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- Birthday 11/19/1991
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[size="2"][b]Name[/b]: Teddy [b]Age[/b]: 29 [b]Appearence:[/b] Teddy adores wearing very expensive suits, even in battle despite getting very annoyed when blood is spilled onto his outfit. He rarely takes off his giant teddy bear mask off, but when he does, He has long, dark hair and bright blue eyes. [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_K7mTt5MC-WM/SeOws50aRdI/AAAAAAAAAY4/XxJTR3iagQc/s400/JinnoWeb.jpg[/img] [b]Weapons:[/b] Teddy carries a Katana with a black handle and its blade completely crimson red. He also a student in the melee combat known as "Krav Maga". [b]Occupation[/b]: Is a very dedicated Swordsman and is known for taking the most rigorous jobs. He is also signed on to be the one of the head cooks on the the ship. [b]History:[/b] He didn't know who he was when he woke up. He didn't have a name, a past, or anyone that cared about him. He just woke up one storming night on the side of a road with blood all over his clothes and with an amnesia-struck mind. The only thing he had was a Teddy bear strapped to his belt strap. He was taken in by a passing couple, who, lived on a farm a couple of miles down the road. They had a daughter named Elizabeth, who took care of him and nursed him back to health. She gave him the name Teddy after the Teddy bear that he refused to let out of his sight despite him being around his twenties. Teddy spent three years with the family that took him in like a son, but on the first day of winter, he was sent out to the nearest village, Purgato, to get supplies for the season ahead and returned home to find his father beheaded in the garden and his mother and Elizabeth raped. Elizabeth, with her last moments in Teddy's arms, cried and screamed 'I'm afraid' over and over until she passed to the afterlife. Bent on revenge, he went forward and spent half a year, trying to find the ones who slaughtered the ones who he ever known as family. On his journey, he crossed paths with a master swordsman named, Jimmihani, that had mastered the art of the Katana blade and he saw the broken heart Teddy had obtained from his dark past. He joined his crusade, where he taught Teddy everything he knows about the sword. The two eventually came across the village when it was in the middle of being pllaged by a group of bandits, who according to the description from a man that saw his family's killers before, looked exactly like his description. Teddy rushed into battle without consulting with Jimmihani first and while he managed to kille majority of them, he was cut down my the head bandit of the group and was nearly stabbed to death before his Master stepped in and took a blade to the heart. Teddy awake to find the village burnt down and his master slain by his side. The bandit had gotten aweay and he had taken everything from Teddy. His vengeance wasreplaced by sorrow. While walking down the road to the next village, he was stopped by a merchant, where he saw a giant teddy bear mask. Teddy gave him all his money and put on the mask, a sign of his disappoint in himself for not being able to save everyone he had loved. Over a course of seven years, he ventured around the land, offering his blade for hire and soon his name began to spread, The teddy bear killer" or "that fucked up guy". He holds a very polite manner and loves helping the ones who have nothing left, but in the back of his mind, even if he refuses to confront it, Teddy is still looking for the head bandit and wanting to make him suffer for what he has done.[/size]
[SIZE="1"][B]Name:[/B] Gale [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Age:[/B] 27 [B]Race: [/B] Human [B]Position: [/B] High King of the Fujin Kingdom [B]Personality:[/B] Born instantly to become a leader to all. He stands for the right things in life and tries to defeat the negatives that stand in his way. Many consider him brave, while others see him as a foolish young king. If any, the only thing that makes Gale, Gale is the ability to never quit. In the most critical situations, he becomes immune to pain and calls for drastic calls of sacrificing himself to save the ones he cares about. Gale of course is human and is weaker then the average demon. Yet, being king, he has developed one of the most intellicual minds to ever step on the battlefield. He can spot weaknesses of his foes from only one series of attacks. Gale seems to always have a plan up his sleeve and it works no matter outrageous it may seem. [B]Appearance:[/B] [B][URL="http://www.rpgfan.com/pics/hack/art-05-balmung.jpg"]Gale[/URL][/B] [B]Weapon:[/B] Dealing with a new war over the horizon, Gale has perged into the deep, dark depths of his kingdom for The God swords. Forbidden weapons his father has stored away because of their power. [U][B]The Sacred Sword:[/B][/U] In the Fujin Scrolls' texts, [I]the sacred sword is the sword used to launch chastisements on human beings. It symbolizes the will of God.[/I] [B][URL="http://media.comicvine.com/uploads/0/1929/113441-129112-sacred-sword_large.JPG"]Here[/URL][/B] [B][U]Sacrifar, The Bloodlust Sword: [/U][/B] The most destructive in Fujin's long History, Sacrifar is a frightening blade of bloodlust that trades the user's emotion and will for the power of Carnage. As the demon sword was not made for Gale, the sword will take over the user after sometime. Even the strongest of demons were only able to remain in control for a short period while using Sacrifar. Once the sword takes control, it manifests itself all over the user's body with a thick, ancient armor demon armor. [B][URL="http://img98.imageshack.us/img98/3655/sacrifarpk5.gif"]Here[/URL][/B] [B]Abilities/magic: [/B] [B][U]Twelve Wing of the Exploding Dragon:[/U][/B] Gale's most commonly used technique. It creates twelve swift explosions that Gale normally uses to quickly take out a large number of foes. [B][U]Nine-headed Dragon Strike:[/U][/B] simultaneously deals nine strikes to the fundamental targets of swordsmanship, making guarding and dodging virtually impossible. [B][U]Lightning Strike:[/U][/B] His sword makes him gather a large amount of energy from within to his sword and releashes that power in one strike. It can also manifest as a burst of energy beams. [B]Bio:[/B] [Edit][/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"][B][SIZE="3"][CENTER]The Mixed Experiment IV[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B] The night was beautiful. Four white moons kept watch over the planet as it slept into the night. The very technology advanced city was quiet, which was un-heard of at times for its always need to grow its technology to a new level. Yet the city kept quiet, only the lights of billboards and passing cars starred the night. [B]"Jahat."[/B] The deep, dark voice came from the depths of the room. A Shadowy figure appeared from the corner, eyes gleaming at him. His presence was disturbing as he had blood pouring off his body like sweat. He smiled as Jahat regconized him. The monster closed his eyes and sarcastically sniffed the air. [B]"Mmm....Can you smell it? The end of Humanity is coming...." [/B]Malvok grinned as he licked his blood covered lips. [B]"Oh will it be a breath taking day for me....They're blood will run through my body!"[/B] Jahat kept silent and turned to the giant window that overlooked the city, Delirium. By then, clouds managed to creep in and pour its tears onto the dark city. Thunder pounded its chest and gave the people a battle cry that shock the land. [B]"Im sure you're eager too...Able to feast on human souls..." [/B]Jahat opened his eyes and began to walk to the door. [B]"Let's go...Adam awaits us."[/B] **** Gale opened his eyes and gasped for air. He laid flat on his back, trees surrounding him with sunlight peering from above. Rising up, he checked his body. [I]Im alive? How? What the hell is going on...I was in that odd world and now...?[/I] His clothes were still damaged from the fight with the Elven Warlord, but his sword was gone. Where was Achilles? Emilio? Sarin? More important, Chrys.... Gale rose from the soft glass, but was completely fine. His cuts and bruises have vanished. He looked around and found his father's sword lodged into the ground at the edge of the trees that surrounded him. After cracking a few bones, he made his way to receive the sword from the ground, but was stopped by his view... There stood his kingdom, Fujin, on one side. On the other side was a very advanced technology city. Explosions could be heard as Fujin's magical airships took flight against the metal-like airships from the other side. [B]"Son of a bitch..."[/B] Gale equipped his sword and ventured off to the battlefield. [U][SIZE="2"][B]Information Desk[/B][/SIZE][/U] This is the fourth Installment of the Mixed Experiment Series. The sequel to the II one since the III one took place in a new era with new characters and story. Not required, but if you would like to see the previous ones for history, here are the links. [B][URL="http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=49825"]The Mixed Experiment [/URL][/B] [B][URL="http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=51276"]The Mixed Experiment II: The End of The World[/URL][/B] [U][SIZE="2"][B]Sign-Ups[/B][/SIZE][/U] You did not have to be in the previous ones to be in this. I welcome anyone who wants to join. If you would like to join here are some things to keep in mind. *You can either be from [COLOR="Red"]Fujin Kingdom[/COLOR] or [COLOR="Blue"]Saturn Federation [/COLOR], (technology city at war with Fujin) *when you pick a city, you will still will be part of Gale's Fraction, which, is the good side. Your character can be on the bad side, but must eventually come to the Hero's side. *The city you pick, your weapons will come from that. Any technology advanced equipment(armor, guns, etc.) comes from Saturn Federation side. Fujin is (swords, bow and arrows, old armor, etc.), but comes with different races and the power of magic. [B]Name:[/B] Any type is fine [B]Gender:[/B] Simple. [B]Age:[/B] old if you're a demon [COLOR="Red"] *Fujin[/COLOR] [B]Race:[/B] Humans, demons, or elves. Be creative if you pick a demon. [COLOR="red"]Fujin only[/COLOR] [B]Position:[/B] Soldier from Saturn or Soldier from Fujin [B]Personality: [/B]this is how people will judge your character, so write this well. [B]Appearance:[/B] Picture or written description, both would be great. [B]Weapon:[/B] Anything works. Broadsword, shuriken, handguns, shotgun, *depending if which Fraction you're coming from (Saturn or Fujin) [B]Mechs: [/B]a very small, combat mech your character uses for battle... [COLOR="Blue"]*Saturn only[/COLOR] optional* [B]Abilities/magic:[/B] abilities, say you can jump father and higher then a normal person. Magic, can summon fire or heal any wound. Make your abilities and Magic different from others. [COLOR="Red"]*Fujin only[/COLOR] [B]Character Snippet: [/B]Your character in every day life. Could be something from the past. [B]Bio[/B]: if you don?t want to do a Character Snippet, then you can write a Bio for your character PM for questions[/SIZE]
[CENTER][IMG]http://www.joegeringer.com/images/lab_banner_planet.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR="Black"][SIZE="1"]"[B]Fire!"[/B] The war had finally began. The universe instantly became lite with bright lights. A fight between two greedy kingdoms that want nothing more but more power to have in their hands. How pathetic that regardless of the side that wins, wars will continue on and more blood will be spilled. [B]"Captain! Captain! Your orders, sir!"[/B] Adam woke from his thoughts and came to reality. The 25 year old Captain was fixed inside his Shining Gundam while his team camped behind him, ready for the given orders to attack. The battle was becoming a graveyard of shattered metal and massive explosions. [B]"Sir! Your orders!" [/B]Asked a pilot near him, his gundam carrying a beam rifle, ready to attack. Adam closed his eyes and exhaled. [B]"Let's Go."[/B] The intercom bursted with battle cries as his pack joined into the fight. Holding no painted flag on their gundam's armor, showing what side they were on. They weren't on a side. They were part of a band of people who didnt want all this suffering to continue on for hundreds of years. They wanted to stand up and stop this now. They are The [I]Resistence.[/I] The Shining Gundam unleashed its beam sword as Adam followed his comrads. [B][SIZE="2"]Info[/SIZE][/B] This is a made up Mecha Universe. I said mecha because Im willing to let people have different Mechs than Gundams. Of course, I prefer Gundams, but like I said I really dont care. Here are the Two fractions. They are very simliar in every way, each ruled by governments that just want more power. They all want the same goals.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]The Federation[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]The Alliance[/COLOR] [COLOR="Black"]We'll be with The Resistence. A group going against the war and trying to stop both of them. We'll be working as a team, going through missions with our machines as well as on foot. Each mission I will post at the finish of the previous mission. [SIZE="2"][B]Sign up[/B][/SIZE] [U]Character Information:[/U] [B]Name: gender: age: Personality: Appearence: weapons: bio: character snippet: (optional)[/B] [U]Mech Information:[/U] [B][URL="http://www.mahq.net/index.htm"]Here[/URL][/B] is a list of mechas you can use. just go there and click on Mecha. [B]Code Name: appearance: Armor materials: Powerplant: Weapons: special attacks: (optional[/B])[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE="1"]Name: Gale Age: 34 Gender: Male Personality: A cunning man with wisdom beyond his years. He has a look of a cold blooded murderer, yet is a very humble and polite towards anyone, even his enemies. For his friends and family, he is willing to kill to perserve peace, but taking a life is always his last resort. Appearance:[B] [URL="http://fc00.deviantart.com/fs32/f/2008/201/b/5/Kakashi_Hatake_by_rocknrollsince1986.jpg"]Gale[/URL][/B] Weapons: [B][URL="http://www.swordsswords.com/ProductImages/s/Gin_Ichimaru_Shinso_Zanpakuto_Sword_2.jpg"]Shinso Zanpakuto[/URL][/B] and an [B][URL="http://th05.deviantart.net/fs7/300W/i/2005/218/f/8/Vash__s_Revolver_by_LuchiferTheAlmighty.jpg"]Angel Arm[/URL][/B] Revolver Background: Gale has been living off of small change and the clothes on his back for close to 10 years. Growing up, his mother emphasized studying and school work, while his father taught him the art of war. His father was part of countless wars and always wondered how someone like his father would marry a teacher from a small portside village. One night, a band of pirates attacked the city, destroying everything that the small village holds dear to them, including Gale. His father stab multiple times and his mother raped and burned. Gale and his suister were only a few to escape, but the advent changed his life forever. He became a jack of all trades from then on out, from teaching at a school to murderering pirates for loot. [/SIZE]
[CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/zelda/xanderavatar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="1"] The guard's dressing room smelt of a horrific odor that instantly knocks out your sense of smell right when you walk in. It was quite an achievement if you would say, that even the maidens wouldn't even dare come down and see what the source of the evil was coming from. Most of the guards believed in an odor ghost that lingers throughout and lives within the closests. If Xander had to credit himself for anything. It was for making the greatest decision of taking his gear to his home for old man Artis to throughly clense them. His foster father would never have him guarding a sacred castle looking a pile of droppings with armor attached to it. Xander made his way through the naked soldiers that, if he was told correctly, did more then help their comrades put on his equipment. Posted against the solid wall was the list of people who were guarding the slected area. Like always, Xander was to station at the broom closet. What made that closet so special that it needed to be protected? Surely he could be put to much more proper use than this... [B]"Xander!? What the hell you doing? You were suppose to already be at your listed position already!"[/B] The guard captain came in with his great strides. What pissed him the most was the captain would get on him when theres naked guards playing sword fights, without using their swords. [B]"....Sorry cap. I'll head right to it."[/B] [B]"Pssh, you rookies are all the same."[/B] Waiting. Waiting. More waiting. Check out that maid....More waiting. Xander stood on the left side of the door, spear in one hand and the other jumping every second to locate and terminate the birthing home of an potential itching spot on his pack made from the armor. The other guard that stood on the other side of the door was silent and slightly slumped against the wall. Xander couldn't stand there the whole time without at least a simple small talk. [B]"So, you a rookie too?"[/B] He asked, not knowing the indenity of his fellow guard partner. Nothing but Silence. [B]"Uh....Hello?"[/B] More silence. Xander inched farther out and try to take a glimse of his face. He was an old man indeed with a grey-filled mustache. The thing that shocked him the most was beause he was passed out and was sleeping on duty. He was no rookie either as he was clearly three times the age of himself. And if he really thought about it, when he walked past him awhile back, he did smell the scent of achohol from the man. Seeing this man in this state, Xander knew he clearly had a few too many. [B]"Well this sucks." [/B]Xander whispered to himself, putting all his weight against the stone wall and staring up at the ceiling. [B]"XANDER!!! YOU ARE THE WORST EXCUSE FOR A GUARD OF HYRULE!!!!" [/B] The up-roar made Xander flinch terribly, dropping his spear onto the ground, by the feet of the guard captain. "[B]Hey cap...."[/B] [B]"Slacking off on duty? No reason at all! What happens if an assassin enters from the broom closet, mmmhhmm? We all die because you were too damn lazy!" [/B]Of course, Xander saw so many flaws in what the captain told him, but he kept it quiet as always. There wasn't even a window in the closet. It was a closet! He gave a threatening look at him then he turned to the old soldier next to him. He someone transformed faces and smiled from ear to ear. [B]"Good job, comrade. Such an experienced officer indeed. Faking that your asleep to try and take all the blame for this rookie's excuse of lazyness and imaturidy."[/B] He gave one more disgusting look at Xander and stormed off from the empty hallway. Was he really faking? That question was answered swifty as the old fart collapsed onto the floor, snoring away.[/SIZE]
[CENTER][IMG]http://i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee132/Runaway511/zelda/xanderavatar.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="1"]"[B]Time is now to rise, Xander." [/B] The young guard peered from his half-opened eyes to see Old Artis with his long white beard standing over him. A scene he has been familiar with all his life and his guardian doesn't seem like he was going to stop anytime soon. Xander grunted and turned to his side and gave a large exhale. [B]"Just.....Tell them I'm ill or something, father." [/B] [B] "Nonesense, your responsibility isn't even difficult. I tell you what, back in my day...." [/B]The old man began to mumble off into his story, while Xander continue to do what he has been doing all these years. Block him out. He had just acquired the position of guarding from within Hyrule Castle and certainly has been one of the most idiotic things he has ever done in his life. He would rather just work with Artis on cleaning his study corner, which never seems to stay clean for more then a couple of hours, or be running errands around town for the old man. [B]"And that's how I murdered the cat and saved the town from castrophic evils." [/B]Then again, it might be better than listen to him tell the most random stories about nothing. [B]"Alright, I am getting up right now." [/B]He threw the covers off as the old man scurried away to the other side of their home. It was small place, but it had a warm vibe that made the house, cozy. Xander grabbed his armor from the closet and gave a hellish yawn that made Artis flinch from the other side. After putting on his equipment on, he gave a look at the mirror that resigned right by his bed. He studied the Hyrule crest on his shoulder, tightening his gloves so he was barely getting enough circulation through his hands. It almost felt he was getting ready to due battle with a foe, but sadly just hours of standing in a spot and sometimes saying hello to the maidens that would pass by. [B]"...Do I have a purpose?"[/B] He whispered, staring at the old mirror [B]"What did you say, my boy?"[/B] [B]"Nothing old man...."[/B] He placed his hood over his head and opened the front door.[B] "I'll see you in the morning."[/B] With that, he was off to the castle.[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"][B]Name:[/B] Xander [B]Race:[/B] Hylian [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Brief character history:[/B] Abandon by his mother and father, he was founded by an old scholar one rainy night. Old Mr. Artis excepted the fact that he was from that point on, responsible for the safety of the child. For the next seventeen years, the child, whom the old man came to call him, Xander, has shown his abilities as the lance. It was old that Artis never taught him the ways of the lance, yet he has never seen such beauty with the weapon. Yet, Xander was an annoying, over-jumpy kid. He seems to laugh at least a hundred times a day and always has to pull a prank on Old man Artis once in awhile. The old scholar tries to contaim his energy by putting him to work, but rarely does the work get down. Artis decided to put his energy and ability to work and enroll him into the soldier listing and so Xander awaits his chance to fight against evils in the common soldiers ranking. [B][URL="http://www.freewebs.com/eagmod/Elf%20Archer.jpg"]Link[/URL][/B][/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]OOC: everything looks great guys. A couple more sign-ups and I can start it. [B]Name:[/B] Gale Highpool [B]Gender[/B]: male [B]Race:[/B] Terran [B]Age:[/B] 26 [B]Appearance:[/B] Gale is a very large man. Standing around 6'4 with a tone muscle structure. He has thick jet-black hair and green eyes. His body is a mix of jagged scars and tatoos with godly symbols and number codes given to him by the reseach facility. He usually wears red-style shirts and baggy dark pants. Gale always has keeps his holster on to display his weapons. [B]Personality:[/B] A very honest man, Gale is very open and friendly to everyone he meets. Most of the time, it rather gets on people's nerves because he is mainly a jokester. He is always ready for a good laugh, (even during a heated gun battle), which just anger his foes even more. Gale often is in major debt with bars or reasturants for large damages he has caused with open fights with people. When there is something he wants, Gale will stop at nothing to obtain in. Plain an simple. His fighting spirit cannot be crushed whatsoever. When it comes to killing someone, he goes beyond him personality and ends the life in a blink of an eye. He isn't afraid to send one to th after-life. [B]Abilities:[/B] After countless experiments preformed on young Gale, he has obtain the ability to go berserk. In this state, His hair turns into a crimson-like color, the same as his aura that surrounds him. All of his senses are doubled as so his strength and speed. The only down-side to this is he loses every emotion except anger and sorrow, the only ones that cloud his mind during the mode. Which, often leads to one of his comrades getting hurt by the likes of him. [B]Weapon(s):[/B] Gale Highpool carries a caster with him at all time and uses it the majority of his battles. He tries his hardest no to use the berserk mode at all, but to combat against Tao magic, its kind of hard not to. Gale also carries a hidden pistol in his shoe and also a small blade in his back pocket just in case some drunk guy at a bar decides to pull a knife on him. [B]Bio:[/B] (edit)[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"][CENTER][B]Outlaw World[/B][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Red"]Bio-Weaponary Research District III 11:42 P.M.[/COLOR][/B] "Code Red! All Arcardian soldiers on stand-by command. Entry number 1004861001 has escaped. Prepare to-" The alarm was cut off by a bullet going straight through it. The siren was driving him nuts and he knew that if he wanted to escape from here. He had to do it without pety distractions such as that one. The guard's suit he stole from his last victim, who went unconcious due to his phobia of blood, (he went crazy over a punch that caused him to have a nose bleed.) was much too large for him and made his ass itch like hell. Regardless, he kept a good pace down the long narrow hallway, keeping a sharp eye for corners. Expecting an ambush awaiting his arrival at the front entrance, he decided to stop and think for a minute for the best course of action. "Well I could go all the way to the back and see if there is a backdoor entrance...Yeah that sounds good." The black-haired one began to retrace his steps, when he stopped again. "Well maybe they would think that I would stop and think about changing my direction so they're waiting there to greet me...." Gale Highpool frowned from his overthinking the situation. Then he looked up and realized the front entrance was just at the end of the hallway. Smiling with the joy of tasting fresh air again, he started up his sprint to the door and as he was about to enter through....*click*....The faint sound of twenty machine guns all getting ready to raise hell upon the unwelcome vistor. Gale sighed, closing his eyes in disbelief. Why is it so bad for him to escape here peacefully? It seems like they would rather have him dead then able to walk out of here alive. They didn't have a right to kidnap him, use him like a lap rat for over two years. Now when he finally finds the right moment to escape the hell outta here, they would rather call him a failure and put a bullet in his head. "Oh well. I never said this would be easy." He opened his eyes and reach into the stinky old guard jacket to reveal his trademark weapon. Those scientist freaks stole his caster away from him, but reuniting with his beloved gun is a dream come true. "Only got two shells left. But time is of an ergency right now. No time to think this through." He grabbed a shell from his pocket and ejected it into the slot. "Alright, let's see what a number 3 does again." Gale pulled the trigger, with a flash of light, blasted away the metal door with ease and igniting the front lobby with a mix of black smoke and flames. He returned to his smiling as he walked past the dead guards. "Hope your not leaving, Gale Highpool." The voice stopped him in his tracks as raged surged up inside. He turned to see a pale old man smiling from behind. He continueously rolled a beaded necklace in his hands. "Not until I kill you of course, Diz." He turned fully to face the old man, determination of murdering this soul was all you could read from the eyes of Gale. "You kept me here far enough, you bastard. Im leaving, but before I go." He reached into his poket quicky and placed another 3 inside the caster. "I'll send you straight to hell!!" The blast was right on target, but failed to hit the old man. A blue aura sliced the flash into two, both curving away from it's target. Diz was an Tao master, what gave Gale an hint that this would be easy? The stupid grin appeared on the man again. "Out of caster shells? Don't worry, I'll end your pathetic life in a heartbeat!" He fired a blast of his own, but like the old man, Gale shared a grin of his own. He threw his caster onto the gun and let a beast-like cry. A red aura surrounded him, turning his jet black hair into crimson just like his aura. He sliced aside the blast and charged the old man with inhuman speed. One punch sent the old man flying into the wall, covering the once white colored wall, with rose like color, splattered all across it. "The creation kills the creator." Gale whispered as he went back to normal. Picking up his caster, he dashed into the night, un-noticed by anyone. [CENTER][B]information counter[/B][/CENTER] This is from the Outlaw Star universe and if you don't know the basic info, then here is it all. [U][B]Races[/B][/U] [B]Terrans-[/B] this is what many space creatures call humans. [B]Ctarl-Ctarl-[/B] A cat-like alien race. The Ctarl-Ctarl have superior senses of hearing, smell and sight and vast strength (perhaps being the most physically powerful of all species) as well as an ability to turn into large, feral beasts completely at the mercy of their instincts (usually resembling huge felines and perhaps Lupines or Vulpines). The Ctarl-Ctarl are a vast empire that, after many battles with Terrans, have established trade treaties and are now on neutral terms. The Frontier - the area of space where most of the story takes place - lies in between the Ctarl-Ctarl Empire and the Terran Federation, and was established as a buffer zone after numerous battles between the two species. Its position is said to be 50 light years away from earth. [B]Silgrians-[/B] A peaceful race in the Outlaw Star universe which resemble anthropomorphic birds. Physically they are usually at least 180 cm (6ft) tall, and have necks that can make a 180 degree rotation or can turn their head completely upward. Their eyes also have two lids. It is often complained that the Silgrians are 'too friendly' with human races. [B]Corbanites- [/B]An industrious race of frog-like amphibians. Their natural habitat is in the water, so Corbanites wear environment suits that maintain an aquatic environment to their liking. With their technological advancement, most Corbanites fit their enviro-suits with translators that turn their native Corbonese into the local language. [B] Sith- [/B]An insectoid race that are so alien to the other humanoid races that any manner of relationship with them is all but impossible. [B]Lorgans- [/B]A secretive and distrusting people. They apparently have such a strained relationship with the Terrans that the two races just avoid one another. [B]Saurians-[/B] A bio-engineered race of reptiles created by Terrans by combining different strains of dinosaur DNA. Saurians are tall, powerful, imposing creatures with the intelligence and cunning of any Terran combined with the strength and viciousness of their great lizard ancestors. [U][B]Planets and space stations[/B][/U] [B]Sentinel III[/B]-A level 4 terraformed world. Primarily an agricultural exporter, the only urban areas known are Locust and Hugo. The only known space port is the West Virginia Spaceport outside Locust. [B]Blue Heaven-[/B] An asteroid colony, and a free town unaffiliated with any interplanetary state or any of the dominant pirate guilds. Its neutral status make it a popular stopover and resupply center for outlaws. [B]Heifong III- [/B] It is one of the planets in the Heifong system, such as the water planet [B]Heifong 7. [/B]It is a very expensive place to live (and port a ship). [B]Symka 5- [/B]A satellite station where Jim first met Hanmyo. These stations seem to have artificial gravity though the means by which it is simulated is unclear. [B]Tenrei-[/B] A pleasure planet covered in hot springs. A long time ago, three wizards came to this paradise in an attempt to resurrect mana, the energy of nature. Instead, one of them happened upon the hot springs and turned the entire planet into her own interstellar vacation spot. The wizards are the creators of Caster bullets. [B]Hecatonchires-[/B] It is a planet with wildly fluctuating gravity due to its rapid rotation rate and non-spherical shape. The gravity at its equator is stated to be approximately 1g. The Gehenna prison is in a location of 3g, while its punishment facility at the north pole is at 10.4g. has never been a successful breakout. (*note there will be planets added later on.) [U][B]Galactic Leyline[/B][/U] The Galactic Leyline is a location shrouded in myth fueled by rumors and superstition. Popular claims say that it is a holder of immense treasure of valuable metals or minerals, possibly the very rare material dragonite. However to those who possess deeper information about the Galactic Leyline, it is actually known to be a 'universal library' created by an advanced but now-extinct race that possessed an unsurpassed knowledge of science, technology, and reality. Drawing upon Feng Shui, the word leyline means "a place where Chi collects." By manipulating the Chi lines (the timelines, referring to the idea that time is linear and branching, instead of looping and singular) of the universe, the Galactic Leyline has the ability to manipulate time, reality and causality, or fate, as if it were a physical law. Using the knowledge and power of the Leyline, one's wishes and desires can be granted. In simpler terms, the Galactic Leyline can be thought of as a "God Machine" because of its advanced knowledge and understanding of the universe. The Galactic Leyline itself takes the form of a large gaseous planet consisting of thick clouds and strong vortices that serve as protective barriers for the Leyline within. Only a ship guided by the Maiden in the XGP (or a craft with similarly advanced speed and capabilities) can pass through this barrier via small wormholes created by the vortices of the planet. Entrance through any other means results in death or insanity from a brain-splitting screeching that only seems to affect organic creatures. Hazanko, the main villain, also gains entrance to the inner Leyline by means of powerful Taoist rituals that force the clouds to part. Once through the outer atmosphere of the Leyline, ships enter a planet-sized cylindrical structure and are transported to an entirely different location with breathable air and normal gravity. This bizarre setting consists of landscapes of large crystal formations and strange foliage. The landscapes surround a mountain, on top of which is the door to the Leyline, the Leyline relocates itself to a random point in the universe to be found again. Here is the sign-up below. The cast of the RP will join together to search for the infamous Galactic Leyline to satisfy their hearts' desire. Of course, alot of twists and pirates stand in the way of that. And what secret organization wants to control the universe and will stop at nothing to obtain power to do so? Lets find out. [B]Sign-up[/B] [B]Name: Gender: Race: Age Appearance: Personality Abilities: Weapon(s): Bio:[/B][/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]Haven't been on in awhile. Here are some lyrics that I have written for the past month. would kill for some feedback. [CENTER][B]Stand and learn to Survive[/B][/CENTER] Words without a cause and we?re suffering Pyro starts to build and we?re waiting (To Rise up, to rise up) unleash the beast within time to end this You will lose it all and we?re waiting (to rise up, to rise against... The ones who bind us all You can?t tell me what to do I will make you lose Now its time to fight Stand and learn to survive. You will fall against the ground Punish? You let us down Now its time to fight Stand and learn to survive. Set and learn the code The rebellion Whispers in the dark rush to freedom (to rise up, to rise up) unleash the beast within time to end this you will lose it all and we?re waiting (to rise up, to rise against... The ones who bind us all.... You can?t tell me what to do I will make you lose Now its time to fight Stand and learn to survive. You will fall against the ground Punish? You let us down Now its time to fight Stand and learn to survive. Do you remember how? Love, no you bring us down! Do you remember how? When I called your name out now The ones who bind us all.... You can?t tell me what to do I will make you lose Now its time to fight You can?t tell me what to do I will make you lose Now its time to fight Stand and learn to survive. You will fall against the ground Punish? You let us down Now its time to fight Now its time to fight (fight) Stand and learn to survive! Stand and learn to survive! Stand and learn to survive!!! [CENTER][B] My World[/B][/CENTER] See? Nothing yet. I cannot be beat while I still breath. Perfection is so here (Reign over me) Swim so deep, my lungs will eventually break (eventually break) A defense that never falls apart, is so well There is no god There is no hell consequences will burden throughout your life This isn?t your world world world Life and death will intertwine Separate the heart Make you weak, and let you see The thing you?ve become Life and death will intertwine Make the beast, lose it?s prey.... Your words, begin to lose it?s touch (lose it?s touch) divided you stand, lost in trans, ready to give in? God are you there? Am I in hell? Consequences have destroyed what is left of my life This isn?t your world world world Life and death will intertwine Separate the heart Make you weak, and let you see The thing you?ve become Life and death will intertwine Make the beast, lose it?s prey.... Open your eyes, are you ready to begin? Karma is part of life Open your eyes, are you ready to begin? Put this on yourself Open your eyes, are you ready to begin? Karma is part of life Open your eyes, are you ready to begin? Put this on yourself This isn?t your world This is ours This isn?t your world This is god?s Life and death will intertwine Separate the heart Make you weak, and let you see The thing you?ve become Life and death will intertwine Make the beast, lose it?s prey.... [CENTER][B]Fake it to play me[/B][/CENTER] left alone once again These cold winds punish my skin Why do they always play me? I?m sick of the words so sorry. Pissed of, display of weakness spread the news, he?s a freak Stop talking of made-up bullshit The truth is right in your eyes This piece of me Won?t be unseen Just put the gun against my head Fake it to play me Too shy to tell me Go ahead and pull the trigger now Not a bad person? Just an allusion Go ahead and show me who you are Mute the words from my mouth shield your eyes from my stare Is this your so called ending? Is this your so called erasing? I am unintelligent You are a Terrorist Why do I always forfeit? Because it?s easy to quit. This piece of me Won?t be unseen Juts put the gun against my head Fake it to play me Too shy to tell me Go ahead and pull the trigger now Not a bad person? Just an allusion Go ahead and show me who you are Fake it to play me Too shy to tell me Go ahead and pull the trigger now Not a bad person? Just an allusion Go ahead and show me who you are who you are pull the trigger now who you are pull the trigger now.....[/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"]The darkness of the night overtook the kingdom. The peasent families had taken shelter from the black skies and hid under their warm blankets. The guards of the castle gates lit their torches and did their nightly routine of checking the grounds of any suspicious activities. The city though seemed as quiet as a ghost town. Though, if someone would take the time to listen, they could hear someone forcefully cursing at himself for his mistakes. Withing the castle walls was training grounds for the knights that stationed there. Of course, the warriors never used it because their minds would be consumed in making love to a random castle maid or robbing the poor peasents on the streets. A man spent countless days inside the training grounds. Going over his basics of the sword and practicing them to perfection. Was it needed to do such a thing even if the land has been filled with peace for ten years? No enemy dare try to conquer the strongest empire in the land, so what was the point in mastering the art of the sword? [B]"Damn...Again, again I must succeed." [/B]The man whispered as his body was covered from head to toe in sweat. His left shoulder was completely bleeding; blood running down to his fingers. The injury was caused by preforming a ability, but he was too careless of his blade. The sound of the door opening came from behind. A small page came in and bowed in front of the man. [B]"What is it?"[/B] The man whispered as the boy stared at the large gash on the man. [B]"Lord Gale....Master Wallow confirmed the assassin."[/B] Gale's full attention turned to the boy as he placed his sword back to the side of his hip. [B]"Good, tell him I shall be there quickly." [/B]The boy bowed fearfully and ran to the door. Gale walked up the tallest tower of the castle, while putting on his jacket. His face was covered in sweat, but he had no time to clean up to meet with Wallow. The door was unlock as he strolled in without knocking. An old man wearing a blue robe turned at the instant the door shut. [B]"Ah, King Gale! Thank you for seeing me at such a late hour." [/B]The old man bowed slightly and smiled greatly. [B]"No problem, I couldn't sleep anyway."[/B] Gale studied the room and found powders of some sort laying across the tables.[B] "So, they say you discovered the assassin?"[/B] [B]"Yes, the very assassin you told me about that appeared in your dream." [/B]The old sage turned to his papers and retrieved a drawn picture. It was indeed the picture of the killer from his dream. His blonde hair fell down his back as his beard hid most of his cocky smile. [B]"The reason you don't know him, my lord..."[/B] The old man once again turned ot his studies and pulled out the map of the world.[B] "Is that he doesn't live here, but in the land of Archamanto. The land across the great sea. He is behind an assassin's status, but is treated as if a god over there.....My lord?" [/B] Gale was halfway to the door, but slightly turned to the old man. He said thank you for the information and left the tower quickly to his own quarters. He took his time taking his gear off and wrapping his injury. He did not sleep however, sitting at his working desk, ideas running through his mind. [B] ".....I cannot just afford to go to a different land and crusuade my way to find this man I have no grudge against. It was only a dream, wasn't it?" [/B]Gale stared at his wooden desk, before sighing. [B]"But I cannot let this happen if this is all true about him. If this man is seeking immortality and he actually finds it. It is only a matter of time before he reaches my lands and consumes it in darkness, forever." [/B] The king closed his eyes for a brief moment and finally came to his senses. The sense of doing whats right. The only possible option to track a killer this powerful was to round up the strongest around. He went over his records and made out the letters of a meeting with him the following day. Gale sealed them with his branded stape and gave it to the servent just outside of the door. [I]They didn't have time to waste..... OOC: Alright guys, just recieve the letter from Gale and come to the castle for the meeting.[/I][/SIZE]