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About Ranmadude188

  • Birthday 08/18/1987

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  • Biography
    I'm an otaku what else is there to know?

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  1. I think I would choose Ranma. For the obvious reason that is is engaged to four girls. :love: If it doesn't workout with one I'll always have a backup :D
  2. I would go out with Kagome from Inuyasha. She is so freakin cute. But kinda scary. :animeswea Sango is cute too. But she wouldn't like me touching her butt. I would really like to go with Mizuho from Please Teacher. I mean there's nothing else to say. :animenose Any of the girls from Ikki Tousen, they have very nice assets. :animenose :animenose :animenose :D
  3. What's with all the new faces in the WWE? Matt Striker Kennedy? And other idiots. I really liked wrestling from like 97' to 03' All the good well known wrestlers were in the business. The Rock, Triphle H, Too Cool, DX, Mick foley, The Alliance,The Hardy Boyz, The Dudley Boyz Edge and Christian as a tag team. Wrestling is still good but not the same. :animecry:
  4. [COLOR=Red] A lot of anime has good music. Cowboy Bebop, Inuyasha, Full Metal Alchemist, Street fighter II V.... But my favorite would ne Ranma :rolleyes: The opening theme from the anything goes season is my all time favorite. :animesmil :animesmil ;) ;)
  5. Anime will never go away. It has a important place in American and Japanese history. The birth of the race know as OTAKU :D :cool: :beer: :rotflmao: But seriously if anime did die out. I WOULD HAVE A STROKE OR SOMETHIN!!!! THERE WOULD BE NO REASON TO LIVE IN A WORLD WITHOUT ANIME!!!! :bash: :blowup: :moron: :cussing: :cussing: :cussing: :alcohol: :demon: :bawl: :bawl: :animecry: :animedepr :animeangr
  6. Any anime character? :rolleyes: I guess I would have to pick Keitaro from Love Hina :love: He lives in a big house with all those beautiful girls. :D And he's seen them all naked like a hundred times! :animenose And all of them have a little thing for him as too. Geez he's got it good. :animeangr
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