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Urzu 07

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Everything posted by Urzu 07

  1. [url]http://www.systemreferencedocuments.org/35/sovelior_sage/home.html[/url] ok thats the 3.5 open gaming content (its all legal so dont trip) thats what "open gaming content means" bye bye ^_^ also if you play any game that was mentioned and you didnt play D&D then you suck since all of the above games are nerd games. no, seriously. add me to your friends list if you like D&D ^_^ [COLOR=Red]Please remember to use proper punctuation and capitalization in your responses. Doing so makes your posts easier to read. Thanks!-Panda[/COLOR]
  2. Look up a D&D book called the [U]Draconomicon[/U] it's got all you need to know about dragons. Well, all [I]I[/I] need to know since I play twice a week. I don't really care about dragons outside of D&D. (still it has some really cool stuff)
  3. My friends wanted to teach me how to play all of those games. Only D&D stuck though. (i guess it was because it was so easy to learn) It can be really fun depending on who the DM is . As for the books, you can find system reference documents online for free. (since its open gaming content its legal) I still don't know all of the rules so im not going to post the link (but i guess you can message me for it). It should cover the Dungeon Masters Guide, Players Handbook, Monster Manual, and the Epic Level Handbook. Which is all you really need. :animesmil
  4. I really like Gungrave's story. It put you in brandons shoes before he became grave. It was mostly story driven yet they manage to keep you into it with the short bursts of action/suspence. Last exile was good too.
  5. The thing I look forward to on XBOX 360 is XBOX live. Crappy games become so much more when you can go and play with people any time you want. Just look at games like Halo II, & Conquer - Live and reloaded. Both of those games have very dull single player modes, but you can't seem to put them down when you get a huge frag fest going on XBL. Thats why I am going to buy a premium 360 when it comes out. Also It comes out being cheaper to get a $400 package, seeing as to how the HDD is $100 sold by itself. I think with the premium xbox you get wireless head set, wireless controller, remote controll, and the HDD. Seeing as to how the other systems won't come for at least a year I also plan on buying a revolution. ( PS3 just sounds too expensive) The basic xbox just comes with one wired controller right?
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