils could make art real after everything he drew, magically appeared. Hunter worried that the other thing he drew would come to life. Oh, did I mention the little comic strip? It was about the three heroes fighting an evil princess that clones herself. But the experiment goes wrong, and the only thing cloned is her ugly blonde hair and evil, stupid mind. The princess?s name was Mistress Wardlaw. [B]Chapter 3 The next day[/B], Hunter noticed that he had a ninja uniform on. He had a black belt, head band, and the boots made for stealth on when he woke up. At school, Austin had a utility belt full of weapons that he had to hide in his back pack. Emmanuel had a sombrero that wouldn?t come off his head. ?Do you know how hard it is to sleep on this sombrero?? exclaimed E-man to Hunta-son. Though it was a big magical change, the three thought that maybe, being super heroes might be fun. So, Hunta-son drew more things for the super hero job. He drew a handy weapon for the three, called the food launcher. The only problem was that, he didn?t know what kind of food to launch at enemies. He also drew the E- mobile and the Austa-jet. Meanwhile... In Mistress Wardlaw?s evil lair, the evil princess plans her next evil plot for an evil kidnapping, so she can rule the world with her evil minions...which is evil! ?I must get those fools! Especially that creepy one who had the guts to draw me!? she screamed at her evil minions. ?Boss, why are you screaming at us about it?? said her minion. ?Because I want you to dress up as a cop, fool Hunta-son, and bring him here!? shouted the evil princess, telling her evil plot to her mildly evil minion to do an evil deed so she can rule the world with her evil minions...which is evil! An hour later at the S.H.E.A.N (Super Hunta-son, E-man, Austinator, and Narrator) base, the door bell rings. (I had to tell them that Super Heroes In Tights shouldn?t be the organization name before they had the idea for S.H.E.A.N.) Anyway, E-man opened the door to find a cop. ?I?m here to arrest Hunta-son,? said the cop. ?Let me guess... He beat an old lady with a stick for the last soda at the store again, didn?t he?? said E-man. ?We told him that old ladies have rights too, and that she would probably sue...hey, that rhymed!? exclaimed E-man. [B] Chapter 4 In which, Hunta-son is stupid enough to go back to the evil lair with the evil minion, so he can give him to the evil princess, who wants to evilly destroy S.H.E.A.N...which is evil! Hunta-son was being held captive at the evil lair...which is evil! [/B] Hunta-son woke up from a blow to the back of his head. A blinding white light was shining in front of him. Is this heaven, he thought. Then he noticed he was on a slab naked, being examined. ?Hey! Give me back my clothes!? He exclaimed. The scientist examining him gave him his clothes, and ordered a minion to put him in a prison cell. ?...Then the rash eventually went away. My butt still itches a little though.? Hunta-son said as he and one of the evil minions were having a long conversation. I think they?re still having that conversation. 2 hours later... They?re still in conversation. 7 days later... ?I know, man, I got one just like her at my house. You know women, they won?t shut up about the house, and how messy it is. I mean, who really cares if there?s a pizza box stuck up under our bed?? exclaimed the evil minion. Finally, they stopped talking like babbling idiots and tried figuring a way for Hunta-son to escape his prison cell. ?Will you try just asking me to open the door for you?? asked the evil minion. ?Nah, it?s too easy. Where?s the adrenaline and excitement?? replied Hunta-son. ?What about a bomb?? the evil minion asked. ?Now, that?s a great idea!? Hunta-son said with excitement. So, Hunta-son grabbed a Ninja bomb from his pocket, and planted it on the cell wall. ?Hey, can you open the cell door, so I can hide behind something? I don?t want to get hit by big pieces of wall.? ?Sure.?says the minion opening the door. Hunta-son hid behind a wall. It didn?t explode. ?I?ll go see if we set it.? said the minion. He walked into the cell. BOOM! His arm flew over to Hunta-son?s feet. ?Cool! A back scratcher!? Then he ran into a big hall way right outside the big hole in the cell wall. Meanwhile... the Austinator worries about Hunta-son...?Huh-huh-nnn-huhn-hhuh-huh...? Sorry about that. I?m watching Beavis and Butt-head at the moment. Any way, E-man and the Austinator go looking for Hunta-son. They didn?t find him in his room. Neither did they find him in the base, the police station, Victoria?s secret, or the senior citizen building. Austinator: ?Hunta-son, where the heck are you?? Hunta-son: ?Some crazy lady captured me I think.? A: ?Oh.? H: ?Hey E-man, how are we talking?? A: ?This is Austinator! Don?t you know the sound of your own cousin?s thoughts?? H: ?Oh, so we can speak to each other telepathically.? A:?I guess so, Hunta-son.? H: ?Wow, this is weird. What am I thinking of right now?? A: ?Cheese.? H: ?How about now?? A: ?There?s an evil minion with a gun in front of you.? H: ?How?d you know that?? A: ?You won?t stop sweating and screaming.? H: ?What am I thinking about now?? A: ?Gross! You soiled yourself!? H: ?Wow, You?re good.? After having that telepathic conversation with the Austinator, Hunta-son embraced the fact that a gunman was in front of him. ?I?m going to kill you-hold on, I got a business call. Hello? I told you, we need to buy the rocket launchers!? (Somewhere in a Tokyo warehouse, millions of Japanese people are trying to buy out all the rocket launchers at the black market.) While talking on the phone, Hunta-son realized the gunman was a woman. ?Hey, I know you from the store I went to last year! That fancy market place! What was your name, again? Oh yeah, Sall!? Hunta-son said. (Somewhere in a Tokyo warehouse, millions of Japanese people are now trying to sell all there rocket launchers they just bought.) ?Bye.? Hunta-son said. (Somewhere in a Tokyo warehouse, millions of Japanese people are now buying back all the rocket launchers they just sold.) [B] Chapter 5 On the road again, E-man and the Austinator flew in the Austa-jet to the evil Mistress Wardlaw?s lair. [/B] ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Hey kids, write here what you think they are saying in the blanks. ?What? you didn?t narrate that funny Joke I just told?You put a big blank spot where I said it at! You _____!!!!!! I hope you ________cause we?re _________ you little ______, and I hate you!!!!? said E-man. See kids? That?s what happens when an adult doesn?t have his coffee. ?But, I thought that?s what happens when you?re on the pot, because that?s what my dad says. But, I don?t believe him because I never see anyone act like that when they?re taking a bathroom break.? That?s why you?re on medication, little timmy. ?Shouldn?t my name be with a capital t?? I repeat, you are on medication. ?But,? Shut up!!! They?re at the lair! ?At the lair of the evil Riddler, Batman and Rob-? You?re narrating the wrong story, I?m the narrator of this story. ?Oh...well, bye then...? Anyway, Austinator and E-man were at the lair already. ?So this is the lair of You-Know-Who...? , Said E-man. ?How?d you know that?? Asked the Austinator. ?It?s in the script.? Replied E-man. ?Script? When?d they get those?? Austinator said. So the two preteen super heroes went further into the lair. Meanwhile, Hunta-son ran further into the evil lair. And further, and further, and further and BAM! He ran into a wall. The end. Nah, just kidding. He walked further and further and further, until he hit a spiked wall armed with mines and machine guns. [B]Chapter 6 Hunta-son?s stunt double is dead, so we have to call to get a new one. But we do have good news. We just saved a bunch of money by switching to Geico. [/B] Hunta-son ran down that hall-way faster than a speeding turtle slowed down by the five cinder-blocks on his back. Then, an evil minion came out of a room right beside Hunta-son. ?Hi...Can we not fight? My stunt double is kinda dead...?says our hero, Hunta-son. ?Yeah sure dude, I completely understand.? says the evil minion. ?Really?? inquires our hero. ?Feh. No!? exclaims our non-hero, the evil minion. Hunta-son was taken away by the evil minion. His only hope now was Austinator and E-man. [B] Chapter 7 Man, that last chapter was really short and stuff...so here?s a new chapter, hopefully a bit longer.[/B] I havn't started chapter seven yet, so...Maybe I'll go ahead and do it if you guys like it.
  12. LOL, you guys are funny... You totally kept it up long, and funny. Nice work, even if a little by accident(LOL). I didn't get it at first, though. I was a little out of Focus. But hey, my lenses are clear now, and I get it!
  13. Well, here's another Ninja story. Enjoy, and if you do read, please comment and rate. It sucks though, so don't be hoping. [B]Ch. 1: Memories[/B] The young Beat looked around at his former home. Kakuriko village was in total shreds. This couldn?t be his village. His village was so peaceful, and no one had any reasons to destroy the village. Beat stepped over a skeleton, and looked at his house. It had been seven years since he?d been in it. He stepped over some rubble, and he pulled back his long dark pink hair from his light brown eyes. A tear fell from his face as he looked at a broken mirror. He had been without memory for seven long years. Seven years of bad luck. Beat?s godfather, Mitsurugi stood beside Beat. He couldn?t see the inside of the house because he was blind, but he imagined what it was like. It used to be warm, and cozy, with many portraits of Beat and his family. Now, only the walls remained. Mitsurugi put his hood back on his gray head, and walked back out the door. His closed eyes kept the tears concealed, but you could tell he was ready to burst. Beat walked along with him. Both dressed in dark brown cloaks. Both being trained in the art of Ninjutsu. Why had someone destroyed the village? [I]Why?[/I] The only friends of Beat?s, that were alive were somewhere far away. Beat needed to find his friends. He couldn?t remember what happened, and maybe they did. The only friends Beat could remember, was Honda and Otaku. Beat looked at Honda?s cabin. A big sign said Nomura above the door. Honda Nomura, a happy optimistic child Beat used to know. Otaku Bakanada, a strange, yet funny kid. But they may have changed. That was seven years ago. Now, they would be fourteen. [I]Maybe they knew. The real reasons. The answers. [/I] ?From what I remember...The Nomura family and the Bakanada family were studying the Ninja ways. Maybe Honda and Otaku are following their ancestry.? said Mitsurugi, breaking a silence. ?Your point?? remarked Beat. ?There are five different Ninja Academies in this Country. Perhaps...They go to schools. If they do, we will search. We?ll start in the South. Hikaru Ninja Academy. ?
  14. [COLOR=DarkGreen]"Why...Magnata...why..." says a feeble Xaivara, laying on the ground with metal spikes sticking trough his body. "Forgive me...old friend..."says a voice, coming from the dark forest around Xaivara. Xaivara's head falls to the ground, with him lying there unconcious. 2 years later... "So Xaivara...you got any missions for me or Jahaku Chan(Marvel Girl, Phoenix, Jean Grey)?" says the skinny Honda(Cyclops). A red eye patch over his left eye. A chakra blast of red energy exerts from his left eye. The only thing keeping it from blowing up the ceiling, is the spell enchanted eye patch he wears. "Yes..." The old man says, making his enchanted flying capsule move a little too the left. The list says:Kai (Beast), (Name here for Storm), (Name here for Colossus) [/COLOR] Ok, this is where you guys come in. Name:(Character's real name. You get to name the characters but you can't change the code names) Code name:(The original code name for the character) Powers:(Their special mutant powers, that will instead be called...their bloodline chakra) Some one needs to be Honda(Cyclops) or Jahaku(Jean Grey) Sorry guys, but I'm gonna be Beast if ya don't mind...I've always loved his character... Character plotting: Plots for certain people to follow. Wolverine is a teenage boy found by Honda. Honda finds him unconcious, in a mud puddle. He's just been in a fight with Sabretooth. He is 17. Jahaku later on turns in to Dark Phoenix, and disapears for a week, until she's found dead, killed by Bastion, a bounty hunter who kills Shinobi with special traits. Honda thinks Magnata did it, and is induced in rage. Person who plays Jahaku will later be any other character that's not taken, or original character. And don't forget, everyone is basically a teenager from 12- 19 besides Magnata and Xaivara. You can be good evil or any other type of mutant from the original series. Have fun!
  15. You go girl. LOL. 9.5. The text is a little hard to read for me, too small, and the color makes every thing a little blurry and clingish...(Well something like that). The writing is pure awesome, except for when Sasuke curses, and it says, [I]Thought loudly[/I]. I think loudly is word for saying something, not thinking lol. Anywho, great job Wielder, don't worry, the posts of fans will start rushing in, LOL.
  16. Aww, you got rid of the banner, LOL. Well, Yotsuba is sort of kid friendly as Azumanga Daioh is totally unkid friendly...But I'm sure they dubbed the manga to make it more kid friendly! Sadly, I've only snagged the first volume, as I can't find it in the usual Waldenbooks! Darnit! I know pitiful, ain't it? Yotsuba and Chiyo-chan look so much alike...So much alike...LOL. It's so funny, because Yotsuba has no knowledge of the world around her, and she usually misunderstands stuff...A blonde green headed girl! That's so wrong... I'm blonde...
  17. I know where your probably coming from.His artstyle is a lil' foreign when it comes to anime, and it'll annoy you until ya get used to it...
  18. Well, it looks like FMA, Naruto ad probably InuYasha are gonna be on the contest... I'm also thinking hard about adding Jing, and Gundam... I can't even remember crap about Blue Seed, or Tenchi Muyo, but I'll add them when ...somehow I get enough votes, and I come up with questions, LOL. It's obvious that the Adult Swim and Cartoon Network animes are gonna get voted for... Well, anyway, Sign up, vote, and this'll be fun when we start it all up! P.S. I think'd it be good if Dagger would bless us with her anime knowledge, LOL, but yeah, I'd probably get smoked if I entered this contest with her signed up!
  19. [quote name='? Nomad Tical ?']TO be honst, I felt it to be too rushed, and more of a summary then a story, though I'm guessing that this is mearly a precurser to the events taking place in the story,m right? I'd like to see the story itself before passing judgement.[/quote] To be honest, This isn't even the real story, LOL, it's a shorter version, And I'm just asking if the plot seems okay...
  20. Well, here's something I just started. It's only a preview, and I"m not done with the whole thing, so tell me what you think of the beginning. If you like, I'll post the rest of the story. Many years ago, Alchemy was first used by two men, trying to turn lead into gold. They tried five times before they actually made anything. But what they made, had killed them. Since then, turning lead into to gold is forbidden. What had killed them? Apparently they didn?t have everything just right. They made gold, yes, but it was alive. It struck the two men... Now, people have perfected alchemy into a common use of science for anything at anytime. It?s all about the equivalent exchange. Breaking down matter, and reconstructing it. The military has even taken in Alchemists, to do their bidding. One military Alchemist, was John Ferinet. His amazing alchemic abilities were superb, as he could reconstruct natural things. He was the Nature Alchemist. While doing service, he got a letter from his sons, saying that his wife had been killed. Shocked, he fled the military, to go back home. The military came looking for him, back at his village. When they got there, the village was in flames. Flames everywhere. They stormed through Ferinet?s house, and found him in the basement, dead. A diary was beside his corpse. The page it was turned to said: I have successfully gotten every chemical, mineral, and substance I need to bring Yuri back to life. In moments, she will be with me again, and I?ll be the first Alchemist to ever do this. All, I have to do is draw blood, and complete the transmutation. There we go, something?s forming! It?s her! It?s Yu- Chemicals had started the fire, when they were knocked down by...whatever John had transmuted. Months have passed, and John?s sons have left the ruined village for good. Axe and Yoh Ferinet walked through a thick forest, following one long path to Slavenor. ?We should be close, Yoh,? said the oldest, Axe. Axe?s short blonde pony tail bounced as he walked. He wore his usual black vest, and orange cargo pants . Yoh, on the other hand had dark brown, short, hair, hidden under a beanie. But he too, wore a black vest and orange cargo pants.
  21. Well, this didn't go as planned last time ,LOL, so I made another one!Well, this game'll judge the who the anime-know-it-all is of 2006. To play this game, you're given a point system. Multiple choice: These are woth one point Answering by itself: These are worth three points. Bonus: these are 1.5 worth questions, and'll be about any anime. Now sign ups. This is how you'll sign up. Why you're entering: You're fave animes: Two or more animes you'd like to see being questioned.
  22. Wow, a person who understands completely...You're going on my budd list! Nom's LL, isn't just for my lyrics either. It's a library for all kinds of lyrics, so feel free to post some of yours if ya want.
  23. Anybody else like Peter Chung's anime productions? Aeon Flux, Dark Fury(Riddick) and Reign are some of his works. His artstyle is fresh for anime, and is hard to copy, so to speak. Anybody else like his works?
  24. Sennen, not just talking 'bout the opening sequences, though they were good. MGS's graphics, don't really get out to me...The mouths don't match, though it's okay, cuz it's japanese, but more importantly, they don't seem real enough to me. Like, when Snake pops his arm back in place, it didn't look like he tried very hard... But, I'm still in love with MGS... Anyone seen Ark or Final Fantasy, the movie? Those were some graphics, that should be in cut-scenes. I can't blame cel-shade, or anime looking graphics. Anime games wanta look like the anime, cel-shade or not, so they don't overly graphicize (made up word,LOL). Capcom and Konami, have been trying to perfect their games' graphics, and I'm really proud of the remastered Resident Evil 4. Clock tower3's graphics are similiar to it, but RE4's definitely better. One thing companies can do is, try to change the bad guys up a bit. Most games...It looks like the bad guys has 100 twin brothers walking around, if you know what I mean... They all look the same! I saw Metal Gear Solid 4 in PS2 magazine the other day, and I was wondering "Why's is there a real old guy in the magazine?" I came to find out it was Snake, as an old man, and that he wasn't real. I thought he was real! LOL, that's gotta be movie graphics, but I guess it'll only be on PS3, since the capacity of Ps2 can't take it all in... Any special games you'd like to see with better or movie graphics?
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