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Everything posted by Eva10

  1. Hey does anyone remember that pickled baby dragon they found in Germany? I never followed that story till the end. Anyone here knows what happened?
  2. I knew it! As always threads like these always turn into a battle. Let me just say im Catholic and lately on the web i've had to defend the Catholic Church against other forms of Christianity. Sad ain't it lol. Seriously why does every thread like this have to turn into us Christians vs. Atheist?
  3. Many things in Gundam is possible and what you just said proves it. If the government would just take funding out of other things and put it into this we could have a funtioning MS in no time. Of cource it would be in the early stages but it would still be able to terrorize our enemies. In a 100 or so years from now we could probably have models with anti-matter wepons and such, that is if we havnt nuke ourselves into oblivion lol.
  4. Ok lets be honest here pirates wouldnt stand a chance. Blackbeard never killed a man in his life, they were to scared he tied hemp on his beard and lit it on fire. NINJAS WERENT MADE FOR HAND TO HAND FIGHTING!!!! Samurais were they had full body armor and an aray of wepons. Ninja were ment to hide, attack, and run. Do you think ninja could of done better at defending from a Mongol horde? If ninjas were better soldiers than Japan would of been based on the ninja instead of the samurais. You can be a bit more realistic instead of just say one side will win because you want it to.
  5. have any of you guys ever find one of those made in china stickers stuck on you and you don't know where it came from. I just thought it might be a good question. It happens to me sometimes.
  6. [QUOTE=Lafleur][COLOR=DarkRed] I was calling the whole 'life gets better, comforting whatsit' comment rubbish. I've heard the line a thousand times and its never happened.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Well I kinda screwed up when I sed that. What I mean is that I belive that as someone goes closer to God and away from satan, satan tries everything he can do to pull you back. Making your life a bit harder. Im not trying to make you come back. That will be your own doing.
  7. [QUOTE=Lafleur][COLOR=DarkRed] Ah yes, the 'Everyone is wrong but me' creed. Just for your personal information, The Bible, all devine intervention aside, was written by man and therefore is a creation of man.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] It seems to me like your being attacked by all different forms of Christianity at once and it seems like you passed by the Church at Corinth and the records stating that Pliate existed. I don't think you might understand this but most of the Christians here should. You don't need all this evidence to know Christ exist. You know after you turn your life over to him. Your life just gets so much better, you feel great, you feel clean, you get an unimaginable feeling like someone puts their hand out to you and comforts you. Im not trying to tell you something that you heard before. Im just trying to explain this to you.
  8. If you think of it, if their is no God that told us the difference between good and evil than their is no good and evil. So you would be saying that people that have comited unthinkable crimes could have bin right. If you were to tell me that Jesus dosent exist is like holding a video game in front of me and saying its not there.
  9. [QUOTE=Shadow Blade][SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]Religion? Easy question. I put my faith in Christianity. Oh yeah, I'm also wondering whether anyone has heard of "Left Behind". A question out of curiosity. Nothing Special.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] Left Behind, do you mean the book series that was made into movies with that guy from the show "growing pains". If so have you seen any of the Omega Code movies.
  10. Let me make something clear, the big bang could not happen because right after an event like that everthing would either collasped into itself or expand forever not allowing life to exist. Im Catholic and I don't care what atheist have say about my religon because I know their wrong. All those theorys of evolution and stuff like that are just theorys.
  11. Im not trying to get too religious here, but I belive that God has a great plan for everyone. Think about it if you live a bad life but still remain faithful to christ after you die every day will be great.
  12. Okay heres the story. Not to long ago I asked this girl out. She said no but i got over it pretty quick. Anyway this other girl comes along shes pretty and nice to me. Im thinking of asking her out but my friend(whos never bin in a relationship) finds it fun to try to put me down and lately shes bin doing a good job. Should I stand like a man and take my chances and risk asking her out. Please someone reply and give me their thoughts.
  13. [quote name='duoikari']by the way is there any news on the Eva live action movie because i got these images the other day, i know they might be fake, in fact i know they most properly are but i just wanted to know. Actually i think the guy that played Frodo in lord of the rings would make a good shinji if he was just a little bit taller and his hair was longer.[/quote] [COLOR=Red]They look pretty fake to me. Im not the one to doubt but it just looks like someone pasted the heads on, but your right about Frodo change the hair and voice. Where did you get these images? [/COLOR] ---- On a lighter note found out my wood shop class is A-2 switch that around and you got shinji's homeroom. [color=navy][size=1]Please don't double-post. If you need to add new information, you should go ahead and stick it in your most recent post via editing. - Dagger[/size][/color]
  14. [quote name='EVA Unit 100']OK. So even though Adult Swim can show blood, gore, dismemberment, decapitations, skinnings, murders, shootings, gruesome deaths, suicides, child abuse, rape, pedophilia, incest, beastiality, implied sex, prostitution, sexual innuendoes, drugs, alcohol, smoking, cursing, political jokes, religious jokes, crotch jokes, anti-PC jokes, and virtually everything sort of a "Sweet Zombie Jesus", yet still can't handle Evangelion? I don't follow you.[/quote] Well come to think of it you do have a point. Adult Swim wouldn't do anything to change our beloved Evangelion. I guess I just got a bit freaked out from what my friend told me. :animesigh
  15. Eva10


    Yes, Vandred is a great anime series i've seen both 1st and 2nd stage. The story line is so original. Making earth the enemy is genius and the artwork is amazing. :animesmil
  16. Im Catholic and proud and im pretty mad at what some of you atheist are saying. If your Christian school is saying anime is demonic they might think your using it as a substitute for God.
  17. In my opinion I think it would be a tie between Evangelion and the storyline of the gundam series.
  18. My friend told me that he saw a commercial on adult swim saying that they will soon show evangelion. Im not sure if this is true but if it is I bet that it will be edited with all the good stuff cut out. New fans will not have the full experience. Let me know what you guys think.
  19. ive seen dual and i think its great it was my favorite for a while. :animesmil
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