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Everything posted by Lionheart
[FONT=Arial]Gale slowly opened his eyes as wind passed through his hair. He was on Chrys back as Grace was following right behind. He laid his head on her shoulder as she turned back to him. "You know I love you." Chrys eyes darted at him as she was about to answer when he pulled out his sword. Instantly, he shoved his hilt against her spine as she dove into the forest. Grace followed, not knowing what was going on Gale used his feet to land as he brought her donw against a tree. she knew what was going on, but couldn't move. "G-Gale..." He stared at her as blood was flowing down his body. "Nothing personal, but their after me, not you guys." Grace landed by him as he turned at her. He pointed his sword at her as she raised her hands. "I will say this again if you didn't listen the first time, do not follow me! If the others ask where I am, make up a story. When she can move, knock her out. Be gentle though." He gave Chrys one last look and disappeared through the trees. Rain began to fall as Gale found a trail that led back to the city. He pressed on a tree nearby, his injurys where worst then he thought. A thud came nearby as Gale flashed his sword, near Gale stood Leo, punching a tree until it fell. He didn't seem to sense Gale as he appoarched. "What do you want with me?" Leo stooped and glanced back at Gale, who pointed his sword at Leo's head. "Thought you would be dead, since it was reina's turn. She can be soft at times though." He continued to punch the tree as Gale got pissed. "Why is everyone trying to kill me?! Did Lord Orion sent you? Answer me!!!" The brute stopped and turned to Gale, face to face. "Lord Orion made up this world. Your in a fake world. He has sent us four to kill you or he would kill us instead." Gale tried to listen, but it seemed unreal. "....How do we get out?" It was the first time Leo smiled as he got ready to fight. "You die, your friends will be teleported back to your world and they live under Lord Orion's control over Gia." Gale smiled hearin what Chrys said last time. [I]"I don't need you dying from stupidity again." [/I] He knew what to do, to free his friends and let them destory Lord Orion, though he would be back. He glanced down around his neck of the sacred gem of Fujin. "Man, I love this thing." He looked back at Leo as he threw the necklace off and on the ground next to him. He was sure that his friends would find it. The two warriors squared off as the rain began to pour harder. Gale attacked first, slashing away at Leo. He dodged the attacks easily as he uppercutted Gale to the ground. Leo walked in a circle around Gale as he got up again. He used a series of sword combos this time, but it seemed that leo was toying with him. "Sky-Heaven Explosion!" He roared as he cut down, flashing a wave of fire and lightning at Leo. "Child's play." He held out his hand as the flames consumed him. Gale wipped the blood off his face as he groaned. Leo was slowly walking out of the mist of the flames. "I don't see how you almost killed Dredick, yet age is catching up." "I'm 21!!" He attacked again, with the same outcome. He fell to the ground as his father's blade flung itself near the stone. "Just kill...me." Leo smiled as he pulled back his fist, but stopped. he bowed his head as he looked back at the stone. "I've seen this trick, every king as a trumph card. Yours is the ability to come back to life." he left Gale as he walked towards the stone. He threw the sword back as he held the stone in the air. "Oh, how you are so weak, pressing your luck on this stone, letting your friends fight your battles. I know--" he turned as Gale thrust his sword through his heart. blood poured out as he looked up in the sky. "Thank you..." He slipped of Gale's blade onto the ground. Gale saw the stone fall to the ground as it shined through the rain. his anger grew as he thrust his sword, breaking the sacred gem of Fujin. "there is no king....only a killer." He put away his sword as he began to walk towards the way Achilles was going. Gale had enough of everyone how said he had to back down from this fight because he was a king. It was bad enough he was the only human. Now that the sacred gem was broken, no more king. To the human problem with Gale, it was time to get rid of his emotions. "I am coming for you, lord orion."[/FONT]
Emilio peered at Gale's badages as he help Gale stand up alittle. "Man, people want you dead." Gale smiled and glanced at the window, it was the many exits he can take. "Could you hand me my sword....Like it right by me." Emilio nodded as he went over and brought Gale his sword. "Well, I guess I can leave.." Gale reacted by hitting Emilio right in the face as he fell to the ground. Grace in the corner stoo up as Gale pulled out his sword. "Don't give me trouble. I'm leaving and you can't do nothing about it." "Gale...you need to rest." But Gale knew better, he jumped through the window next to him and into the sky. They where 80 stories up, so It would take some time before he would land. he looked back to see Grace not following him. Nothing personal to Emilio, but he knew he wouldn't allow Gale to go back to the forest in his condition. The ground approached as Gale got ready. "[I]Mad Dance!"[/I] The explosion impact him once at the ground. He went up for a second, before falling on his butt. He put away his sword as he began to walk out of the allyway and into the street. He now had to find the forest, which he knew Achilles would be heading towards also.
Gale sat in a chair, reading of what they called a 'newspaper'. The paper would tell info about what happened today. It was very quiet for he didn't see any of his party members around. He was pretty sure that Emilio, Chrys, Achilles, and the girl, Grace could keep themselfs out o trouble, but the demons brothers. He got up and put on his sword when a machine rang. Gale curiously picked it up. A voice from began to speak. "A Miss. Reina as asked to join you, are you expecting her?" Gale looked at the machine, unable to determine what to do. He put the machine down as he went back to putting on his sword. After placing the sword on his belt, someone knocked on the door. "Come in." The door cracked open as a woman wearing a silk red dress walked in. Her blue hair ran down her waist as Gale turned to her. "...May I help you?" She stopped and smiled as Gale tried to crack one too. She lightly pushed the door closed as Gale didn't feel comfortable. "Your more handsome then I thought." She krept towards Gale as he slowly nudged his feet back. "Have we met?" He stopped against the wall as the woman placed her hand on the wall. She slowly ran her fingers down his chest. Gale couldn't help, but blush. "Couldn't help myself after I saw you in the main lobby." What was he doing? He's a King! "Ma'm, if you..." He was stopped by her lips against his. Gale couldn't help himself. The woman stopped as she got to his ear. "Lord Orion told me alot about you." Gale's eyes widen as pain shot through his body. He cried as he was sent through the wall and out of the hotel. The wind took hold of him as he began to fall, fall, fall. He forced himself over to the next building, right by the hotel. He fell on a ledge as he grabbed his body. Vains started to pop on him as lips burned. She did something to him. He looked up at the hotel to see spears flying towards him. Not wooden ones, but metal. He pulled out his sword, but dropped it as his hand went numb. His whole body was going numb as the metal spears came right at him. All of the long metals spears made hit Gale as he cried out in pain. [I]Reina stood over the hole of the room. She loved to hear her victoms cry in pain. How stupid was that king. She used afew drops of numbness oil and to finish it of with her silver death. She didn't see why Leo couldn't kill him, he didn't seem a threat to Reina. She looked down at the other building. The poor young king was covered in blood and had her own spears through him. "Good night, young King." She blew him a kiss as she exit the room. [/I]
[SIZE=1]Sho walked down the ally way near his house. School had just gotten out as the day was the fairest all week. A normal 14 year old boy would be hanging out with his friends at the mall after school, but he had a job at home to do. Watch over his grandmother. Grandma had been sick for 2 months, showing no clue of getting better. The doctors don?t know what this disease is and said to just care for her at home. Since it?s only them, he has to take care for her. He easily opened the back door, not to wake grandmother doing her afternoon naps. He settled his bag on the couch as he turned on the tv. Immediately a I siren sound came from the tv. ?We have visual contact on the unknown machine that is attacking downtown Tokyo right now.? Sho took a seat on the closest chair to the tv. Sho just stared at what is left of middle Tokyo. Machine? No, it was more like a it. A large red figure assaulted a large building. From it?s chest part, it shot a bright beam that blind the camera for a minute. Sho himself had to turn away of the brightness. After it settled, a path of more destroyed buildings was shown to the monster. Tokyo wasn?t that far from where they lived. He bounced up and looked from the porch. A black cloud from the blast cover Tokyo. Sho need to act. He hurried inside the house to wake grandmother. She was sound asleep, but awake quietly from Sho?s pushing. ?Grandmother, we need to leave. Tokyo is being attacked!? She coughed violently. Sho knew that grandmother didn?t hear a word he said. She closed her eyes and went back to sleep. ?Dammit.? He ran back outside to see people start to run from their houses nearby. He didn?t know what to do, even with help, his grandmother was in no condition to move from the bed. Though he had to try. He ran into the ally to hear the police sirens coming by. They would surely help him. He ran into the road and raised his hands in the air. A police car that was speeding at him, slowed down at Sho?s appearance. A police officer jumped out of his car and grabbed Sho?s wrist. ?What the hell you still doing here?! That thing is almost here!!? ?My grandmother! She?s inside and very sick to be moved!!? He started to resist, which the police officer had enough. He called over his partner, which he stepped out and hit Sho with a night stick. He blacked out on the street. Sho awoke in someone?s lap. He jumped up, startled to his new surroundings. A woman, maybe in her 30s was sitting on a bench near a lot of other people. ?Thank god, your awake. I thought they where dumping a dead boy on me.? ?Where am I? Where is grandmother?? ?Your in the waiting room of a secret base of the government. After Tokyo was destroyed, they placed us here.? She pointed above her to a tv set hanging from the ceiling. Mountains of flames burned through what was left of Tokyo. He fell to his knees, not for his city, but for what was destroyed. ?...Grand-mother.? tears came streaming down his face as the doors of the waiting room open. Soldiers of the government came in, releasing the people into a large hall. The woman came towards Sho, but he glared her down when she reached a hand for him. She didn?t look twice as she left into the halls. He finally followed, but went left in the hall instead right with the crowd. The soldiers didn?t seem notice. Sho knew that the crowd was heading to some-kind of ship to take them out fo the country. He walked down the empty halls, until he spotted through the window what he was searching for. A weapon. There was many people that seemed to be working on the giant robot. Sho got down low as he continued to walk down the hall. He didn?t want to be seen through the window, walking around in a secret base. He took a right that lead to a elevator. It seem that they needed soldiers either escorting the people out of the area or fighting the beast. He pulled the lever for the elevator as it began it?s journey up. Some people would say why he was doing such a thing. To fight a monster for revenge? His grandmother was closer to him then anything in the world. It was more then revenge. He rolled into the elevator and pulled the level again. The elevator stopped at the base as he jumped onto a bridge that lead towards the middle of the robot. A man working on the bridge controls, spotted him. ?What are you doing here?! The people are suppose to be boarding the planes by now.? he began to walk towards Sho. Sho didn?t hesitate as he tackled the man to the ground and ran towards the robot center. ?What the hell??!! Hey, you can?t go that way!! Help!!? People around him stopped what they did and chased after Sho. He leaped inside the cockpit and closed the door. The workers bang on the door as Sho took a seat. He looked around for the big button or the ?on? one. He finally found the button on his right as a computer in front of him turned on. ?Systems on, battery energy at 100% full.? Sho gripped the controls right by his hands as the computer asked him a simple question. ?Ready to launch?? ?Hell ya.? The hardest part of controlling a giant robot was walking. He didn?t know what he was thinking, going through all this trouble and not know what to do. Messages from the government officials, but Sho canceled every single one. The giant robot was amazing to look like in the window, so Sho thought it would be the government?s strongest weapon. It was painted white with a black cape from the back. It look like a knight to Sho. He started off slow, following the computer?s directions. Soon the computer started to get warning ratings. ?Warning! Warning! Unknown object heading this way from the north. Showing Image.? Sho flared with anger at the sight of the monster. It was like a zombie, walking towards him. ?I will rip you apart!!!? He pushed the controls forward as he headed at the beast. The zombie pulled back it?s arm and slammed right in the head of the robot. Sho cried as he was hit again and again. The cockpit began to blink in red. ?Warning! Shield power is running low!? The monster showed no clue of stopping it?s assault. Sho gripped the controls tightly as he was thrashed again and again. Visions of grandma went through his head as a beam of light was shown on the computer. ?Oh my god.? He cried as he blacked out again. Sho awake again, breathing deeply. He was in a field of grass, the sun brightly shining on him. He saw his grandmother, looking great like she was long ago over him. ?Life is something not to waste, Sho. I am in a better place now, do not join me right now. Live life by the fullest. Live.? Everything disappeared. Sho opened his eyes, ready for anything. He pulled the controls to make the white knight robot raise as he stared at the monster, who didn?t move an inch from last time. ?I Will Kill You!!!? He roared as he attacked the monster, bashing the monster?s head in. He kicked the beast down to the ground as Sho pulled back. ?Knight mode.? The robot pulled out a black sword from the right side as the monster tried to get up. ?You ruined my life. You killed my grandmother. Rest in hell!!? He cried as he charged the enemy with full force, striking the monster in the heart. The enemy monster looked down, and cried. It exploded as Sho turned back. He breathed heavily as he relaxed alittle. ?I...did it.? Sho sat silently in the dark room as he waited the government official. The door opened as Sho didn?t make a move. The official took a seat as he scanned through a file. ?You sneak around a government base, assaulted a worker, stole a weapon from the government, and destroyed half of a the base, fighting that demon.? Sho bowed his head, knowing that he was in deep trouble. ?Yet you destroyed the demon and saved the whole country from destruction. That?s got to count. Your moves where unreal, better then our test pilots. No one seemed to bring the full potential from the computer, knight mode. You will be offer two options here.? He got up and walked around the table. ?One, you can do you time, which is like around 40 years. Or two, work for us. Fight against these demons.? ?There?s more?? ?Yes, but we can?t beat them with normal weapons. We need people like you. Well, what will it be?? Sho stared at the table surface. He had nothing left, no family, no money, nothing. ?...yes, I will stay and help.? ?Perfect.? Okay, the world is being over turned by demons from a unknown source. Some say they are from the depths of hell, others say from space. That?s where we come in. The Strikers. A group that fight and investigate on these demons. They come in all different sizes, most of them giants. It seems that only the strikers have an impact on the fate of the world, for normal weapons have no effect. The strikers need you. (no more problem, the robots are now called Lucifers) Sign-ups Name: age: sex: appearance: personality: bio: weapons: [from long rifles to long iron swords] abilities: [not like, shoot out fire, but like can sense a demon around. Etc.] Character snippet: robot/Lucifer name: if ya want one appearance: weapon: mode: [like mine at rage, takes a knight mode. Which uses a long black sword. Be creative.] (Any questions, PM me.)[/SIZE]
[FONT=Arial] Gale was the first to walk out as the old man waited at a large door from afar. the veiw was amazing as the sun seemed to be setting. He walked ot the old man as everyone follow suit. "You out of all people must be tired, young...Gale, did you say it was?" Gale nodded as he looked down at his cuts. "Allow me to grant you a stay at this hotel for a day or so. It's the least I can do for trying to fight Leo and get him off our backs." Gale was confused, Leo was a threat to them? Then again, that indian man seemed to be the 'not friendly' type. "Ummm, sure. I guess It wouldn't hurt." The old man smiled as they entered the tall building. They stared in awe as they where brought to a large bright room. Bigger then the throne room at the castle. The old man went up to the desk and signed in Gale's party. He then returned and gave Gale 2 cards. "I see that only you have 6 people and all they had was 2, so I made it were you can split it up." The old man's soldiers gather around as he bowed ot Gale. "Enjoy your stay." They went back to the hanger, leaving Gale and company, confused. He looked at the card and stared up at the ceiling. It seemed to go on forever. "I guess, I'll check out the rooms." [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] Gale saw the moment to hit the mn with everything he had. He jumped into the air as he raised his sword high. The man though didn't see Gale coming. [I] "Mad Dance!"[/I] He roared as he knocked a giant explosion upon the man. The shockwave of the blast knocked Gale away as he landed on his knees. Gale smiled as he knew he got him good. But the smile faded to see him unharm. "W-what?!! No effect!" The man speed rushed at Gale, spearing him right in the gut. The hit blew Gale away as he smashed into another tree. Amer and Sarin double teamed the man as Gale slowly got up. This guy couldn't be human, yet he didn't look demon at all. From afar, he could see Emilio and Achilles get up. They didn't stand a chance against this unknown foe. A loud sound filled the area as the man looked up, he pushed the demons off like it was nothing and speed into the trees. A large machine was flying over them. lights shined over them as people dropped from the machine. They carried weapons that were similiar from the war. The pointed the guns at Gale and the rest as the machine landed near them. A old man with a wooden cane walked from the mahcine towards the group. he was short and looked like in his 60s. "Are you alright? Any die?" He stared at Gale who was too weak to answer. Emilio took charge and answered with a no. "We never thought someone would come into these parts with the 'four warriors' controlling these parts." Gale was about to answer when Emilio again took charge. "We just got curious, and we found...him." "Yes, Leo is very strong, luckily youy only ran into him. The rest would have killed you in a heartbeat. If oyu want, we can give ya a lift back to Greeken City if you want." Again, Gale was to answer, but Emilio step forward. "Yes, our ship broke down." The group all looked at each other and climbed into the machine as the lift off into the air.After a few minutes, Gale gasped at the sight of buildings higher then they are right now. The Greeken city was massive. Flying machines took flight as they zipped pass their's. They weren't in Fujin, not even in their world.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] Gale kept his search on for what seemed hours. This was just plain stupid, nothing but trees. Another thing, there was only afew sounds. Other then that, it was very quiet. "Hate this place already." Gale stopped as he heard footsteps. They where quiet, but in a place like this, you can hear anything. He whimped his sword around as nothing was there to face him. He was sure he heard something. "You must be the young king that Lord Orion had told me about." The sentence whispered in his mind as he tossed and turned around to find the source. "Show yourself!!" He paused in front of him to see a man in some-kind of indian wear. His face was painted in the color of blood. Instantly, a red spear formed in his hands as he was ready for combat. He attacked with full force as Gale didn't have time to block. One swift kick to the gut sent Gale into a tree nearby. The tree snapped in half as Gale grabbed his back in pain. "Thought this would be more of a challenge, since you where one of the warriors the kill Dredick." How did he know Dredick? Gale got back up to get hit back a combo of spear attacks by his foe. It seemed when Gale blocked the first move, he would get hit right after that easily. "I'm tired of playing around with you." Rocks began to swirl around Gale as he tried to get up. "[I]Rock Crash!"[/I] Gale shielded himself of all the rocks hurling at him. Again, he was sent through some more trees as his body was hurting badly. This guy was toying with him. Gale could hear The man's footsteps coming close. He bounced back up as his sword glowed. "My turn! [I]Sky-Dragon Explosion[/I]!!' He flew over at the man, slashing and dicing at the man as explosions covered him up whole. Yet out of the smoke his hand grabbed Gale's throat. His attack didn't even leave a mark. Gale was in trouble big time, this guy was too stronge.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] Gale cut through a elf charging at him. This was just like 3 years ago. Getting over-runned by the enemy. It seemed all the soldiers of Fujin where taking the people out of the kingdom. Commander Brown was nowhere in sight. Out from the fire came a archmage. "Dammit, I can't take one on alone." "Ah, the King of Fujin. Lord Orion said to leave you alive, but I feel like ending this right now!" He chanted afew words as lightning was fired towards him. Gale was hit by the whole thign as he cried in pain. The archmage walked towrads him, ready to finish what he started. "This day will be remember of the death of king Gale." He stopped though half way in his chanting and looked up. Out from the dark night sky came some kind of blue hole. The clouds circled around it as it got bigger. "Shit, he's using it already." the archmage though smiled as he looked back down at Gale. "Enjoy your new world." He chanted acouple of words as he teleported away. Gale got up uneasily as he could feel himself rise. Soon his feet where off the ground. "What the hell?!!" He looked back up at the blue hole. It was sucking him into it. Though not just him, the others around him as well. That was the last thing he saw. Gale slowly opened his eyes at the bright light coming from the trees. Startled, he stood right up to be surrounded by trees. It seemed that the hole had taken him to a new world. "Chrys?!!" He yelled as he looked around for his companions. "Achilles?!! Emilio?!!" No answer. He scooped up his sword from the ground and put it away as he searched on. OOC: We have landed to a new world. I want everyone together when they awake. Gale is going to get his ass-kicked by a unknown enemy when you guys jump in. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] Gale looked around them as Commander Brown came around. "Watch over my guests." He montion on everyone around him as they slipped through a door near the his own room. The door lead to Gale's studies , where he could come and work alone. He lcoked the door as all 5 where in. He walked to the giant window behind the desk as everyone gathered. "It seems the elfs are making there moves over the land. Though they arn't suppose to come to human grounds." Gale stared out over his land through the window. "That must have been a scout I killed." whispered Achilles as everyone turned to him. A bang at the door as Comamnder Brown charged in. He had broken down the door with his great strength. "LORD Gale, They're coming!!" The group looked at each other as they followed Commander Brown to the front gate and on the castle walls. From there they saw the fireballs hurling upon the city. "It seems the elfs have mages." Gale though knew better, his father told him mainly the elfs used archmages in the 3,000 year war to win. "Commander Brown, get my sword." He nodded as he ran towards the castle. "As my guest, I don't see why you need to fight." He turned to them to see them glare him down. "But you can fight too." Commander Brown threw him his father's crimson sword as they ran down the walls. Gale could hear his people's cries of pain. "Alright spread through the city and safe as many people as you can. Do not!!! Face a Archmage alone, their power exceeds over a 1,000 men." They all nodded as a fireball smashed through the castle walls as elfs begant to pour into the kingdom. "For Fujin!!!!"[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] Gale galloped his way towards the castle walls. The guards looked down and roared for the gate to open. He jumped down as he was greeted by his Commander, Brown. "How was the meeting, my lord." Commander Brown asked as he bowed. Gale turned behind him at the castle walls. Even inside the walls, he could hear the people outside. They where in peace since the war and have loved it. "Surround the city with most of are men. Then increase the lookout upon the walls. Commander Brown looked grim. "War? Do you want me to cancel the ball?" Gale shook his head as he began to walk to the double doors of the castle. "Who is our enemy?" Gale stopped and glanced back at the Commander. It be best not to mention about The elf lord, Orion. "Just make sure my invitations get to my friends.? Commander Brown bowed as Gale went inside. The maids surround the young king inside his bedroom. They where trying to agree on a suit for him to wear. ?You trying to get someone?s attention, my lord?? They laughed as Gale just grinned. After finding a blue suit, he quicky put it on and walked to the ball room. Already, people started to walk in. Commander Brown wore his uniform. ?Not even a bird flies over the area, my lord.? Gale though still had a bad feeling about what Lord Orion said to him. ?Any of my comrades showed up?? ?None, right now. It is still young , my lord.? Gale looked around for his friends. This was a ball for them also. Four of them ending the war. ?Keep your guard up though, Commander Brown. I have a feeling.? ?Yes, my lord.? OOC: Okay just come to the ball and greet Gale. After things settle, the RP starts!!![/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Name: Gale Age: 21 Race: Human Abilities/Magic/Weapons: Gale carries a sword from his father that has the power to create explosions after impact. At the end of the blade is carved in writings 'Explosion'. [I]Sky-Dragon Explosion[/I]-Over 20 slashes of explosions in high-speeds. Gale uses this attack often for he doesn't use alot of enegry, yet its effective. [I]Mad Dance-[/I] Gale jumps into the air and thrust his sword opun the enemy below to create a massive explosion, This is one of Gale's strongest attacks and often uses this attack to finish someone. [I]Sky-Heaven Explosion[/I]- Gale cuts down as a large inferno of flames and lightning fire upon the enemy. This attack is very hard to dodge for it covers alot of ground, but takes alot of energyt to perform. Gale rarely use this move. [I]Self-destruct[/I]- Gale is surrounded by golden aura as he destroys his body to create a large explosion. Only used once against Dredick in a final attempt to kill him. Gale would only use this for a last resort. Personality: gets along with others well. will never back down to no one. his leadership is compared to old cammanders of huge armies. He can match anyone with a sword. Appearance:[URL=http://photobucket.com/albums/a384/nekocheerio/nekocheeriosplace/?action=view¤t=2b00efcd.jpg]Gale[/URL] bio: [read the story above.][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] It?s been 3 long years since the dark army had arrived and the mighty battle between The kappa demon, Dredick. 3 years that the people of Fujin had been in peace. Only 3 years. After coming of age at 20, Gale took the title of High king of Fujin. Queen Eva died of illness when he turned 21. Even after the horrible death, Fujin remained at peace. Though behind the mountains and the scorching desert sands lay the mystic forest of the elves. Of course no human or demon or any species had ever made contact with the elves for at least 100 years. The humans and elves separated from each other after the 3,000 year war that almost destroyed the world they live in. Now, they live in peace, until that day. Gale galloped on his white horse as he made it to the river. A large man with a tattoo on his bald head stopped him at the river. His eyes locked on Gale. Even though he was twice the size of Gale, he bowed at Gale like the rest in Fujin. ?Welcome King Gale. The council is waiting for you.? Gale nodded as he got off his horse and walked to the side of the river. He glanced back at the large man. ?Make sure my horse gets plenty of water.? He bowed again as Gale returned to the river. In a Instant, the river separated down the middle, showing stairs going straight down. He walked slowly down as the river closed behind him. At the end of stairs was bright large room filled with people. In the middle laid a round table for the kings, elders, or leaders of each species. ?The High king of Fujin is here! King Gale!? The room became quiet as Gale moved to the table to take a seat. All at once, the leaders, too took their seats. The dwarf king, Lord Baron stood up from his seat. ?The council called for yer meetin? to talk about the recent ?activities? around the mountains. Killin? around my homeland is like spitting in my face and saying you?re the best! I will!!! One of the Wolf-demon leader settled the dwarf and set him back down. Whispers began to pass around the table. The Tiger-demon tribe leader, Boskin stood up to speak. ?My scouts picked up figures moving through our sands towards the mountains at high-rate speeds. They where coming west, which is impossible unless the Elves have returned....? The whispers immediately turned into shouts of fear and anger. Gale though sat there, his fist against his cheek thinking. Suddenly there was a bang from the stairs Gale came from as human blood flowed down the stairs. The leaders drew there weapons as they waited the person responsible for the blood. From the stairs walked a figure, tall with long snowy white hair. Some guy who saw him would think he was a rich human, but no. Gale knew better. His long ears explained everything. His blue, white cloths also showed why he was an elven. Not just an elven, the lord of the elves, Orion. The council was in complete shock. Lord Orion stride to a chair at the table and sat gently on the chair. ?Good afternoon gentlemen and if, any ladies.? He brushed his long white hair from his eyes. His eyes then locked on Gale?s. ?The queen is resting in peace with her husband and the crown goes to her son. The boy that helped Fujin win against the demon, Dredick. I?m very honored to be in your presences.? His eyes stilled fixed on Gale?s. It seemed time froze. The elven king broke the silence. ?3,000 years ago, my people where banished on the face of the world. We lived in the shadows of our trees for over 3,000 years. Finally they make me lord over all of them. I have trained my warriors and if they engaged in combat. They would show no mercy to no one. I have come here to the council to explain to you that I am ready for WAR!!? He slammed his fist on the table, startling everybody, but his red face turned into a smile. He pointed his finger at Gale as if to challenge him. ?You and your people?s Armageddon is approaching. I suggest you live you remaining life pleasantly, before you know it. It might feel like you have left this world for a different one.? With that, Lord Orion left. Now the council went insane, yelling at each other about how to prepare for war, but Gale?s head kept ringing the last sentence Orion said. ?Before you know it, it might feel like you have left this world for a different one.? Main idea This is not going to be another war in the books. This is going to be survival. After a week at the kingdom, the elves would attack. After breaching the castle walls, they would retreat. They a black massive hole would open in the sky, absorbing the people around the castle. The hole would take them to a different world. The remaining people will have to explore the new world and find a way back to their world. Two problems, one they will need to survive first in the new world. Two, they would have to deal with the elves, who are taking over the world when their gone. Setting: Fujin world, a Final Fantasy kind of world: The new world, secret!! Main Races: (this does not mean you have to pick out of these races, you can make some up!) Humans demons-all kinds of them! Dwarfs etc. no elves!!! Name: Age: Race: Abilities/Magic/Weapons: Personality: Appearance: bio: character snippet: opinional any questions PM me.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] Gale put away his sword as Emilio began to funeral. Even though see was his enemy, It was her death that brought him back to the living world. After the funeral, they swam out of the water city. Out from the west came a dust cloud. The four got ready for whatever could It be, but a smile came over Gale. Mother had came for him. The rest fo Fujin's army had came behind her as they surrounded them. The Queen hugged Gale to death. "Oh my, I thought I would never see you!" Gale grinned as he was finally released. Though the soldiers surrounded Emilio. "We have a demon!!" Emilio didn't resist, but merely raised his hands. "Don't touch him. He save my life, more then once." Gale walked up to him and extanded a hand to him. "I see all demons arn't evil and can have a change of heart." Emilio smiled as the army cheered for the victory in the war. They finally did it, after blood, sweat, and tears. They did it. He then glanced back at Chrys and Achilles as he jumped on them for a huge hug. Though the adventure was just beginnning as a figure stood from afar. A elf came ot his side for his report. "We found Lord Dredick dead in the city. He has failed." The figure smiled as a gust of wind blew over him. "Now It is my turn."[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] Dredick smiled as he smashed his fist on the up-coming Emilio and fired his water upon Achilles. He glanced at Chrys, who froze on his stare. "Time to put out the fire--" A large explosion came from behind her as everyone shielded themself from the smoke. Gale walked on through as Dredick stared in disgust. "It's impossible. You killed yourself!!" Gale pulled out his sword as he walked beside Chrys. Both Emilio and Achilles got up slowly around Dredick. "Well I thought I should come back and see you die at the hands of us." He got ready as he glanced around at everyone. "Let's finish this!!" Achilles attacked first, seperating his Dreadnaught into two and slicing and dicing with high speed attacks. Dredick fell to one knee as Gale and Chrys nodded to each other. Gale's sword glowed as Chrys focused her fire magic. [I]"Sky-Dragon Explosion!"[/I] [I]"Fire Scourge!!"[/I] Gale's and Chry's attacks hit perfectly as Dredick's water barrier couldn't stop the fire power. Bleeding from head to toe. Dredick stood up, trying to scare them. "Is...That...all...you got?" He rubbed his mouth of the blood. "Not quite, father." He turned to see Emilio surrounded by water. "Your born water, you will die of water!" With one hand raised at Dredick, he sent a wave of water at Dredick as he looked in fear. "To be killed by my own son." He got the full blast as he was sent through the stone wall and down the tall tower. Silenced filled the room as they finally defeated Dredick and won the war. "Gale you had us worried sick!" Yelled Chrys as Gale looked at her akwardly. Achilles and Emilio smiled at him as they began to walk towards him when a sudden shake startled them. "Is it Dredick?!" yelled Achilles as he drew back Dreadnaught. Gale though stared down at his feet. "Well, you see, I kind of destroyed half the tower on the way up here. It might...you know, fall." They looked at Gale in rage. "GALE!!!" They all roared as the Tower fell.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Gale stopped to take a breather. He looked up and bowed his head in disgust. Only half way there. Jeez, thought this was going to be easy. He continued going up until he reached the giant twin doors. giant windows near the door got Gale peeking in. Emilio, Achilles, and Chrys where facing the demon, Dredick. He was about to bust down the doors when he stopped. Was this his battle? This was a all out demon brawl. Should he enter? One human, several demon. Bad for him. "I'll enter at the right cue." He went and leaned against the wall opposite of the doors. He went into his pocket and pulled out the Power of Fujin. The gem glowed in his palm just by looking at it. If he need to, could he activate it's power? Could he? The city seemed to run on water. Dredick and Emilio have advatages here. Will the gem help him increase, so he could even out the fight? He looked through the window and saw Achilles. Achilles had weird vibs coming from him. The old woman wasn't wrong, his power seemed to increase. "Maybe I don't have to step in."[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] Gale looked around himself at the army around them. They showed no emotion on the outside, but by looking through him, he could see fear. Gale bent his knees as he got ready to attack. "Nothing personal, but i'm going to have to kill you all. Only that you have killed my people." His father's sword gleamed as Gale showed a wicked smile. He jumped straight into the air as he could see himself destroying them all. [I]"Mad Dance!"[/I] A large explosion blasted everyone away as Gale thrusted his sword through the ground. Cries of pain shouted around Gale as smoke swirled around him. Bodies laid around him as the smoke settled. his training had paid off, his attacks where twice as strong then before. Though just standing there, he was wasting time. He ran towards the tower and stopped as it looked like there was no way in. "This is stupid! I'm getting through!!" The gem that his father gave his shined as Gale pulled back his sword. "[I]Sky-Heaven Explosion![/I]" At the tip of the sword, a large wave of flame and lightning fired upon the wall of the tower. The mightly tower wall was completly destroyed, though the tower stayed put. Gale took a breath as the tower didn't fall, though tilted. "Good lord." He put away his sword and glanced around for the stairs. He began to ran up the twirling stairs for the final battle of the war. Let's just hope the tower doesn't fall.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Gale smiled as a door of light opened from across from him. "That dumb kappa did it." He began to walk to the door when he stopped and turned to the old woman. "I never did get your name." She coughed and grinned at Gale. "And you?ll never know." Gale nodded as he walked through the door and back to his world. The old woman just kept on smiling. "Goodbye grandson." Gale appeared next the Emilio has he was shocked by the stone. The kappa looked up in alarm. "Bout time. I'm getting worried I wasn't coming back." "But we thought you where with Achilles." Gale sighed as they didn't know about his death. "This isn't the time now to explain myself. We need to face you father and end this war once and for all." Emilio's eyes flashed with anger at that name. ?Lets just hope Chrys and Achilles didn?t meet up with him.? ?They haven?t yet.? ?How do you know?? Gale paused, but shook his head at the question. ?Let?s just go. We?re wasting time.? Emilio said no more as they headed towards the tower Chrys had entered from. Footsteps could be heard as Emilio and Gale found themselfs surrounded by a army of men. ?Ah, we don?t need time for this!? Gale pulled out his sword as Emilio tried to get himself ready for another fight. ?Alright listen hear. Find the others and face your father. I?ll handle this and help out as soon as possible. Emilio, with face very straight, nodded as Gale?s sword glowed. ?Strike of a Million suns!!? He charged straight forward, striking every man in his way. Emilio jumped over Gale as he made his way to the tower. More men continued to mount around Gale. Gale though wasn?t worried, he was more worried of his friends. ?Stay alive, guys. I?m coming.? [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Gale was now quicker with his sword now. His training became more intense as he pushed himself harder. He jumped into the air, pretending that he was facing Dredick again. "Made Dance!!" With one thrust to the ground, a great Explosion erupted as Gale fell to the ground. He felt like he was working out for acouple of hours. "It seems your close friends met up finally. Gale left his sword and crawled to the crystal ball. There he saw Chrys and Achilles embracing each other. Gale smiled as his friends where together again, but he frowned to see that he couldn't be with them. He turned away from the ball and stared at the white sky. "...Are they strong enough?" "Who knows? The state you left Dredick in, it might be possible." Gale turned back to the ball. "Show me Emilio." The ball brighten and showed the kappa fighting the one with Dredick. Kami, was it? "Your smart, Grandma. How am I able to return to the living world?" She looked down at the ground, a shadow shadening her face. "I don't think you made the right decision gving it to him." "Why?" Gale got closer to hear her answer. "The only way you can be brought back is by him unlashing his anger and let peace flow through him. He must change his heart from black to pure and the stone will activate. If you gave it to Chrys, then you would already be fighting Dredick right now." Gale's jaw flopped open. "Holy shit."[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] Gale backed away, still in awe at his father's appearance. It's been almost 10 years since he last saw him and he still looked the same. "My son...It's been too long." His voice was deep, yet it was gentle at the same time. Gale snapped, remembering his manners. He got on one knee, bowing to his father. "Rise my son, I am not a king no more. You are." Gale looked up, still spaced at about meeting him. "I haven't much time, so I'll make this quick." He dug into his giant black coat and brought out a gem with a golden aura around it. "This is the power of Fujin. Unlike the sacred stone, this gem increases your speed,power,stamina, and wisdom only if you know how to use it. It is hard to unlock its powers my son. It will though come in handly." Gale let his father drop it in his hands. "I best be going." "Father." Gale gave him a hug, the only thing he could think of. His father smiled as he began to glow. "Take care. Keep your friends close." He vanished as he and the old woman was left alone. Gale stared at the gem and squeezed it. "I hope that kappa brings me back, because when I return. I'll finish the war once and for all!" He took out his sword and continued his training.[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Gale let the sweat pour down his body as he slashed through the air. He took long, hard breaths as he took another cut. "I must get better." His sword went bright, as he sent shockwaves of explosions on the ground. The old wmona coughed as the smoke filled her area. "Get over here! Achillies is fully emerge with Dreadnaught!" She seemed to have smiled for the first time. Gale though didn't know what she was talking about. "What? who's Dreadnaught?" "Long story. To make it short. Achillies will be a force to reckon with!" Gale, though still confused was happy to hear it. Achillies by emerging might have a chance against Dredick, he hoped. But she turned cold for a instant. "Do not think that Gale. Dredick can not be easy be destroyed, even with Achillies new found power. You must keep training and be ready, for this could be a re-make of the 3,000 year old war once again." Gale sacnend through his memory of all the books he read about that war. The war between the humans and elves. That war almost destroyed the whole world. "Come on. That's impossible." "If he gets your stone, Its possible. Being Immortal and with immeasurable power. It wouldn't be a war anymore. He would be the hunter and the people of the world would be the hunted. You best keep up with your training." Gale wipped the sweat away as he pulled up his sword. "Alright." But the old woman was paying attention. she looked away in awe. Gale turned and had to put up a hand against the bright light. "It seems someone wants to see you." Gale then saw who it is. "....F-father?!" [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial] Gale laid on his back as he was getting extremly bored. All he had to do is wait for the kappa to do birng him back. Not an easy task. Even Gale didn't know. "Is there anything here to do?" "Of course there is. You have your sword don't you?" Gale stood back up and looked down at his belt. Surprisingly, his sword was there. "Yeah." The old woman coughed as she waved over to her right. "Go train then. When you are summoned back. Your be stronger." The white area was endless. Perfect for training. "I'll tell ya if anything important happens." Gale thought for a minute and shrugged. "Alright, I guess I can train some." He walked 100 paces away from the old woman as he pulled out his sword. When he gets summoned back, he'll be ready to help his friends. He'll be ready to protect Chrys and Achillies. And even those demons. Just hope that Kappa will help him out by bring him back. He keeps questioning why did he leave the stone with him?[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Gale awake as light above him was too bright. He got up easily as his injuries seemed to have been erased. "Finally you awake. I was getting tired of sitting here!" Gale looked back to see a old woman floating in thin air. "Where am I? Is this the after-life? Am I dead?" The old woman coughed between each question. "Prince of Fujin, your at a place between the world and the after-life. Since your tied with the Sacred stone of Fujin, your half alive and half dead." Gale took a moment to suck in the information. "So all I can do is wait until that Kappa brings me back?" "Yessum. While your waiting, you can see what there doing too." She flexed her hand as a bright light appeared. It beamed and disappeared leaving a crystal ball. She gently placed it in front of Gale as a scene appeared. The demon, Emilio and Chrys where talking. The kappa was telling her about the cities pipes and them going on alone. "It seems your mighty army is too weak at the time." Gale pounded his fist against the ground. "They don't have a chance! They need to rest." "They still think your alive and your friend Achillies as well." Gale's eyes widened. "So me Achillies!" The ball shift scenes as he saw that Achillies was beneath the Rubble. It seemed that Dredick had not cleaned up his destroyed hall, if you call that anymore. Dredick seemed to be standing, looking at the crater that Gale's explosion made. "Why his he in a trance?" "He saw that you are able to come back to life. two reasons why he is thinking. one, he is wondering how you got that power. two, he wants to be immortal. Get the stone, you don't come to life and he becomes immortal." Gale looked at Dredick through the ball. "Come on guys."[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial]Kenshin walked around the darkness. Everyone seemd to have disappeared. Even the floor was different. "Well, I'm going crazy." "Kenshin matsuo. It is time for the tournament. Good luck." The voice sounded like Ryo's for second. So everything was planned out for him. Kenshin grinned as he got down low. "If you so badly want me to fight. I will!" quiet footsteps where heard behind him. With one step back, he slammed his fist into the figure's gut. The figure groaned as he fell to the ground. He began to walk away when the voice came over again. "You must kill your enemy." "I ain't going to kill another person." "Then you will die." The figure got up again and charged after Kenshin. With one swift move, he slammed his fist on the temple of the figure. He fell with no movement after that. "Winner. Kenshin Matsuo!" Kenshin though didn't enjoy his victory. He had just kileld a human being.[/FONT]